General :: Restoring A Clonezilla Image To Larger Partition?

Jan 2, 2010

I'm trying to restore an image from a 40gb partition(6gb used) to a 100gb partition. I set everything up in gparted and and restored the partition image with clonezilla. In gparted, the partition shows the full 100gb partition with 6gb used, however when I boot windows and open the properties on the C: partition, it shows that it's only 40gb. Is there some setting to restore the partition image and use the full 100gb?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Restore Image Via Clonezilla-drbl Smaller To Larger Disk?

Jun 21, 2011

I have an Ubuntu server and i've installed drbl-clonezilla to clone and restore pc, I have a 40 gigabyte image to be deployed on other pc's with larger hard drive ex. 160 GB or 240giga, my problem is that when I deploy the image on a larger disk I end up with a disk with a partition of 40 GB and the rest unallocated, how can i restore the the disk and use full disk space, the goal is to automate the process. In clonezilla-drbl there is the possibility to start a "prerun" and "postrun" fonction that could help complete the deployment process.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Won't Boot After Restoring Clonezilla Image?

Jul 18, 2011

I have long been using clonezilla as my backup/restore software and have never had a problem with it before, ever. Today I backed up my entire disk (windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10) and upgraded to 11.04 to try it out. I didn't like it, so I decided to restore the backup. Now I can't boot my computer. It gets to a black screen and nothing happens. No error message, nothing. I can still boot from a live USB (which is what I am using now), and I can also boot from a Windows Live CD. I tried using the MBR repair on Windows and reinstalling Grub through the Ubuntu Live USB. Neither of them have worked. Do you have any ideas what the problem might be?

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Ubuntu :: Expanding Partition And Restoring Image?

Mar 10, 2011

Here is the scenario:

I have triple boot
Win 7 32 bit on hard drive 1
Win 7 64 bit on hard drive 2
Data partition accessible by 3 OSs
Ubuntu 10.10 on hard drive 2


Everything is working great. I'm using Windows Boot Loader (used easybcd to attach Ubuntu).

I want to expand /dev/sdb3 to have more space for Ubuntu. I am able to shrink the data partition /dev/sdb2, which leaves an unallocated space. I have backed up /dev/sdb3 using Paragon software.

My question is, what is the best way to expand the /sdb3 partition into the unallocated space and restore the ubuntu image backup so that it will use up all the space (unallocated and current /sdb3)? I don't want to screw up since everything is working properly, I just want some more space.

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General :: Disk Image Of NT4 System Using Clonezilla Save To USB Drive?

Oct 25, 2010

we have a Win NT4 system used for an important application used at two places. At one place it has gone bad. I want to create an image from good system and restore it at the second location. Is it possible to do this using "clonwzilla live cd"? Does it harm the good system? Can I save the created image to an USB drive?

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General :: Restoring A HDD Backup Image From The Ubuntu Live CD?

Feb 3, 2010

I want to restore a HDD image I have to my laptop's HDD while booted off the Ubuntu Live CD.The laptop's HDD is unformatted and has no partitions.I expected this to work:$ sudo dd if=/path/to/backup.img of=/dev/sdaBut I'm tolddd: opening `/dev/sda': Permission denied.

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General :: Clonezilla Skipping Partitions In LVM Partition?

May 24, 2011

I'm trying to backup a drive with an LVM2 partition. 8 of the 10 partitions in the LVM restore fine, two do not. SDA1 is the boot partition, SDA2 is an LVM2 partition with 10 partitions inside of it. When I restore the image created by Clonezilla the partition names are there but two of the partitions are unreadable and unmountable. I'm certain Clonezilla is skipping these two partitions because its entire image is around 40G and when I TGZ these two partitions I get an 80GB file. Clonezilla doesn't appear to give any errors and as it "winds up" it shows that it's unmounting the LVM partitions and I see my missing two in its list but when Clonezilla makes the image it never mentions the two I (really) want. I'm trying Clonezilla's DD method right now but it appears to be DDing each partition (going through the LVMs right now).

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General :: Restore Windows XP Partition With One Button Using Clonezilla?

Mar 14, 2011

restore of Win XP partition - he wants to be able to "press the button" and restore the whole partition with XP using Clonezilla. Is it possible - to do this restore without Clonezilla CD? And he's planning to have 3 partitions on his HDD:Windows XP system partition partition for backing up system partition partition for personal data

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Hardware :: Building New System Using CloneZilla Image

Dec 31, 2009

In 2010 I want to build a new linux box. I currently have a dual-boot system...
IDE1 = WinXP 200GB Master
IDE1 = Opensuse 11.0 Slave 80GB

I have cloned both drives with CloneZilla (CZ) and restored with it aswell. My 80GB is a Western Digital Caviar Model (WD800BB-00JKC0). The drive I'm thinking of buying is a WD Caviar SE (WD800AAJB) [URL]. Will my restore images work with this drive? Its a 80GB but the model numbers differ. Does it make a difference?

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Ubuntu Security :: Clonezilla: Can't Save Image To Network Via Ssh

Dec 26, 2010

I'm working with Clonezilla to back up my test server, I want to store the image to a partition in our network, for example: my computer. But it still doesn't work. These are my steps:

I reboot my server with Clonezilla CD.
I choose device-image
I choose ssh_server
I choose my network device with dhcp mode
I provide the IP of my computer and port 22, then my username
I choose the path to my hard drive, like /home/username/backup

But after I type my password to connect, Clonezilla says "remote host has disconnected. Clonezilla image home directory /home/partimag is not a mountint point! Failed to mount other device as /home/partimag! Are you sure you want to continue?"

I try to connect to my computer from another machine, it works, but I don't know why Clonezilla can't.

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Software :: Install CloneZilla Image To Smaller Disk

Aug 18, 2010

I'm looking for some help on this issue. I have an image (Windows XP) made with CloneZilla of a 160Gb disk (used space = 11Gb) and I 'need' to restore that image to a smaller disk (120Gb). In order to try everything out I created a virtual machine in VMWare. I've tried about every option available in CloneZilla without succes. The latest thing I tried was using dd to just copy over the partition to a created partition on the smaller disk but when booting I got:

Code:Booting...Error loading operating system.Then I thought installing the image to a disk with the same size, resize the partition with GParted and make a new CloneZilla image, but for some odd reason (typical to Windows) when booting I get a BSOD, impossible to read. The BSOD happens when booting from the disk with the same size, before resizing the partition. This also is a virtual machine.Can anyone point out what I'm missing? Or, if anyone has succesfully done this, how did you go about it?

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Ubuntu :: DD Image Restores Larger Than Actual Size

Feb 13, 2011

I've been working on getting another OS installed on my computer for one of my classes (OS specific assembly instructions). To get this OS running, I had to start using a GPT rather than a MBR table. I backed up my Ubuntu partition (ext4) using the old-fashioned dd command. I've since been able to get everything working again after a dd restore.

The problem is that my original Ubuntu partition was only about 50GB and the dd image only takes up 40 GB. After I restored the image to the new drive (146BG), gparted is reporting 119GB used and only 26GB free. What can I do to reduce the size of my install to 40GB again?

When looking at the disk in baobab, it says the the filesystem is only 47.2 GB and that only 20.9 GB has been used. This is likely what the old partition's breakdown was. So my new question is: How can I make the filesystem capacity (47.2 GB) equal that of the partition that it is on (146 GB)?

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Fedora :: Copy Image Of System To Larger Drive?

Mar 3, 2009

I am running Fedora 10 and would like to move from my 40gb hard disk to a larger (320gb drive). I would like to take an exact image of the smaller drive and put this on the bigger drive.

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Software :: Compose Two Smaller Images Into One Larger Image

Mar 13, 2009

I've been using python's PIL (import Image in py2.5) and the command line utility ImageMagick to add text to images and compose images. I can't figure out how to get the composed image not to crop. That is, suppose I compose A onto B to create C. A is short and wide, while B is tall and narrow. I'd like C to be tall and wide, but instead it has the same dimensions as B.

The width of A is determined by dynamic text. My current solution is to get the width and height of A and B, and then create a maximally sized image, T, onto which I compose B and then A.I'm just wondering if there is some way to streamline this. Can ImageMagick do this for me? These operations take a non-trivial amount of time.

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General :: Restoring Partition Table - 'Testdisk' Not Working?

Jan 27, 2010

I was having trouble creating a USB Startup Disk in Ubuntu and used the command:

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M count=1

This was a mistake as my USB flash drive was on /dev/sdc. If I am understanding this correctly, the command above deleted the MBR and the partition table. This disk had a single "/storage" partition on it. I googled a solution and found that the "testdisk" program seems to be the most popular solution for things like this. I ran it, selected an "Intel/PC partition" type, set the partition to a non-bootable primary Linux partition, wrote it, and rebooted.

Whenever I run:

sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /storage

I get:

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so

Dmesg shows the following:

[20246.273941] EXT3-fs error (device sdb1): ext3_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group 1 not in group (block 0)!
[20246.279376] EXT3-fs: group descriptors corrupted!

When I run:

sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb

I get:

Disk /dev/sdb: 400.1 GB, 400088457216 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 48641 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


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Software :: Unable To Restore A Backup Image To Drive Using Clonezilla?

Apr 23, 2011

I used Clonezilla an older version not the latest to backup an entire NTFS Windows XP drive to DVD last year. I have a series of three (3) of these DVD's but now cannot restore the backup image back to the same PC. The problem is that when booting with Clonezilla I don't have an option to restore from a CD or DVD drive since the computer comes with two working CD/DVD drives that are detected by the BIOS when the POST is displayed. I used one of these drives to boot with Clonezilla and the other one containing the backup image Disk 1 of Disk 3. Clonezilla only detects the two hard drives and a USB drive which is removable. Is there a bug in the restore process because it allowed me to backup the entire image of the hard drive onto a DVD last year but this time around there are no CD or DVD drive options available to choose other then the CD drive Clonezilla was used to boot up.

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Debian :: How To Install Clonezilla And Mount Multi-partitions Cloned Image Disk

May 15, 2010

Simple question, which implies lot of complexity, unfortunately : how to install Clonezilla and mount multi-partitions cloned image disk under DEBIAN ?

Wishing that one day Linux would be so easy and complete as Windows. But we are gaining more users, so Linux will have more apps

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Debian :: Restoring USB Pendrive After Boot Image

Feb 5, 2016

I created two debian bootable pendrive with the newest and basic commands: CP debian.iso and SYNC. When I tried to restoring the pendrive GPARTED sees only few space and is unable to perform any operation on the hidden partition as well in Windows 7.

CFDISK is able to see the partitions but is unable to write anything, just deleting. After deleted any partion GPARTED enconters a wrong block size so is unable to perform any changes.

Thus the only way I found to restoring the pendrive is delete the partion with CFDISK and then formatting the pendrive in Windows, where did I do wrong?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Computer Won't Boot After Restoring Image

Jan 31, 2011

I've recently begun using PING (Partimage is not Ghost) imaging software, and it works great with other Linux distros. Upon my first use on openSUSE, I found that I could not restore the image onto another computer. After a successful restoration of the image, I get: "Could not find /dev/mapper/isw_ddedgibjfd_ARRAY_part2 Want to fall back to /dev/mapper/isw_ddedgibjfd_ARRAY_part2? (Y/n)" during the first boot. I don't know what to do, I've tried taking multiple images, and restoring them on multiple computers, but I always get the same error.

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Can't Find 9.10 After Restoring Image To New Drive?

Mar 31, 2010

I've been running a dual boot set-up with Win XP and Ubuntu 9.10. The old 40 gb drive was showing signs of impending failure, so I replaced it with a new 120 gb drive, after saving an image of the old setup. After restoring the image from the original drive to the new one, Windows boots fine from the GRUB menu, but Ubuntu doesn't. I briefly see the Ubuntu "circle" then the screen goes blank. If I hit any key, I get a console screen of error messages (I can provide details if needed).

I think the problem is caused by the fact that the restore process scaled the saved image to fit the new, larger drive, with the result that the Ubuntu partition doesn't actually start where GRUB expects to find it. I'd like to recover the Ubuntu installation, but if is too big a deal, I'll just wait until 10.4 is released and do a clean install.

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Ubuntu :: Restoring Disk Image To Dissimilar Hardware

Apr 27, 2011

In the event of theoretical anticipated motherboard failure; how would Ubuntu react to dissimilar hardware? In that the Linux kernel contains, as I understand, all the necessary drivers.

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Ubuntu :: Partition Size After Move Using Clonezilla?

Sep 3, 2010

I used Clonezilla to image a Ubuntu partition of 18GB and restored it to a partition of 30GB. (showing as "sdb1") I understand now that I should have put it onto a partition the same size as the original and then resized that partition with Gparted, but I put it directly onto a larger partition and thought all was well, but now I'm running into disk space warning messages. It still works fine but the OS still seems to think it is still on an 18GB partition and that it is running out of space. The partition "sdb1", is on a large drive I partitioned with Gparted. The various utils I have to look at partitions do not agree:

*Disk Utility reports sdb1 size as 33GB
*KDE Partition Manager reports sdb1 size as 30.28GB with 15.59GB used (therefore 14.69GB free)
*KDiskFree reports sdb1 size as 18.3GB with 1.8GB free
*Gparted reports sdb1 size as 30.28GB with 27.54GB used
*Gparted (used after booting from a Mint installation) give same result
*PROPERTIES (using live knoppix DVD) shows size of files as 16.0GB (16.5GB on disk)

After booting with Knoppix DVD and trying to copy everything onto another drive (to see how many GB there are) gives "invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character" error message. how to sort this out, without resizing the partition as I've got a lot of data on the HD now.

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Applications :: Clonezilla - Cloning A Drive To A Partition

Oct 3, 2010

My dad passed away 2 years ago and he had a toshibia laptop, and today I've decided to start using it. I would like to reformat it to Arch Linux from Windows XP.

He has a 80gb hdd with everything on one partition (thats how windows does it). I would like to create another partition (~20gb, and I know how to do this) and have clonezilla clone the main partition and save it to the 20gb partition. This is because you can't clone and save to the same drive unless its partitioned. (I'm saying partition lot).

Anyway my fathers computer is very important to me, and having it remain intact as he left it is very very important to me. I know the easiest and most sarcastic response is to tell me not to use it, but I want to use this computer.

Does anyone have experience with clonezilla? Will it back up the ENTIRE HDD like it says it will, without missing any important documents and files scattered throughout the disc? And when I do finish the cloning, format, and at a later date restore using the image I copied, will it be like I never touched it?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Remotely Restoring A Server Using An Image And The Dd Command?

Apr 18, 2010

I'm getting ready to deploy a Ubuntu server in a remote location. I am deathly afraid of something going horribly wrong though, so what I'd like to do is be able to somehow image the system when it's working, and be able to restore that remotely via SSH if things go to hell. My first thoughts were that I could partition the hard drive, and install two separate instances of Ubuntu. One would be the server in it's working state, and the other one would be a separate instance of Ubuntu that I could boot into to restore an image (if that's possible).

1. If I had two separate instances of Ubuntu on two separate partitions, and I was currently booted into one of them, would it be possible to tell the Ubuntu server to reboot and boot into the other instance of Ubuntu on the other partition over SSH? (SSH is the only form of access I will have to the server)

2. Is there a better way to remotely restore a server than what I outlined above?

3. Also, I've used the dd command to make backups before, but it copies an entire hard drive byte for byte. Is there an argument I can tag on, or another command to use altogether that will only copy the bits that are being used?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Strange File Names - Getting Larger And Larger All The Time

May 3, 2011

Using Samba I have looked into the file that stores all my web sites, there were a few strange files that get larger and larger all the time. File names are _Za01716 and _Za01820, they are nearly 50mb in size now. I know these are not Log files so what are they and can I delete them?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Restoring The Image To A RAID Volume Is Completely Transparent To The OS?

Sep 16, 2010

Right now I have a OpenSuSE 11.1 server running on a single hard drive. I want to install the HighPoint RocketRAID 1740 card and utilize RAID 10.I wanted to know if the following process would work ok:

1. Image the current hard drive using clonezilla and remove the drive.

2. Install the RAID card with 4 hard drives of the same make and model as the current drive

3. Create the logical volume

4. Restore the image to that volume

Since I am restoring the image to a RAID volume, is that completely transparent to the OS? Or do I need to do a clean install on that volume and reconfigure everything?

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Ubuntu :: Restoring Disk Image To A Smaller Hard Drive Than The Original?

Jan 13, 2011

I am looking for an Open Source software making it possible to make a disk image of an Ubuntu installation as well as a Windows XP installation.I have checked out Clonezilla which almost solved the problem. However, the disk to which you restore needs to be the same size or bigger. I want to restore the whole thingo a smaller disk than the original.I am considering getting myself an SSD disk which will be considerably smaller than the 160 gb disk I have right now. I need it to work for Windows as well. Unfortunately I can't get rid of Windows quite yet I often participate in webinars on GotoWebinar and they do not support Linux ...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 9.04 To 10.04 Using A Clonezilla Hard Drive Partition?

Apr 1, 2011

I'm trying to "upgrade" from ubuntu 9.04 to ubuntu 10.04.2 via a clonezilla (using a maverick usb clonezilla software with it's vmlinuz and initrd.img). but this clonezilla is not from a bootable usb flash drive, usb drive or CD, it's from the hard drive.

Here's what I have:

1) one 500gig drive with a primary partition under LVM. this partition has a 490gig root partition (ubuntu-root) and a 10 gig swap partition (ubuntu-swap_1). It has an extended partition (/dev/sda2) that's not under LVM consisting of one logical drive (/dev/sda5) that is the /boot partition.

2) I've upgraded the grub to grub2 (version 1.96) which has better features.

3) I've deleted the swap and reconfigured this partition with a name of (livehd) and it has an ext3 filesystem. I've copied the clonezilla software to this partition which also has the ubuntu 10.04.2 image that I want to restore to the root partition.

4) I've modified the existing grub2 using the 40-custom file so that the grub menu has the "Clonezilla Ubuntu 10.04.2 upgrade" entry in it.

5) the initrd.img from clonezilla has LVM support since I opened up the image to a directory using "gzip -d -c /boot/initrd.img|cpio -i" to check it.

6) grub2 sees the (ubuntu-root), (ubuntu-livehd), (hd0,1), (hd0), and (hd0,5) devices and can list (ls) their directories


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Software :: Running A Clonezilla VM With Vmplayer - Unable To Recognize Partition

Mar 30, 2010

I've tried to run a Clonezilla VM using vmplayer. All works fine except when I get to the cloning section. I have three partitions on the HD; partition A, B and C.

A = Partition to clone
B = Partiton onto which the clone image of PartA is to be saved
C = OS partition which is running the Clonezilla VM.

I would like to save the partition as an image but when it actually comes to the nitty gritty of partition cloning Clonezilla does not recognise PartA or PartB. I get error massages along the lines of "No unmounted partitions found." When I drop into a shell prompt the fdisk -l output shows nothing. However, running from the liveCD it recognises both these along with PartC. Is there a way of carrying out the cloning using this method by tweaking vmplayer settings or is the project just not possible ?

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Ubuntu :: Type Ext4 Partition Won't Let Copy Files Larger Than 4.1 Gb

Jun 30, 2010

I erase XP and do a clean install of 10.04 netbook remix on my Acer AspireOne. Almost everything seems to be working ok (so far.....3hrs after installation and still testing!) except for:

1: My main partition is formatted as ext4, and when I try copy back any (video .iso !) file that is larger than 4.1 gb I get a memory error and so only copies the file incomplete up to 4.1 gb. I know this problem under windows FAT vs NTSF but I have read that ext4 was beyond this... So what did I do wrong? Is the solution to switch the ext4 to ext3 and can this be done without loss of installed programs or files.

2: Video and Sound with video is not good. Lots of disturbance/turbulence and for sure not optimal for both video and sound.

3: my internal micophone is not working in Skype but it does with Sound-Recorder...I connected external mic and this works, but with lots of disturbance. Also the voice sound from telephone calls sound is not as should be.

The "hardware drivers" utility tells me that all is good and no proprietary drivers are in use on the system.

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