Ubuntu :: Root Partition Crashed - Two Encrypted Drives

Apr 2, 2010

Can't start Ubuntu, stops after first password. I can access files on my encrypted partitions with LiveCD but I wonder if I can install Ubuntu and still have access to the encrypted drives as I can with LiveCD?

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Fedora Hardware :: LVM Crashed After Fsck On Root Partition

Nov 25, 2009

I got 2 HDDs, I had created LVM by two of them. When I was trying to install quota it was saying it is better if you run fsck first message. When I tried to run fsck. It warned me that I could lose some of my data. So it happened. Actually it is worse: I can't boot my Fedora 11. When I try to run installer in rescue mode, it says no linux partition find. When I try to install (just to see partitions) it shows LVM volumes of hdds are ok but the partition which is / (root)partition seems in unknown format. How can I save my datas? Or can i restore my partitions, LVM?

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Fedora :: Keyfile For Encrypted Root Partition?

Jul 13, 2010

I keep my /boot partition on a usb stick, where i keep the keyfile as well. I already generated the keyfile and added it to the LUKS LVM partition.Right now, on bootup I get a nice GUI to enter my 40 character password which is nice but a little tedious What do i need to modify for the system to automatically unlock the partition with the keyfile that is stored on the /boot partition

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Fedora Security :: Unlock A LUKS Encrypted Root Partition Via Ssh?

May 20, 2010

Anyone had any experience with unlocking a LUKS encrypted root partition via ssh? It is ok to leave /boot unencrypted.

There are a few pages from google with the debians variants, archived by putting dropbear into initrd.

I like to do that with my fedora/centos remote servers, but struggle to find any resources specific to it. Anyone has any suggestions and thoughts as to what might be a suitable way forward?

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Ubuntu :: My Root Directory Is Empty - View A Log Before The System Crashed?

Jul 15, 2011

I wasn't doing anything special on my computer (Ubuntu 11.04) when it just turned off. When I rebooted I was presented with BusyBox. I'm still pretty new to linux, but it appears that root is totally empty. Is there a way to view a log before the system crashed?

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Ubuntu :: Update Manager Crashed - Root Filesystem Check Failed

Apr 8, 2011

This is a Natty system. I ran update manager to update to the latest releases for Natty, and it crashed. I ran it again and it told me it could only do a partial upgrade, and that I should do apt-get install -f. I did that, but apt-get told me the system was locked by another program. Not to worry I thought, I'll just reboot. So I did that, and I think Update-Manager got a lot further through the process than I thought, because my system is borked. It'll boot into Gnome, but when booting up the Boot Screen no longer shows the pretty Ubuntu Logo, but rather a line of text that says "Ubuntu 11.04".

When it gets into Gnome the keyboard and mouse more or less don't work (although the keyboard based Fn+9 and Fn+10 brightness control still works) and there is no desktop background. After about 30 seconds something crashes but I can't click on it to find out what. Going into the recovery console doesn't help either. The latest Kernel (2.6.38-7) stops moving forwards after "Begin:Running /scripts/init-bottom...done". has occurred for the second time. Luckily I still have the previous kernel, which gets to the same spot and then tells me:
"init: udevtrigger main process (390) terminated with status 1" and then "init: udevtrigger post-stop process (394) terminated with status 1".

I then get the message
"The disc drive for / is not ready yet or not present. Continue to wait; or Press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery". S goes back to "Begin:Running /scripts/init-bottom...done" a second time, M brings up the message:
"Root filesystem check failed. A maintenance shell will now be started"
and then it asks for the root password and gives me a terminal. Everything seems to be there, but apt-get and dpkg both can't do anything as the filesystem is read only.

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Ubuntu :: Gparted Crashed While Moving Partition?

Feb 28, 2011

So I was moving and resizing a ntfs partition and i just touched gparted window and it crashed!! it was about 66% of finishing the operation... Now i guess i have a big mess in my hard drive and i dont know how to start solving it! i am in a ubuntu live cd?

If i open gparted now it shows the same partition table than before resizing and moving.. so i guess now part of my data is in this unallocated space after the sda5 partition.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Can't Properly Partition Both Hard Drives - Simple Way To Create Partition On Drive?

Jun 22, 2011

I installed Redhat Enterprise 3 on one of my servers. In my haste I didn't properly partition both Hard Drives and only properly partitioned one of them. Thus now I have

/dev/sdb1 478711768 137858256 316536328 31% /
/dev/sda1 101089 15346 80524 17% /boot

Where /dev/sda1 is actually a 80 GB hard drive. Is there anyway I can safely and easily repartition the unpartitioned space without causing a huge mess? I have a very important Oracle database on /dev/sdb1 and thus I want to be able to back it up on the second disk. I can create a partition on that drive?

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General :: Windows Xp Partition Crashed For An Unknown Reason?

May 23, 2011

My windows xp partition crashed for an unknown reason the other day and i was wondering if i could fix it from my mint debian partition. my windows partition starts to boot but then just hits a black screen and freezes and when i go to run it in any safe mode it just lists a bunch of drivers and then stops there.

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Fedora :: Selinux On Encrypted Root?

Oct 2, 2009

After my cloning problems this morning were resolved, I have been able to complete conversion of the clone to run from an encrypted root partition. However, I have been unable to enable selinux when running from the encrypted root. /etc/selinux/config contains the settings that work on my unencrypted system


and it is not disabled from the grub bootline, but the encrypted system always comes up with selinux disabled. Attempting to enable it with the command setenforce 1 fails, and to add insult to injury, the selinux administration-gui shows that it is enabled and enforcing. The cloned, now encrypted, system was cloned via rsync -aHXv, so the selinux contexts/attributes have been maintained as near as I can tell. I did have to disable selinux while performing the rsync of the /selinux directory in order to get it to copy and I am wondering if there was still some issue with this method.

I know some of you are running from encrypted root fs's and was wondering: Do you have selinux enabled and is it functioning properly? Any suggestions as to how I might jumpstart it or force it to run? Maybe I should boot into the system and uninstalling/reinstalling selinux?

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SUSE :: Encrypted Root File System On LVM

Jul 12, 2010

I try to encrypt root file system on Opensuse 11.1 and I have found up to two possibilities.

1. [url]

2. [url]

In the first case, i have a Problem with entering password, for each partition on encrypted disk, i must enter my password.(For 3 partition 3 times)

And in the second version to get i nowhere.


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Slackware :: 12.2 - RAID-1 - LVM - LUKS Encrypted Root

Dec 17, 2008

I am trying to get Slackware 12.2 running on a system with two identical harddiscs using RAID-1, LVM and LUKS.

Here is what I get:


The system is still the same, however, the results of upgrading or installing 12.2 are different. The system refuses to boot. The screen messages during boot seem to suggest, that the RAID system is "seen" by the system, but the encrypted filesystem is not.

I can boot with the installation DVD, however, and


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Ubuntu :: Encrypted Swap Partition?

Jul 1, 2010

I read an article earlier that suggested the swap partition is encrypted by default if you select an encrypted /home folder during installation, is that true (for Lucid)? I am suspecting it isn't because my hibernation works, which I believe shouldn't be the case?

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Ubuntu :: Restoring Encrypted 11.04 Partition?

May 24, 2011

had a lvm (non luks i suspect) home partition on my 11.04 install. I've since install opensue on the same laptop hoping that if i don't leave that partition alone during opensuse installation i would be able to mount and enter my key to access the data within...stupid me.... i formated my /boot and / partition, not my /home partition of 450gb. I'm now back on ubuntu 11.04 trying to get access to my data. i'v found the command "encryptfs-recover-private" but i only works on mounted partitons, i can't mount my encrypted partition because the system does not recongnize it. I've have to format it to mount it.

(bold is my encrypted partition)
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 1 13 96256 83 Linux
Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.


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Debian Installation :: Creating A New Boot Partition - One Of My Disks In My Computer Crashed

May 11, 2011

One of my disks in my computer crashed, it was the one containing /boot and some data partitions. The other system and /home partitions were on a second disk, which is ok.

I was wondering, can I create a new /boot partition, and keep on using the rest of the system? Can I somehow do it with a chroot from a live/installer disk, run grub, and use my system again? I have another disk which I can put in the system, but there is even an unused partition on the disk which is ok (but it is rather big for /boot).

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Fedora Security :: Minimal Install - Encrypted Root Fs?

Dec 2, 2010

I like to do a minimal install, and then run some of my own scripts to install the rest of the packages I need, so to keep a lean system. When installing F14 with a partitioning scheme as follows:

/boot - 500MB
- swap - 2048 MB
- / - 15GB
- /home - Rest of file system - Encrypted

Everything works fine and the encryption works with no problem. However, as a friend pointed out to me, if you partition as follows:

/boot - 100MB/ - Rest of filesystem - Encrypted You are not able to boot the system when doing a minimal install. Meaning: you get up to the point to where you need to enter your password to decrypt the filesystem, and then nothing but..., well, nothing. However, and here it gets interesting, if you use the same partition layout, and you install the "Graphical Desktop", everything works fine. As I can not understand why this happens, I am currently testing a partition setup like so:

/boot - 100MB
LVM - Encrypted
- / - Rest of filesystem
Just to see if that works.

Anyhow: to make a long story short: It seems that the minimal install "forgets" to add some packages which are needed to decrypt the filesystem. Does anyone know which package this could be or why this occurs, so it can be added as part of the minimal install?

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Fedora :: Encrypted Root, Getting The Following After Entering Pass-phrase?

Jul 3, 2011

Been using fedora for a few years now, got a boot error this morning I just have no idea were to start looking. Got a luks encrypted root, getting the following after entering pass-phrase:

Starting Stdio Syslog Bridge.
Starting /dev/cgroup failed, see 'systemctl status dev-cgroup.mount' for details.


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SUSE / Novell :: Encrypted Root With LUKS On LVM And RAID-1 ?

Apr 15, 2009

OpenSuSE 11.1 is by far the best SuSE version in a long time. It's generally up to competition or ahead of it. It's admirable, how thoughtful this system is set up, and how clean and fast it is compared to its predecessors. It ssems, that SuSE is fighting its way back to where they came from before the Novell "merger."

Having said that, it is even harder to understand, IMHO, why the installer doesn't support encrypted root partitions. Of course, there is a manual solution:


However, this HOW-TO doesn't explain how to combine LUKS encryption with LVM on a RAID-1 system, as described for Slackware 12.2 here:


Is there a similar guide anywhere available for OpenSuSE 11.1?

If not: Would it be possible to do all the low-level setup work, like partitioning, setting up the logical volumes and encrypting everything, with Slackware, following the document above, and then install OpenSuSE 11.1 on that system? Would that work?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot - Need To Mount Encrypted Partition?

May 2, 2010

Times like this Ubuntu makes me want to pull my hair out. When I enter my pass on the login screen, it brings up a "Could not update ICEauthority file" error and then goes to a black screen. I've tried to fix this problem for the past 2-3 hours (searching google, these forums, etc) and at this point, I just want the data off my drive so I can restart with a fresh install of Ubuntu. I used the "gsku nautilus" command to mount the disk from a Ubuntu Drive boot, but it's not letting me have access to the encrypted drive. Does anyone know of a work around for this?

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Ubuntu :: Tried To Upgrade - Home Partition Still Encrypted

Jul 10, 2010

I have a dual boot WinXP / Kubuntu system. Recently, I tried to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04. I have my Kubuntu partition set up with separate partitions for / , /home , and swap. Naturally, I wanted to wipe the slate clean, so I formatted / and left /home alone before doing the install. However, my /home partition was encrypted with the standard crypto that you get when you install. I just deleted the way in by wiping my / partition. Now all of my files are on my drive but encrypted. I do have the unencrypted passphrase given to me when the hard drive was first encrypted, so I am sure there is some way to get my files, but I am unsure how to apply it.

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Ubuntu :: Accessing Encrypted Partition With Live CD?

Apr 25, 2011

I found this website [URL].., and am able to go all the way up to "ecryptfs-mount-private" command, but the response I get after entering my login passphrase is "mount: Operation not permitted". I am not sure why though I am guessing I have a permission issue.

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Ubuntu :: Restore Grub2 On Encrypted Partition?

Jun 10, 2011

I had to reinstall Windows, which has obviously overwritten my lovely Ubuntu Natty

I would like restore grub2, however failling to do so

I'm running:

sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda5 crypt1
Enter LUKS passphrase:
key slot 0 unlocked.


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OpenSUSE Install :: Mounting Encrypted Partitions As User Not Root?

Mar 21, 2011

there is a way to mount, encrypted partitions as a normal user and not as root so that i may copy files into it using the file manager itself? even in the case of normal partitions other than /home, i can't seem add any data in them. the mount points i used are seperate directories within the /home partition?? also, is there a way to create partitions in such a way that it can be accessed, just as how windows partitions are accessed in linux?

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General :: Use A Keyfile On A Removable USB Drive For Encrypted Root In Debian?

Jun 6, 2010

Recently set up root encryption with a couple of LVM volumes inside one LUKS volume, and I am just a little confused as to how I would go about getting it to automatically unlock using a keyfile stored on a USB flash drive, I presume I would have to put the drive in the fstab inside my initramfs (if there is one), and add a hook for USB device support.

But I digress, essentially, I want to know what I have to do to enable my LUKS volume (containing all of my partitions sans /boot) to unlock using a keyfile stored on a USB flash drive, rather than a manually entered passphrase.

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Ubuntu Security :: How To Recover Encrypted Home Partition

Apr 26, 2010

While setting up my laptop on a new hard drive (a bad mobo caused writes which pretty much rendered teh old hdd unusable) I was asked if I wanted to encrypt my home partition.

I've been wanting this for several years - even going as far as trying to get a copy of CheckPoint. That's waht my organization uses on all Wintendo laptops and is required.

In any case, I said "yes" and am happily using my laptop with an encrypted home partition. I'm assuming based on this - [URL] - that it is using EncryptFS as the scheme.

if I were to misplace my laptop, how easy would it be for a forensics team to retrieve my data. Let's assume I have a fairly strong passphrase, such as BisZumBitterenEnd3. [URL]

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Ubuntu Security :: Recover Encrypted Home Partition?

May 3, 2010

I had some major problems after the recent Ubuntu upgrade and had to boot from a live cd. I have a separate /home partition, but it was encrypted using the default install encryption in the 9.10 install cd. How can I get to my files so I can back them up?

I have tried this but it did not work: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1337693

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Ubuntu :: Encrypted /home Partition And Running Out Of Space?

May 26, 2010

I have an Acer Aspire One, Model ZG5 (also known as the 110 with 8GB SSD) which originally came with Linpus Lite installed on it.

I previously had 9.10 installed which was great, but I've done a fresh install of UNR 10.04 since I had a full /home partition and wanted to set up with more space.

This time, I opted for a larger /home drive (~4GB) and also to have it encrypted, which is a good idea for netbooks given their portability (and I have no idea why I didn't do it before!). Since I had very little space on my 8GB drive (if I wanted a larger /home) then I installed /home onto a separate partition, which is located on a 16GB SD card which lives in my machine permanently.

Installation was a breeze, and encryption seems to work fine. I have verified it and it seems to be working. However, I've now hit two related problems - one of which is to do with Thunderbird, and one which is an issue with the encrypted /home drive.

Firstly, I have a large gmail account which I like to replicate offline in Thunderbird (am using v 3.0.4). My online gmail tells me that I'm using 1.4GB of data space online. Using the old T'bird (v2.whatever) my offline T'bird storage was approximately the same size. This is not now true of my current offline storage file size, which is showing at 3.2GB for the same data. I started with a clean slate, just installing T'bird, setting up my account and then leaving it to download all data from Google.

Anyone know why this offline size is so much bigger than the online storage size or even the previous offline storage size?

Secondly, the encrypted /home drive. Given that I needed I put this on a separate card and partition, I had hoped to escape any issues with not having enough space. However, my system is now telling me that /home is out of space...

Specifically, I can see that I have used 3.6 of my 3.8GB storage for /home. This is due to the large size of my offline storage folder.

As I see it, I need to do one of two things (possibly both) - reduce the size of my offline e-mail storage, and increase the size of my /home partition.

Reducing the offline storage will be about finding out why it's so big in the first place.

However, if I wanted to increase the size of my encrypted /home file how would I do this? I have used gparted to make additional space after it - so I could increase the size if it's possible, but I am a little concerned.

If I just increase the size of the partition, would this work? Are there issues with the fact that it's an encrypted partition? What should I be aware of if I wanted to increase an already in-use partition, and how should I best go about this?

Do I need to do it from a live USB image?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Reinstall With Encrypted Home Partition

Dec 17, 2010

I'm wiping out / on an Ubuntu box but want to keep everything in /home/, which is mounted on a different partition. Using Code: ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase ~/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase I have unwrapped the passphrase, resulting in a ~25 character alphanumeric string. Is it possible for me to install from a disk and give the installer the (current) passphrase so that it will automatically mount my home directory?

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Ubuntu Security :: 10.10 And Win7 - Encrypted Partition And Dual OS

Apr 8, 2011

I have to operating systems installed, Ubuntu 10.10 and Windows 7, working perfectly. I also have a partition, currently empty, to be shared between both OS, but I would like that partition to be encrypted.

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Ubuntu Installation :: NTFS Partition With Encrypted Folders?

May 13, 2011

I used Windows XP's encryption to encrypt some folders on an NTFS Hard Drive.Upon mounting this drive in ubuntu, I can see all folders, and all file names, but I cannot open the contents of the encrypted files, getting "Permission Denied" despite all permissions being -rwxrwxrwx.Is there a way to open these from linux? I know the Windows XP login / encryption password.

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