General :: Clonezilla Live On USB

Dec 28, 2009

I'm trying to create a 32GB USB Clonezilla Live disk. I'm logged in as root on Lenny.I created a new partition on the USB drive using fdisk, set the id to b (w95 fat32), and toggled the boot tag.The instructions on the Clonezilla website describes using the mkfs.vfat command to create a file system but Lenny returns a "command not found" result when I try. I tried using mkdosfs but it also returned "command not found".Can mkdosfs format a disk with the bootable tag toggled?

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Ubuntu :: Clonezilla Live CD Not Backing Up

Sep 5, 2010

I having some problems backing up my disk with Clonezilla Live (the Ubuntu 10.04 version). When I try to backup my disk, I get this error:


C:bitmap count err, Free: 3596613
Checking free space...
(standard_in)1: Syntax error
Something went wrong!

This is after partclone checks the drive that it will put the backup on. It stops at 97.86%.

I always get this error every time I try to do it.

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Software :: Running Clonezilla From Command Line On Live CD

Aug 30, 2009

I've used Clonezilla to backup a NTFS partition to a image on a local drive. I want to restore it to a new one where the partition size is smaller (the used space on the source partition is less than the destination partition size). Unfortunately when I try to restore it I get a error stating that I need to use -C to disable size checking.

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General :: Cloning Using Clonezilla On HDD

Jul 28, 2010

I want to clone my fedora8 HDD using clonezilla.I have downloaded,and want to boot from that.I have created one partition sda8 with 740 mb and formatted with ext3 and mounted that on /mnt. I have extracted the files onto /mnt from clonezilla zip file. I appended the necessary lines told by website to the , after rebooting when i select that clonezilla from grub,it was telling unrecognized format and cant mount the partition.

how to mount the partition permanently in fstab. Tell me how to modify the grub file to work correctly to boot from that partition.

Output of fdisk

Disk /dev/sda: 80.0 GB, 80025280000 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9729 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0xa95ea95e


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General :: Clonezilla Re-sized External

Mar 25, 2010

I feel like a moron.I wasn't watching what I was doing while copying an image to a 1tb external yesterday. Clonezilla resized my external and all I can see on it is a 75gb partition with Windows on it and the 8xxgb partition that is unallocated.

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General :: Clonezilla Skipping Partitions In LVM Partition?

May 24, 2011

I'm trying to backup a drive with an LVM2 partition. 8 of the 10 partitions in the LVM restore fine, two do not. SDA1 is the boot partition, SDA2 is an LVM2 partition with 10 partitions inside of it. When I restore the image created by Clonezilla the partition names are there but two of the partitions are unreadable and unmountable. I'm certain Clonezilla is skipping these two partitions because its entire image is around 40G and when I TGZ these two partitions I get an 80GB file. Clonezilla doesn't appear to give any errors and as it "winds up" it shows that it's unmounting the LVM partitions and I see my missing two in its list but when Clonezilla makes the image it never mentions the two I (really) want. I'm trying Clonezilla's DD method right now but it appears to be DDing each partition (going through the LVMs right now).

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General :: Making Bootable Usb Stick For Clonezilla?

May 6, 2010

One of my computers is a netbook with no CD drive, so I need to create a bootable USB stick so I can reload a Clonezilla-made backup image from an external HD on to the netbook.I bought a 4Gb thumb drive and used Parted Magic to create a 200Mb partition on it. I formatted this and the remaining free space both as FAT32 and used Parted Magic to flag the small partition as bootable. Then I loaded the Clonezilla Live files onto this boot partition.Now the thumb drive boots up ok, but goes straight into a Parted Magic menu screen from which there is no way out! It's just the menu screen alone and has no PM functionality. This also happens on other systems where there is no PM installed or in the CD drive. So it must be something PM has done to the thumb drive.

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General :: Clonezilla And Multiboot ISO Mount USB Drive

Feb 5, 2010

I have been able to get a few of my desired tools working 100% (dban, gparted, ophcrack, UBCD) but what I would ultimately hope to get working is CloneZilla! I was able to get the Clonezilla user interface to load correctly but when I choose any of the options I encounter an error "ntfs volume version 3.1" repetitively. I have a feeling it is because I am launching the iso wrong in my menu.lst config file for grub. This is what I have.

title CloneZilla
find --set-root /CloneZilla.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 /CloneZilla.iso (hd32)
map --hook
root (hd32)
chainloader (hd32)

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General :: HP Probook 4510s Won't Boot Clonezilla?

Aug 12, 2010

I have a new HP ProBook 4510s, which will probably not run Win 7 which came with it. grin).So I figured I'd image the disk. Clonezilla won't boot. I tried with several CDs. Slax does boot. Ultimate boot CD boots.

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General :: Using Clonezilla To Restore A Complete Disc?

Mar 10, 2011

I just backed up a complete copy of my C drive which has been partitioned 3 ways to have both windows and Linux mint on it with the loader which comes up when the computer is turned on. My question is that recently I used Norton ghost to backup my system and it failed to reinstall the grub. Will clonezilla reinstall the boot loader on my drive if I make a complete restore of the entire C drive. Is there any thing else I should be concerned about upon restore which I should take into account? I'm fine now but am asking concerning the future possibility of a restore.

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General :: Clonezilla Not Working With Advent 4211 Netbook?

Sep 4, 2010

I using clonezilla-live-1.2.5-35-i686 to create an image of my Advent 4211 netbook, this netbook is essentially a MSI Wind. The image is to be saved to an external USB drive. I have used Clonezilla before with success, and a few failures, hope this isn't another.The LiveCD boots fine, I select the first video mode, it then tries to start but reports an 'undefined video mode number :317' it then offers the option to carry on or 'Enter' to try other options or 'Space' to continue, I have tried both options but they end up with the same out come, which is the following.

It does a bunch of hardware detection, 'usbcore' etc etc, then gets stuck at 'libata version 3.00 loaded' for around 5 minutes, then eventually moves onto 'clocksource tsc unstable (delta = -6575758ns) Time:hpet clocksource has been installed', stick on this for around 3 minutes and then eventually I end up with'/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off' Is there a solution to this? Or just have to accept that it will now work with my hardware? The odd thing here is that people have used Clonezilla successfully with this type of Netbook, I also read that people and issue but offered no solution.

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General :: Restoring A Clonezilla Image To Larger Partition?

Jan 2, 2010

I'm trying to restore an image from a 40gb partition(6gb used) to a 100gb partition. I set everything up in gparted and and restored the partition image with clonezilla. In gparted, the partition shows the full 100gb partition with 6gb used, however when I boot windows and open the properties on the C: partition, it shows that it's only 40gb. Is there some setting to restore the partition image and use the full 100gb?

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General :: Restore Windows XP Partition With One Button Using Clonezilla?

Mar 14, 2011

restore of Win XP partition - he wants to be able to "press the button" and restore the whole partition with XP using Clonezilla. Is it possible - to do this restore without Clonezilla CD? And he's planning to have 3 partitions on his HDD:Windows XP system partition partition for backing up system partition partition for personal data

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General :: Disk Image Of NT4 System Using Clonezilla Save To USB Drive?

Oct 25, 2010

we have a Win NT4 system used for an important application used at two places. At one place it has gone bad. I want to create an image from good system and restore it at the second location. Is it possible to do this using "clonwzilla live cd"? Does it harm the good system? Can I save the created image to an USB drive?

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General :: Don't Show Boot Messages During Clonezilla Bootup - Splash Screen?

Jul 14, 2010

I am at a loss trying to figure out the options to not show the scrolling boot messages during the boot-up of Clonezilla. Is there a way to have a loading splash screen or even have a static logo that is displayed during the boot process? I have my automated recovery method all ready to go short this one last feature. I have searched all over and am coming up empty on this one.

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General :: Cannot Create Live Usb For OpenSuse Using Live USB Creator?

Sep 22, 2009

I just downloaded OpenSuse 11.1 64 bit live cd from it's official site.I have live usb creater in my xp box , with the help of which I successfully created live USB for fedora 11 earlier. Now the problem is whenever I try to create live usb using Opensuse live ISO image after extracting all files to usb , it gets failed.The same thing is happening with OpenSolaris 11 live cd iso image. Does this mean that live usb creater I have, was only foe Fedora distros?

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General :: Get A Fedora Live Cd Or Live Dvd?

Feb 10, 2010

i am wondering if i should get a fedora live cd or live dvd. space isn't a problem for me

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Ubuntu :: Clonezilla - Can't Back Up HDD

Sep 18, 2010

recently just tried to back up my system using clonezilla, it reported an error which said simply- something went wrong, view the logfile for details. Where do I find this logfile? Really want to make an image backup of the HDD. As my linux system is running near perfect now.

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Ubuntu :: Browse Lzo Clones Done With Clonezilla?

Mar 8, 2010

I made a full disk backup using Clonezilla on a external drive and I used lzo, but this time I need to browse its contents somehow and extract some files but I could not find a utility that reads lzo archives.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Specified Backup With Clonezilla?

Nov 28, 2010

I want to ask you if i can backup with clonezilla only /home sda3 directory. And to backup sda1 and Linux Swap with another program as Acronis and then to restore the sda1 and Linux Swap With Acronis on a formated Hdd and restore then /home with Clonezilla. Is this capable?

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Applications :: Clonezilla - Cloned HD Will Not Boot

Jan 28, 2010

I work in a library and want to set up several newer PCs. I cloned a HD containing Ubuntu 9.10 using Clonezilla. When I put the HD in another computer (exactly the same as the one on which I did the cloning) it will not boot.

After pressing the power button, it proceeds as follows:

BIOS loads "Grub Loading" appears on screen for several seconds Ubuntu icon appears for several seconds Icon disappears and then nothing, blank screen

Regarding Clonezilla, I used the advanced screens but chose only the default settings.

Also, if I boot to the Clonezilla CD on the cloned computer, I can choose the HD and the OS loads without a problem.

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Software :: Create Clonezilla Bootable .iso?

Jul 28, 2011

I downloaded clonezilla's .iso file. But I can't seem to burn it in bootable format.

What's the easiest way to make and burn and .iso image ?

it was easy with Nero, but I no longer have that sw.

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Ubuntu :: Couldn't Get Clonezilla To Work On System?

Feb 5, 2010

I finally understand why I couldn't get Clonezilla to work on my system. But, I am more baffled than ever.

You see, my system has been in great working order for months. I am running 9.10 32-bit and I keep everything maintained on a daily basis. I just updated to kernel 2.6.32-19 and, like I say, everything is working pretty much perfectly. But, yesterday, I volunteered to help with some official Canonical Ubuntu testing. This morning, I got an email from them that they want me to do the work and giving me instructions on how to proceed. The first thing to do is free up some disk space in order to have a special partition on which to install their testing kernels.

So, I downloaded their suggested tool for doing this, gparted. And, when I ran gparted, the first thing I discovered is that my disk drive has absolutely nothing on it! No partitions, at all. It only sees an empty device, /dev/sda. This is exactly what Clonezilla told me a couple of months ago - no partitions could be located to be backed up.

However, I and Ubuntu think I do have partitions:

$ df -Th
Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda5 ext3 19G 1.5G 16G 9% /
udev tmpfs 502M 360K 501M 1% /dev
none tmpfs 502M 204K 501M 1% /dev/shm
none tmpfs 502M 328K 501M 1% /var/run


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Ubuntu Installation :: Automating Clonezilla Setup On PXE

Feb 19, 2010

I am trying to set up clonezilla on pxe so that it will start up and show the drones in the workplace a list of images, they choose the one named after the model of computer, and image it. Which means all clonezilla settings but image need to be set and it should automatically choose default settings at 1024x768 when grub pops up. I have looked for command-line options, scripts to run, etc... so far this is what I have...

. /opt/drbl/sbin/drbl-conf-functions
. /opt/drbl/sbin/ocs-functions
. /etc/ocs/ocs-live.conf

ocs_live_extra_param=`-p reboot -r hda`

I don't need the bash for selecting the image, but you might as well add that seeing as there's almost no info online for people who want a pxe server...

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Ubuntu :: Make A Recovery Disk With Clonezilla?

Mar 18, 2010

I am a noob at Ubuntu. I currently have 8.04 and I am looking at upgrading to 8.10 and beyond. I want to make a recovery disk with Clonezilla so if something goes wrong with the upgrade I can go right back to where I am now. I have a 16 Gig thumb drive that I want to boot Clonezilla from. Then I want to burn an image to my DVD burner. I am stuck at one point in the process. I am reading the instructions from[URL]..

This part is where I am stuck is step 4.To make your USB flash drive bootable, first change the working dir, e.g. "cd /media/usb/utils/linux", then run "bash /dev/sdb1" (replace /dev/sdb1 as your USB flash drive device name), and follow the prompts to finish that. My USB drive is named M-S325 so if I enter cd/ media/M-S325/utils/linux in terminal I get the error no such file or directory. I know it is something stupid simple I am doing wrong, but I am stuck. What do I need to do to make my UBD drive bootable with Clonezilla ?

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Ubuntu :: Clonezilla On 10.4 Multimple Hard Drives?

Jul 4, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu 10.4 worked fine, and Clonezilla (including configuring it) -- (though my /etc/networking/interfaces seems to give an error in line 2 I have the following questions)I have installed a second Hd (250Gb) ... and I have formatted it with gparted so it mounts fine and I am able to see it ... is there any way to make it a permanent mount and have Clonezilla use it to store images on it? ... The first HD was formatted LMV during the Ubuntu installation.

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Ubuntu :: Partition Size After Move Using Clonezilla?

Sep 3, 2010

I used Clonezilla to image a Ubuntu partition of 18GB and restored it to a partition of 30GB. (showing as "sdb1") I understand now that I should have put it onto a partition the same size as the original and then resized that partition with Gparted, but I put it directly onto a larger partition and thought all was well, but now I'm running into disk space warning messages. It still works fine but the OS still seems to think it is still on an 18GB partition and that it is running out of space. The partition "sdb1", is on a large drive I partitioned with Gparted. The various utils I have to look at partitions do not agree:

*Disk Utility reports sdb1 size as 33GB
*KDE Partition Manager reports sdb1 size as 30.28GB with 15.59GB used (therefore 14.69GB free)
*KDiskFree reports sdb1 size as 18.3GB with 1.8GB free
*Gparted reports sdb1 size as 30.28GB with 27.54GB used
*Gparted (used after booting from a Mint installation) give same result
*PROPERTIES (using live knoppix DVD) shows size of files as 16.0GB (16.5GB on disk)

After booting with Knoppix DVD and trying to copy everything onto another drive (to see how many GB there are) gives "invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character" error message. how to sort this out, without resizing the partition as I've got a lot of data on the HD now.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Clonezilla Under 10.4 - Unable To Work

Nov 13, 2010

I'm something of a Linux noob I must say. I run a community centre and we've been donated 50 ex government PCs to use in basic computing classes. The machines are HP DC7600 CMT tower base units, all with Windows XP Pro license stickers and blank hard drives obviously. set up a Ubuntu machine to clone Windows XP Pro onto a load of identical machines?

I could install all of them from disk and install drivers from pendrive but that would take forever! I like the idea of seting one up as I like it and cloning it across the LAN. Would save a massive amount of downloading updates for each client too. So far I've followed this guide: [URL] I can only get as far as stating up the drbl service (if that is the correct term?) but the terminal says something along the lines of "unknown command"So far I have one fully built base unit to use as the image, one running Ubuntu 10.4 and a 16 port switch (so I can clone 14 at a time?)

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Ubuntu :: Clonezilla And Extracting Files From Windows?

Apr 22, 2011

I have a backup of a Windows OS done by Clonezilla but would like to know if its possible to extract the files from a Windows computer from the backup CD where the backup was saved . Can this be done and what software will be able to help.

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Ubuntu :: Clonezilla - Backup My Entire Harddrive

Jul 14, 2011

I want to backup my entire harddrive and I assume the easiest way to do it is using Clonezilla.

Clonezilla makes an image file....but how do you get the image onto multiple DVD's? When burning the image file does K3B allow you to "change the full DVD" and add another disk?

In other words- any harddrive I have (already filled with 79 Gb) is going to make an image bigger than something that can fit onto a DVD.

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