General :: Lost Internet Recently - Wednesday's Ubuntu 9.10 Auto Upgrade / Fix It?

Mar 21, 2010

I run an e machines laptop with Windows Vista and Ubuntu 9.10 side by side (choose on boot), just using windows for accessing my office PC remotely.
I used the Internet normally on Wednesday, and upgrade manager ran as normal. Thursday, was out, so did not use laptop - Friday, no connection to Internet.
I have done a bit of research - pinging tells me that the connection to the router is fine, but nothing to the Internet. The same router is working fine for my windows desktop machine. After a frustrating weekend, I have thought of comparing settings on the desktop and laptop, and have found that there are 2 DNS server addresses on my desktop machine. Entering these into windows has got the laptop back on the Internet using windows, but I cannot work out how to do this in system/preferences/network connections in Ubuntu.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Lost Internet Connection After Upgrade

Jun 21, 2010

After having updated unconditionally all packages in Kde-desktop-factory-repository to get the latest version 4.4.4, I can no longer connect to the Internet through Knetworkmanager. I receive the the following message from a pop-up window when clicking on the Knetworkmanager icon

Code: KNetworkManager cannot start because the installation is misconfigured.System DBUS policy does not allow it to provide user settings; contact your system administrator or distribution.KNetworkManager will not start automatically in future.I tried opening Knetworkmanager in a terminal as root user through 'su' but received the following message:

Code:# knetworkmanager knetworkmanager(2331): KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the D-Bus session server:"Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken."

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OpenSUSE Network :: Internet Access Lost After Upgrade / Get That Back?

Apr 6, 2010

I just upgraded from Suse 10.x to 11.2. Unfortunately, I didn't use 10.2 much and I('m a bit overwhelmed by the upgrade. Any advise is greatly appreciated.

After my upgrade, I lost Internet access. I don't really know my way around too well, but I did try to ping my router, but had no success. (Although I can ping

I'm guessing that this means network access is not configured, although it looks OK to me.

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Server :: Log File Monitoring Script On Server But After An Auto Update Recently It Seems To Have Disapperaed?

Jun 28, 2010

I used to have a log file monitoring script on my server but after an auto update recently it seems to have disapperaed.Can anyone think of some log file analyzers that send outputs of ssh, amount of disk space used etc. as I cannot remember the name of the program at all.

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General :: Internet Connection Lost After Ubuntu 10 Latest Updates

Feb 14, 2011

I installed ubuntu 10 just yesterday. Everything was working just fine. The auto-update function advised me to download and install the latest updates and so I did. It was over 300 MB. I installed it, did a reboot and my internet connection was lost. I tried a few things I found on this forum yesterday. Nothing worked. I can go on-line on the same computer using windows 7. But I always have to reboot to try the different solutions. All right that's fixed! But now I just have to fix Firefox...

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General :: Ubuntu 10.10 On Dual Boot PC - Internet Connectivity Lost

Jan 12, 2011

Just installed Ubuntu 10.10 on dual boot computer. Each OS is on separate hard drive with GNOME selection between Ubuntu and Windows 7 Ultimate. Firefox was working fine yesterday when I went to use today, nothing. Email through Thunderbird is down as well.

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General :: Lost Browser Connection To Internet

Jan 29, 2011

Using acer aspire one (ZG5) and have lost connection to Firefox browser after changing setting to make google my home default web page. I have no experience with linux so any help would be appreciated. There's no problem with my internet connection it shows connected.

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General :: Auto Login Will Not Work After Upgrade - Sabayon 5.2

May 4, 2010

I'm in the process of trying Sabayon 5.2. After the initial install, I had 800 packages to install to upgrade - went very smooth - but on re-booting, the auto login was gone. No problem, I reset using 'run command' 'kdm' and the 'convenience' screen. Checked all the correct places, and re-booted - no auto login, and I can't get it to 'stick'?

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General :: Lost Internet On Acer Aspire One When Tried To Add Firefox 3.6

Dec 15, 2010

i have lost internet on acer aspire one when i tried to add firefox 3.6 and cannot solve the problem.....i have tried several times and nothing works, it tells me it either failed or is unknown..... i can't even get back to firefox 2....everything was ok until i added adobe flashplayer and when i rebooted to make it work there was no internet at all and it's my sisters netbook not mine.

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General :: Acer Aspire One - Lost Internet Connection

Feb 4, 2011

I have an Acer Aspire One Netbook that has lost connection with the Internet. On clicking the Browser button I get a message saying "Your wired device is now connected" - but nothing happens. It was working fine up till about a week ago. A substituted computer will work OK from the same output from the Router/ Modem through the same cable.

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Get Qinternet To Auto Reconnect / When Connection Is Lost

May 14, 2010

i cant get Qinternet to auto reconnect when connection is lost due to dynamic IP changes from my ISP.Im using Ifup method.Thing is, every 24 hours, ISP changes my IP and thus, disconnects me from the internet. I need it to reconnect but dont know how to do it.

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General :: Finding The Package That Was Installed Recently Or At The Last?

Aug 16, 2010

How to find the package that was installed recently or at the last? Is there any command to find this? in RHEL 5.0

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General :: Windows - System Firefox So Sluggish Recently / Fix It?

Mar 11, 2010

I switched to Chrome half a year back because Firefox had become sluggish on my Linux box (both Ubuntu and OpenSuse). 6 months later and the problem remains - anyone know what is going on and any tips to improve? I still need to use Firefox occasionally for Firebug.

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General :: Make Nano Support Auto-complete And Auto-bracket Closing?

Feb 20, 2010

Does anyone know if there's a way to make nano support auto-complete and auto-bracket closing?

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General :: Html - Code Editor That Has Auto-indent AND Auto-outdent?

Apr 22, 2011

I code primarily in jQuery/JavaScript, and I'm looking for a text editor for Linux that has auto-indent and auto-outdent (seems to be tough to find that). Any suggestions? I've checked Gedit, Cream, vim, Bluefish.None of them seem to have this feature.

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General :: Finding A File Which Is Being Written Recently In Directory Of 1000 Files?

Apr 13, 2011

How to find a file which is being written recently in directory of 1000 files?

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Ubuntu :: Auto Upgrade From 10.04 64bit To 10.10 64 Bit?

Oct 10, 2010

wanted to ask-should i make auto update to 10.10? Does it work out of the box? Of course, i would wait final release, but just have no time to make clean install. Anyone knows if auto upgrade works fine?

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Ubuntu :: Updated - And Lost ALL Internet ?

Jun 1, 2011

Updated to the latest version several weeks back. Everything loaded fine and system works fine.....except for the internet (wireless AND wired).

I'm still real new at Linux so I just stopped and switched back over to Windows (dual-boot) out of frustration. Figured I'd finally tackle my problem today. Internet and everything worked perfectly before upgrade and now......NOTHING. I hooked laptop (computer running Linux) up to hard line on main computer.....still no internet.

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Ubuntu :: Upgrade From 10.04 To 10.10 Lost MBR?

Apr 26, 2011

I think I've lost my MBR upgrading from ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10. During the upgrade it gave me a message saying which partitions did I want the grub details to go on, saying if I was unsure to select all of them. After reboot I just end up in a grub recovery console.The system was a dual boot with windows I can get both my operating systems to work?

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010 ============================= Boot Info Summary: ============================== => Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in partition #256 for /boot/grub. sda1: __________________________________________________ _______________________ File system: ntfs Boot


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Ubuntu Installation :: Lost Internet Connection / Get That?

Feb 23, 2010

Somehow I lost Internet connection and tried various threads and still does not work.

When used the liveCD I can access Internet

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Ubuntu Installation :: Internet Lost After Updating?

Mar 18, 2011

I partial updated the ubuntu packages after repeated messages. Finally it asked me to delete obsolete files and I clicked Ok. After some time the wireless internet Icon on the top right corner disappered.

Now I cant connect to internet by my router either wireless or wired. My wlan drivers are ok too. There seem to be no network whatsoever.

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Ubuntu :: Mythbuntu 10.10 - Lost Internet Connectivity?

May 2, 2011

The internet has been working happily on my Mythbuntu machine for many months but stopped working overnight.If I try to do "sudo start networking" I get a "Job failed to start" message.There's also a solid orange light on the ethernet socket.As it's been working for months, I don't think my interfaces config needs updating.Looking at what's been updated recently on the system:

1) I've configured the machine to wake from USB. It was working for a couple of days so I don't believe this is the issue.

2) I set up wake-on-lan with ethtool. Again, this was working (although it did seem to disable wake-on-usb and required a reboot to fix)

3) Update to 11.04 - I said no to this, as 10.10 was working very nicely indeed.

I've disabled wake on lan and rebooted. No joy.

ethtool detects the ethernet controller ok and it's listed in lshw.

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Ubuntu :: Lost The Connection To The Internet And Also The Taskbar?

Jun 12, 2011

I'm running 10.10 and I uninstalled some files through synaptic and it also removed a lot of other packages which messed up my whole system. I lost the connection to the Internet and also the taskbar. I don't know how to re-install those lost packages because I have no net connection. How can I fix this? This is what I removed:

Completely removed the following packages:


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Ubuntu :: Still Have Wireless Connection But Lost Internet

Nov 30, 2009

Three months ago my daughter went off to college with a new computer. I zapped her old system and successfully installed Ubuntu 9.04 from a CD. Everything worked fine including all the peripherals and the wireless internet connection. I was able to download and update applications without a hitch. Great system and so much cleaner and quicker than Win XP on the old machine. Then the system was shut down and lay idle for three months.When I fired it up a couple of days ago, all seemed normal except I could no longer access the internet even though the wireless network icon showed four or five bars. I first discovered the problem when I tried to update though Update Manager and noticed that 22 identified files could not be fetched. Neither Firefox, Skype nor Goodgle Earth can connect.

The router is a Linksys WRT54G router that connects to the computer through a Linksys WUSB54G USB network adapter. The router serves three other non-Linux computers without a problem, including one using the same model network adapter.I don't have much experience with Ubuntu, but this is some of the information I have been able to generate.

I tried a few of the recommendations found in other sites, but nothing seems to do the job. I am perplexed because everything was great until I shut down the system for three months and then started it up again. I appreciate any assistance and would be happy to provide additional information as requested.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Lost LAN After Upgrade To 9.10

Feb 26, 2010

I have 2 machines with ubuntu (now 9.10) and 2 with XP. After upgrading the ubuntu machines to 9.10 my wired LAN does not let me connect between the linux and MS machines. They did before the upgrade. Where and what should I check to see why the ubuntu machines cannot connect to each other or to the XP machines?I have looked at the network connections and it shows 'auto eth0', last used 'never'. I select the auto eth0 and click on the edit tab and the wired tab shows a MAC address and MTU is set to automatic. The 802.1x Security tab shows it not checked and grayed out. The ipv4 settings tab shows 'automatic'. The ipv6 settings tab shows 'ignore'.

When I click on the Places/Network, the Windows Network icon comes up. When I click on it, I get the MSHOME icon and the WORKGROUP icon. When I click on either of them I get message saying "Opening MSHOME" and then the message 'unable to mount, failed to retrieve share list from server'. The same thing happens when I click the WORKGROUP icon.

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Ubuntu :: Lost Evolution After Upgrade?

Jul 25, 2010

I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 and it seems to have lost my evolution email program and all the information in it. It is no longer on the panel and no longer in Internet applications but when I go to the software center it says that it is still installed. Is there a chance it is still there and usable? I'd like to keep it rather than switch. How would I find it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: After 10.10 Upgrade, Lost G++-4.1?

Oct 19, 2010

I upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 and everything went smoothly EXCEPT that g++-4.1 and all its dependencies were uninstalled, and now it's nowhere to be found in Synaptic Package Manager. How can I get g++-4.1 back??

ps. I know that I can download source and build it manually, but there has to be a more "Ubuntu-ish" way of doing it.

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Ubuntu :: Lost WiFi With Upgrade To 11.4

Apr 29, 2011

I have lost wifi access with the upgrade to 11.4.Previously, the receiver icon showed on left click a menu of available networks, and on right click, available network by network settings for editing. The menu also included enable wireless connection and enable wired connection. I have wireless enabled.

But with the upgrade, the same menu appears on left click or right click, and they both show a greyed out "wireless disconnected" tab, so you can't connect from there, the tab is disabled. There's also no place else to go to find available networks or to lock into one. There also does not seem to be a place to find wired networks either.I installed my wifi network in it, and put in the correct password and set it to come on automatically, and 3x restarts did not yield any changes. Apparently network finding is disabled in this version or at least my copy.It isn't the computer: I'm on line with it now on the Windows XP side.

This is doubly problematic because if I can't get on line, I can't download a fix, and even if I could by downloading it to the Windows side, it is probably a binary with some very scripts and meticulous BASH coding or tarballing something else that I have no idea how to do even with a walk through by an expert because most of the time the experts assume I know as much about using a Linux terminal and code as they do, and I basically know absolutely nothing, it is all Greek to me from the point at which they say "open a terminal." "Go to root" might as well be said in Chinese as far as its usefulness to me. What is the plan here? A complete redo from the get go?

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Ubuntu :: Lost Hardware Since Upgrade

May 5, 2010

upgraded to lucid and since doing so the 2nd hard drive and my 2 cd burners don't show up in "places" any more.I have no way to access the 2nd hard drive which has all my media on it. As far as the cd burners, they work when i use a program that requires the cd burners but they don't show up anywhere.if i run lshw it shows the harddrive and 2 cd burners.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Metacity Does Not Auto-start After Upgrade To 10.04

Apr 30, 2010

I've just upgraded Ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 on my eeePC. Everything seems to be fine so far except one thing: metacity does not want to start automatically, so I have to run metacity --replace each time after login.

I've removed Compiz installed previously and set window manager to /usr/bin/metacity using gconf-editor, but still Ubuntu starts without window manager running. As a workaround I've enabled session state saving, so metacity now starts together with my other applications, however I would like to find a prettier solution.

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