Ubuntu :: Receiving Files From A Phone?

Jan 11, 2010

In Preferences > Bluetooth, I can pair to a phone but when they try to send me files it says, "send failed".

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General :: Mute Or Pause When Receiving Phone Call Via Bluetooth?

Jul 29, 2010

Is there an app out there that will at least mute my speakers or pause my music when I receive a phone call? This would come in handy since I listen to music a bit loud and have a phone that vibrates like a kitten.

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Server :: Sendmail Block Sending Or Receiving .exe Files As Attachment

Jun 22, 2010

Please tell me how i can block sending or receiving .exe files as a attachment in sendmail server

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Ubuntu :: Send Files From My PC To Phone?

Apr 18, 2010

whenever i try so send files from my PC to phone, it never works in first attempt, just hangs. In the subsequent attempts it works fine.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Receive Files From Bluetooth Phone / Enable This?

Jul 8, 2010

I can send files to my bluetooth mobile phone, but when sending a file from the phone to the PC, the phone issues an error message "Sending failed", and I can not figure out, why. /var/log/messages does not contain any related entries. Do you have any idea where to look for the problem?
I am using KDE. I found many complaints about the same problem, but they all date from 2007-2008, so I guess this is not the same problem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.4 - Cannot Send Files From Phone To PC Via Bluetooth

Sep 13, 2010

I am having an problem with bluetooth. Computer seems to find my mobile phone, I can send files from PC to my phone, but not vice versa. As I try to send, it pops "Failed" (in phone) and nothing happens.
Kubuntu 10.04
Windows mobile 6 (HTC p3450).

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Ubuntu Networking :: USB Tethering To Phone Doesn't Work Unless Phone Is Plugged In During Boot?

Jan 14, 2011

It's installed as a mobile broadband connection. Only works if my phone is plugged in during boot, otherwise plugging in my phone does nothing. For example, I booted my netbook earlier today but my phone wasn't plugged in. Tethering did not work, it just acts as if it isn't present. I rebooted (with my phone still attached) and now tethering magically works.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Connect To The Phone Via USB On Xubuntu Box To Drop Files?

Feb 6, 2010

I'd like to put a few MP3s on it but I'm not able to connect to the phone via USB on my xubuntu box to drop files onto it. It works on my company computer (Windows XP) so I know it's not a problem with the phone.

I'm still somewhat of an ubuntu noob so it may be a quick fix that I have overlooked/don't understand yet. Once I plug the phone in to the box, I tell Android to enable USB storage and mount the drive. Here's the error I get afterwards:


Failed to mount "3G Removable Volume".

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc1,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail or so.

Here's the settings set in Storage Device Manager:

Mountpoint: /media/sdc1
Type: vfat
Options: defaults,users,utf8,mark=007,uid=1000,user

Is there a config change I need to make in Storage Device Manager to make this work, or am I missing something else?

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Fedora :: Edit The HD 3gp Files From Cell Phone?

Jul 19, 2011

So is there anything out there that will edit the HD 3gp files from my cell phone? Or the HD files from my Nikon camera?

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Software :: Copy GPX Files From Cell Phone?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm using my phone with TrekBuddy to contribute to Open Street Map and find it a bit awkward to bluetooth or removing the memory card from the phone to use USB directly. So I've been struggling some time to solve this issue, without any luck.Contents from my TrekBuddy directory on the memorycard on phone:Quote:

> ls -l
totalt 382
-rw-------. 1 dag dag 195409 2010-07-11 13:28 20100711-123727.gpx


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Fedora Hardware :: Can't Access LG Vu C920 Phone USB Files In F12?

Jan 31, 2010

In F10 I could access Pics, Music, Video, etc files on the USB card with no problem. In F12, nada.lsusb sees the phone, lists it as ID 05c6 : 1000 Qualcomm, Inc.When I hotplug the phone on a F10 install I see that it loads 3 modules. vfat, fat, and usb_storage.So, on the F12 install I modprobed those drivers, plugged in the phone, and still no trace of it.I get the feeling that I'm supposed to modify some udev or hal files to get this thing working again, but

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Fedora :: Software That Allow To Connect And Manage Files In The Phone?

Feb 6, 2010

Is there any software that allow to connect and manage files in the phone?

I do not need dial sofware

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OpenSUSE Install :: Bluedevil Under 11.4 RC2 - Cannot Send Files From The PC To The Phone

Mar 8, 2011

+ I had struggled with getting it to work on 11.3, KDE 4.4. Brought in the KDE 4.5 repos and did zypper dup with fabulous success. Bluedevil 1.0-2.9 was a charm.

+ We're only days away from 11.4, and that was so painless I figured I'd go ahead and upgrade to 11.4. After hours of RTFM on zypper I got all the 11.4 repos (all I could find) and did zypper dup again.

+ Smooth, painless. Geen probleme.

+ Except: - the upgrade also upgraded bluedevil to 1.0-3.8.1. I've tried rolling back but the problems remain.

+ The problems are: - I cannot send files from the PC to the phone, although I can send files from the phone to the PC.

- The PC prompts are very short-lived and are obscured by the taskbar unless you are primed for them to bring up the notification manager instantly, so pairing from the phone to the PC is difficult

-I cannot browse the phone despite the app suggesting I can. I also had to manually install a directory (/home/$user/$phone_name) to avoid an error message. Presumably the app tries to mount the phone to this directory, but it does not succeed.

+ I do think I have all the necessary devel files, but would love to do a file list comparison with someone who has this working on OS 11.4/KDE 4.5.5 Yes, I know this is beta so don't abuse me, I'm more than willing to do trials and submit explicit data as I have here. But I also would like to get it to work. I had it working on 11.3 / KDE 4.5.5. FWIW, pretty much everything else works flawlessly on OS 11.4. Firefox 4 beta has a few problems, but that is not an OS 11.4 issue...

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CentOS 5 :: Tape Files Are Not Storing With Phone Numbers?

Mar 5, 2010

I installed oreka and can make succesfully call recordings. The problem i'm facing is when i record a call and check the details in database, localparty, remote party fields are storing with source and destination ip address not with there phone numbers.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: USB Connection To Phone \ Sometimes The Phone Craches And Needs To Be Rebooted?

May 16, 2010

I have a mobile phone (T68i) attached to my server and everything works fine. But sometimes the phone craches and needs to be rebooted wich is quite annoying.So I want to use a newer phone that is not 10+ years old :-)But when using a K610i or C702 the phone does not appear on /dev/ttyUSB0 as expected.When inserting the usb cable a dmesg gives this:

[5924924.451033] usb 1-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 19
[5924924.576728] usb 1-3: New USB device found, idVendor=0fce, idProduct=d0d9


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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Transfer Files From Mobile Phone To 11.4 Pc Via Bluetooth?

Aug 14, 2011

how to transfer files from my mobile phone to my opensuse 11.4 pc via bluetooth? ntw i need to buy a bluetooth car or equivalent maybe is there something common, chip and easy to set up?

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Debian Configuration :: Permission Denied To Copy Files Onto Android Phone?

Jul 9, 2011

Here is a copy of my fstab # /etc/fstab: static file system information.

# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices


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Debian Multimedia :: Bluetooth Phone File Browser / Cant See Or Access To Any File Or Folder Into The Phone?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a dell precision m4300 laptop with a 360 wireless bluetooth dell adapter On my system there is a debian lenny with kde3 and backported enable(everythings is p to date except bluez-utils and bluetooth holded at version 3.36-3)

Nowadays bluetooth more less works fine, I can send and receive single file to/from my phone (nokia n70)

The hell begin when I try to browse my phone files from konqueror...with bluetooth:/ I can see the list of all the device near me with sdp://[address]/ i can see two icons (obex file transfer & obex object push)
but I cant see or access to any file or folder into the phone.

I also try to update my bluez-utils to 4.60-1~bpo50+1 but in this case kbluetooth totally fail and a see the contextual menu of the system tray icon all disaled.

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Ubuntu :: Use Scp In Order To Copy Files To Android Phone - Error "destination Does Not Exist"

Feb 14, 2011

I am trying to use scp in order to copy files from an ubuntu machine to my Android phone. I use connectbot to log in to my ubuntu. However, when I use scp I get an error as if the destination does not exist. The destination is /mnt/sdcard/download on myAndroid 2.2.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Receiving 4.5 KiB/s To 7.0 KiB/s?

Feb 1, 2011

I have been receiving 4.5 KiB/s to 7.0 KiB/s on average. This is with nothing connected actively using Wi-Fi (browser, download, etc.) Why is this? It is happening on Lucid x86. I have a 64bit machine, but unfortunately neither the 32bit or 64bit wireless works "out of the box" for me. My wireless card is Ralink RT3090PCIe. I have not found a package to support my card in Ubuntu 64bit (I prefer 64bit over 32bit.). For now there is this as a package for Ubuntu 32bit https://launchpad.net/~markus-tisoft/+archive/rt3090

Another thing, as of late (about a week) my wireless connection strength has diminished substantially was 95-97% now 73-85% This is unusual. Hopefully not any shady neighbors.

I am strongly considering deleting the Ubuntu partition, until a 64bit works "out of the box" for the wireless or at the very least only use this Ubuntu 32bit Lucid version with all network permantly disconnected. To be fair, I have tried quite a few other 64bit Linux distributions (Live CDs) and these others did not work wirelessly "out of the box" either.

I am by no means a Windows "fanboi".....but Windows 64bit does work for me "out of the box", as it should. So, I may have to go there (back to Win7), until I find a release of Ubuntu 64bit that has a wireless that works for me, without any errors/problems.

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Ubuntu Servers :: New Email Server Not Receiving / Get That?

Jan 29, 2010

I am setting up a new email server by following the Flurdy guide. I can send but I can't receive. I can telnet in with both the IP address & telnet mail.domain.com 25 I'm not using or loading shorewall because I will be relying on the firewall that is in the router. I have been following the test section of the flurdy tutorial. I am tailing the mail.log file and only see the status as being different from the example

"status=bounced (mail for domain.com loops back to myself)"

It seems like it is getting through to the server but then getting rejected.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Not Receiving Mail Exim

Feb 4, 2010

I've setup Exim4 as an MTA on my VM which has a static IP. I've pointed the MX records both idential to this static IP. I can send out via command line on the VM using Exim commands and receive the mail in my home account no problem, it also displays the correct from address ie rich@mydomain.co.uk

So I'm not sure what's going on with receiving the mail. If I send a mail from my home email to rich@mydomain.co.uk (not real address), I don't get a bounce or anything, it just goes out never to be seen again.

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General :: Ubuntu Mailser Not Receiving Emails

Aug 2, 2010

I recently setup a mailserver on ubuntu server. I am able to send emails correctly. However, no emails show up when sent to me on this server. I can send emails to myself on the server but not outside email like yahoo.com or gmail or any other emails can reach me. My MX and A record appear to have been set up correctly. My router seems to receive hits when I receive emails. When I check the logs of the router it tells me that there was a remote attempt to send traffic to the router forwarded to the server but I don't see this traffic in any mailbox. When I do pingability.com for my site, I get the following error message:Error There was a problem while talking with the mail server. Got 'Socket Timeout Exception: connect timed out' So somehow, the email traffic seems to get to my router and my router appears to forward it to my server but it does timeout.

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Ubuntu Networking :: DNS - Ping Command For Receiving Reply

Apr 8, 2010

If I type
$ ping [URL]
or even

$ ping google.com
should I receive a reply?

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Ubuntu :: Receiving This Error After Update Or When Installing New Software?

Jun 26, 2010

im receiving this error after update or when im installing new software i upload the screenshot

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Ubuntu :: Receiving Mail In Evolution (stopped Happening)?

Mar 1, 2011

Running Ubuntu 10.4 with happiness and Evolution both for 4 months and always have been able to 'receive' mail by pushing button listed as such; but NOW it is all greyed out. I cannot find or discover how to make it come back 'alive' , so to speak. I have not changed anything that I know of to cause this.

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Networking :: Scp Sends Ok But Stalls On Receiving

Aug 17, 2010

I have set up a server using Suse, which I have done several times. This one is running 11.2 'Emerald'. It has 2 network cards. One is connected to a bt router with a static ip, and the other is for the internal network. The server is used as the gateway for the internet via masquerading. I have 2 issues, which I suspect are related. I can ssh to and from the server fine, but if I try to scp a file, it is fine sending to a remote machine, but stalls if I try the other way.

It also stalls if I try and send from the remote machine to this one. I have tried debug mode, but no 'error's occur, it just stalls.The internet connection is also very slow and sometimes stalls, so there may be a link.I am not new to linux, but this has me baffled. This server replaced a Suse 10.2 server with similar config, and that worked fine.The firewall allows ssh, so I don't think its that.

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General :: NO Audio - Not Receiving Any Video Out Put

Aug 10, 2010

I have installed Linux mint 7 "Gloria". Every thing is working fine except the Audio. I am not receiving any video out put. I am using Dell Studio 1558.

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Server :: Postfix Don't Sending / Receiving Anything?

Nov 8, 2010

Yesterday i run a postfix everything works fine and today it hangs up. if i dial "telnet localhost 25" i get (before day i get 220 answer and ordinary hello):

Connected to trons.sk.
Escape character is '^]'.
and nothing go far.


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CentOS 5 :: 5.2 Servers Are Not Receiving Updates

Mar 26, 2009

I think my CentOS 5.2 servers are not receiving updates. The last update in my logs occurred on Feb 5th 2009;

Feb 05 09:55:45 Updated: nss -
Feb 05 09:55:52 Updated: xulrunner -
Feb 05 09:55:53 Updated: nss-tools -
Feb 05 09:56:00 Updated: firefox - 3.0.6-1.el5.centos.i386

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