Software :: Not Authorized To Control Networking In SSH Console

Nov 25, 2010

I want to control Network manager from the command-line. This worked well enough in Ubuntu 10.04 (with cnetworkmanager, nmcli is another possible choice). Since the upgrade to Ubuntu 10.10 however, a DBus exception is raised when I attempt to activate a connection from within a SSH terminal:


org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.PermissionDenied: Not authorized to control networking.

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General :: Not Authorized To Control Networking In SSH Console

Dec 6, 2010

I want to control Network manager from the command-line. This worked well enough in Ubuntu 10.04 (with cnetworkmanager, nmcli is another possible choice). Since the upgrade to Ubuntu 10.10 however, a D-Bus exception is raised when I attempt to activate a connection from within a SSH terminal:

Not authorized to control networking.

It may have to do with /etc/dbus-1/system.d/NetworkManager.conf; This issue occurs only when I am ssh'd into the machine; in a gnome session I don't get the same issue -- with the same (admin) user account in both cases.

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Fedora Networking :: Control Console USERS Network Access - F11

Dec 30, 2009

I have several local users on a F11 box. I want to keep one of those users from getting to the network. I could upgrade this machine to F12, if it offers a better solution.

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General :: Console Tool To Control X Windows?

May 5, 2011

I have seen this question, but it's answers are not good enough for me, because I do not have a window manager on my system.

Is there a console tool that can hide windows?

I am using xwininfo to get information about the window. It gives window id, and some additional stuff. This id should be enough to do any operation with the window.

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General :: Control Console Session Keyboard Over Ssh?

Aug 13, 2011

I have a logitech wireless keyboard/mouse, but just lost the tiny usb wireless receiver.

I want to use my laptop as the keyboard for the other machine (Ubuntu 10.10) until I replace the keyboard and mouse.

Is it possible to control the console session's keyboard over ssh? I only want keyboard control, I don't want to use something like VNC because the video is too slow.

EDIT: I'd like to be clear that I want to be able to control gui applications running on the console session, so something like unix screen won't

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Fedora Networking :: Open The Network Device Control To Activate It But There Is No Network Ports In Network Device Control?

Jan 7, 2010

I just added a 2 port network card to a system that is running Fedora 11, but it is INACTIVE. I open the Network Device Control to activate it but there is no network ports in Network Device Control. It is empty.It looks like the system recognize the card and loaded correct driver.

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Software :: Start A Program From Tty1 Console To Be Executed In Tty2 Console?

Sep 8, 2010

How can I start a program from tty1 console text mode to be executed in tty2 console text mode? Actualy I would like to start a program (chat client cli program) in tty8 automaticaly when linux PC boots.

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Ubuntu :: The Packages Cannot To Authorized

Feb 22, 2011

When I try to download certain packages through synaptic I get the message that the packages could not be authorized and it fails to download. While it can be circumvented through apt-get with a small confirmation message , I would like a way through it , so that I do not get the message in future.

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Debian :: Packages Not Authorized / Verified

Jul 20, 2010

Since upgrading to squeeze, when installing certain packages, I am getting a potential malicious software warning stating that some packages I am installing cannot be verified / authorised (sorry I cannot recall the exact terminology).

When I update my package information, I'm getting the following error so I don't know if the two could be linked?

W: GPG error: [URL] Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 07DC563D1F41B907
My sources list is as follows:
# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux testing _Squeeze_ - Official Snapshot i386 CD Binary-1 20100216-15$


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Debian Multimedia :: PCManFM Not Authorized?

May 20, 2011

I could mount/umount usb through pcmanfm. Recently I have upgraded my debian to wheezy. The pcman version is now 0.9.8 but now I can't mount/umount usb drive any more. It gives an error "Not Authorized" . I already have this at .xinitrcexec dbus-launch icewm-sessionbut no success. Even I have tried withexec ck-launch-session dbus-launch icewm-sessionIt also not helpful and additionally Trash stops working with this. Has anyone have any fix

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Fedora :: 14 Not Authorized To Mount USB Flash

Nov 9, 2010

New install of Fedora 14, all updates applied. If a USB flash drive is plugged in, get a Not Authorized message when Nautilus tries to mount the drive. The drive does show up in Places in Nautilus. From a terminal window, if you 'su' to 'root', then:

mkdir /mnt/usb
fdisk -lu
mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb

WILL mount the device, can 'cd' into directories, 'ls' to list files, 'cat' the files -- all OK -- so the device itself is fine. But from a regular user account, it will not mount the drive. Did 'chown' on /mnt/usb and /dev/sdb1 so that the user owns everything. The same 'mount' command as above gives the message "mount: only root can do that". Disabled SELinux as a test -- same result. Searched around but only similar problem was in this thread (buried in the middle): [URL] That's where the sequence above was suggested, which does work as 'root'. Where else would permissions need to be set? And what changed? This worked automatically in previous versions of Fedora

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Fedora :: Configuring Sudo - Not Authorized ?

Jan 12, 2011

Have recently entered the world of fedora.

I wanted to add my user in the sudoers group but when I give:

Tells me that I am not authorized.

I also tried to put before asking for the sudo password and then tells me that I am not part of the sudoers group ....

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Ubuntu :: Only Authorized Clients Can Connect - GDM?

May 2, 2010

When I input xhost
pt@pt-laptop:~$ xhost
access control enabled, only authorized clients can connect
wWo is gdm? Is he a hacker?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Not Authorized On Second Hdd After Reinstall

Sep 25, 2010

That second 320GB HDD that I'm not authorized to mount is where my backups are. Now that I've reinstalled over the Lucid that I trashed on my first HDD I need those. The drive appears under "Places" in the side pane of Nautilus, but not sudo Nautilus. If I could see it under sudo Nautilus I think I could just right click and change permissions.

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General :: Unable To Mount C 'Not Authorized'?

Apr 12, 2011

i used fedora14 system. "Unable to mount C 'Not authorized'"

this error appear at after i type a mistake command "chown my -R *" in path "/usr" by root account

and after i reboot laptop the mount doesn't work i tried to chown root -R , but it doesn't work. i have C/D/E NTFS partition in my win7

and i mkdir in /media/c
and when i use "mount /media/c /etc/sda1", it works
and i dont wanna use mount, i wanna in GHOME explorer direct click into C/D/E

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Server :: Use Rsync Authorized By LDAP?

Jul 15, 2011

I try use Rsync authorized by LDAP, but seem as this way is not available. Is that true?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Not Authorized To Mount USB Drive

May 3, 2010

Every time I try to mount usb drive a window pops up and says "unable to mount usb drive Not Authorized".

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Ubuntu Installation :: Download Any .deb File. Run It And Authorized It?

Jul 2, 2010

have an installation froblem from .deb file.When i download any .deb file. run it and authorized it.then an error come like this.Screenshot.pngBut the no program run at the time.i try it after restarting computer but still this result come.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Not Authorized To Mount Usb Or DVD Drives

Jan 2, 2011

I've got a 10.04 server install, on which I installed a basic gnome desktop. But I've never been able to automount usb drives or DVD/CDs!?but seem for desktop. May relate to not having standard gnome install? I don't have users-admin to try that, and don't see install package.

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General :: Unable To Ssh To Server After Key Changes In Authorized Keys

Jan 17, 2011

Facing this issue where I need to ssh from a solaris server to Linux server.The flow is as below:
-Oracle Webserver on solaris server (oracle user) initiates a cgi script
-The CGI script then executes a shell on the solaris server that tries to ssh to linux server

Have already tried the below:
-Checked the permissions for the .ssh and related folder/files
-authorized keys updated correctly
-tried alternative ssh login from another user which works fine

Issue could be-
-I must try the first login manually, where I'll need to enter password and then the solaris server will get registered in the known_hosts of the linux server
-Cant do this because I donot have the oracle user access.

Please suggest a work-around to the issue that can be done from my end.
Or is it that I must simply ask the DBA to execute an ssh from their ends?

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Fedora :: Lost Volume Control / Internet And Battery Indicator From Control Panel On F11

Jul 15, 2009

I feel little silly asking this, I accidently removed from my gnome panel my internet connection, volume control and battery indicator on F11. how can I add this back. It does not show up in the add to panel menu and the applications do not give you back the default feel.

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Ubuntu :: Control-c - Control-v - Copy And Paste Functions - Stopped Working

Jan 19, 2011

I don't know how this happened, but my keyboard copy and paste functions have stopped working. Oddly enough, I discovered that I can only copy and paste by using the third mouse button. Pressing down on the scroll wheel after highlighting text copies the text, pressing it again pastes it Ican still use the Edit-copy and Edit-paste menu functions.

I'm sure it has something to do with all the tinkering I have been doing with my desktop. I have been experimenting with CompizConfig and Cairo dock, changing my themes and things of this nature.

Ububtu 10.04.1
kernel 2.6.32-27 generic

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Fedora :: Download From The Internet Or Synaptic - Get The Message 'Not Authorized'

Mar 20, 2011

I have just completed install of Fedora 14 off the live CD and although I can download alright via Yumex if I download from the internet or Synaptic I get the message 'Not authorized' . I am at a loss because I have never had this message before, I am particularly trying to get the drivers for my Brother DCP385C printer but they will not install because of this message .

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Security :: IP Assignment To Authorized User Only Through DHCP Server?

Jan 15, 2010

I've a DHCP server in RHEL 5 and 100+ users in my network. I mapped 30 users MAC address with ip. Rest are getting ip address automatically. In my network, users tend to move from one department to another frequently. I've created scopes according to departments. (i.e. Dept A - and so on for other departments).

1) I want to configure DHCP server in this way, that a client have to autheticated by DHCP server before receive and IP address.

2) Second, Whether DHCP server have free IPs in scope, but only clients can obtain IPs those MACs are mapped, rest should not without authentication or authorization.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Mount - Not Authorized Error With CDs And USB Drives?

May 13, 2010

I am running 10.04 Lucid Lynx 64 bit. Whenever I insert a CD or USB flash drive, I get the error "Unable to mount - Not Authorized". I can, however, mount these things by using the mount command from the console as root. I suspect that either the component of Lucid which is responsible for automounting has a bug, or there is some kind of permissions bug with the way Ubuntu sets up the primary user. Does anyone else have this problem? Is there a workaround? Should I file a bug report?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Transmission Requested Download Is Not Authorized For Use With This Tracker

Aug 18, 2010

I have ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso loaded in Transmission, which starts every time I boot up. Today, I booted up and got these weird error messages from Transmission with the ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso file. The message is: Tracker gave an error "Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker." - Idle.

I thought that maybe something was wrong with Transmission, so I paused the torrent and then removed it. I then reloaded it and pointed Transmission at the download directory. Transmission verified the downloaded data and then spat out the same error message at me - "Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker."

I then removed the torrent from Transmission, exited from Transmission cleanly, restarted Transmission, reloaded the torrent file, pointed it at the current download location, it verified the file was completely downloaded, and then got the same error message. I have a firewall running, and it has ports 51413 and ports 6881-6999 open for both TCP and UDP connections. These are the same settings that I had yesterday, and there was no error message spat out by Transmission yesterday.

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Ubuntu :: USB Flash Drive Unable To Mount Not Authorized?

Apr 8, 2011

I've found some older threads with the same problem and read a few bug reports also. Nobody has a solution that has worked for me.How can I get Ubuntu 10.10 to be able to use something as basic as a usb drive?

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General :: Authorized Email Address - Sendmail Server?

May 4, 2010

I am having many mails transferred through my Sendmail server,but I want to configure only authorised email address through our server.optimize my mail server's configuration.

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Security :: Get IP Assignment To Authorized User Only Through DHCP Server?

Jan 21, 2010

A DHCP server in RHEL 5 and 100+ users in my network. I mapped 30 users MAC address with ip. Rest are getting ip address automatically. In my network, users tend to move from one department to another frequently. I've created scopes according to departments. (i.e. Dept A - and so on for other departments).1) I want to configure DHCP server in this way, that a client have to autheticated by DHCP server before receive and IP address.2) Second, Whether DHCP server have free IPs in scope, but only clients can obtain IPs those MACs are mapped, rest should not without authentication or authorization

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Hardware :: Control Cpu Fan Speed - No Fan Control With BIOS - Acpi - Lm-sensors

Dec 31, 2010

I cannot get any fan information from 'lm-sensors' or 'sensors', I tried to run 'pwmconfig' and got this:



But I have no tools to control the fan speed from 'acpi'. in particular '/proc/acpi/fan' is an empty directory.

There are no fan info/controls in BIOS either.

I believe the fans do not work as fast as they should and I am trying to find a way to fix this before the cpu cores are melted down from overheating.

Laptop information: HP Pavilion dv2500t


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