Ubuntu :: Switch Between Open Windows By Mouse?

Apr 21, 2011

i have Ubuntu 10.10 + Compiz, everything seems okay; but when i want to switch between open windows i have to click only on windows Caption Bar, Clicking on Form body dont bring that form to front

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Use Mouse Or Switch Windows In Unity Or Gnome?

Jul 13, 2011

I recently installed Ubuntu desktop, since I had been running my server as Ubuntu Server on a guest OS on Windows 7 and never really used the Windows part of the computer. Since then, I've been unable to use the mouse in a graphical environment for longer than a few minutes without it starting to act crazy. The mouse moves around normally, but won't respond to clicks (left, middle, or right) but the keyboard shortcuts still work. I'm not sure if things have changed since I last used Gnome though, but Alt+Tab is not working for me either when this happens. Sometimes, the active window is even behind another window, and isn't pulled to the foreground.

After a bit of frustrated clicking and jamming of buttons on the keyboard, sometimes the mouse kind of starts working because I'll notice a right click menu open. But, I am still unable to move windows or click on them to bring them to the foreground, and my mouse presses only work on the current window. And then, eventually, after about a minute or so, it'll stop respond again too.

I saw in one thread that someone had dead spaces where he couldn't click, so he installed and ran Gnome and that fixed it, but I tried using Ubuntu Classic and it is still giving me the same behavior. I'm actually posting this message now in links, because I can't use Firefox or Chrome well enough when it's hidden behind other windows.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Run Scripts Via Web - Switch On And Off Lights - Regulate Room Temperature - Open Windows

Aug 25, 2011

I have a very basic problem: My computer is attached to various light switches, central heating, powered windows etc. via RS232 and USB, using homemade custom logic boards. With this I can switch on and off lights, regulate room temperature, open windows etc. all by running some shell scripts on my system. I would now like to create a simple web frontend for this home automation.

What I want is a basic website with buttons, and when someone clicks a button on that website I want the webserver (apache ? ) to execute a script on the the server machine, triggering the rs232 hardware. The website is to be served by apache to make use of an existing structure. How (in what language) could I accomplish that? Javascript and Java are obviously out since they execute on the client, as far as I know PHP can't access the shell (which is probably a good thing), so what's left?

CGI? This will be deployed on an isolated private network secured the old-fashioned way (steel doors, guard dogs, landmines...), so I am not overly concerned about security, but of course it would be nice if the implementation offered at least some basic resistance to bored script kiddies...

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Ubuntu :: Right Mouse Click Freeze / When Right Mouse Button To Open Options Menu It Freezes And Does Not Open Menu?

Oct 14, 2010

just want to report "Right Mouse Click Freeze" on Ubuntu 10.10. When I click on anything with my right mouse button to open options menu it freezes and does not open menu. Sometimes when I shake my mouse left/right a bit it opens that menu, but this does not work always. It seems like xserver issue, but I'm not sure since I'm not expert in linux yet. It's very annoying issue that I would like to resolve asap.

My System Specs:
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.40GHz
CORSAIR XMS2 2GB (2 x 1GB) 240-Pin DDR2 800 (PC2 6400)
Western Digital 250 GB Hard Drive
Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit (Kernel Linux 2.6.35-22)
(Used Desktop Install CD)

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Ubuntu :: Switch Between Applications Using The Mouse But Without Compiz?

Jun 28, 2010

I am using a netbook low on computer power. I don't have compiz installed and I don't want it.But I want to be able to switch between applications using the mouse.Expose style would be great but performance is paramount so if they were just icons or something that would be fine. is it possible to use the mouse to trigger alt-tab?(my netbook is often hooked up to my TV so keyboard is not always in reach)In Kubuntu I just had to move the pointer to the top left corner of the screen and an expose style effect would happen. But I believe that was compiz and I have moved to Ubuntu and found it much snappier.

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OpenSUSE :: Desktop Cube Switch With Mouse Cursor On Screen Edge?

Mar 29, 2011

In KDE I'm using KWin as windows manager and somewhere in the configuration I defined that KDE should rotate the desktop cube to the left or the right each time I move my mouse pointer to the far left or right of the screen.If I keep it there for about a second it rotates the desktop cube to the next desktop.I once activated this but find this very frustrating when I'm trying to reach buttons on the same side. So I want to disable this feature but I can't find it anywhere. I can't remember where that option was that activated this feature.

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General :: Where To Switch Window Focus By Moving Mouse Over (in Fedora / Gnome)?

Oct 18, 2010

I am using Fedora11/Gnome and I frequently use several windows for input. I would like to focus on a window just by moving the mouse over it (but not pop up). However, I can not find anywhere to set up this option.

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Software :: Make The Mouse Wheel Switch Work Spaces In Compiz?

Jan 7, 2010

I recently installed Linux Mint 8, which is an amazing distribution.I can get everything to work perfect, but I cannot figure out how to make the mouse wheel change desktops in compiz. Also, make sure that it only changes desktops when the mouse is over an empty desktop because I got it working once but the mouse wheel would change desktops all the time, even when I was trying to scroll through a webpage or document.

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Ubuntu :: Switch From Windows 7 (32-bit) To 10.10 (32-bit)

Feb 19, 2011

I want to switch from Windows 7 (32-bit) to Ubuntu 10.10 (32-bit), but I can't install it on my PC for some reason. I've tried burning the .iso onto 2 or 3 different DVD+ROM discs now, I keep getting the following message when I try to install it.

BusyBox v1.15.3 (Ubuntu 1:1.15.3-1ubuntu5) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
(initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: Input/output error
Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs

Edit: I got it to work, I'm not sure if this actually made any difference, but I formatted my hard drive using my Windows 7 installation DVD before trying to install Ubuntu 10.10. But it worked fine after that and I'm now running it on my PC without any problems (at the moment).

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Debian :: Terminal Command To Switch Right Handed To Left Handed Mouse?

Jun 30, 2011

I have a broken touchpad primary click button so I set up the touchpad for left-handed people but when I use my wacom digital tablet, I have to switch and it's very annoying because I tend to still use the touchpad when the tablet is connected. A terminal command would help me a lot since I could alias it and I have a shortcut on my keyboard for the gnome-terminal.

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Ubuntu :: Switch Between Windows From Terminal?

Oct 23, 2010

I am using Wine to play Sim City 2k, and the game doesn't show up in the taskbar. How can I use the Terminal to switch to it?

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Ubuntu :: Switch Between Windows From The Terminal?

Oct 23, 2010

I am using Wine to play Sim City 2k, and the game doesn't show up in the taskbar. Conky shows that SimCity.exe and winserver are both running, but I can't get to them. How can I use the Terminal to swap windows?

EDIT: Oh, great. I think a fire just broke out. I can hear the sirens, but I can't stop them! Crap!

EDIT2: You know, listening to these sirens really sucks. I had my city up to 130,000 people. I was just saving up enough money to buy an arcology when I tried to move SimCity to Desktop #2. Wine was not happy with this decision. My city is probably burned to the ground by now.

EDIT3: Ok, I just realised that I can stop the process from the System Monitor. Too little, too late I imagine. Oh well, I can probably rebuild it if I could just get to the window...

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Ubuntu :: Switch Back To Windows 7?

Nov 21, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 over Windows 7, getting rid of Win7. I have decided that I want to switch back to Windows 7, because of more compatibility. Windows 7 came pre-installed on my laptop. Is there any way I can recover it? I did a full install of Ubuntu 10.10.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Switch From Windows 7 (32-bit) To 10.10 (32-bit)

Feb 19, 2011

I want to switch from Windows 7 (32-bit) to Ubuntu 10.10 (32-bit), but I can't install it on my PC for some reason. I've tried burning the .iso onto 2 or 3 different DVD+ROM discs now, I keep getting the following message when I try to install it.

Message: BusyBox v1.15.3 (Ubuntu 1:1.15.3-1ubuntu5) built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

(initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: Input/output error
Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs

Edit: I got it to work, I'm not sure if this actually made any difference, but I formatted my hard drive using my Windows 7 installation DVD before trying to install Ubuntu 10.10. But it worked fine after that and I'm now running it on my PC without any problems (at the moment).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Open As Administrator In Mouse-menu?

Jun 7, 2010

On my 10.04 desktop i have some maps from a user that doesn't exist anymore, but I can't do anything with it. Is there a possibility to make a "open as sudo" or something like that in the mouse menu? I haven't found an other way to do something with these maps

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Ubuntu :: Remove Windows And Switch HDDs?

Jan 12, 2011

I have my current computer set up with 2 HDDs in it. A 500GB with GRUB and Windows 7 on it and a 160GB HDD with Ubuntu on it.

I would like to someone replace Windows 7 with Ubuntu on the 500GB drive, but I'm not sure how I would be able to do this and still keep GRUB and such .

EDIT: I'd like to do this without re-installing anything.

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Ubuntu :: 'switch Between Windows' Shortcut Not Working?

May 9, 2011

I somehow managed to screw up my 'switch between windows shortcut' when changing the settings for compiz. Now I cannot get it to work at all, despite trying to solutions on this and other forums. I removed compiz with the software center and my alt-tab shortcut still didn't work--although it IS enabled and set correctly in the System Settings > Keyboard Shortcuts menu. I reset the alt-tab combo so something else (alt-space, which works for its normal setting of bringing down the window's dropdown menu) but it still did not work to switch between windows.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Open Folder Properties Screen Using Right Mouse Button

Nov 10, 2010

I incorrectly changed the command under Folder Properties to open all folders with the wrong program rather than the Ubuntu default program. I now can't open the folder properties screen using the right mouse button. How do I get back to the properties screen so I can change this back to the default open folder command?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Switch Windows OS In 10.10 Dual-boot?

Dec 21, 2010

I recently bought an asus eee-PC 900HD set up by its previous owner to to boot to either ubuntu 10.10 or windows xp.how can I get rid of xp and install vista in its place? As a side-note; the eee-PC has no optical drive. It has USB ports and an SD card reader. Is it possible to install windows through one of these? I do have an old laptop optical drive I've been meaning to house in a USB enclosure. Is the cd/dvd route my only option?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Preserving Windows Drives On Switch?

Mar 15, 2011

I am switching to Ubuntu soon for security purposes. I have 3 hard drives, one with my OS, one with nothing, and one with all my junk. I was wondering if there is anyway that I can only reformat and install Ubuntu onto the drive with windows, reformat the empty drive, and then transfer files from my junk drive onto the empty drive, and then format the junk drive and move all of the files back onto the junk drive? Or is the junk drive accessible from Ubuntu and not worth trying to switch formats on?

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Ubuntu :: Goes Very Slow - When Try To Open A Game Screen Blacks Out Can't Move My Mouse - Crashes

Aug 12, 2011

I have some problems with my Ubuntu 11.04 x64 Maybe it's the video card because moving the windows goes very slow Wine is also doing very strange because when I try to open a game the screen blacks out and can't move my mouse and then it crashes. I have the drivers installed of my ATI Radeon HD5650 ( fglrx)

PC/Ubuntu Info:


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Audio No Longer Works After Switch Htpc From Windows Xp To 10.10

Apr 12, 2011

I switched my htpc from windows xp to ubuntu 10.10 and since i switched my audio no longer works. these are my current stats. Please help im new to Linux so im not sure quite what to do. [URL]

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SUSE :: Open 11.3 KDE And Compaq Laptop - Mouse And Trackpad Will Freeze Up

Jan 1, 2011

I have installed openSUSE on a Compaq laptop that is approx. 10 years old. The mouse and trackpad will freeze up and a reboot is needed to fix the problem.

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Ubuntu :: Windows Preview Working Only For Open Windows?

Sep 18, 2010

I enabled the windows preview effect from CCSM but it seems to be working only for the open windows. For the windows that I have minimized, no preview is shown when I hover over them in taskbar

Is this an expected behaviour ?? Can I change it to be shown for all sorts of windows irrespective of open/closed states ??

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Ubuntu :: All New Windows Open Behind/underneath Existing Windows?

Nov 23, 2010

I'm running 10.10 but also had this problem on 10.4. Every time I start a new window (e.g. from the Applications menu), it opens below all of the existing windows. Obviously I would like it to open on top, and be in focus.I have Visual Effects set to NONE (so that VNC works correctly). If I set Visual Effects to NORMAL or EXTRA, I do not have this problem (that is, the window opens on top).I'm using an up-to-date, stock, 32-bit, Ubuntu 10.10 system with Gnome windows manager. I have an NVIDIA card, with the latest driver from NVIDIA.

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Ubuntu :: Windows Open Behind/underneath Existing Windows?

Jan 4, 2011

I'm running 10.10 but also had this problem on 10.4. Every time I start a new window (e.g. from the Applications menu), it opens below all of the existing windows. Obviously I would like it to open on top, and be in focus.

I have Visual Effects set to NONE (so that VNC works correctly). If I set Visual Effects to NORMAL or EXTRA, I do not have this problem (that is, the window opens on top). I'm using an up-to-date, stock, 32-bit, Ubuntu 10.10 system with Gnome windows manager. I have an NVIDIA card, with the latest driver from NVIDIA.

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Ubuntu :: Unity Alternatives - Can't Use Alt-Tab To Switch To Apps As VirtualBox Captures The Keys For Windows

May 3, 2011

When working in an XP VirtualBox I can't use Alt-Tab to switch to my Linux Apps as VirtualBox captures the keys for Windows. So I tended to make a lot of use on the Application list on the old System Tray/Taskbar. I could click on the application's entry in the taskbar and that application would come up. When I needed to return to the Windows App, I clicked again and the application would then minimise so I can see the Windows app. Also I have been using the SUPER button in conjunction with 'E' to raise the Home Directory (just to keep it consistent with Windows).

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Fedora Installation :: Switch Back From Windows Bootloader To Grub?

Feb 4, 2009

I thought it would be cool and easy to install Windows 7, ended up being a headache and worthless so far. Now I only have the windows bootloader with vista and windows 7 as options. How can I get grub going again? I have all 6 fedore core 10 cds and a live cd in case those will help, I am using the live cd to play in fedora right now, but I am not sure how to get access to grub.conf and what to change in it, because I am pretty sure I have to add Windows 7 to it.

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Fedora Servers :: How To Switch User When Access To Server From Windows?

Dec 3, 2009

I have samba server(Fedora 11) here,but when I want to access to it from WindowXP ,the first time you need to tap in user name and password.But the next time ,you automatically log in Samba server with the user name as the first time you used. But I have not clicked the "Remeber me " option when I logged in.I want to switch user when I want to log in samba,does anybody know what is wrong ?

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Ubuntu :: Process (including Boot, Shutdown, Download, Open Programs, Etc) Is Freeze Until Move The Mouse Or Hit Any Button?

Nov 26, 2010

1) Any process (including boot, shutdown, download, open programs, etc) is freeze (don't have any progress) until I move the mouse or hit any button, so for install and use my ubuntu I have to keep moving my mouse and as you imagine is VERY TIRED.2) I get some general freeze on random times, neither the mouse, keyboard or process move, I notice that if I unplug power it unfreze, and I can work for some time.This 2 problems annoy me a lot, and I suspect is a problem related to my Netbook Model, I read about someone that has the same problem but no solution there.

This is what I did:I Try Ubuntu loading from my USB memory (1GB), run very good but with the 2 problems, but I thought it can be resolved installing.I installed along side with W7, couldn't boot Ubuntu, so I configured GRUB2 and it could enter now, but if I don't press **** after selecting Ubuntu it give me the BusyBox, and then the same 2 problems.I get rid of my W7 and did a Full Install on my 160GB HDD, hoping it can work fine, but no.I install all updates and no effect on that.

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