Ubuntu :: Restoring Encrypted 11.04 Partition?

May 24, 2011

had a lvm (non luks i suspect) home partition on my 11.04 install. I've since install opensue on the same laptop hoping that if i don't leave that partition alone during opensuse installation i would be able to mount and enter my key to access the data within...stupid me.... i formated my /boot and / partition, not my /home partition of 450gb. I'm now back on ubuntu 11.04 trying to get access to my data. i'v found the command "encryptfs-recover-private" but i only works on mounted partitons, i can't mount my encrypted partition because the system does not recongnize it. I've have to format it to mount it.

(bold is my encrypted partition)
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 1 13 96256 83 Linux
Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.


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OpenSUSE Install :: Restoring GRUB To A LVM Encrypted Computer?

Jul 27, 2010

I am running OpenSUSE 11.3 GNOME, and I recently reinstalled Windows, and it overwrote GRUB. I only have an Ubuntu LiveCD (I installed with the OpenSUSE DVD), how do I get GRUB back? Note that the Ubuntu LiveCD doesn't recognize the LVM Encrypted partition, so I can't mount it.

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Ubuntu :: Restoring Partition Mount Authorization?

Jul 27, 2010

Normally when you have a partition that isn't mounted, when you try to mount it, it asks you for the root password.

I have two partitions. One that I wanted mounted at boot, one that I wanted you to have to know the root password to mount. In the process of trying to setup that one partition to automount at boot, I accidentally changed something (through Pysdm) that made it so the other partition no longer displays that root password verification screen. Now all it does is give me an error saying I have to be root. How can I restore that screen?

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Ubuntu :: Expanding Partition And Restoring Image?

Mar 10, 2011

Here is the scenario:

I have triple boot
Win 7 32 bit on hard drive 1
Win 7 64 bit on hard drive 2
Data partition accessible by 3 OSs
Ubuntu 10.10 on hard drive 2


Everything is working great. I'm using Windows Boot Loader (used easybcd to attach Ubuntu).

I want to expand /dev/sdb3 to have more space for Ubuntu. I am able to shrink the data partition /dev/sdb2, which leaves an unallocated space. I have backed up /dev/sdb3 using Paragon software.

My question is, what is the best way to expand the /sdb3 partition into the unallocated space and restore the ubuntu image backup so that it will use up all the space (unallocated and current /sdb3)? I don't want to screw up since everything is working properly, I just want some more space.

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Ubuntu :: Reading Testdisk Log And Restoring Partition Table?

Apr 1, 2011

I ran testdick on a apple hard drive to find the tables. It looks like it found it, here's the log:


Tue Mar 29 12:02:56 2011
Command line: TestDisk
TestDisk 6.11, Data Recovery Utility, April 2009
Christophe GRENIER <grenier@cgsecurity.org>


How do I restore the table using fdisk? Gparted doesn't let me check the drive. It just says unallocated space, create a table and erase all data.

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Ubuntu :: Bootmgr Missing After Restoring Partition Table On Dual Boot

Jun 2, 2011

Im running ubuntu 10.10 on a dual boot machine together with vista. When I tried to delete a partition in gparted I accidentaly deleted the general partition table so I had to run testdisk on a live cd to restore it. The problem is that once I had done that and rebooted I get the message bootmgr is missing. I suppose Testdisk deleted or overwrote mz grubloader.

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General :: Restoring Partition Table - 'Testdisk' Not Working?

Jan 27, 2010

I was having trouble creating a USB Startup Disk in Ubuntu and used the command:

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M count=1

This was a mistake as my USB flash drive was on /dev/sdc. If I am understanding this correctly, the command above deleted the MBR and the partition table. This disk had a single "/storage" partition on it. I googled a solution and found that the "testdisk" program seems to be the most popular solution for things like this. I ran it, selected an "Intel/PC partition" type, set the partition to a non-bootable primary Linux partition, wrote it, and rebooted.

Whenever I run:

sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /storage

I get:

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so

Dmesg shows the following:

[20246.273941] EXT3-fs error (device sdb1): ext3_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group 1 not in group (block 0)!
[20246.279376] EXT3-fs: group descriptors corrupted!

When I run:

sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb

I get:

Disk /dev/sdb: 400.1 GB, 400088457216 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 48641 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


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General :: Restoring A Clonezilla Image To Larger Partition?

Jan 2, 2010

I'm trying to restore an image from a 40gb partition(6gb used) to a 100gb partition. I set everything up in gparted and and restored the partition image with clonezilla. In gparted, the partition shows the full 100gb partition with 6gb used, however when I boot windows and open the properties on the C: partition, it shows that it's only 40gb. Is there some setting to restore the partition image and use the full 100gb?

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Ubuntu :: Encrypted Swap Partition?

Jul 1, 2010

I read an article earlier that suggested the swap partition is encrypted by default if you select an encrypted /home folder during installation, is that true (for Lucid)? I am suspecting it isn't because my hibernation works, which I believe shouldn't be the case?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot - Need To Mount Encrypted Partition?

May 2, 2010

Times like this Ubuntu makes me want to pull my hair out. When I enter my pass on the login screen, it brings up a "Could not update ICEauthority file" error and then goes to a black screen. I've tried to fix this problem for the past 2-3 hours (searching google, these forums, etc) and at this point, I just want the data off my drive so I can restart with a fresh install of Ubuntu. I used the "gsku nautilus" command to mount the disk from a Ubuntu Drive boot, but it's not letting me have access to the encrypted drive. Does anyone know of a work around for this?

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Ubuntu :: Tried To Upgrade - Home Partition Still Encrypted

Jul 10, 2010

I have a dual boot WinXP / Kubuntu system. Recently, I tried to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04. I have my Kubuntu partition set up with separate partitions for / , /home , and swap. Naturally, I wanted to wipe the slate clean, so I formatted / and left /home alone before doing the install. However, my /home partition was encrypted with the standard crypto that you get when you install. I just deleted the way in by wiping my / partition. Now all of my files are on my drive but encrypted. I do have the unencrypted passphrase given to me when the hard drive was first encrypted, so I am sure there is some way to get my files, but I am unsure how to apply it.

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Ubuntu :: Accessing Encrypted Partition With Live CD?

Apr 25, 2011

I found this website [URL].., and am able to go all the way up to "ecryptfs-mount-private" command, but the response I get after entering my login passphrase is "mount: Operation not permitted". I am not sure why though I am guessing I have a permission issue.

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Ubuntu :: Restore Grub2 On Encrypted Partition?

Jun 10, 2011

I had to reinstall Windows, which has obviously overwritten my lovely Ubuntu Natty

I would like restore grub2, however failling to do so

I'm running:

sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda5 crypt1
Enter LUKS passphrase:
key slot 0 unlocked.


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Ubuntu :: Root Partition Crashed - Two Encrypted Drives

Apr 2, 2010

Can't start Ubuntu, stops after first password. I can access files on my encrypted partitions with LiveCD but I wonder if I can install Ubuntu and still have access to the encrypted drives as I can with LiveCD?

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Ubuntu Security :: How To Recover Encrypted Home Partition

Apr 26, 2010

While setting up my laptop on a new hard drive (a bad mobo caused writes which pretty much rendered teh old hdd unusable) I was asked if I wanted to encrypt my home partition.

I've been wanting this for several years - even going as far as trying to get a copy of CheckPoint. That's waht my organization uses on all Wintendo laptops and is required.

In any case, I said "yes" and am happily using my laptop with an encrypted home partition. I'm assuming based on this - [URL] - that it is using EncryptFS as the scheme.

if I were to misplace my laptop, how easy would it be for a forensics team to retrieve my data. Let's assume I have a fairly strong passphrase, such as BisZumBitterenEnd3. [URL]

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Ubuntu Security :: Recover Encrypted Home Partition?

May 3, 2010

I had some major problems after the recent Ubuntu upgrade and had to boot from a live cd. I have a separate /home partition, but it was encrypted using the default install encryption in the 9.10 install cd. How can I get to my files so I can back them up?

I have tried this but it did not work: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1337693

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Ubuntu :: Encrypted /home Partition And Running Out Of Space?

May 26, 2010

I have an Acer Aspire One, Model ZG5 (also known as the 110 with 8GB SSD) which originally came with Linpus Lite installed on it.

I previously had 9.10 installed which was great, but I've done a fresh install of UNR 10.04 since I had a full /home partition and wanted to set up with more space.

This time, I opted for a larger /home drive (~4GB) and also to have it encrypted, which is a good idea for netbooks given their portability (and I have no idea why I didn't do it before!). Since I had very little space on my 8GB drive (if I wanted a larger /home) then I installed /home onto a separate partition, which is located on a 16GB SD card which lives in my machine permanently.

Installation was a breeze, and encryption seems to work fine. I have verified it and it seems to be working. However, I've now hit two related problems - one of which is to do with Thunderbird, and one which is an issue with the encrypted /home drive.

Firstly, I have a large gmail account which I like to replicate offline in Thunderbird (am using v 3.0.4). My online gmail tells me that I'm using 1.4GB of data space online. Using the old T'bird (v2.whatever) my offline T'bird storage was approximately the same size. This is not now true of my current offline storage file size, which is showing at 3.2GB for the same data. I started with a clean slate, just installing T'bird, setting up my account and then leaving it to download all data from Google.

Anyone know why this offline size is so much bigger than the online storage size or even the previous offline storage size?

Secondly, the encrypted /home drive. Given that I needed I put this on a separate card and partition, I had hoped to escape any issues with not having enough space. However, my system is now telling me that /home is out of space...

Specifically, I can see that I have used 3.6 of my 3.8GB storage for /home. This is due to the large size of my offline storage folder.

As I see it, I need to do one of two things (possibly both) - reduce the size of my offline e-mail storage, and increase the size of my /home partition.

Reducing the offline storage will be about finding out why it's so big in the first place.

However, if I wanted to increase the size of my encrypted /home file how would I do this? I have used gparted to make additional space after it - so I could increase the size if it's possible, but I am a little concerned.

If I just increase the size of the partition, would this work? Are there issues with the fact that it's an encrypted partition? What should I be aware of if I wanted to increase an already in-use partition, and how should I best go about this?

Do I need to do it from a live USB image?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Reinstall With Encrypted Home Partition

Dec 17, 2010

I'm wiping out / on an Ubuntu box but want to keep everything in /home/, which is mounted on a different partition. Using Code: ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase ~/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase I have unwrapped the passphrase, resulting in a ~25 character alphanumeric string. Is it possible for me to install from a disk and give the installer the (current) passphrase so that it will automatically mount my home directory?

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Ubuntu Security :: 10.10 And Win7 - Encrypted Partition And Dual OS

Apr 8, 2011

I have to operating systems installed, Ubuntu 10.10 and Windows 7, working perfectly. I also have a partition, currently empty, to be shared between both OS, but I would like that partition to be encrypted.

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Ubuntu Installation :: NTFS Partition With Encrypted Folders?

May 13, 2011

I used Windows XP's encryption to encrypt some folders on an NTFS Hard Drive.Upon mounting this drive in ubuntu, I can see all folders, and all file names, but I cannot open the contents of the encrypted files, getting "Permission Denied" despite all permissions being -rwxrwxrwx.Is there a way to open these from linux? I know the Windows XP login / encryption password.

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Encrypted Data From Corrupted Partition

Jul 20, 2011

I recently suffered a hard disk failure, meaning I had to replace the faulty device. After attempting to mount the old faulty hard drive using and external caddy, I got the following message... Unable to mount 144 GB Filesystem Error mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb5, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so

I'd like to attempt to recover what I can from my /home directory but unfortunately I use encryption (although I do actually know my pass phrase). What procedures and software can I use to try and recover data from this drive?

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Fedora :: Recovering An Encrypted Partition?

Apr 8, 2010

I have been using fedora 12 for last 6 months, recently I bought an external USB hard drive of 320 GB capacity. I made 2 partitions using the Disk Utility in Fedora. I encrypted the first partition as it was supposed to hold a lot of sensitive data, and yes it did have. Now I had to change my OS to AV linux for some audio-video editing work which wasnt being done properly on fedora due to some issue beyond my knowledge. now the problem is my encrypted partition is not accessible in my new installation. I see an empty space on my /dev/sda1. although no change to partition data has been done and the data on the second partition /dev/sda2 is easily accessible. when putting the drive on automount, is does not ask me for the password and neither does it show me the data. I have tried fdisk and sme other utilities but have failed to get my drive unencrypted.

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Fedora :: Cannot Mount Encrypted Partition?

Apr 11, 2011

I used Ubuntu for years now, but since the latest decisions got public I deceided to try something new: Fedora. I installed the system as a dualboot,Ubuntu and my old data. Because Fedora got installed inbetween of two partitions,ad to do the partitioning manually. I just made one partition /dev/sda4. During the installation process I got asked about the password for my /dev/sda1 partition. Of course, I entered it. So far so good.Now, everytime when I boot, the boot process stops and asks me for the password of the /dev/sda1 partition. However, the boot process does not go on, unless i press STRG+C.After the log in, I can also not access my data, by entering the password (GUI).The only way I can acces the data on that partition is:

su -
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/DEVICENAME luks-fedora


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Overwriting Encrypted Partition?

Feb 19, 2011

Somehow my file encryption password changed so when I went to re-install Fedora it said SDA-2 will not be available during installation.Is there a way to erase the whole disk including the ecrypted portion?

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Ubuntu :: Recover Pointsec Encrypted Partition After Gparted Format?

Jan 29, 2010

Well the title says it all. Royal screw-up! I accidentally formatted two Windows partitions inside a Pointsec encrypted hard drive using gparted from a liveCD (in USB). Is there a way to recreate these partitions? If not the whole partition, at least be able to recover everything inside My Documents.I ran TestDisk and it will not see any of the two partitions that existed in the drive.

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Ubuntu :: Restore An Accidentally Deleted Encrypted EXT4 Partition ?

Feb 2, 2010

I accidentally deleted my root ext4 partition, which I had encrypted. I am unable to log into any os since I am blocked by a Error 17. Is it possible to retrieve an encrypted ext4 partition, does it even matter that it was encrypted.

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Ubuntu Security :: LUKS - Dm-crypt And Encrypted Partition At Boot

Feb 22, 2010

I'm trying to have a LUKS encrypted partition mounted at startup and to have GDM ask for my key so it will decrypt. Now I followed [URL] to the letter. Except for now, I have it just mounted into /mnt/cryptohome so I'm not messing with my system. My problem is the one everyone mentions in the comments, ubuntu isn't asking for the LUKS key in the X display, it's asking in the first terminal (Ctrl-Alt-F1). This will not do. I need it to ask to mount my drive before I'm even asked to login, so eventually I can encrypt my /home.

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Ubuntu Security :: Recovering Data From Corrupt Encrypted Partition

Feb 25, 2010

I have recently recovered from an HDD failure on my Drobo. One of the disks died and corrupted the entire array (which is not supposed to happen). I have since managed to copy the data off onto smaller disks and after replacing the failed drive, have copied everything back.

Now that im up and running again, i was wondering how this situation would play out on encrypted disks, or in the case of a drobo a large encrypted partition (as you cannot encrypt the entire array).

Would i still be able to recover the data if i were to encrypt it? It is a 4.2TB array, and i assume that I would need to copy the data in its entirety to recover it, so using multiple smaller disks would be out of the question right?

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Ubuntu Security :: Move Home Folder To Encrypted Partition?

Apr 11, 2010

What are the steps I must take to move my existing home folder to a separate, encrypted partition? Can I create this partition without damaging my current partition? Where is a trusted location to download App Armor profiles? What else can I do to harden the security of Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Auto-mount Luks Encrypted Partition At Boot?

May 27, 2010

I'm having a problem auto-mounting a new luks partition. I have crypttab and fstab entries. I already have my primary encrypted partition (root) mounting at boot (from the install), but after creating this one manually, it does not open on boot. It auto-mounts when I run the following command manually after boot: sudo luksOpen /dev/disk/by-uuid/<uuid> mycrypt

/etc/crypttab entry:
personalcrypt /dev/disk/by-uuid/a1af5b7b-db58-4690-b586-b74407795e2c none luks
/etc/fstab entry:


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