Ubuntu :: Network Manager Only Appears For First User?

Jun 27, 2011

I am trying to work out if the network manager (the icon in the top right) can be enabled for all users logged on, not just the first.

Sometimes my router drops the connection and it is nescesary to click OK to the password re-entry prompt, however if I have logged on, then someone else is using the system and this happens, I need to log back on, press OK, log back out then let them log back in again.

Can't the network icon be enabled for all users?

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Debian Configuration :: User Login And Run Network-manager?

Feb 16, 2016

After fossicking around I can not find anything around that I can invoke in a terminal to configure settings in network-manager. The applet(?) on the task bar doesn't ask for a login, so options are grey/grayed out. The "program" in the applications menu is similarly grey/grayed out.

If it was a once off, then I suspect that it would be simple as login as root to start X, but I have a series of config files to edited each time of their initial use. also, there is the ongoing problem of vpn target switching.

woops; wheezy with xfce4 and everything is uptodate.

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Ubuntu :: Multi-user Network Manager Applet Icon Not Showing

May 11, 2010

My family uses a computer running Ubuntu 10.04. We each have a separate login. This computer connects to the internet via wifi.

A behaviour which I have noticed is as follows - the first user to log in gets the network manager applet icon. So they can control the network connection. Any other user that subsequently logs in does not.

Now this is a real pain in the butt as sometimes our wifi connection drops and I might have left my wife logged in and used the 'switch user' function to get access to my login. The only way I can access the applet is by switching back to her login.

Is there any way to make this appear in everyone's login's at the same time?

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Software :: Preventing Network Manager From Saving Vpn User Password

Jun 22, 2011

we're using Network Manager with vpnc plugin (cisco vpn).According to our IT policy, we'd like to prevent the users from saving the password.I've been trying to set the value via gconf as mandatory, but the setting is blatantly ignored:system/networking/connections/1/vpn/ipsec-secret-type...I set it on "ask" and mandatory.I'm quite sure that's the wrong key.

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SUSE / Novell :: How To Switch Network Manager From YAST Back To Efault Network Manager?

Mar 2, 2010

I had trouble connecting to a wireless network with openSUSE, so I tried the YAST network manager to see if that fixed it. Not only did it not fix it, but now I cannot connect to any network, wired or wireless. I tried to open the default network manager and it said "Network management disabled". How do I re-enable it?I also have set YAST settings back to their originals with no luck.

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Ubuntu :: Shut Down Window Repeatedly Appears - Not User Invoked

Jan 15, 2011

I have a problem with my 10.10 32bit installation. The shut down window repeated appears within a few seconds of use, and this is not user-invoked. The shut down screen just pops up within a few seconds after logging in. It even occurs at the login screen. Once it appears, it'll repeatedly close & reopen. I tried using 10.04 bit (which I normally use on my other computers), and have the same results. This is a new computer that I just bought
Intel Atom 330 (1.6GHz, dual-core), full specs in the link [URL] with a 4GB stick of RAM


I've already ran a memory test, and it's totally ok.Here's a video clip of what I am experiencing on my screen.


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Ubuntu :: No SUDO Access When Admin User Created Through Kubuntu User Manager?

Jan 6, 2010

Original HOWTO can be found at: [URL]... So the other day I was in IRC and someone had brought up a problem where they created a new Administrative user, but didnt have rights to use sudo. Looked into the problem a little bit to figure out what was wrong, and it turns out that when you create a new user through the user manager (in kubuntu, anyways. Havent tested in Gnome.) the user gets added to the adm group, however, a quick look at the sudoers file shows that its looking for users in the admin group to allow the use of sudo. So, to solve the problem we do the following: If youre on the new admin user (which Im assuming you are) use the following commands:

su [insert username of old account without brackets]
sudo usermod -G admin [username of new admin account without brackets]

Then simply logout, and then log back in (not always necessary, but the easiest way to flush the permissions.)

su [insert username of old account without brackets]
Means were going to Switch User to the old admin account
sudo usermod -G admin [username of new admin account without brackets]
This simply adds the admin group to the secondary group list for the new user
Pretty self explanatory

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Fedora :: Non-root User Cannot Launch 'shortcuts' From The File Manager / Plasma Desktop Manager

Aug 3, 2011

Non-root user cannot launch "shortcuts" (sorry I grew up on windows, don't know the right term) from the file manager or plasma desktop manager.They have full permissions to the shortcuts, even ones they create do not work.If I log in with root permissions they work fine

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Ubuntu :: Network Symbols Appears In Corner With X Beside It?

Aug 31, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 10.4LTS. The network symbol of two monitors shows up consistently up in the right hand corner of my monitor. I look at my network settings and it shows activity on eth1 as "never". But, I am on the internet fine.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Normal User Cannot Login - Screen Blinks - A Black Page Appears

Jun 27, 2010

I can't log into my normal user account anymore, though I can log in with root without any problem. When I enter my normal user name and password, the screen blinks, a black page appears and after a couple of seconds I get the login screen again. I deleted /tmp files but no changes. I tried to login using command mode. So I hit Ctrl-Alt-F1 and log into root in command mode, then ran init3, then switched user to my normal user and ran startx. It worked and I logged into my normal account, but I can not do this process every time. So, what is the problem? How can I solve this problem? I used to work with my normal user flawlessly. I installed a bunch of software and also copied some folders to my home directory, but I don't know whether these activities caused the problem or not. I'm using KDE4 under openSUSE 11.2.

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Ubuntu :: When Turn On The Computer, The GRUB Menu Appears, Press Enter, Then A Little Flashing Underscore Appears On The Screen?

Dec 21, 2010

I recently removed Winblows Vista from my laptop and replaced it with Kubuntu 10.10 (I left the recovery partition on there, just in case). When I turn on the computer, the GRUB menu appears, I press enter, then a little flashing underscore appears on the screen in the top left hand corner. After a few seconds, the Kubuntu logo appears and I can log in.But yesterday I replace Kubuntu with Ubuntu 10.10. The Boot process is the same, but the little flashing underscore in the top left hand corner flashes for about 10 seconds longer then Kubuntu 10.10 did, and then a few paragraphs of text appears for a few seconds, then I am logged in automatically.Is this "unusual" boot process anything to worry about, or am I just being a noob.

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OpenSUSE Network :: DHCLIENT_SET_DEFAULT_ROUTE Appears To Be Ignored

Dec 23, 2010

I have two network interfaces in my opensuse 11.3 system and want to control the interface which is used as default route. Somehow, it always picks the first card no matter what. In particular, I have tried setting DHCLIENT_PRIMARY_DEVICE to 'yes' resp. 'no' in both ifcfg-* files in /etc/sysconfig/network. Also, I have tried DHCLIENT_SET_DEFAULT_ROUTE but that also appears to be ignored. I remember having used this in the past with previous opensuse versions but it no longer seems to work. What is the correct way for doing this?

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Ubuntu :: Network Time Capsule The Capsule Appears In My Network Places?

Feb 22, 2011

I'm having problems connecting to our network time capsule the capsule appears in my network places and I can open it up but there are no files present. However when on my house mates Mac there are many different file types present. At first I thought it may be a formatting problem but the files can be accessed from a windows machine also.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Connection Working, Network Appears In List, But Does Not Connect To It?

Mar 16, 2011

I'm having some problems with my wireless connection. I'm on Ubuntu 10.04, on a HP ProBook 4520s, with a RaLink RT3090 wireless network card. I installed the drivers (hopefully correctly), the wireless seems to work correctly, it scans and finds networks, but when I try to connect to one, it times out after some time, while still attempting to connect. I also have a wired connection that works correctly and without problems. Other computers that try to connect to said wireless network manage to do so without any problems, so this has left me a bit baffled, since, like I said, everything seems to be in order.

I'm a new Ubuntu user, so please tell me what other information I need to provide in order to easily and successfully facilitate troubleshooting this, because it is, as you can imagine, quite aggravating, having a laptop that needs to be connected to the internet through a cable.

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General :: Network Starts Then Drops When CLI Login Screen Appears?

May 17, 2010

I've restarted a server a couple times, and during the boot process pings respond when it brings up eth0, but then when i get to the command line login screen, the pings die. once i log in and do a ./network start the pings respond again, so i'm guessing its dying or not set to start automatically maybe? What should I check?

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Ubuntu :: No Network-manager Or Nework-manager-gnome

Oct 6, 2009

I have been trying to lighten the load that Ubuntu uses on my RAM and processor, and decided to try LXDE, as it is the lightest-weight DE that I have tried and liked. I noticed I didn't have any wireless connectivty under LXDE, so I checked the LXDE site for the solution, and it said to download and install LXNM, which supports wireless connections. Unfortunately, installing LXNM (apt-get install lxnm) also uninstalled nework-manager, and network-manager-gnome, on top of lxnm not working properly, and stranding me without any way of reinstalling the OS, and without an internet connection (I can't connect with a wired connection, either). Is there anything I can do, aside from reinstalling?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Keyring Password Window Appears When Connect To INTERNET Via DSL Connection

Jul 30, 2010

I'm a bit puzzled by new "keyring everywhere" feature, well the case: Now I'm using 11.3 brand new suse and just when I want to connect to INTERNET via my DSL connection, a keyring password window appears, well I fill in the keyring password and hit enter, then another window pops out with my DSL connection asking me to enter a password for my DSL connection (but I've already set it up it before) and ok, I enter my password hit enter, but DSL window pops out again! and nothing happens,

I do it several times like a puppet, then I delete my DSL connection and make it again, so everything works with passwords no(no keyring is being promted). SO what do I do wrong? How can I disable this keyring feature, I do not need it at all, why do I need to recreate my connection every single time?

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Fedora :: My Wireless Isn't Working - Network Configuration On System-administration The Interface It Appears As Inactive

Dec 10, 2009

I have b43 wireless. In network Configuration on system->administration the interface it appears as inactive it appers in hardware also as b43 associated to wlan0 but i cannot have access to any wireless network. What i have to do to put this b43 to work.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Will Not Auto-connect To New Network After Resume?

Jul 1, 2010

I recently fixed an annoying problem and I thought it would be nice to share my solution here. The problem was that after a cycle of suspend/resume, Network Manager would only auto-connect to the same network as it was previously connected to. So, for example, if I suspended my laptop at home, and then I went to school and resumed it, it would try to connect to the home network, and then just give up. It would not connect to the school network unless I explicitly told it to.irst, I'll describe the fix. If you're having this problem, you can this. Copy the following:

case "$1" in


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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Stopped Recognizing Wireless Network

Jan 24, 2011

I am a Windows refugee who discovered Ubuntu as a way to save my files from my virus-ravaged computer. Had no installation discs for Windows, so when I had to wipe my hard drive and start over, I decided to give Ubuntu a try. I've had mixed success, but that's another post...

Right now, the problem is that I installed 10.10 two weeks ago and was able to connect to the Internet with no problems - until yesterday. Suddenly, our wireless network (the only one in the vicinity) does not come up as available in Network Manager. In fact, the entire wireless option disappeared. I know there are many posts and threads on here about this, but weeding through them trying to find an answer is more frustrating than actually dealing with the problem. I know the router works because I can post on this forum from the Macbook. I really like Ubuntu and would like to keep using it, but not being able to connect to the Internet now on top of the other issues I've had is making me doubt I want to continue down this Linux road.

P.S. When I attempted an analysis through System Testing, it said something about there being no proprietary drivers?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Sudo Iwlist Scan Works But Cannot Connect To Network Using Network Manager

Jun 14, 2010

I have used ubuntu in the past but had a lot of hardware issues with it and unfortunately moved back to windows (( BUT i have tried Ubuntu again and all seems to work great except wifi My wifi connection is sort of working because when i run SUDO IWLIST SCAN it does pull up all available networks. But in the network manager icon on the panel i left click but i see no networks and can't connect to anything. I WOULD LOVE TO keep Ubuntu and use it permanently but I must get wifi working or else this won't be possible.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network-Manager Tries Always To Autoconnect To Wired Network

Feb 18, 2010

I have the problem with my notebook, that, after I used it at work, the network-manager always tries to autoconnect after boot. He has no cable network and so I get the message "not connected" after a while.how to tell the network-manager, not to autoconnect each time?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network-manager And Wicd Can See But Not Connect To Network

Jul 10, 2010

I recently put Linux on a Thinkpad T40 I got. The wireless card works out of the box--I can see nearby networks. However, I can't connect to mine. network-manager would try (spin spin spin), fail, ask for the password, and then go back to the beginning and repeat indefinitely. This happened to me on a different computer, and on that one all I had to do was use wicd instead of network-manager. So I installed wicd, but it's not working either--it hangs at "Obtaining IP address".

I've found many, many threads with people who had the same problem, but none of their fixed worked for me.

I also tried to get wifi going manually, using this guide, but that didn't work.

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Ubuntu :: Which Wireless Network Program To Use To Replace Network Manager

Aug 27, 2010

i looking to replace network manager on my laptop with another wireless program. iv been looking at Swscanner, Rutilt wlan manager, and wicd network manager. iv had trouble with network manager not being able to connect or losing connection fairly easy. im using a gateway m6843 running ubuntu 10.04 32 bit os.

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Ubuntu :: Network Manager Is Gone - Connect To Local Network Using Terminal

Jan 29, 2011

Yhe only ptoblem was that he had forgotten the password to his network. This was really anoying and has happened before sp yesterday i decided to install some kind of WEP cracking tool so that it would not happen anymore.. After using sometime without getting anything to work i found this tutorial: [URL]

and started following it. i only got to the point where he has updated his computer using update manager and is about to patch his wificard. Then i noticed that the network manager for gnome was gone and the virtualbox logo in my top panel was changed to a red circle with a line running through it. I have tried to download network manager from another computer and installing it on my laptop but it needs internet to install. Then i tried to connect to my local network using terminal that did't work either i also tried connecting using a cable but had no luck connecting. The command iwconfig gives me:


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OpenSUSE Network :: Root User Has Access To Remote Folders/files Of Any User?

Jan 21, 2010

Prelude: OpenSUSE 11.2 (, installed Novell client 2.0 SP2 (novell-client-2.0-sp2-sle11-i586.iso).

I found that if any usual user is logged into a NDS-tree, then _local_ root has full access to user's network shares, including the user's home directory located on remote Netware-server. Is it by design or
have I missed something? Nevertheless in windows local admin has no access to network resources mounted of any other user. If you runas shell (as admin) then admin in principle can't "see" network shares which were mounted (connected) by other users - they are accessible ("visible") per session.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Laptop Samba PDC User And Local User Access Their Own Data?

May 30, 2011

Take a physical user FRED. FRED is a linux user ( known by linux on his laptop ) FRED is a Samba user ( Known by samba on the samba pdc server ) When he logs locally (with username/password) on its standalone laptop (with no network), he is known as FRED:user. He access his data in /home/FRED/. When he logs through samba (with username/password) on the domain MY_DOM, he is known as MY_DOMFRED:MY_DOMdomain user. He access his data in /home/MY_DOM/FRED/. ) Is it possible that the human FRED has only one repository and have full access to its repository regardless of how it was connected. If yes, how to do it

2) If not, Is it possible that the human FRED has full access to /home/FRED/.............. and /home/MY_DOM/FRED/.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Way To Ban A Wifi Network In Network Manager

Oct 26, 2010

My wifi connection drops sometimes and, for some reason, Network Manager attempts to connect to my neighbor's network, which requires a password (which I don't know). Is there any way to blacklist a wireless network so that the Network Manager will never attempt to connect to it?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Enable Static DNS Address For Mobile Broadband In KDE Network Manager?

Mar 5, 2010

How do I activate static DNS for mobile broadband. I can't find any place to write down this information. Settings are made in Network Manager - not Yast.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Network Manager Default Connection Can Handle Virtual Interfaces?

Jun 7, 2011

I've not found how to configure more than one ip address with network manager.Nor with kde nor with plasmoid network manager.I need several virtual ip addresses for eth0 when the "default" of eth0 is connected i.e. "Connected to Auto eth0" should initialize the virtual interfaces.I have not found no even how to configure the ip address.I think this will be used from ifup config in yast or not?There I have the virtual interfaces but they are not taken from network manager.And last but no least: Is it possible that when using network manager the eth0 is enabled even no user has logged in?

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