Ubuntu :: Shut Down Window Repeatedly Appears - Not User Invoked

Jan 15, 2011

I have a problem with my 10.10 32bit installation. The shut down window repeated appears within a few seconds of use, and this is not user-invoked. The shut down screen just pops up within a few seconds after logging in. It even occurs at the login screen. Once it appears, it'll repeatedly close & reopen. I tried using 10.04 bit (which I normally use on my other computers), and have the same results. This is a new computer that I just bought
Intel Atom 330 (1.6GHz, dual-core), full specs in the link [URL] with a 4GB stick of RAM


I've already ran a memory test, and it's totally ok.Here's a video clip of what I am experiencing on my screen.


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Ubuntu :: A Gedit Window Appears On Startup?

Dec 13, 2010

ubuntu 10.10/wubi/asus 1201ni have installed screenlets via synaptics and added two screenlets to my desktop.i added screenlets to the autostart menu, pointing it to a folder inside my documents folder, where the launching icon of this software is located.since then, after reboot a gedit window appears on my desktop and says the following :

#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]


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General :: Why Ntfs Partition Need That Window Xp Shut Down Properly

May 9, 2009

I just wounder why a ntfs partition need that my window xp shut down properly before i can mount it on my new Debian install.What happen it that when scanning window xp for virus i got a blue screen and window just crash repeatedly , so i tough i could just mount that partition with ntfs-3g, find the virus witch i identify to be in c:/window and delete it, but my ntfs partition would not mount and the boot message said something like (ntfs partition is still in use). Long story short, i finally managed to get a full window xp boot followed by a clean shut down, then my ntfs partition mounted and i was able to delete that virus.I could mount that partition with ntfs ro option in fstab, but not with ntfs-3g rw until i got a clean xp shutdown.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Real Player Window Appears But Doesn't Play File

Apr 25, 2010

I have installed real player 64 bit version from here . The player was installed properly but its not playng .rm files. Real player window appears but does not play file.

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OpenSUSE :: GNOME - Font In The Terminal Window Appears Very Blocky And Some Of The Letters Run Into Each Other

Feb 23, 2011

I've just installed openSUSE 11.3 on a workstation in my office and am having trouble with the font in the terminal window. It appears very blocky and some of the letters run into each other, regardless of font chosen. Here is a pic of the issue: Has anyone any ideas as to what is going wrong? I've gone through the 'Preferences' on the terminal window but nothing I change helps.

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OpenSUSE :: Libreoffice 3.3.2 - Splash Window Appears But Program Doesn't Start

Apr 29, 2011

I'm using opensuse 11.4 kde 4.6. When I (try) to start libreoffice, splash window appears but program doesn't start.

When I launch it from console as normal user i don get any clue, but as root user i got this:


I run "export $(dbus-launch)" and libreoffice works, but only launching it as root user.

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Ubuntu :: Network Manager Only Appears For First User?

Jun 27, 2011

I am trying to work out if the network manager (the icon in the top right) can be enabled for all users logged on, not just the first.

Sometimes my router drops the connection and it is nescesary to click OK to the password re-entry prompt, however if I have logged on, then someone else is using the system and this happens, I need to log back on, press OK, log back out then let them log back in again.

Can't the network icon be enabled for all users?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Keyring Password Window Appears When Connect To INTERNET Via DSL Connection

Jul 30, 2010

I'm a bit puzzled by new "keyring everywhere" feature, well the case: Now I'm using 11.3 brand new suse and just when I want to connect to INTERNET via my DSL connection, a keyring password window appears, well I fill in the keyring password and hit enter, then another window pops out with my DSL connection asking me to enter a password for my DSL connection (but I've already set it up it before) and ok, I enter my password hit enter, but DSL window pops out again! and nothing happens,

I do it several times like a puppet, then I delete my DSL connection and make it again, so everything works with passwords no(no keyring is being promted). SO what do I do wrong? How can I disable this keyring feature, I do not need it at all, why do I need to recreate my connection every single time?

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Ubuntu :: Shut Down Or Reboot While Another User Was Logged In?

Mar 30, 2010

How come you can shut down or reboot from the gui w/o needing root privelages, but if I enter "shutdown -h now" on the command line I am met with "shutdown: Need to be root".

Also- somewhat unrelated to my first question- I recall when I first started Ubuntu-ing, if I wanted to shut down or reboot while another user was logged in, I'd need to enter my password- but it doesn't do that anymore. Two users can be logged in with multiple applications open, and if I reboot or shutdown, it just goes for it? (using 9.04, for now...)

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Debian Multimedia :: Whenever Take A Shot, The Video Window Appears 'solid Blue' In The Output Image?

Sep 1, 2010

I'm trying to produce some screenshots of the screen in which there's a window playing a video in avi format. The problem is whenever I take a shot, the video window appears 'solid blue' in the output image. Is there any way or program with which I can capture the current frame of the video

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OpenSUSE Install :: Normal User Cannot Login - Screen Blinks - A Black Page Appears

Jun 27, 2010

I can't log into my normal user account anymore, though I can log in with root without any problem. When I enter my normal user name and password, the screen blinks, a black page appears and after a couple of seconds I get the login screen again. I deleted /tmp files but no changes. I tried to login using command mode. So I hit Ctrl-Alt-F1 and log into root in command mode, then ran init3, then switched user to my normal user and ran startx. It worked and I logged into my normal account, but I can not do this process every time. So, what is the problem? How can I solve this problem? I used to work with my normal user flawlessly. I installed a bunch of software and also copied some folders to my home directory, but I don't know whether these activities caused the problem or not. I'm using KDE4 under openSUSE 11.2.

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Debian Configuration :: Gksu And Su - Commands Sometimes A String "Granting Rights" Appears In The Window

Jul 19, 2010

When i open applications which need su or gksu commands sometimes a string "Granting rights" appears in the window. I just find this [URL] It happens mostly when i use desktop launchers to run these applications.

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Ubuntu :: When Turn On The Computer, The GRUB Menu Appears, Press Enter, Then A Little Flashing Underscore Appears On The Screen?

Dec 21, 2010

I recently removed Winblows Vista from my laptop and replaced it with Kubuntu 10.10 (I left the recovery partition on there, just in case). When I turn on the computer, the GRUB menu appears, I press enter, then a little flashing underscore appears on the screen in the top left hand corner. After a few seconds, the Kubuntu logo appears and I can log in.But yesterday I replace Kubuntu with Ubuntu 10.10. The Boot process is the same, but the little flashing underscore in the top left hand corner flashes for about 10 seconds longer then Kubuntu 10.10 did, and then a few paragraphs of text appears for a few seconds, then I am logged in automatically.Is this "unusual" boot process anything to worry about, or am I just being a noob.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Window Named Login Keyring Appears Asks Root Password Everytime When Login

Jun 13, 2011

when i login to openSUSE a window named login keyring appears and it asks me root password. it happens everytime when i login. how to fix this problem?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Running F11 I586 On Laptop / System Shut Off (not A Normal OS Shut Down, But A Sudden Power Off Without Warning)?

Oct 13, 2009

Offlate I installed F11 i586 on my laptop. F11 shares the hard disk with Vista Home Premium 32-bit. The problem is that when running F11 (or even Ubuntu), my system shut off suddenly(not a normal OS shut down, but a sudden power off without any warning). This could have been a hardware trouble(heating) but it doesn't happen with Vista.
Machine specifications:
Maker: Toshiba
Model: Satellite L305D-S5881
AMD Turion X2 Dual Core Mobile Processor RM-70
3072 MB 800 MHz SDRAM
I don't want to open up my machine unnecessarily, if it isn't a hardware issue.
I am not sure how to verify the bit length of the machine and the OS and does it create a compatibility issue ?
Your advise would be highly appreciated.


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Fedora :: Wanted To Shut Down The System.waited But Not Going To Shut Down?

Nov 20, 2009

I installed Fedora 12 and after I wantd to shut down the system. I waited but fedora not going to shut down. I got black screen with Power Down

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Ubuntu :: "Shut Down" Logs Out Current User Rather Than Shutdown

Jan 15, 2010

I've done a fresh install of Karmic 9.10. I'm running on an ASUS laptop (Core 2 Duo, 2GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 7300). Problem: When shutting down via the In Indicator applet (i.e. top right menu where one of the options is "Shut Down..."), the system seems to log out the user instead. Then at the user login screen, I have to select "shut down" from there before the laptop powers off. I've also discovered that from the GNOME desktop if I open a terminal and do "sudo shutdown -h now", the system powers off as expected without any further action. Seems like a permissions problem even though the account is the administrator and is the account used for sudo actions.

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Fedora :: Clamav Sending Spam - Invoked By Uid 509 (qscand == Clamd)

Mar 4, 2011

The mail server keeps getting locked up with tens of thousands of spam emails.So, i followed some instructions similar to this : [URL]I can clear the queue spams, easy, but after an hour or so the server is dead again.. not receiving emails and not sending out emails.


Received: (qmail 356 invoked by uid 509); 4 Mar 2011 21:39:10 +0800
Received: from by host1.wemotor.com (envelope-from <oiazfkdvd@yahoo.com.tw>, uid 508) with qmail-scanner-1.25-st-qms
Received: from unknown (HELO (


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OpenSUSE :: LibreOffice Will Not Start - Produces No Error When Invoked From The Console

May 4, 2011

Suse 11.3 KDE 32bit Following instructions in software.opensuse.org: Search Results I installed LibreOffice using the 1-click Install method. It will not start and produces no error when invoked from the console. Now here's the strangest part. If I left click on an .ods file produced by LibreOffice on another computer (on which it worked) KDE tries to extract it using ark even though file properties identifies it as an "ODS spreadsheet".

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General :: Continue Running A Program Inspite Of Killing The Shell Which Invoked It?

May 31, 2011

Possible Duplicate: Leave bash script running on remote terminal while not logged in? I run a program, say ./a.out 10 from the shell prompt. Assume that there's a while(1) inside the program being run. Now if I try to close the shell, it warns me that it'll kill my running program too! So, how to kill the shell and still let my program continue running in the background?

I tried exec ./a.out 10 but the shell is still there. Another alternative is to simply double click my executable but then how will I pass command line parameters?

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General :: Shell Script Is Defined In Someother Directory - How It Is Being Invoked With Path

May 30, 2011

extract.ksh use this scripts topic_file_publish.sh but extract.ksh resides in /data/apps/pnbos/scripts

but topic_file_publish.sh in below directory/data/apps/pnbgstk/publication >

ls topic_file_publish.sh topic_file_publish.sh fraespappp8:/data/apps > type topic_file_publish.sh topic_file_publish.sh is hashed (/data/apps/pnbgstk/publication/topic_file_publish.sh)

How it is done?

since topic_file_publish.sh is being directly referenced in the code with absolute path.

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Software :: Glibc 2.9 - Make Check - Fails On Rt/tst-cputimer With Timer Sig -12 - Invoked To Soon

Feb 13, 2009

I wish to install a new libc.so and have compiled the latest glibc (2.9.90) with the latest gcc (4.3.3) and the latest binutils (2.19, compiled with gcc 4.3.3). Compilation succeeded without errors, although not before I did some non- obvious things (e.g., I had to put '-march=i686' into my CFLAGS to avoid getting undefined symbol errors from the linker). 'Make check' also produced errors, a number of which I averted by doing non-obvious things (e.g., I had to copy iconvdata/gconv-modules and libio/tst-*.input from the source
directory to the build directory, and I had to export into the environment TIMEOUTFACTOR=2; the glibc documentation gave me no clue that I had to do any of those things). Now I am running into an error with rt/tst-cputimer that I do not know how to avert. I have run 'make check' 3 times; here are the 3 results. From rt/tst-cputimer1.out:

And from rt/tst-cputimer2.out:

Before running the 3rd 'make check', I increased TIMEOUTFACTOR
(to 3). It made no difference. From rt/tst-cputimer3.out:

I don't want to install the new libc.so until I can get all the tests to succeed, or, failing that, until I understand the significance of the error, and can intelligently dismiss it.

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Ubuntu :: System Menu Does NOT Contain A Way To "log User Off Or "shut Down Computer"

May 21, 2010

just installed 10.04. System menu does NOT contain a way to "log user off or "shut down computer".

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Ubuntu :: Deleted User On Login Window?

Apr 13, 2011

I have created two additional users and now wanted to delete them. I did so in system / administration / users and group as well es through the terminal. However - when I reboot the computer the users I had deleted seem to be back. They show up on the welcome screen but when I click on them they don't work any more. How can I delete them alltogether?

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Ubuntu :: Open A New Window But Login Into A Different User

May 30, 2011

I don't know it's so difficult to make it work. I'm in natty and can't find anyway to make it work. I tried all options posted in this forum but nothing. I only want to open a new window but login into a different user. It is easy and ready under Linux Mint Debian, but I use Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Change Window Manager Per User?

Jul 17, 2009

In Ubuntu, I run Compiz/Metacity, but I also have wmii installed. I know how to change to wmii for a one-time log in, but I don't know how to make it default for specific user.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Default Window Manager To User?

Sep 13, 2010

I have a HTPC that launches XBMC standalone automatically, but want to be able to quit and login as a normal Gnome user. I heard that you can set a default Window manager to the user. How do you do that?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Login To One User After Changing Window Manager?

Mar 13, 2011

I was playing around with the window managers (in XFCE) by clicking each one to see what each one looks like, then screen went black and kicked me the login screen. Now I cannot login to that user, after inputting password it just kicks me back to the login screen. I can login to another user and the terminal. How can I return to the default window manager using the terminal or is there a file I can delete that will automatically return to

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Ubuntu :: 9.1 Login Screen: User Appears As "other" Or "null"

Mar 25, 2010

I just started using ubuntu desktop 9.1 and I am having a problem with my login screen. The user "testUser" appears as Other or Null. So it looks like there are 2 "other" accounts when I go to log in. When I mouse over the top "other" it does say "log in as testUser", but only if I mouseover.

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Ubuntu :: Change Default DE / Window Manager On Per User Basis?

Mar 27, 2010

I have a 9.04 machine that is used by the family with two accounts set up. One is mine with sudoer privileges and I prefer fluxbox. The other account is for everyone else and the rest of the family prefers gnome. Is there a way to set the default DE/windowmanager for each user so that each user simply has to login and be in their preferred environment?

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