Fedora Networking :: Control Console USERS Network Access - F11

Dec 30, 2009

I have several local users on a F11 box. I want to keep one of those users from getting to the network. I could upgrade this machine to F12, if it offers a better solution.

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Fedora Networking :: Open The Network Device Control To Activate It But There Is No Network Ports In Network Device Control?

Jan 7, 2010

I just added a 2 port network card to a system that is running Fedora 11, but it is INACTIVE. I open the Network Device Control to activate it but there is no network ports in Network Device Control. It is empty.It looks like the system recognize the card and loaded correct driver.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Allow Client Users To Access The Network?

Dec 30, 2010

The question is related to one single desktop machine, with 3 users.

1) the superuser (me)
2) My elder son
3) My younger son.

As superuser, I can access the network (internet router) via "Wicd" perfectly well.

Both Client users can't.

Do I have to give them special user priviledges? If yes, which ones?

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General :: LDAP Access Control For Users ?

Feb 16, 2010

I'm using Sun One LDAP server, (Soon to be moving to openldap). I have one Master server, no slaves, about 60 user accounts.

I'd like to add an attribute to each of the users DN's to restrict there ability to login to specific hostnames. I.e. I have hosts A, B and C. Dev staff can access A and B, but not C, and support staff need to access all of them.

I found a link at [url] which talked about using 'hostsallowedlogin' and 'hostsdeniedlogin' attributes but I'm presuming these are bespoke. If they are, how do you configure the ldap.conf to take note of these attributes when authorizing access?

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Hardware :: Users Have No Access To Volume Control?

Sep 21, 2010

I am using Debian Lenny on a cluster. If I log in as a regular user and try to adjust the volume on the top right panel (Using Gnome), I get the following message"The volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control. This means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured.You can remove the volume control from the panel by right-clicking the speaker icon on the panel and selecting "Remove From Panel" from the menu."or ifenter "gstreamer-properties" in the terminal and do a test I get the following message"Autodetect: Could not open resource for writing."

if I become the root user and enter "gstreamer-properties" in the terminal and do a test, the test works. Alsamixer works as root, but not as a user.My user error for alsamixer i"alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory"I am not sure what setting I need to change to which all users can adjust the volume. Problem 2:When I put in a usb stick I get the following error as a user.Cannot mount volume

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Fedora Networking :: Access To The Internet From Our Console?

Apr 29, 2011

After upgrading to F14 from F10, we seem to have access to the internet from our console, and no one is able to connect to server as well. We have static IP from comcast. And all the configurations on the eth0 looks fine. We are able to browse, if we set the server to dynamic ip. Also, we are able to connect another PC (laptop) with the static ip configuration, and browse fine. Read through many messages on this forum, cant get any clues,

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General :: Not Authorized To Control Networking In SSH Console

Dec 6, 2010

I want to control Network manager from the command-line. This worked well enough in Ubuntu 10.04 (with cnetworkmanager, nmcli is another possible choice). Since the upgrade to Ubuntu 10.10 however, a D-Bus exception is raised when I attempt to activate a connection from within a SSH terminal:

Not authorized to control networking.

It may have to do with /etc/dbus-1/system.d/NetworkManager.conf; This issue occurs only when I am ssh'd into the machine; in a gnome session I don't get the same issue -- with the same (admin) user account in both cases.

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Software :: Not Authorized To Control Networking In SSH Console

Nov 25, 2010

I want to control Network manager from the command-line. This worked well enough in Ubuntu 10.04 (with cnetworkmanager, nmcli is another possible choice). Since the upgrade to Ubuntu 10.10 however, a DBus exception is raised when I attempt to activate a connection from within a SSH terminal:


org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.PermissionDenied: Not authorized to control networking.

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Debian :: Remote Network Access To Single-user Console

Jul 11, 2010

When I start an upgrade or dist-upgrade from single-user mode, and walk away for a long time, I will have found that some packages insist on prompting for answers to questions midway through. That requires me to physically check the console periodically, and that becomes less practical for long upgrades.Is there a way for me to somehow remote into that console and answer any prompts that would popup? By "way" I mean not involving KVM switches or other hardware other than the LAN setup I have now (i.e., I am able to ssh into the machine being updated from another machine, but not when the machine is in single-user mode).

BTW, the reason I am using single-user mode is that, in the past, I have had problems with upgrading packages like GNOME when I am logged into the GNOME Desktop.

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Fedora Networking :: Run A Stable Service For Downloading File In 14 In A Network With 800 Users

May 8, 2011

i want to run a stable service for downloading file in fedora 14 in a network with 800 users. i want to whole of users can connect to server and download my files.

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Fedora Security :: Give FTP Control Of Different Directories To Different Users

Aug 24, 2010

I have my own dedicated server box running (using it for game servers). I access it via ssh and I have root control of it. It has FEDORA Operating System. I wanna give FTP control of different directories to different users. Right now there are no other FTP users except root. I have installed vsftpd and dont know what should I do next? How do I add users (who can read/write/delete files) and How do I restrict them to their home directory?

Here is what I want:
home directory: home/server1
home directory: home/server2

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Server :: Apache - Free Access From Lan Users And Password Access To Wan Users ?

Jun 26, 2009

Im trying to config my intranet to be accessible from inside the network (lan) without need of password and ask for a passwd for those who are viewing from Wan ....

Today my intranet can only be accessed from Lan, external access give me an Unauthorized message, I took look around, try #irc and still can get the appropriated help, I hope that someone here could help me on that...

A piece of my config:


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OpenSUSE Network :: Permit A Some Users Only Access To A Pop From External Mail

May 30, 2010

Using SLES11, squid 2.7, NO TRANSPARENT PROXY, and work fine. Now i need permit a some users only access to a pop from external mail (outgoing mail authenticated)

# Private interface
# Public interface 1


Are there any basic iptables rules to do this? How to procedure with Yast Firewall for this requeriment?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setup Samba Share For Access With Certain Users?

Aug 28, 2010

I have currently have opensuse 11.2 installed. I am trying to setup samba shares which you can only access as certain user. Currently looks like the only way I can access these share is use root username/password!

I want to which GUI I need to use to setup this up properly. And of course what setting to exactly to use.

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Server :: All Users SSH - YES - All Users Console - NO

May 18, 2010

I have inherited a RedHat 5.4 server that is having an odd issue. Root and all of the user accounts can log in via SSH. Not a single account can log in via the console (sitting in front of the server). If I bring it up in single user made, I can log in with root all day long.

I want to say that this has something to do with PAM, but this is when I play my "Noob" card. Could anyone possibly steer me in the right direction to figure out what is going on?

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Fedora Networking :: Cannot Access School's Network

Feb 14, 2009

i hav 2 laptops but there is only one LAN port and i recently splitted them with my own router, the problem is the internet works fine, but i cannot access the schools's network e.g. my friend's shared folder in another room, the school's shared folder, etc. i can only access my own local router network.

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Access Windows Network?

Mar 3, 2009

whenever I try and acces my windows network it just says "Failed To Receive Share List From Server"It has previously worked fine in ubuntu and suse. Anyway I can get this to work?

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Networking :: Control Bandwidth Access With Squid - Allow Certain IPs To Have Higher Bandwidth Access?

May 27, 2009

We have a sipmle office network set up that we also use use to connect to the internet, however of late the number of users has increased thus slowing internet access. Bandwidth upgrade is not an option thus i have to do bandwidth shaping on our linux router. The question is how do set the squid configs to allow certain IP's range a certain percentage bandwidtheg 60% and furthe divide the rest. Alternatively how can allow certain IPs to have higher bandwidth access.

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Fedora :: Control Of Network Connections/network Startup - 9 Gnome?

Jan 5, 2009

I have my box setup as a router/NAT with two different network cards. One for external connection(connected to the Cable Modem) one for internal connection(used for internal DHCP). It works perfectly when I manually activate the two interfaces after booting(both interfaces always show up as inactive after booting), then the DHCP server and firewall. I am confused, however, by which program has control of these interfaces.

First, there is the Network Configuration (System->Administration->Network), which is where I manually start the interfaces after rebooting. Both interfaces are set to "Activate when computer starts" in here.

Second, Network Device control(System->Administration->Network Device Control), which looks to be almost the same thing as the above.

Third, the NetworkManager applet(on the top bar) - both devices show up as unmanaged when I left click on this, but if I set "Controlled by Network Manager" in the "Network configuration" window(number one above), It still does not work. Can I get rid of two of these programs, or is there some way to edit the startup scripts to start my ethernet cards before the dhcp server/firewall(which is shorewall BTW)?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Software To Access Desktop And / Or Control Remotely

Dec 1, 2010

I have won my fight and my father in law accepted to give gnu/linux a try as his server and to run on the computer of the new company he is starting. One feature he would like is to be able to access his work desktop (graphicaly) from home. On my side, I would like to be able to control his desktop from home if I need to show him things. I already can SSH in terminal to install and maintain stuff but, to move the mouse around and point him where to click or what to use would be invaluable.

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Fedora Networking :: Mapping Windows Users On Unix Users

Sep 29, 2010

Samba up and running on my pc. pc runs FC12 with kde. A laptop has win vista. The pc can access the shares on the laptop but the laptop has authentication issues to access the pc. Note that windows doesnt enforce authentication forincoming network connections.Using the system-config-samba util i tried to map a windows user to the unix user "feduser". The laptop (named LAPPY) has a user (lapuser) which has on windows no password.What should I tell samba config what the windows username should be? lapuser or LAPPYlapuser doesnt work because when accessing the pc via the laptop, the authentication fails. The only auth that is successful is when choosing the same winusername as the unix username.

Secondary, id like to setup the laptop so that the user doesnt have to provide a name and password, or at least not more then once in the lifetime of the laptop. Note that you cant provide an empty password to system-config-samba. How is that possible?

Strange but not really on issue imho:the samba - KDE control module(kcmshall4) (and the smb.conf) shows 2 shares: the homedirs and the data dir the samba server configurator (system-config-samba) shows only the datadir.

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Fedora Networking :: Did Network Manager Kill Eth0 Access

May 6, 2010

I have a troubling networking situation that is compounded by the system being remote without any out-of-band mgmt in place nor a serial connection - but am relying on a coworker entering commands into the terminal for me, or doing stuff in the GUI I have an FC12 i386 install running, that was up and stable for 6 days. Primarily this was only being used for a deployment of nTop. Up through Monday evening, I was connecting to the system (in NY) via VNC (here in SF), and was successfully watching nTop do its thing.

Tuesday morning, I go to connect to SSH and I can't get in. The NAT translation is still in place on the firewall, but there is no connection to the NIC/eth0 from the router. This is what I've had my coworker run:


I was going to try and have her run the /sbin/mii-tool eth0 tomorrow a.m. just to verify that the interface isn't physically bad? But this is a brand new desktop, and I can't for the life of me understand why this interface went down. I also have the internal IP on a DHCP reservation, which is the same IP listed in IPADDR in the ifcfg-eth0 file - could this be a problem? should I remove the DHCP reservation? I did this so I could SSH to a public IP which I have NAT'd back to the internal 10.0.x.x address I had my coworker take a look at the GUI, and the eth0 properties are "inactive" and the "Activate|Deactivate" buttons are greyed out.I suppose I can have my coworker grab the /var/log/messages and copy to a USB drive, then email me that from another workstation.

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Fedora Networking :: F14 Server Is Looses Access To The Network Once Set A Static IP?

Apr 29, 2011

Our F14 server is looses access to the network once we set a static IP.The same IP, if used on any other pc works fine.We had the same exact setup in our F10 server also.

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Networking :: Enter Network Directory From Console?

Jun 5, 2010

In GNU/Linux to GNU/Linux? For example there is some Samba-shared dir on Linux machine. And I wanna enter that dir from another Linux machine using Terminal or Virtual Console. In Windows it would start (if I'm not wrong) with "\...". Then a machne name and so on. But if I wanna do it in Linux, I personally only can use Gnome DE with its network..

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Fedora Networking :: Samba Share With Two Network Cards - No Internet Access

Mar 1, 2009

I have a fedora 10 box with two network card on eth0 I have a pppoe connection to the internet, on second card eth1 I share my internet connection end I set up a samba server but I don't know if the settings are good. How to do this settings right to work fine, the ip are assigned by dhcp I don't use any static ip .When I try to browse the internet from the other computers some site's like {.com ; .org ; .info} are block, other site from {.ro} are working. Someone tell me something about turn off all my filters, but I don't know where to find this filter to turn it off. And when I use samba I can't have and internet access or vice versa. My network look like that:

|<--pppoe connection
(fedora 10)
comp.1 comp.2
Win OS MacOS

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Fedora Networking :: Network To Lan - For File Sharing - Printing And Internet Access

Dec 30, 2009

I have a wired lan at home with 2 XP boxes connecting to a router to a DSL modem. I want to network my laptop, running only fedora os, for file sharing, printing and internet access. I will be using the laptop probably exclusively for creating/maintaining a Drupal-based (LAMP) e-commerce site to replace our old one for our small family business.

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To Access Wireless Network From My Notebook / Find That Out?

Dec 29, 2010

I am unable to access wireless network from my notebook. My configuration is Dell i5, 4GB RAM and 1397 W-LAN and I have F13. I can still access Internet through Ethernet using a LAN cable but the network monitor doesn't show list of Wireless networks which my room mate's windows 7 machine easily detects.
If anyone needs more info please provide me the steps to perform to find that out

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Networking :: Tc Rate Control Over Network

Jul 2, 2010

I want to implement rate control over network interface. So I have configured Linux PC as a router with netem installed and having two interface cards.

device1----> Linux router with netem ---> device2

device1 connects to eth0 and device2 connects to eth1 of the Linux router. eth0 is configured to connect to the internet and eth1 has a static IP address on a local network. I want to limit bandwidth on devices connected to eth0.So I applied the below rules using tc and tbf.

tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: prio
tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:3 handle 30: netem
tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 30:1 tbf rate 256kbit buffer 1600 limit 3000

Will the above work or should I use htb instead. I want to simulate the network conditions using different bandwidths.

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Ubuntu Networking :: FTP Server With Multiple Users With Only Access To Their Own Web Root

Jul 24, 2011

I find FTP server software confusing in Linux. Using ServU for Windows for an example, all I need to do is to create users via the ServU interface and choose a folder I want that user to have access to and their permissions, and viola, they can connect to that directory, and that directory only.

But in the the land of Linux, it apparently can't be managed this easy. I have a web server with multiple domains, and therefore multiple users need access to their own web root. So with that in mind, what FTP server software should I use (there are plenty out there) and how would I go about to create a user per domain, so that they can log in using FTP to manage their site, and only have access to their own web root, and nothing else?

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Networking :: Assign Access Privileges To Users In LDAP Server ?

Jan 6, 2010

In researching current ldap issue (not being able to do anything but log in) it seems that there are no concepts of privileges, roles, etc. that could be assigned to a user in LDAP.

I've only seen fields that deal with name, organization, etc., not with application-specific access control.

I have to assign certain access privileges to users authenticated via LDAP server based on the privilege level mentoned in the LDAP server. How to attain this.

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