Ubuntu :: Password Has Recently Become Unrecognizable?

Nov 22, 2010

At the moment I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala. My password has recently become unrecognizable. My password has never been changed and it has always worked up until now. I cannot put my computer to sleep or hibernate because my password for login will not be recognized. I cannot perform and downloads, system updates, or administrative changes because my password is not recognized. How can I go about fixing this issue?

I am completely new to this so I really do need step by step help here. If the last paragraph made your mind explode, I'll put it into laymen:
My administrative password that I have always used is all of a sudden not recognized. And no, I did not have CAPS on the entire time.

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Ubuntu :: Password Has Become Unrecognizable?

Nov 21, 2010

I am currently running Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala on my laptop, and all of a sudden my password has become unrecognizable. I am only able to bypass the login stage of starting up by restarting my computer. For some reason I am not asked for the login password at that point. My password has never been changed and it has always worked up until now. I cannot put my computer to sleep or hibernate because my password for login will not be recognized. I cannot perform and downloads, system updates, or administrative changes because my password is not recognized. How can I go about fixing this issue?

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Ubuntu :: See The Packages That Recently Installed?

Feb 2, 2010

Is there a way to see the packages that I have recently installed? I'm trying to remove a program and I'm not sure what the names of the packages that came with it are.

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Ubuntu :: Recently Understood The Value Of Backing Up?

Jun 15, 2011

I've recently had to reinstall Ubuntu and start fresh 'cos I messed thing up luckily enough I had a pen drive handy to transfer my important docs, but man it was a pain to get all the docs back in there right places - I don't fancy much doing it again! What I'm looking for is some software that'll back-up my home folder, yet I'm having a real difficult time finding something suitable. I'm looking for something that may:

Auto schedule backups Retain file permissions Options for excluding particular file extensions i.e. .avi, .mp3 etc Is there any software that'll do the job?

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Ubuntu :: Monitor Recently Stopped Working

Jul 9, 2010

My monitor recently stopped working(H/W problem)..after getting it repaired,the ubuntu system is acting weird in the sense that after running for some time,it sort of freezes and does not allow to open any new applications.On trying to open new application,the mouse curosr goes to busy mode and a new tab on task bar is displayed showing(starting 'App'),but after some 10-15 sec,the bar is gone,mouse cursor back to its idle mode and the application is never opened.REstarting the system takes it back to proper state,but after sometime-same prob..I cant open any application,not even system monitor to see whether cpu is being utilized to max.

Also,i have noticed one more thing on starting the system,i transferred 1 file(CUT FILE) from linux partition to windows partition and it got transferred successfully.After sometime,when the above prob came,i rebooted the system to see that the file is again present in Linux partition(And also windows parttion).THis is even after cutting the file and not copying.

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Ubuntu :: Recently Deleted File Recovery?

Jul 26, 2010

I recently accidentally (permanently) deleted a bunch of files off my computer. I used "foremost" to recover all my images, but there are still a bunch of videos that need to be recovered. The problem is that foremost seems to have also recovered a crapload of files from before i switched to ubuntu (i just removed windoze today) so i have a LOT of jpg images right now (over 400,000) and i don't want to deal with that many video files!How do i recover my recently deleted videos without getting a bunch that i don't want?? (can i specify the folder they were deleted from or something?)PS: i used this code to recover my picturesCode:sudo foremost -t jpg -i /dev/sda1

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Ubuntu :: Remove Recently Installed Program?

Jul 27, 2011

I need to know how to repair ubuntu. I don't want to reinstall it. I want current version keep working. Is it possible?

I know that i need to remove recently installed program but how can i do that if ubuntu doesn't start. Even in recovery mode.

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Ubuntu :: Memory Density With Recently Purchased RAM?

Aug 4, 2011

I recently purchased some RAM from ebay and discovered what appears to be one stick is bad and one is good. The purchase was for 2 X 1 GB. My mother board is supposed to support 4 X 1 GB for a total of 4 GB, and there are 4 slots on the board for RAM. It is PC 3200, 400 MHz, 184 pin and that is how the item was listed. I ran multiple tests on the RAM sticks I purchased as well as the RAM I have the came with the machine (when I purchased the machine used). The machine worked fine when I purchased it and one of the RAM sticks I purchased is currently in the machine along with the original ram (total 2 X 256 MB + 1 X 1 GB) and works fine. It is just that one stick that is problematic.

Now, in the most recent email the seller sends me, he claims the density of the memory is not correct and that is the reason the stick does not work. This does not make sense to me for a few reasonts:

1) If the density is not correct then how come the other stick works fine in there? 2) Why then does memtest86 (run on that actual machine, through that mobo) show one of the sticks as passing with flying colors and the other as screwed up every which way from sunday? 3) If the manufacturer's specs on my mobo says that it has 4 slots and supports a total of 4 GB with 1 GB sticks in each slot, then how can density be an issue (note: there are 8 dram chips on ea stick of this memory I purchased).

I see that, according to ebay's buyer protection policy I have 45 days from the date of purchase and the RAM was purchased 22 days ago (I'm about in the middle of that time period). I still have some time to resolve this but I was hoping to get some feedback from you guys to help me make sure I'm on the right track and that the situation with the RAM really is as I believe it is.


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Ubuntu :: Any Way To Use Dpkg To Rollback Recently Installed Packages?

May 30, 2010

Using Ubuntu Lucid with Gnome desktop.I was just playing around trying to find a media player I liked and installed Bangarang via the Software Centre. This took an absolute age and now I realise why - it has basically installed the entire KDE environment and associated lib packages as well.I have found /var/ log/ dpkg.log shows what has been installed and of course I can wade through that to make a list of all the packages and uninstall them all via Synaptic. But that will take a long time to do.

Is there anyway to somehow automate rolling back any package changes since a certain time?I've checked the man for dpkg and I can't see any mention of anything like this.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: PulseAudio Recently Blocked From Starting

Jul 30, 2010

Sometime last week, my volume control disappeared. Upon investigating, I realized that the PulseAudio daemon was not running. When I tried to start it (both by command line and by graphical interface), it errored and refused to start. It is my impression that some other program is using the sound card, but I have been unable to find anything. I've removed all of my local media program configuration files, but nothing seemed to change.

1) finding the program that is locking the sound card?

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Ubuntu :: Files Recovery From Recently Formatted Ext4?

Mar 7, 2011

Is there anyway I can recover my files that used to be on a FAT partition which I recently formatted to ext4?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Access Because Recently "re-installed Windows

Mar 30, 2011

about 6 months ago I installed Ubuntu because my Windows XP had been partially corrupted and was screwing up. One month ago I formated the drive XP was on and installed Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit on it; I couldn't dual boot so I looked online, found EasyBCD 2.0, installed it, and from what I can tell, I need GRUB on my Ubuntu side to be able to boot it, before this I didn't even know what GRUB was.

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OpenSUSE :: KDE - Same Recently Used Applications On Every Login

Sep 8, 2010

I keep getting the same recently used applications when I log in. Even if I haven't used them recently. I'm noting this by the fact that googleearth and kcalc appear in the list and I haven't used either program in some time. If I start a program it shows up in the list but if I log out/in the list is back to the "old" list. Even if I right click and clear the recently used applications list they come back with the next login. The recently used documents seems to be functioning correctly. I'm sure the answer is check/delete something in ~/.kde4 but I have know idea what to check/delete.
OpenSUSE 11.3 (i586)
KDE 4.4.4-1.5

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Debian :: Recently Used Documents Disappeared?

Apr 4, 2011

I'm running Wheezy and I noticed that all of my recently used documents have disappeared. Does anyone know where they went / how to re-enable this feature? All it shows now is "No items found"

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Programming :: Get List Of Recently Or Most-used Applications

Dec 5, 2010

Is there something like GtkRecentManager that will give you a list of recently-used or most-used applications instead of files, or will GtkRecentManager give you apps too?

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Fedora :: Recently Battery Stopped Charging?

Oct 20, 2010

I have a dell inspiron 2200 that has a pentium dual core and have been running Fedora 13 flawlessly I just noticed recently that my battery wasn't charging. It says battery fully charged at 0.0? And some days can't really recall it charges is there a way to fix this? I am running

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OpenSUSE :: Clear 'recently Used Documents' Within The Kmenu Nothing Happens?

Dec 6, 2010

I try to clear 'recently used documents' within the kmenu nothing happens, i.e. the list is not cleared, until I reboot or log out and back in again. It's an old issue but thought I'd just ask if there are some fix for this. There is another small flaw on my system as well which is with refreshing the content displayed in a directory using dolphin (and possibly other file-viewers/apps). For instance, if I unpack a tar/rar/zip package I have to manually refresh dolphin for having it display the new extracted folder.

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OpenSUSE :: Cannot Find Recently Added Font?

Sep 6, 2011

I just recently downloaded a font of .ttf format (truetype I believe). I tried adding the font to a couple of places but still can't find it in any applications.My goal is to use the font in GIMP. Even tried using it in Libre Writer, but still no luck.If I simply double click the ".ttf" file, it opens a window that shows all the letters in the font and the "Quick brown fox jumps." sentence. It also shows data about it like Name, Style, Type, Size, Version, etc... And there is a button on the bottom-right of the window that says "Install Font", and when I click it, it doesn't seem like anything happens except the button becomes greyed out and says,"Install Failed" (can barely read the greyed out text though).

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General :: Finding The Package That Was Installed Recently Or At The Last?

Aug 16, 2010

How to find the package that was installed recently or at the last? Is there any command to find this? in RHEL 5.0

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Ubuntu :: Fsck Trying To Scan Recently Removed Hard Disk On Boot?

Nov 8, 2010

I have ran into a bit of a problem. my server(10.10) is hosting a website with no problems whatsoever. I decided to install an extra hard drive, and format. i did both, and turned off my server after some more configuration. After a while, I decided that the new hard drive was a little loud for my liking, so I removed it. I had not put any files on it. I rebooted and saw a message that said this:Quote:fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2/dev/sda1: clean, 101202/2351104 files, 1516082/9393920 blocksI think that when I turned it off, it was formatting. How do I stop this from halting the boot? I can get by it by pressing the b or a key.

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General :: Lost Internet Recently - Wednesday's Ubuntu 9.10 Auto Upgrade / Fix It?

Mar 21, 2010

I run an e machines laptop with Windows Vista and Ubuntu 9.10 side by side (choose on boot), just using windows for accessing my office PC remotely.
I used the Internet normally on Wednesday, and upgrade manager ran as normal. Thursday, was out, so did not use laptop - Friday, no connection to Internet.
I have done a bit of research - pinging tells me that the connection to the router is fine, but nothing to the Internet. The same router is working fine for my windows desktop machine. After a frustrating weekend, I have thought of comparing settings on the desktop and laptop, and have found that there are 2 DNS server addresses on my desktop machine. Entering these into windows has got the laptop back on the Internet using windows, but I cannot work out how to do this in system/preferences/network connections in Ubuntu.

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Debian Multimedia :: Documents Save Defaults To Recently Used

May 14, 2015

how to change the default new document save to location from Recently Used to ~/user as this pertains to Pluma. Neither preferences, the man page.

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Fedora Installation :: Get List Of Recently Removed Packages?

Apr 17, 2009

I've recently removed some packages and now have a problem with fonts. how to get list of removed packages (for example, last 10)?

P.S. I'am using yum-remove-with-leaves plugin.

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Fedora :: Unable To Locate Recently Installed Aria2?

Jul 16, 2010

I did recently install aria2 and everything installed smoothly. but i am not able to locate it. I know it will be in the applications->internet but its not there.

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Fedora :: Rhythmbox Only Imports Recently Ripped Folders

Jan 30, 2011

I've recently re-installed my operating system after a system problem. I am running F14 and Rhythmbox 0.13.2. I had all my music files backed up and have copied all the all the backed up files to /home/Music. I also ripped four CDs today and put them in the same folder. Then I started Rhythmbox and went to import the /Music folder for the first time since the new install.

The only folders imported from the Music folder were the files from the four CDs I ripped today. It would not import any of the other subfolders or files. The new files were ogg format and that is what most of the non-imported files were. I tried importing the Music folder with Amorok and it worked fine so there files seem to be OK. Any idea why it isn't working in Rhythmbox?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: DVD Drive Start Working Bad Recently In KDE 4.4.3?

Jun 11, 2010

I have like a month using the KDE 4.4 from factory without problems since a month to now, but suddenly, since yesterday KDE doesnt mount my DVDs or CDs in my internal drive, and of course, doesnt burn anything, so i was wondering if this has something to do with the fact that im using factory or its a known bug or what should i check? I have dual boot in this computer, and in win the drives works without problem.

Should i go back to KDE 4.3.5? If you need some output or something tellme, all i can say know is that appears an error when i excute the command "eject" about something going wrong with ioclt... But it appears some times, and others dont.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Locate Recently Added Repository?

Aug 8, 2011

I had some issues with my touchpad on my Dell Laptop Latitude E6510.I found the site "linux.dell.com" which is an OSS site for Dell products, Drivers, firmware, etc.Index of /repo/community.I followed the instructions on their site to add the repo to my system. When I run the 'wget' command that it tells me to run, it seems like everything goes fine. But I can't see the repo in YaST > Software Repositories. I ran the command on Friday last week so I don't have the exact output from which I ran this command the first time.

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General :: Windows - System Firefox So Sluggish Recently / Fix It?

Mar 11, 2010

I switched to Chrome half a year back because Firefox had become sluggish on my Linux box (both Ubuntu and OpenSuse). 6 months later and the problem remains - anyone know what is going on and any tips to improve? I still need to use Firefox occasionally for Firebug.

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Fedora :: Loaded 13 Recently And Soon Couldn't Access 'Root"?

Jul 28, 2010

Old windows user finally real tired of them.. Kudos to Fedora 13 as the only popular Linux OS available for us frugal folk that embraced proprietary hardware on my old pukey hp pavilion laptop dv4000 wi fi card.Sad to report massive issues after allowing some 330+ updates to possibly infect this great OS. I'm currently running this 'Live" so I'm staying brief. My strategy will be to not allow any updating until I'm sure they are trusted and or needed, as this is the chosen OS, and I pledge to be moe involved as I try to figure out where or why this initial install went way south

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 Recently Used Apps Area Empty After Reboot

Jul 22, 2010

Not earth-shattering, I don't suppose, but have noticed that since installing 11.3 (Fresh install, x64, DVD), the "Recently Used" list in the "Start(? Kicker??)" Menu, doesn't save applications through a reboot... ie, if I start Thunderbird, Open Office, whatever while logged in, these will then appear in the "Recently used" section of the menu, but then do a reboot, and the applications area in the recently used menu, will be empty. The "documents" area is fine, and shows stuff after a reboot, but not "applications"....

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