Ubuntu Installation :: Startup Without Any Manual Interference?

Jan 4, 2011

The upgrade messed up my gnome-panel. When on the tty1 console, I enter sudo killall gnome-panel && sudo gnome-panel and then it works but how do I fix this the "normal way" so that it can be normal as of the startup without any manual interference?

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Ubuntu :: Startup Applications Works Only With Manual Login

Nov 23, 2010

Has anyone ran into a problem running Startup Applications from automatic login? I have checked to see that it is not loading in fail-safe mode, and if i disable the automatic login it works fine. The file it is loading is located in my home directory and being executed as
"sh /home/myusername/script.sh"

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Ubuntu :: How To Get MSN Reliably Working Every Time Without Interference

Feb 23, 2011

I've been having problems connecting to my MSN (Hotmail) account with Empathy. Empathy is in my start-up applications, but every time I start my PC MSN is disconnected. I have to run "killall telepathy-butterfly" then disable and re-enable the MSN account in Empathy to get it working again.I read today in another forum post that you can remove telepathy-butterfly. So I've tried that. Now I can't get it to connect to my MSN account at all.

I've tried using the "HTTP method" and not, restarting Empathy, recreating the account, but whenever it connects it immediately disconnects and now says "Disconnected - Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource"I only have one MSN account in Empathy, although I also use it for Google Talk, Facebook, Yahoo!, and People Nearby.Any ideas how I can get MSN reliably working every time without interference?

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Ubuntu :: Facebook Sound Interference (Super Simple Fix)?

Sep 1, 2011

so as i've been on ubuntu the passed few days on my asus laptop it came to my attention that their may be an issue with facebook sound interfering with the built in sound card. i don't know if this is a laptop issue or maybe even a problem with the default asus sound card, but this problem never seems to occur on my desktop computer. weird.

so the problem is when i open up facebook receive a message but have another piece of audio (videos, mp3, etc...) it seems to screw up the entire sound-card. so far the only fixes ive discovered have been disabling facebook sounds by click on the config box bottom right hand gear of chat, or rebooting.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Formatting The Manual Partitioning 10.04?

Jun 18, 2011

trying to manually partition while installing 10.04, unfortunately from an old windows os, which came w/ the computer. i probably shouldn't bother to save it, but i wanted the practice w/ partitioning. the book i'm using is a good one, but maybe too advanced, and didn't specify. when i shrank the old win os into a smaller space on the drive, it gave me the option to check a box for format or leave it unchecked. which should i do, so as not to delete what's already on the drive? and do i mount it anywhere? in /windows, or i think the other option was msdos? what results in each case?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Getting 11.04 With Manual Swap On A Dell Laptop?

May 21, 2011

I am trying to insall 11.04. Here are my current computer specs

Dell Inspiron N4010
Intel Core i5 M460 @ 2.53 Ghz
64- bit Windows 7 Home Premium

I have a single HD with three partitions currently,

1. Primary Boot Partition for Windows - 475 GB (100 GB free)
2. Recovery Drive for Windows - 9.88 GB
3. OEM Partition - 361 MB

Now I shrank my primary volume giving the ubuntu installation drive around 30 GB (enough?). However, I am unable to make a swap partition because dell laptops apparently do not allow more than 4 partitions?I read somewhere that it does not allow more that 4 primary partitions, but we can have more logical drives in an extended partition. I am totally confused about this. How do we do it then? Can a swap partition be a logical drive? Also, I heard (I may be completely wrong) that there are some MBR issues when you install Ubuntu alongside Windows 7.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Manual NVIDIA Driver Uninstall Headache?

Jan 15, 2010

Long ago (Back in the Intrepid Ibex days) I ran a manual upgrade of NVIDIA drivers from NVIDIA's website, in an attempt to get Wine running better on my system. Now every time I run upgrade manager, this message (or something similar) pops up twice every time I run upgrade manager:Code:The system has detected an obsolete NVIDIA driver in your system.Please install nvidia-glx-185 at the end of the installation with the following command:sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-185The removal of other NVIDIA drivers will be dealt with automatically.I actually have nvidia's 190 drivers installed, so the error message is a bit of a misnomer.This message has been persistent with every upgrade, and appeared many times during the Karmic upgrade.

Now I understand when I did this originally every time I get a kernel upgrade and rebooted I'd need to reinstall NVIDIA's drivers. But ever since my Karmic upgrade, things seem to be a bigger hassle than normal.. The system almost locks up after reboot. Compiz now seems crippled and I've disabled it just to get a decent framerate.What I'd really like to do is go back to Karmic's NVIDIA drivers and not have to deal with update problems anymore.However, when I attempt to reinstall Karmic's NVIDIA drivers, I just can't seem to make this error message go away or get the drivers to work. I end up frustrated an hour later, reinstalling NVIDIA's drivers because something is broken and I just can't get jaunty's drivers working at all.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lucid 10.04 Crashes At Manual Partition Stage?

Apr 30, 2010

Installing Kubuntu 10.04 Lucid AMD64 from a live CD. During manual partition (allocating mount points to existing partitions), the installer crashes. It just vanishes and drops back to clear desktop of the live CD. The error check from the CD boot menu reports no errors. Running the installer from the CD boot menu (instead of running the live CD first) gives similar symptoms. At the same point in manual partitioning, the installer crashes to a black screen, then starts a live CD session of KDE.

This hardware installed the beta version of Kubuntu Lucid 10.04 AMD64 without error, and has run earlier versions of Kubuntu without this problem.

It looks like a bug to me, so posted on launchpad ...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cron Requires Manual Start After 10.04 Upgrade

Jun 24, 2010

After upgrading Ubuntu from 9.10 to 10.04, the cron daemon no longer runs automatically upon starting up the machine; I need to enter "sudo service cron start" to get it running. Is there a way to get it to start up by itself?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Manual Partition Failed On D600 Latitude

Jan 25, 2011

I have installed a dozen dual boot XP / Ubuntu boxes, however this one has me stumped. After the installation failed in the partitioning phase I tried manually partitioning which also failed. Then I went to using a Gparted LiveCD. I can resize the NTFS partition fine each time rebooting in XP and it is OK. However when I shrink the NTFS then try to add an ext4 (or ext3) right after the NTFS it acts like it is working, then when it says "complete" the disk disappears out of Gparted and it shows no devices. If I reboot into the LiveCD it shows a blank second partition, if I try to format it in ext4 I get the exact same results. If I go to Windows it will show an unknown healthy partition. If I grow the NTFS back to the full 60Gb it seems to work fine. It just won't create a second primary ext4 partition.

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Ubuntu Installation :: ATI/fglrx, Doesn't Work Properly With 11.04 Manual Or Pkg?

May 5, 2011

I have a new installation of 11.04 with an ATI Radeon HD 2400 video card that previously worked fine under an earlier release.

I tried installing the proprietary drivers through the Additional Drivers section, rebooted and the video is choppy (dragging windows, etc).

From other reports around the Internet I've read, it's clear I'm not the only one experiencing this issue.

I tried the manual instructions, which turned out to be a mess and ultimately didn't work, either.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Add A Manual Grub2 Menu Entry?

May 6, 2011

Having just upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04 from 10.10 I noticed that my Grub menu had not upgraded. The upgrade was not as straight forward as it should have been as the PC hung at the end of the installation resulting in a reboot and running dpkg in safe mode to get it all back up and running.

To fix the incorrect grub menu.lst file which was not updating, I renamed the original file and then ran sudo update-grub. It generated a new and correct file. However, my Windows partition was not listed as a Grub menu option.


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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Manual Partitioner - Cannot Enter Mount Point

Jun 18, 2011

I am installing 11.04 on a test PC. My standard drive layout, developed over many years and many distros is as follows:

sda1 /
sda2 /home
sda3 swap
sda4 /data

/ and /home are relatively small. I put most data files on /data to facilitate hot backup of important data to another drive or machine.

/ and /home are periodically cold backed up with g4l. That said...I noticed that the install partitioner in 11.04 only allows me to select from a list of mount points. / home var etc. I can not type in a mount point of my liking as I have done since I started using Ubuntu about 6.4.Is this Canonical's idea of an improvement?Yes I can manually format the /data partition after install and add it to /etc/fstab. Still I would give Canonical three thumbs down on this enhancement.

p.s. The above seems to be a moot point as the installer refuses to install the boot loader. I have filed a bug report. It makes no difference if I partition the disk manually or allow the installer to partition it to its defaults. If it ain't broke, break it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Manual Fglrx Install - System Will Not Resume After A Suspend

Aug 13, 2010

I recently upgraded to Lucid (x86_64) on an HP dv2 laptop, and after doing so, the system will not resume after a suspend (with fglrx installed from the "official" repositories). After reading a lot about the problem, I have seen that updating to the latest ATI driver had fixed this issue for some, so I would like to try that.

I am following the guide at at cchtml.

First, I tried installing the Ubuntu-X team's drivers. However, after (successfully) adding their repository, an update does not fetch their packages:


It looks like both the xorg-edgers and ubuntu-x-swat repositories are being ignored? (If I'm reading that correctly.) If I open the window System->Administration->Software Sources, I can see that the ubuntu-x-swat repository is checked, so I'm confused why it's being ignored.

If I try to demand the fglrx-installer package, I get an error that it cannot find this package.


I have the same issues for xorg-edgers and ubuntu-x-swat.

Finally, if I try to build the official ATI v10.7 drivers myself, I get an error that Linux is an unrecognized architecture!


I have installed all preliminary packages suggested in the guide:


I really can't understand why I'm unable to build the package from ATI myself.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Partition 10.10 - Hangs When Select Manual Partitioning

Oct 14, 2010

I've not jumped on the Alpha/Beta upgrade's this time round so have decided to upgrade by doing a fresh install. I'm using the normal desktop install cd via usb. On the drive setup I choose to manually setup the partitions. I deleted the partition which help Lucid. Created a new partition with the root path. All good so far. I selected my home partition and selected use as 'ext2', entered /home as the mount point. Clicking ok to return, showed the /home partition as marked to be formatted, I was unable to change this ... so I decided to quit the installer and reboot ...

1st problem ... the root partition for Lucid was deleted, and a new empty partition created, despite the fact I had not confirmed the actions.

2nd problem ... rebooting with the live cd (which I'm on now) and running the installer, it hangs when I select manual partitioning.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrading F11 Computer To F13 - Manual TCP / IP Configuration

Sep 21, 2010

I am in the midst of upgrading my F11 computer to F13. I have run PreUpgrade, and the files have downloaded, it's restarted and now it's asking me to do the Manual TCP/IP Configuration. I have only enabled IPV4. It's asking for the following info (which I can't seem to get right)


The IP I want the computer to have is, my router is, my subnet is I don't know what the Name server is for. Do I need to put the above into into any of the fields above? I've tried a few times but with no luck.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partition By Default - How Much Disk Space A Non Manual Dual Boot Uses

Apr 23, 2010

how much disk space a non manual dual boot uses? I've always been guided by a person knowing much about linux when doing my dual boot (and been guided to do the partitions manualy), but this person is not there for the moment and I need to do a dual boot on my son's computer. Since he'll need his Windows computer mainly for games I wouldn't want Ubuntu to take 2/3 of his disk space (which is about 250 Gb I think, let's say 50 Gb would be perfect for the Ubuntu)

And I'm not sure how I could change this later, cause in my own computer I cannot find how to resize (I cannot unmount neither resize the partitions I have) I don't mean I need to do this on my computer but I mean I wouldn't want to try out anything if I'm not sure it be could restored in 1,2,3. And partitions is such a thing. If I remember correctly I've done dual boot by default (i mean without doing the partitions manualy) and it does about 50/50 ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Missing Boot Loader - Manual Install Brings To GRUB CLI?

Dec 22, 2010

I am a brand new Ubuntu user that just tried to install on an old PC using the 10.10 desktop edition.During installation, I hit an error that the bootloader could not install, and after reading about it on the forums, opted to attempt to install it manually after. I have followed the tutorial located here,[URL].. on reinstalling GRUB2 from the liveCD, which I assume means to boot with the installation CD and select try Ubuntu (given the only other option is install, which I have tried twice) everything up to step 5 in that tutorial seems to run successfully, and I am given a message it is installed, but then when I reboot the system it does not open the GRUB2 menu, rather the CLI interface, which suggests there is no grub.cfg

So I am unable to refresh at the GRUB menu because that command is not recognized by the CLI (and it may not help if I am missing files, so I might have screwed up reinstalling them in step 5, or maybe the "Try Ubuntu" terminal doesn't alter the computer like I thought?)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fresh 10.04 Raid1 Install Will Not Boot W/o Manual Grub Input?

May 3, 2011

Followed steps 2-5 and purged/reinstalled grub now it boots as it should, NO idea where it was messed up.[URL].. I had 9.10 running in raid1 and upgraded my hardware (cpu, mb, memory etc) and wanted to do a fresh install of 10.04 to get updated. After following the various guides online such as [URL]...It begins to load grub and drops to a "grub> " shell. Which I have to do the following to get it to boot.

set root=(md1)
linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/md1 ro
initrd /initrd.img

Then it boots up normally and I can use it like any other desktop. I've been over my grub.cfg and /etc/defaut/grub files and cannot find the issue. At this point I'm wondering if the fact it's a raid1 setup is keeping grub from finding it's files.


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OpenSUSE :: Installation Manual Doesn't Exist In GNOME Website?

Aug 6, 2011

I have problem with installing GTK tools on openSUSE. And, the installation manual doesn't exist in GNOME websiteGetting ready for GNOME development

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Manual Installation On Already Created Partition To Create Dual Booting PowerMac?

Jul 15, 2010

I have booted from the .iso cd I made on my Mac last night and was tempted to install it on a 6gb partition that I have on my main HDD but was a bit scared to go past the fourth (or so) step in manual installing where I pick that partition and *do what?* Is it going to install the OS on that partition and leave everything else alone to give me a dual booting PowerMac? It doesn't quite say. I am fearful of screwing up my little ol' machine. Can anyone direct me to something that gives a step by step in manual installation on an already created (HFC+) partition to create a dual booting PowerMac?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 - Non-system Disk Or Disk Error With Manual Partitions

Apr 9, 2010

This is the third 9.10 install to do this on two different laptops, so wondering what's up...

In both cases, the goal was to leave a large chunk of unpartitioned disk after the Ubuntu partitions, for a second OS install or a filesystem Ubuntu cannot create like NTFS.

When I install with manual partitions, the system can't boot and asks for me to insert a system disk and press any key. When I reinstall telling Ubuntu to "use the entire disk" it then works.

First laptop, first try:

Remainder of the 500GB disk is free space.

Fails to boot, "insert system disk".

First laptop, second try without the /boot partition:

Remainder of the 500GB disk is free space.

Fails to boot, "insert system disk".

"use entire disk" works perfectly.

Second laptop, first try:

Same thing, non-system disk or disk error, insert system disk.

Second try "use entire disk" is currently in progress but I expect the same to happen.

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Installation :: Manual GRUB Install For Screwed Up Luit Install

Apr 16, 2010

So I am stuck in the bootloader hell. With a vintage PC

Ok, so here's the setup:There is one HDD, with two primary partitions: 1st for the system, 2nd for the swap. I booted Luit Linux Live CD, and ran it's HDD install script. The Luit Linux is based on Damn Small Linux that uses kernel version 2.4.22. For some reason, it's bootloader LILO install did something wrong and the fresh install wouldn't boot

Error 15 By the way, I don't understand why the bootloader texts refer to GRUB, while the install script definitely was installing LILO.

I can now boot again with that same Live CD (or any other CD that would boot to Linux), and once loaded, mount the hard disk and check and update it's contents. I'd like to install there as up-to-date GRUB version what that ancient hardware (48MB RAM) can take, and then configure the GRUB to load that install that's sitting on the hdd.I will be very grateful for any advice. Unfortunately my knowledge of things like GRUB is very poor, so it's difficult to look up advice by searching the internet.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Set Manual Resolution?

Apr 30, 2010

My Monitor is a Acer X223HQ which has a native max resolution of 1920 x 1080. I can easily achieve this is windows vista, but on ubuntu I am limited to 1360 x 768.I have tried manually adding the resolutions to xorg.conf which puts the Xserver in low graphics mode upon restart.this as I dont want resolution to ruin my experience.Running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, graphics GPU is an intel G41 chipset.

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Ubuntu :: KVM Vs Manual Switch

Jun 6, 2010

I have bought three different kvm switchs to connect a Win 7 and a Ubuntu 10.04 system (two different towers). After plugging in any of the KVM switchs the ubuntu system wont display correctly. It either blinks or is completely black.Because of this I researched this problem and decided to go with a manual switch. My question is if anyone has had experience with a manual switch and if adding an agp video card would hinder performance with a switch.

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Ubuntu :: VNC With SSH / Error In Manual?

Jan 11, 2011

how to use create a ssh tunnel for vnc. I have fought with this explanation for some days, and hopeless trial and error finally worked. Here is the explanationEach time you want to connect to your PC, follow these steps:

Find your PC's public name or IP address. Unless your PC has been assigned a memorable name, the easiest way to do this is to go to whatismyip.com from your PC. You can assign your PC a name by getting one from a dynamic DNS provider.Start the SSH client on the computer you'll log in from.Tell the SSH client to use local port-forwarding to connect port 5,900 on your desktop to port 5,900 on localhost.Via the SSH client, run the command x11vnc -safer -localhost -nopw -once -display :0 on the computer whose desktop you will view.where someone suggests to create a local port forward. The person who asks in this thread, has apparently read the same manual as I. The suggestion works, but I am not entirely certain that I have created a secure connection by "locally" forwarding port 5900 on the phone to localhost:5900. Can someone confirm this?Am I correct in assuming that the line "Tell the SSH client to use local port-forwarding to connect port 5,900 on your desktop to port 5,900 on localhost." in the explanation should read "on your remote laptop"?

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Ubuntu :: How To Do Manual Recovery

May 16, 2011

Does anyone know how i can do a manual recovery?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Freezes On Startup After Installation

May 13, 2010

I dual booted my windows 7 with Ubunto 10.04 and it said it successfully installed. I booted the ubuntu and it freezes on th Ubuntu image with the message( i didn't copy the message). i rebooted and freezes again on an image after the Ubuntu Image.So itried recovery mode and it worked. i always use recovery mode to use ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: User Manual Available For Xubuntu?

Mar 25, 2011

is there a user manual available for xubuntu 10.10 if there is i cannot find it anywhere, could someone point me in the right direction.

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Ubuntu :: Manual Or Auto Partition?

May 1, 2011

I'm downloading linux right now and was wondering what the difference between manual and automatic partition is. If manual partition is better can someone tell how to do it?

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