OpenSUSE :: Desktop Cube Switch With Mouse Cursor On Screen Edge?
Mar 29, 2011
In KDE I'm using KWin as windows manager and somewhere in the configuration I defined that KDE should rotate the desktop cube to the left or the right each time I move my mouse pointer to the far left or right of the screen.If I keep it there for about a second it rotates the desktop cube to the next desktop.I once activated this but find this very frustrating when I'm trying to reach buttons on the same side. So I want to disable this feature but I can't find it anywhere. I can't remember where that option was that activated this feature.
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Apr 1, 2010
I have two monitors set up on my Asus N61J laptop, but have a weird problem:When I move the mouse to right-hand edge of the Left (Primary) screen, it disappears. To get it back, I have to either keep moving it to the next screen, or move it over something that will cause it to change shape.It also happens if I move it to the left-hand edge the Right (Secondary) screen. Anyone have any ideas as to how I can fix this? It's a little annoying, as it makes it hard to select the Logout/Shutdown/Status menu
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Jul 12, 2010
a few days ago i had posted a note expressing my disgruntled reactions about numerous bugs in 10.04. since then i have been typing a good amount of on OO writer. and this has thrown up more issues with 10.04. after every few minutes of typing, pointer simply drags itself to one side of the screen ! sometimes this is towards the right end, sometimes towards the lower left etc. when i try to move it away from the edge, there is constant pulling back effect and it drags itself to the edge of the screen the moment i stop dragging in another direction. i had experienced this before but it didn't seem serious so i left it at that.
now doing any typing work is fast becoming irritating. the problem of course is rectified by a re-boot using which i am able to do using the keyboard. needless to say i had never experienced this problem with earlier ubuntu versions. comments anyone ? am i the only one with this issue ? how do i file a bug report ?
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Sep 15, 2010
I run a HTPC which I recently upgraded 11.2 -> 11.3.Most things work fine but I've got an oddity. After the TV is shut down and restored the mouse cursor is "frozen":The old mouse image stays where it isHowever, the mouse IS active, in that you can (blindly) move the mouse, see it mouse-over widgets, and activate them - there's just no visible cursor where the hotspot is.Hardware is ATI chipset (can't remember which, offhand, but it's only a year or two old), running AMD driver, with a HDMI link to the TV.
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May 27, 2009
I am using a wireless Xbox 360 controller with openSUSE 11.1. I use it for some emulators and all buttons work fine. There is however an annoying problem, the Xbox controller left joystick controls the cursor and digital pad acts as mouse buttons. So while I play, the cursor moves all around the screen and bad things could happen. Why this behavior? In xorg.conf there seems to be only just 1 mouse. And if I go in Joystick via YaST, there is only a menu to select which joystick I have. But my wireless controller has been automatically detected, I didn't setup anything. Is there a config file that I can modify to stop controlling the mouse with my gamepad?
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Jul 10, 2011
I've got a very weird behaviour with my brand-new Slackware64 13.37 KDE 4.5.5 system. I've so far just installed some basic software from sbopkg and the fglrx-driver.
Whenever I pass the red line as seen in the attached snapshot from within the marked area, my mouse pointer gets stuck at the line for roughly one second and then moves on.
Approaching from the outside this does not happen and if I'm staying inside the area, it moves normally as it does at the rest of my desktop.
Turning on/off compositing does not change this, as well as removing the widgets from the panel or locking them. I always get stuck there.
I found out that it has to do with the setting of my external screen via D-Sub. If I switch back to my laptop screen as main, the problem disappears.
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May 3, 2011
I'm not sure what to call the semi-transparent sidebar with a random collection of unconfigurable icons, but I don't think it's working properly.
1. When I move my mouse to the left edge of the screen, it doesn't always appear. Sometimes I have to move my mouse back and forth, back and forth, several times.
2. What it's doing right now is even worse... it appears, but as soon as I move the mouse a *little* bit to the right to actually click an icon, it disappears.
What is causing this? Surely it's a bug? How do I make the sidebar the absolute top priority for the screen edge so that it always catches it and appears? how do I configure it? I can't right-click on the sidebar itself. I can right-click and remove some icons. Other icons, like the grayed-out (but still active) "recent files" thing cannot be removed.
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Oct 28, 2010
I put together a little computer recently to hook to a TV.The problem I'm having is that when I start the computer up and get to the desktop... the desktop is off the edges of the screen. I checked the resolution and it's 1920x1080.I can't see the panels my applications menu, as they're both off the edge of the screen. Is there anything that can be done to correct this? Also, the TV has no settings to correct this problem.
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Jul 21, 2011
I installed Ubuntu 11.04 today as the main OS on my laptop.I had deleted my XP partition, and repartitioned it according to a guide I had found. (http:url)......Basically it was setup like this: 500mb ext2 primary partition, has the grub folder, I believe this is either the '/' partition, or the '/boot' partition 2gb swap space logical partition
10gb ext4 logical partition -- this is either the '/' or the '/boot', it contains the 'bin,boot,cdrom,dev' etc folders 243gb (the rest of my hard drive, with the exception of a partition that contains documents and files from my XP OS, formatted to NTFS) ext4, this is the one that has all my desktop/documents/etc folders.After Ubuntu was done installing, I had some message pop up about installing an ATI proprietary driver for my ATI graphics card (an ATI Radeon HD 4330, I believe, I may have messed that number up). I installed it and rebooted, no problem.
Next, I had another update window pop up with 198 items checked and ready to download and install. I went through all of this, and rebooted, again, no problem.Next thing I did was install some apps that were essential for me to have to use for my work (an ide, chat programs, etc). No problem with any of that.Last thing to install was the OSE Virtualbox, and then I installed WindowsXP Pro and Windows Vista Business, then installed the guest addition addon for VB. This all worked without any issues whatsoever.
Time goes on, and I notice my computer is heating up much more than (seemingly) normal. I begin to wonder if its my graphics card. So I shut down the computer and let it cool down. Reboot, and no problem, still working fine.Then I opened a couple of apps and tried a simple game (can't remember the name) I believe it was a simple 3d topdown, as I wanted to test my graphics card. This is where things seemed to start to go wrong. My laptop began hanging, not even allowing me to access the terminal via ctrl+alt+f2. The screen flashed and I saw the blue/green/grey fuzz that I get when the graphics card is starting to heat up too much. Then everything hangs and I can't do anything at all, including move the mouse. I did a hard reboot (I believe this is what you call pulling the plug/pressing the power button, correct me if I'm wrong). I then rebooted, saw a chkdisk, then it booted seemingly normal, but it hung right after the purple screen after the grub screen.
This is pretty much where I'm at right now. I strongly suspect the fault is with the ATI drivers, but have been completely unsuccessful in my attempts to fix it. I've googled just about everything I could think of, along with searching these forums. I've tried just about everything listed in the forums, but to no avail.I've tried the commands that are supposed to purge the ati drivers, but all I get are errors that say they can't remove the 'virtual drivers'.
Right now I'm booting off a live cd, so I know the computer still works fine, just not my actual installed OS. I'd really like to get the issue resolved without having to reinstall, as it took quite awhile just to get it usable in the first place, but this has already taken so much time, I may just resort to that if we can't solve it any other way. Got too much work to catch up on as it is.As a re-instated note, perhaps if you have any tips, but not particularly about fixing the OS, my laptop (I'm strongly guessing my graphics card) is heating up much more than normal, compared to that when XP was installed. Is this more than likely just a driver issue, as is the rest of it? Also, I did have Compiz installed, though I didn't choose for it to be installed, I believe it came pre-installed. I've heard it could cause some issues, though I have no idea as to the validity or relation to this particular issue.
I just remembered while searching for a solution, I found a post somewhere that said something about the information not being sent to the monitor from the graphics card properly, thus no desktop. I'm guessing that'd still fall under the driver issues, but again, I'm unsure. I would think that wouldn't be entirely true anyway, since I can still see my mouse fine, just no desktop, only a black screen.
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May 16, 2010
I've been trying out suspend occasionally on Debian Testing to see if it works. After the last time though Gnome won't come back up again, I just get a movable mouse cursor and no panels or right-click options even after rebooting. I can switch to text consoles and kill X but starting it again results in the same behaviour. I noticed there have been a few Gnome and Xorg updates lately.
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May 16, 2010
When I close the lid on my laptop, it blanks the screen but does not sleep or hibernate. When I open the lid, the screen wakes and everything runs, but my mouse cursor has disappeared. I can restart the desktop ctrl-alt-backspace and get my mouse back.
My hardware:
- Lenovo Thinkpad X61 Tablet
- Intel GM965 video
- Ubuntu Jaunty (v9.04)
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Feb 20, 2011
I currently have my computer connected to my main monitor, as well as my TV. I am using the Nvidia Driver and they are running as separate X screens. I have currently run into the problem that if my wife is watching videos on the TV while I am surfing the web or something on the other monitor, we really need 2 seperate cursors.Is there some way to have each X screen own a seperate cursor controlled exclusively by its own mouse? Or is there some other solution to this that anyone can think of?
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Jul 16, 2010
I have a machine running XFCE in a "kiosk" environment. The machine normally runs without a keyboard or mouse, and I remote control it via VNC and SSH.
When the machine starts up, the mouse cursor sits in the center of the screen. I don't want to plug in a mouse or use VNC to move the mouse to the bottom-right corner so that it is not visible, so is there a way to hide the mouse cursor or tell it to move to the lower right when X starts? It would be even cooler if the mouse could be disabled or hidden when no mouse is connected, but re-enabled when someone plugs in a mouse, but that's probably asking too much.
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Oct 31, 2010
I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 which I recently installed on this emachines w3107. For some reason, while doing whatever I may be doing, my screen will flash off and on for about a minute, then when it stops flashing; there is no mouse pointer visible. I can still use the mouse, but it's ghost-like.
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May 25, 2010
Redhat Ent Linux ES Release 2 (Taroon 8)
Kernel 2.4.21-4.ELsmp
startx(1): initialize X session - Linux man page
I thought I'd look into methods of recovering from a lost password for future use, how to change the passwd and shadow should I need to. So I started an X session, vi'd my .swp files then logged off. Perhaps I changed one of these files accidentally, but my intent was just to view them which I did. After starting up my computer the next day and logging in I began an X session - "startx". The session appears to have started, but with a black screen and an active mouse cursor.
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Jun 3, 2010
Did a quick search for these symptoms and couldn't find anything related. After upgrading to 10.04 I found that the computer (HP NC8000) now crashes frequently and at random intervals. It occurs sometimes after only a few minutes, other times after an hour or two. It happens while its in use, or while its idle, wether the screensaver is on or not, even if its locked and the lid closed. When I walk away and come back I find the screen has gone blank (except for the Mouse Pointer and a cursor in the top left) and the Caps Lock Light and Num Lock Light are flashing (signifying a crash)
I caught it while I was using it and watched as the screen suddenly went blank as described above. No errors or explanations or warning. A reboot restores order, but not for long. Some assistance with diagnosing this would be helpful. I suspect it could be ATI radeon 9600 mobility related, as with each passing version of ubuntu it seems to be more unstable
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Jan 5, 2010
It is bit unconvenient to see the mouse cursor while watching a movie. Is there some sort of removal of it?
here is my config:
.mplayer$ cat config
# Write your default config options here!
fontconfig = "1"
font = "dejavu sans"
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Apr 21, 2009
i was looking at videos and saw some demonstration of desktop-environment. one demonstration was of an ubuntu with something called atlantic desktop. it is an transparent 3d cube with swimming fishes inside the cube and in the background. i go into comfiz-fusion web-page and there i could read that its not a plugin, but a part of atlantic screensaver that come original with kde4-screensaver-extra, but in my opensuse 11.1 kde4.22 i cant find this.
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Feb 23, 2011
I know this is kind of stupid, but is there any way that I can change the color of the top of the desktop cube??
When I booted up from the Live CD before, the tops of the cube were green with a little chameleon. Now, their just cream colored...
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Jun 8, 2011
Are KDE4 Screen Edge Actions supposed to not work in multi-display setup? I have two displays and Screen Edge Actions define and nothing happens when I move the pointer to an edge or a corner of the main display.
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Jun 9, 2011
so have used the kde screen edge thingy once for Firefox with another application, but now every time that i launch Firefox it uses the half window option and have to maximise it every time. Is there any way to tell KDE that I wish to use maximised screen every time that Firefox launches.
Have tried putting Firefox window to middle so screen edge would maximise window, then close Firefox that it would save that setting, but not listening. Does it maybe have something to do with Kwin?
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Feb 20, 2010
I recently installed openSuse 11.2 KDE in a Dell 1535 laptop.
I tried to enable the Cube desktop feature through desktop settings and when I pressed the apply button the system crashed. The screen freezed and the laptop wasn't responding to anything.
So I rebooted the laptop and now every time gets stack in the green screen and trying to load but it never does. I suspect that it has to do with my ATI card because a couple of 3d games would crash the system too. I tried some solutions that I found here like disabling the desktop effects by tweaking kwinrc file but it didn't worked.
Does anyone know how to disable that Cube feature from failsafe mode?
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May 17, 2011
i recently bought a pre-Win7 loaded netbook, and soon discovered anytime i moved a window and even accidently bumped the top edge of the screen the window would instantly pop to full screen side to side and top to bottom..i figured it was just another Redmond 'innovation' and just got in the habit of not bumping the top..but, now on KDE i see exactly the same this something new in 4.6 or, is it just on this machine (maybe a BIOS intercept) or what the heck is it??
i have looked for and not found a way to turn off this abomination in user interface 'innovation' in either openSUSE 11.4 or Lose7..(i'm kinda tired of having to click it down from full screen--this is a MULTI-threaded system and i do not use just one app at a time..)
[NNTP via openSUSE 11.4 [] + KDE 4.6.0 + Thunderbird 3.1.10]
Dual booting with Sluggish Loser7 on Acer Aspire One D255
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Sep 17, 2010
this is a continuation of my install from : my experiences installing suse ( graphics stuff was from page 3)i have two graphics cards:ATI X700 x16 pcie card in a x1 slot (one monitor, left)NVidia GTX 7800 card in a x16 slot (two monitors, centre,right)machine boots up on the ati card, and i had configured them properly in the last topic, so now the setup looks good except for when i move the mouse cursor from the Nvidia card, left, over to the Ati card. this causes the GUI to be not responsive andthe cursor is flashing, either on neither monitor or one of the two and moving the mouse decides which (so its not a complete crash, but nothing is moving in the GUI). pressing many ys on the keyboard at once seems to stop the X and goes back to the the commandline.
the last problem i had in the last topic was that the virtual screen was not defaulting at the screen resolution i set and instead defaulted at 3840x1920 and i saw the top corner of the wallpaper. moving the mouse over to the ati card would still produce a crash with the above description.occaisionally the computer would crash with the same problem accross the nvidia monitors, however it always happens between the centre and monitors.i have installed the Nvidia drivers using a install program from the SUSe and it put the relevent packages on. Ati drivers are whatever came with 11.3 (and theseected that the card has two outputs). if its the nvidia drivers i could go back... (how?) hopefully it can use the two monitors still else its better to remove the ati screen in xorg.conf
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Jan 7, 2011
I'm trying to install Ubuntu 8.04 on my computer (yes...I know version 10 is out...I will get it when I get this version installed).Here's my dilemma, I get through all the way to the partition. I don't have Windows on the computer, so check the button labeled something like "Whole Disk" or something along those lines. So, after a while (about 1+ hour), it all of a sudden turns into a black screen with the "running" mouse on top of it. The screen isn't frozen, the mouse is still moving, and it sounds like the computer is still "chugging" away
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Jun 18, 2011
I'm currently running openSuSE 11.4 (kde v 4.6.4), and after unlocking the mouse cursor from the DOSBox (v 0.74) window, none of the Plasma Desktop Widgets or Components will register mouse clicks until I reboot.
Is there something config-wise I might change to prevent this from happening, or is there an otherwise quick way to restart only plasma using the terminal? Yakuake still drops down, and works, fortunately, so doing this is not a problem.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that all of said applications were installed from openSuSE repos using YaST2.
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Oct 10, 2010
I saw a compizconfig video on ....., I forgot what it was, but I saw that they were running a video full screen and switched desktops or work areas and when they went back the video was still full screen.
Right now if I do a video full screen and switch to another desktop and come back to the video one, it is back to the window size before full screened.
How can I accomplish for my video to remain full screen even if i switch desktops?
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Sep 17, 2010
i have been using opensuse 11.3 for 3 weeks now, last night i tried installing Ati drivers and i did a google search and i got this ati.ymp file from installing that, i got a frozen screen but the cursor moves and behind i can see a dim image of a bug reporting window, but I cant do anything except move the cursor around. i did a restart and now when i leave my PC and come back after like hr hr or so the same thing happens.
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Mar 9, 2010
After the update on 7/03/10 edge+mouse button combo's don't work anymore, keyboard short cuts for the same function are still working. Example "Scale", keyboard short-cut ctrl-s working, edge+mouse button Right Edge - Right Mouse Button no action. Worked before...
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Jan 7, 2010
Everything worked fine with Jaunty 9.04, but I haven't had any luck getting the "cube" to rotate using the mouse wheel since I upgraded to Karmic 9.10. The other ways to rotate the cube still work with karmic. Note that I upgraded from jaunty to karmic...not a clean install. Viewport switcher and rotate cube are both enabled.
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