Ubuntu :: User Manual Available For Xubuntu?

Mar 25, 2011

is there a user manual available for xubuntu 10.10 if there is i cannot find it anywhere, could someone point me in the right direction.

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Ubuntu :: Software For Creating User Manual?

Mar 4, 2011

I was wondering which software do you use to create user manuals? Like in windows we use .chm files for user manuals and there are .chm file creators available.

In Ubuntu, what do you use?

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Ubuntu :: GIMP User Manual (from Help Menu) Odd Sequence?

Jul 30, 2011

Noticed in 10.04, under GNOME, opening the GIMP user manual from the help menu opens it in the help browser in a strange order:index, preface, iii, ii, biblio, A, B, C, i ...Not sure if this is the right place to mention this.

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Ubuntu :: Connect To Server User Interface In Xubuntu?

Mar 20, 2011

Where is the connect to server interface in Xubuntu that is present under places menu in ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating An Extremely Minimal Version Of Xubuntu Using XFCE - Go With Mini.iso Or The Xubuntu Alternate Install CD ?

Jan 12, 2010

I was thinking of creating an extremely minimal version of Xubuntu using XFCE. I have a Dell Mini 9, a netbook that uses a wireless-g card requiring bcmwl-kernel-source to work.What I would like to do is use either the alternate CD or mini.iso minimal install file to perform a command line install-style installation of the system.So far, what I am thinking (from reading this [url].... article:

HTML Code:

http:[url].....is to start off with these packages to begin with:

slim (if possible with 9.10, unsure if it is still available. in short, i want to use a lightweight display manager)

My opening questions are: Should I go with mini.iso or the Xubuntu Alternate Install CD (or the Ubuntu one)? If so, which one? What additional packages will I need to make the hardware accessible and fully functional? All I can think of so far would be sound (I'd like to stay away from PulseAudio if possible, it wreaks havoc with my computer), my webcam, and the memory card slot, if additional packages are needed for it?What other "core" packages should I include in this list? Should I include Synaptic, or other packages, and why?What do I need to take into consideration, since this is both a directly- and battery-powered computer?

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post regarding a "Ubuntu-Desktop-Minimal"-type system.

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General :: Can't Boot To Xubuntu And Can't Uninstall Xubuntu

Nov 17, 2010

i installed Xubuntu on my system having a dual boot with Xubuntu and windows xp but when i select to boot on Xubuntu it freezes and gets a message saying that the file hal.dll in system32 cant be found. Before showing me this message i tryed to uninstall the Xubuntu inside from windows xp because several problems showed up after installing Xubuntu. I can boot on windows xp but i cant boot to xubuntu and cant uninstall xubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Set Manual Resolution?

Apr 30, 2010

My Monitor is a Acer X223HQ which has a native max resolution of 1920 x 1080. I can easily achieve this is windows vista, but on ubuntu I am limited to 1360 x 768.I have tried manually adding the resolutions to xorg.conf which puts the Xserver in low graphics mode upon restart.this as I dont want resolution to ruin my experience.Running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, graphics GPU is an intel G41 chipset.

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Ubuntu :: KVM Vs Manual Switch

Jun 6, 2010

I have bought three different kvm switchs to connect a Win 7 and a Ubuntu 10.04 system (two different towers). After plugging in any of the KVM switchs the ubuntu system wont display correctly. It either blinks or is completely black.Because of this I researched this problem and decided to go with a manual switch. My question is if anyone has had experience with a manual switch and if adding an agp video card would hinder performance with a switch.

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Ubuntu :: VNC With SSH / Error In Manual?

Jan 11, 2011

how to use create a ssh tunnel for vnc. I have fought with this explanation for some days, and hopeless trial and error finally worked. Here is the explanationEach time you want to connect to your PC, follow these steps:

Find your PC's public name or IP address. Unless your PC has been assigned a memorable name, the easiest way to do this is to go to whatismyip.com from your PC. You can assign your PC a name by getting one from a dynamic DNS provider.Start the SSH client on the computer you'll log in from.Tell the SSH client to use local port-forwarding to connect port 5,900 on your desktop to port 5,900 on localhost.Via the SSH client, run the command x11vnc -safer -localhost -nopw -once -display :0 on the computer whose desktop you will view.where someone suggests to create a local port forward. The person who asks in this thread, has apparently read the same manual as I. The suggestion works, but I am not entirely certain that I have created a secure connection by "locally" forwarding port 5900 on the phone to localhost:5900. Can someone confirm this?Am I correct in assuming that the line "Tell the SSH client to use local port-forwarding to connect port 5,900 on your desktop to port 5,900 on localhost." in the explanation should read "on your remote laptop"?

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Ubuntu :: How To Do Manual Recovery

May 16, 2011

Does anyone know how i can do a manual recovery?

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Ubuntu :: Manual Or Auto Partition?

May 1, 2011

I'm downloading linux right now and was wondering what the difference between manual and automatic partition is. If manual partition is better can someone tell how to do it?

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Ubuntu :: Manual Css Override, When External Css Exists?

Jan 15, 2010

I have an external css filewith...

#bg {
margin:0 auto;


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Ubuntu Networking :: Manual Update Of Ifconfig?

Mar 29, 2010

To get internet access on my second computer I have to follow the manual routine detailed below:

sudo ifconfig eth0 down
sudo ifconfig eth0 hw ether ..........
sudo ifconfig eth0 up
sudo ifconfig eth0 ....... netmask ........ broadcast ........
sudo route add default gw .........

where the various ........ represent the relevant addresses. This is necessary because my ISP only recognizes one computer - my first one. The above works fine, I simply copy and paste the above from a text document, but I would like to know which files I can alter/create so that all the above is achieved automatically when I boot my second computer.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Startup Without Any Manual Interference?

Jan 4, 2011

The upgrade messed up my gnome-panel. When on the tty1 console, I enter sudo killall gnome-panel && sudo gnome-panel and then it works but how do I fix this the "normal way" so that it can be normal as of the startup without any manual interference?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Formatting The Manual Partitioning 10.04?

Jun 18, 2011

trying to manually partition while installing 10.04, unfortunately from an old windows os, which came w/ the computer. i probably shouldn't bother to save it, but i wanted the practice w/ partitioning. the book i'm using is a good one, but maybe too advanced, and didn't specify. when i shrank the old win os into a smaller space on the drive, it gave me the option to check a box for format or leave it unchecked. which should i do, so as not to delete what's already on the drive? and do i mount it anywhere? in /windows, or i think the other option was msdos? what results in each case?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Configure Manual IP Via Network Manager?

Apr 25, 2010

Networkmanager applet does not allow setting ip address manually. The "Apply" button is grey. Is this a bug?

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Ubuntu :: Package Dependencies From Manual Compiled Packages

Jun 29, 2010

I have compiled FFMPEG (and also mplayer and x264) from scratch to always run the latest version. I install ffmpeg using "checkinstall". When compiling FFMPEG manual and installing with checkinstall ffmpeg provides the following libraries: libavutil49, libavcodec52, libavdevice52, libavformat52, libavfilter0, libpostproc51, libswscale0

These can NOT be installed via apt-get (or similar) or the checkinstall will fail. So I have not installed them. The problem now is when I need to install a package (.dep or from Synaptic) that requires one of these a prerequisite. Then it is not "registered" by Synaptic that these are already provided through the FFMPEG build. I have tried to use the --provides flag on checkinstall and I can also see in Synaptic that on the ffmpeg package I installed with checkinstall that it says it provides said packages. I even have tried to modify the checkinstall script and add:

Replaces: libavutil49, libavcodec52, libavdevice52, libavformat52, libavfilter0, libpostproc51, libswscale0

This also triggers Synaptic to list that ffmpeg replaces the packages. But still when I try to install anything that needs these packages it is not recongnized that they are provided by FFMPEG and when I install one of them (e.g. apt-get install libavformat52) then it replaces the FFMPEG library and FFMPEG stops working. So what is going wrong? Is this a bug in Synaptic? How is it possible under ubuntu to install manual compiled packages and have them "act" as correct dependencies for others?

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Ubuntu :: Meaning Of 2 To 3 Command - Hasn't Got Manual Page

Jul 22, 2010

My system (ubuntu 10.04) has a command called 2to3. What exactly is it? it hasn''t got a manual page.

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Ubuntu :: Press S To Skip Mount Or M For Manual Recovery

Oct 30, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu 10.10 x64 bit edition. On booting Ubuntu wouldn't mount my partitions, so I installed pysdm to auto mount them during booting. But since then I often get during boot: Press S to skip mount or M for manual recovery. What should I do?

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Ubuntu :: Startup Applications Works Only With Manual Login

Nov 23, 2010

Has anyone ran into a problem running Startup Applications from automatic login? I have checked to see that it is not loading in fail-safe mode, and if i disable the automatic login it works fine. The file it is loading is located in my home directory and being executed as
"sh /home/myusername/script.sh"

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Ubuntu :: Manual Grub Entry Not Appearing After Booting

Jan 13, 2011

I have added a manual entry to /etc/grub.d/40_custom and ran update-grub and the entry is added to /boot/grub/grub.cfg OK. But when booting the entry is not appearing. I am a bit stumped trouble shooting this as there are no errors.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Manual Wireless Interface Configuration?

Mar 30, 2011

I am trying to manually configure my wireless interface similar to how I manually configure my wired interfaces on Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat). I have two wired interfaces that use static IP addresses. I set up these interfaces using /etc/network/interface file. I disabled network manager (it was never working correctly to start with). Now, I want to connect my wireless interface (wlan0) to an unsecured wireless private network. I know/can find out all the information about the wireless network (ssid, etc). Also, I need to do this without disconnecting either of my wired interfaces.

I have looked all over the internet/forums for information about how to set up this interface, but nothing I found meets my need. Is there any way I can use iwconfig or the interface file to connect to this wireless connection? Or is there any other tool that will allow me to manually do this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Getting 11.04 With Manual Swap On A Dell Laptop?

May 21, 2011

I am trying to insall 11.04. Here are my current computer specs

Dell Inspiron N4010
Intel Core i5 M460 @ 2.53 Ghz
64- bit Windows 7 Home Premium

I have a single HD with three partitions currently,

1. Primary Boot Partition for Windows - 475 GB (100 GB free)
2. Recovery Drive for Windows - 9.88 GB
3. OEM Partition - 361 MB

Now I shrank my primary volume giving the ubuntu installation drive around 30 GB (enough?). However, I am unable to make a swap partition because dell laptops apparently do not allow more than 4 partitions?I read somewhere that it does not allow more that 4 primary partitions, but we can have more logical drives in an extended partition. I am totally confused about this. How do we do it then? Can a swap partition be a logical drive? Also, I heard (I may be completely wrong) that there are some MBR issues when you install Ubuntu alongside Windows 7.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Booting Windows - Manual Partitioning

Jul 24, 2011

I currently use Ubuntu full time, but on my new one I am planning to dual-boot. My new computer will have a 500GB HD and 4GB Memory. I plan on using Ubuntu more than Windows, specifically for internet applications etc. Windows I plan on using for media and such. I will be partitioning the hard drive manually, and would like to know how much room I should give each OS, how to create a large section for all my files to swap (how does swapping work?) and any other partitions I need to make for recovery. I've read the Ubuntu and Windows "How to Dual-Boot" tutorials, and I still feel kind of lost on a general size for partitioning each section.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Manual Partitioner - Cannot Enter Mount Point?

Jun 18, 2011

I am installing 11.04 on a test PC. My standard drive layout, developed over many years and many distros is as follows:

sda1 /
sda2 /home
sda3 swap


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General :: Get Manual Of Tcpdump?

Apr 14, 2011

How to get manual of tcpdump?

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Red Hat :: Manual Page For X Is Missing (man X)?

Sep 10, 2010

Running Centos 5.5. Man page for X ( General information: X(7) ) is missing. Others like Xorg(1) and Xserver(1x) are present.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Manual NVIDIA Driver Uninstall Headache?

Jan 15, 2010

Long ago (Back in the Intrepid Ibex days) I ran a manual upgrade of NVIDIA drivers from NVIDIA's website, in an attempt to get Wine running better on my system. Now every time I run upgrade manager, this message (or something similar) pops up twice every time I run upgrade manager:Code:The system has detected an obsolete NVIDIA driver in your system.Please install nvidia-glx-185 at the end of the installation with the following command:sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-185The removal of other NVIDIA drivers will be dealt with automatically.I actually have nvidia's 190 drivers installed, so the error message is a bit of a misnomer.This message has been persistent with every upgrade, and appeared many times during the Karmic upgrade.

Now I understand when I did this originally every time I get a kernel upgrade and rebooted I'd need to reinstall NVIDIA's drivers. But ever since my Karmic upgrade, things seem to be a bigger hassle than normal.. The system almost locks up after reboot. Compiz now seems crippled and I've disabled it just to get a decent framerate.What I'd really like to do is go back to Karmic's NVIDIA drivers and not have to deal with update problems anymore.However, when I attempt to reinstall Karmic's NVIDIA drivers, I just can't seem to make this error message go away or get the drivers to work. I end up frustrated an hour later, reinstalling NVIDIA's drivers because something is broken and I just can't get jaunty's drivers working at all.

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Ubuntu :: Manual Method To Trigger Command-not-found Search?

Jan 15, 2010

I really like that in Ubuntu when you type in a command that's not on the system you get a message saying the package that provides that command. Unfortunately it also slows down my system, so I would like a way to trigger this manually. Something like search-command command-I-dont-have

Is there any way to do this? I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 under andLinux but would also like to use this on a regular Ubuntu 9.04 install.

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Manual Section Leads To Blank Display

Apr 3, 2010

Today, just hurry the boot process up a few seconds, I manually selected the kernel to boot to. Everything went well and got to the point where I heard the bootup sound and then the screen went blank and my monitor on-switch went orange - indicating nothing to display.

If I pressed the delete key I could hear the sound made when there's nothing more to delete. I switched to one of the virtual terminals and the monitor switch went green but no display.

I rebooted and let the bootup process as normal and everything was OK. I repeated the initial bootup process, with the manual selection, and it went blank again. The odd thing is, I'm sure I've recently done this before and all was fine.

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