Ubuntu :: Unable To Install Broadband In 9.04

Jun 23, 2010

i am using ubantu 9.04 previously i was using bsnl broadband in chennai but last weak i come to lucknow and i use same broadband but iwas not able to use net. it was dedecting my eth0.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Broadband Connection / Unable To Configure?

Jun 6, 2010

I have attached the screenshot of the option which I select in Windows for making the same internet broadband connection. I am unable to find the same option in Ubuntu 10.04. Till now I was using the Pppoe Dialup. But now I am unable to configure this one.

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Ubuntu Networking :: BT Broadband / Unable To Connect To The Internet?

May 18, 2011

I have a multiboot system running several versions of linux which do not all use the same software for handling wifi connections or have the same kernel. They have all stopped being able to connect to the internet in the last few days. My Windows 7 set up still connects though it seems to be a slow to establish a connection.Could BT have changed something and if so what?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Activate Broadband STA Wireless Driver

Jan 21, 2011

i have installed ubuntu on my toshiba satellite-L640 and i m facing some problem
1. unable to activate broadband STA wireless driver by additional driver option..
2. unable to activate ATI/AMD propreitary FGLRX graphics driver by additional driver option..
3.my laptop doesnt show battery indication that how much charge is left
4.headphone not working
5.sound of vedios and song is very less in ubuntu then windows..

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Fedora :: Unable To Connect To Mobile Broadband

Aug 25, 2011

I am trying to connect to Internet via 3g Datacard in F15 and Its not getting connected.

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General :: Unable To Configure Broadband Connection?

Mar 6, 2010

I have installed debian in my machine. I have a bsnl broadband connection. But I am unable to configure the broadband connection in my system.

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General :: Unable To Have Broadband Connection - How To Add Applications

May 15, 2010

I have no broadband connection and I would like to add applications and update linux. How can I do that. I have a 1 gig pendrive.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Asus EEE 1001P - Unable To Use Wireless And Mobile Broadband

Feb 2, 2010

I just got a new Asus Eee 1001P, and the wireless isn't working at all. I had an Asus EEE 1005HA before that and since both use the AR8132 network card I hoped it would be the same problem as with that, where installing the backports fixed the problem. However, that doesn't do anything. With the 1005HA the connection was only flaky and disconnected a lot, but the 1001P doesn't find any networks to connect to at all. Also, the mobile wireless will connect only once and after disconnecting every attempt to reconnect ends in that connection symbol spinning wildly until I tell the network manager to disconnect. On Kubuntu it doesn't even connect once.I never had that problem with the 1005.


$ lspci
01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Attansic Technology Corp. Atheros AR8132 / L1c Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (rev c0)
02:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. Device 002c (rev 01)


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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Get 3g Moblie Broadband Phone To Be Detected By NetworkManager

May 11, 2010

I am having trouble getting NetworkManager to detect my Huawei-Vodafone dongle and I can't figure out why. I went and checked on NetworkManagers website and I should be good to gobut no such luck. look at the following:

manpep@manpep-desktop ~ $
manpep@manpep-desktop ~ $ dmesg | grep -e "modem" -e "tty"
[ 0.000000] console [tty0] enabled
[ 47.951906] USB Serial support registered for GSM modem (1-port)
[ 47.951958] option 3-2:1.0: GSM modem (1-port) converter detected
[ 47.952990] usb 3-2: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB0


Although "lsusb" see it (as usually) as Huawei model E620, in fact it's a much more recent one. It's the K3520, from last year.

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Ubuntu :: Reliance Netconnect Broadband Usb Modem With 11.04 - Unable To Access Any Websites

Jul 7, 2011

I have ubuntu 11.04 in my netbook and when I inserted reliance netconnect broadband usb modem,it automatically detected and after giving the necessary details it was connected..But I am not able to access any websites..On googling I found that I have to make changes to /etc/resolv.conf..But resolv.conf file is missing.

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OpenSUSE Network :: BSNL Broadband / Unable In Suse?

Jun 20, 2010

last night i have install SUSE 11.2 from the live CD. I have dual boot system with windows.Here is the problems.....i m able to access internet using same connection in windows but unable in suse.

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General :: Changed Broadband Provider And Unable To Find Server

Mar 6, 2010

i recently changed my broadband provider and since then i havent been able to connect to the internet. I have configured all the settings on my laptop,(ive got puppy linux 4 on it). All the settings say i have a valid connection to the wireless connection and that its recognised the new provider but when i try to access the internet i get the page that says UNABLE TO CONNECT TO SERVER and it also says that i need to check my network connections etc etc. Ive done all that and it appears that i have everything in the right place. SO WHY wont it connect.

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General :: Unable To Use Mobile Broadband Connection ( Service Prov.-MTS MBlaze )

Dec 11, 2010

I am using Fedora 13. and had bought MTS Mblaze Mobile Broadband device. One installer comes with this device for Fedora, I have installed it.There were some issues while starting this application on fedora. But after seeing some threads for SELinux, it had been solved.Now, when I run this software, a window appears. If i clicked connect, it does show connecting and once connected automatically firefox opens.

But i am not able to access internet. After some time software shows device is in sleep mode due to inactivity. Network connectivity icon on launch panel on fedora shows network is connected.I had similar problem with Mandriva 10..

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Ubuntu Networking :: Install Broadband Internet With Nokia CS-1x?

May 6, 2010

I am using 10.04 and is trying to install the linux drivers for Nokia CS-10.However when I try to install the deb file, it doesnt work. The installation process starts then its starts another process then gives me the error which state I have to close the previous installer window.[URL]

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Ubuntu Networking :: Venison Broadband - Won't Recognize Or Start To Install

Jan 18, 2010

Haven't posted for a while as I have been doing OK. Not trying too much, too fast. I am trying to load the Verizon broadband card software so that I may get online on my Latitude 610 with Ububtu 9.10. I put in the CD and it won't recognize or start to install. I can't get online to check for packages until I can install the software.

It is Verizon PC5740. Can I download to the computer I am using now (windows) and then to a thumb drive or a cd or something. Or do I have to wait to get to where I can get online thru my wireless connection. This is all very new and I am trying to learn.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Install Telstra Bigpond Mobile Broadband On 10.10, 10.04, 9.10?

Feb 11, 2011

I need help on how to install Telstra Bigpond Mobile broadband . The dongel is a ZTE model MF633BP+ Mobile Card. I have tried with Ubuntu 10.10, 10.04 and 9.10 but all I can get is a message saying it is disconnected. The computer is a modified Optima with a new motherboard, RAM and power supply with a 120GB hard drive.The hard drive is empty so which of the Ubuntu models suits a geriatic old fart of 67 like me who has only low computer skills.

PS I think I have also sent this request to a wrong address on these forums.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Vodafone Installation Software For Mobile Broadband - Will Not Install?

Oct 3, 2010

I have a Vodafone mobile broadband dongle for the United Kingdom. The installation software is for Windows and Macs only. In Windows it works fine. If I plug the dongle in the USB in Ubuntu then it is recognised but the installation does not start (quite understandably). So I tried using wine with the Windows executable. It starts off promisingly, then hangs. Some files are created along with desktop icons but the installation does not complete.

I have seen here (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.p...light=vodafone) the comment that Vodafone installation can be tricky. So, can any kind person tell me if it is possible to get Vodafone dongles working under 10.04? Also, are there any other UK broadband pay-as-you-go dongles that will work? I have seen in a very recent post that "3" seems to be plug-and-play?

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General :: Setup/install A Vividwireless USB Broadband 4g Modem On Ubuntu 11.04 Distro?

Aug 8, 2011

How to setup/install a vividwireless USB broadband 4g modem on Ubuntu 11.04 distro?

# lsusb... yes, the modem type is an Huawei bm358 Wimax USB stick from vividwireless vendor,it shows mac address as follows: 641f03d903e...

cottoned on to the blah about bogus 4g... why the lies I wonder, apparently there is no 4g in Australia!

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Debian Installation :: Using Mobile Broadband On A Fresh Install?

May 1, 2010

I have a new hard-drive and have installed squeeze using CD 1. As my mobile broadband is the only way I can connect to the internet, how do I get it working on a fresh install?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Install Sprint Mobile Broadband Novatel 3G Wireless Usb Modem?

May 7, 2010

How do I installed a sprint novatel 3g modem? I see sprint under the mobile broadband tab when I create a new connection, and it shows all the right information, but I never can connect.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Cricket A600 USB Broadband Modem Install?

May 13, 2009

I recently got one of these modems and it had discovered very serious detection problems. I had been using one of the Cricket PCMCIA modems but it had a problem of dropping connections every 30 seconds or so. Anyway, this modem works a lot better but there is a trick to get it working.

Since the modem has a built-in flash card reader and flash memory containing the Windows software, when you first plug the device in, it is detected by the OS as a flash drive rather than a modem. If you try to configure the modem at this point, it will be impossible since no modem will have yet been detected.

In order to get the device to be detected as a modem, it needs to be "flipped". The following thread from the Ubuntu forums discusses the details of the problem and contains a link to a utility to "flip" the device: [ubuntu] HOWTO: Cricket Wireless A600 Broadband Modem - Ubuntu Forums

Once the device is flipped, I configured it using YAST / Network Devices / Modems. Mine is detected as /dev/tty/ACM0. I use Kinternet to connect, though Network Manager may also work, but I have not yet tested it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install Kubuntu 10.4 - Unable To Find A Medium Containing A Live File System

Aug 15, 2010

I cannot install Kubuntu (or Unbuntu) 10.4 on my husband's computer. I have spent 5 hours on this and cannot get anywhere. I am deeply frustrated. The iso I burned to CD is good (works on 2 other computers). His computer will not boot from USB, no matter what I do to the drive order in BIOS. After loading the blue screen with the Kubuntu logo on it (and the blue-white dots), the screen changes to black and shows the following text:

BusyBox v1.13.3 (Ubuntu 1:1.13.3-1ubuntu11) built-in shell (ash) (initrafs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system.

He really needs to get rid of WinXP. Kubuntu is what I have on my computer (and love it!). Here is some info about his computer:

OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Build 2600
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Install Multi-Disc Game - Unable To Eject CD-RW / DVD RW Drive DBus Error

Apr 22, 2010

I'm trying to install The Sims 2 (which I'm aware currently does not run properly in wine anyway), using the multi-CD version. The installation goes normally, up until it comes time to switch from disc 1 to disc 2. The installer prompts me to insert disc 2, but it seems that Ubuntu still believes that the installer doesn't want me to open the drive, because, when I try to open it, it doesn't open, and a window pops up with the following message: Unable to eject CD-RW/DVD RW Drive DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending

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General :: Unable To Install The USB_ModeSwitch - Unable To Connect Micromax 300G Modem In Debian

Jun 30, 2011

I couldn't connect my Micromax 300G modem in Debian Linux. From internet (in Windows Vista), I came across the information of USB_ModeSwitch and then I downloaded it. While going to install it, I came across the problem that TCL-interpreter is not available in Debian Linux. Then again I restarted my laptop in Windows Vista and connected my Micromax modem and from internet downloaded TCL8.5.10-src.tar.gz. But while going to install it, I came across the problem that " configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH " . Also as presently, I am unable to connect my modem therefore I am unable to issue the code:" apt-get update ".

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OpenSUSE Install :: Fresh Install + Update & Reboot = Unable To Open Session?

Sep 14, 2010

I just reinstalled my OpenSuse 11.3 with the GNOME desktop. As soon as I was done installing and I was on a fresh desktop, I installed the Yast updates that were available, rebooted, and now I can't login to any of my User accounts. Whenever I try to login, it tells me that it is "Unable to Open Session".o any of you know how I can fix this without having to reinstall all over again

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Debian Installation :: Unable To Select And Install Desktop Managers In Net-install?

Dec 23, 2015

I downloaded and mounted debian-8.2.0-amd64-netinst.iso on my work machine's VirtualBox v5.0.12 to check out Debian stable/Jessie's installer and clean installation in case I need to do it soon. I like the new installer compared to 11/24/2011 on my old desktop machine. It is much nicer, fancier with its advanced options, etc.

However, I ran into issues with its "Select and Install" part when I selected desktop managers (e.g., KDE and Gnome) and continued. It failed as shown in [URL] .... images. Why? I tried again from scratch and same thing. If I don't select any and just select non-GUI stuff (e.g, SSH and standard system utilities), then it works but I want the pretty GUI stuff.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Install The Package Mesa-32bit From Repository?

Dec 16, 2010

Im not able to install the package mesa-32bit from this repository: Index of /repositories/X11:/XOrg/openSUSE_11.3. It tells me to make a huge change on architecture on many packages, plus downgrading mesa to 7.8.2 from 7.9 !

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CentOS 5 Server :: Unable To Complete Install 'exceptions.ValueError Invalid Install Location

Aug 28, 2010

when i do a paravirtualised install coz fully grey out (how do you get round this) and ftp install path is

i get error:

Unable to complete install 'exceptions.ValueError Invalid install location: Opening URL ftp://tj:tj@ failed.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/virt-manager/virtManager/create.py", line 724, in do_install
dom = guest.start_install(False, meter = meter)


does it not accept ftp passwords.. what ftp server program (with autostart so it works with crossover linux as i know no other way start apps with that. can try to insta wine but need rpm) will work

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OpenSUSE Install :: Get An Error Message That Basically Says:kernel.desktop - Unable To Install, Exit Status 127.I?

Apr 28, 2010

I'm having an issue when I'm trying to install SuSE linux onto my desktop.I go through all the steps and everything looks okay, but when it starts to install the packages, I get an error message that basically says:kernel.desktop - unable to install, exit status 127.I have a ATI X1950 video card in the computer, as well as a AMD 64 FX CPU in the system.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Install Application In Graphical Mode?

Jan 22, 2010

on Suse linux 11.2 while trying to install sun webserver 7 I was unable to install it in graphical mode, is the any package that needs to be installed in order to do that

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