Ubuntu :: Option Under Virtual Box To Install It?

Mar 9, 2011

if it's illigal why is there an option under Virtual box to install it

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OpenSUSE Install :: Should There Be Option To Download ISO Option For CD Installation

Jul 18, 2010

when I go to download 11.3 I am presented with the installation medium for a DVD installation with a button that says download DVD. Should there be an option to download an ISO option for a CD installation on this page along with the DVD version? Some of our older machines can only read CD's with a max size of 500+ megs.

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General :: Installing Cent OS Using Windows - Mount Iso File To Virtual Drive There Is No Autoplay Option

Feb 22, 2011

I downloaded centos from their official bittorrent.It contained two iso files and md5sum.txt,sha1sum.txt and sha256sum.txt and also md5sum.txt.asc,sha1sum.txt.asc and sha256sum.txt.asc.Now when I mount iso file to virtual drive there is no autoplay option.Can you tell me how to install it.I dont see any setup file?

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General :: Setup Virtual Machines To Be Servers With Bind Option Set To A Multicast Group Address Of

Mar 28, 2010

I am in verse to test "Multicast Packet filtering".I want to setup Virtual Machines to be servers with bind option set to a multicast group address of I want to configure the client VM, connecting to the multicast group address and setting the TTL as needed.

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CentOS 5 :: Install Vmware Server On 5.5 - Error "You May Not Power Virtual Machine In Virtual Machine"

May 27, 2010

I have installed CentOS on a VMwareWorktation and that CentOS, i also install VMware Server (suscess) and setup a guest OS that, but i start this Guest OS, an error show "You may not power virtual machine in virtual machine"...

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Server :: Install Source Not Getting Recognized During Para Virtual Guest Install Of Xen

Sep 20, 2009

I am trying to install CentOS guest on CentOS 5.3 host. I have installed all the requirements for the same. As per documentation, only NETWORK install is supported if the guest is to be installed as paravirtalized.I copied the CentOS DVD in /home directory with folder name centos52 and exported it through NFS. When I run Virtual machine manager and give installation path as: nfs:<ip address of host>:/home/centos52 , the system while trying to create the storage fails and throws following error:Unable to complete install: 'Invalid install location: Mounting location nfs://<ip address of host>:/home/centos52 failed'

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Ubuntu :: Auto Login Option / Can Undo This Option?

Nov 5, 2010

I installed Maverick with auto login. One could undo this by reinstalling I suppose, but is there an easier way to get back to the standard form of login?Hopefully that will cause my default key ring to unlock correctly.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 - No Option To Boot After Install / Fix This?

May 3, 2011

I have just installed Ubuntu 11.04 alongside Windows 7. Once the install was complete it asked me to restart and when it went to boot i never got the choice in which OS i wanted to start. How can I fix this?

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Ubuntu :: Can't See The Download Or Install Option?

Jul 12, 2011

I hope this is the right place to post it My problem is when I try to install A msn, I can't see the download or install option. I only see the "use this source"button. Idk how to download it then. I hope it isn't a problem that i installed ubuntu on a usb stick. Cause it doesn't have a big enough hard drive and I can only overwrite windows when I have a usb-cdrom player that I get next week.

Stefanoviche It isn't my computer but from a friend, so maybe i react late cause i don't have the computer in my house :S Ow and when I try to install ubuntu netbook it gives a error

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Ubuntu :: No 'along-side' Option When Trying To Install 11.04?

Sep 1, 2011

trying to install 11.04 on an older HP nc6220 laptop that is currently running XP Pro.While running Ubuntu from the thumb-drive has been successful, with everything working so far, the installation doesn't seem to be giving me all of the options that previous installs on other machines have.

For instance, when I click on the option to install Ubuntu, I'm only getting the option to install 'over' XP Pro and not along side it. There is however one other option, 'something else', where I believe that you can manually create the partitions, however it's all greek to me. Is there a specific reason why I'm not getting the option to install 'along-side' XP pro?

For whatever it's worth, when it does the checks just after clicking the 'install' option, it says that I'm good to go -as far as available space and internet connection. Do I just have to manually create the partitions, or is there anyway to get the option to install 'along-side' XP pro?

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CentOS 5 :: Can't Install New Virtual Machine From DVD / CD Only Via Network Install

Jan 10, 2010

Why i cant install a new virtual machine from dvd/cd only via network install and which install media url i must paste in the option to install debian or Suse or redhat.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Option To Install To First Drive?

May 2, 2010

Upgraded one box that has 2 drives in it to 10.04 no problem.Tried doing my other box today, and it won't give me the option to format the /dev/sda drive (first drive), only gives me /dev/sdb as an option./dev/sdb is my media drive. /dev/sda is where the previous version of Ubuntu was installed and I need to be able to install to that drive.When I boot the live cd instead of installing, I see both drives under the "Places" menu, so I know ubuntu sees both drives.

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Ubuntu :: No Boot Up Choice Option After Win 7 Install

Jul 7, 2010

I put windows 7 on my desktop which is a dell E521. I had windows vista on their previously and had a dual boot setup on it. When I installed win 7 on I just did the upgrade so I wouldn't have to reformat my hardrive and now when I boot up it will not show the option to boot into windows or ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Select An Option To Install From The Cd - The Pc Reboots

Sep 23, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu 8.04 on my pc but every time I select an option to install from the cd, the pc reboots and I go through the same thing again.

I've tried installing within windows but that just installs a folder with Ubuntu in but I can't start Ubuntu up when it's finished installing?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Does 10.10 Have Option Not To Install Grub?

Jan 24, 2011

I have my machine booting Windows 7, Ubuntu 10.10 (64bit), and OpenSUSE 11.3 (64bit). All good. When I added OpenSUSE it was really easy.There is an option not to install grub. I ticked the box and once installed I simply re-booted into Ubuntu and 'sudo update-grub'. Voila, job done. (Interestingly it uses the same /swap as Ubuntu so that is convenient, an accident, long story, and off topic!) Is there a similar option in Ubuntu where during install I can choose not to install grub and use the same method as I did with OpenSUSE?

Also, I am wanting to use the existing Ubuntu /home and /swap partitions. How do I go about that? I will do some further research on that bit and no doubt find the answer but I'm figuring I create just one partition, /, during install and somehow direct it to use the existing /home and /swap. Issue is, won't it create a /home directory inside the / partition if I don't allocate a /home partition during install?

Reason I'm doing this? I have a Realtek wireless card that has never behaved. I ended up emailing Realtek only to discover the driver/firmware wasn't suitable for 64bit systems. Therefore I am going to attempt to install Ubuntu Desktop 10.10 32bit version and see if I can't get the card behaving there.

I had thought of Virtualbox for doing this (which I have installed but haven't used yet) but decided against it only to save time when booting. I would need to boot the 64bit Ubuntu then the 32bit Ubuntu inside that. Waste of ten seconds!

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 - No Option To Not Install Grub

Mar 28, 2011

I installed 9.10, and then upgraded to grub2. This went without issue. I am now in the process of installing 10.10. I have the partitions set up as follows,

sda1 primary 8GB swap
sda5 logical 10gb / for 9.10
sda6 logical 20gb /home for 9.10

with grub2 installed on the mbr of sda. I then added

sda7 logical 10gb / for 10.10
sda8 logical 20gb /home for 10.10

This seems like the best config for a multiboot setup.I was not going to install grub with 10.10, but just boot back into 9.10 and run update-grub. The only options are to install grub on sda, or on one of the logical parts. There is no option in the menu to not install grub.what should I do now?

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Ubuntu :: Why Having (Install Release) Option In Natty

Apr 28, 2011

In the control center under System, I have the option: "Install RELEASE". Why do I have this? Yes, I did have Natty Beta2 previously, but since it's official release today I would assume I now have the Release Candidate installed as I have done all the available updates.

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Ubuntu :: No Option To Install Netbook Version

May 2, 2011

Theres no option to install netbook version of ubuntu so which should i get ? the ubuntu 11.04 desktop version is sooo slow as it wwill only let me install 64bit

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CentOS 5 :: 5.5 Kickstart Option To Remove Encryption Option?

May 25, 2010

We do use kickstart configuration file to customize the CentOS installation. In the partitioning screen, I do see a check box for encryption (encrypting the disk blocks).

I want to remove this checkbox in my kickstart configuration file. What is the option to use to get rid of this checkbox.

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Ubuntu :: New Clean Install - Option For Mount Point

Jul 14, 2010

I have made a clean install number of times. At the point where you (I always do this) manually select the partition where you want Ubuntu to be installed there is a option where you want the Mount Point. The options are / /boot /home /tmp /usr etc. up to now I have always used / but I'm not sure effect choosing some of the options would be.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Do Not Get Option To Install Next To Other Operating Systems

Nov 4, 2010

I am attempting to install Ubuntu via a USB stick. I have Ubuntu on the USB, I have booted from the stick and I have made it to the installing window. My problem is, I do not get the option to install next to other operating systems, which is what I want.If I have not been clear enough then please let me know and I'll see what I can do.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Dual Boot Install Option

Dec 28, 2010

No option to install alongside another OS. I have Win7 Starter on this new netbook and need to install Ubuntu 10.10 netbook addition. Disk Management shows 4 partitions, one is C:, one is D:, and two I've never seen before they're so small. Is it safe to delete these or do they have a purpose for the current Win OS? I would gladly install the 10.10 to my D: drive which seems to be SDA2, the 131GB partition. What's the right sequence of partitioning and formatting to give Ubuntu the full install it needs manually? And what needs to be taken care of for a Swap drive?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Blinking Cursor Without Option To Install?

May 5, 2011

I have a MacBookPro5,2 with WinXP and Mac 10.6.7 installed. I created a new partition, and installed refit. I burned Ubuntu 11.04 32bit, rebooted, held 'c' and it started the boot process via the CD. It makes it to a brief Ubuntu image but changes the the blinking cursor and doesn't change. I see no menus and have no options except to be sad and reboot.

How should I proceed debugging this? Simply running Ubuntu via 'LiveCD' would be nice, as would being able to install Ubuntu. Should I try an alternative version of Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: 10 - Install Virtual NIC ?

Jul 4, 2011

Default installation uses "Network Connections" application - interfaces file is empty.... so I do not know how to add virtual IP address.....

Is there possibility to add virtual IP without deinstalling network-manager?

I could follow this tutorial, but what about WLAN, will it work?


I would like to store such configuration: ifconfig eth0:1 inet netmask

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - How To Install Virtual Box

Jan 3, 2010

Now I know there are articles and guidelines out there, about how to install vbox, but I cannot understand everything they tell me. I'm using Ubuntu 9.10, and I am fairly new to Linux altogether.

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Ubuntu :: Make The Noapic Option Is Selected When Starts After An Install?

Oct 13, 2010

To make Ubuntu work on my computer I need to select the noapic option NOW How do I make certain that the noapic option is selected always when ubuntu starts after ubuntu has been installed?I would like to install Ubuntu 10.10 on my computer togheter with windows 7

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Ubuntu Installation :: Doesn't Give Option To Install Along Side Of Other OS

Oct 14, 2010

I am installing ubuntu on a Dell m7750n machine that has the KSOD. I have done almost everything I can find to fix it. I was able to remove my data off of it using regedit....

So, I am sick of MS and found linux. I installed unbutu netbook on my netbook and it works like a charm.....

So, I went to install this on my desktop dell.... I have read of the many issue with this...

I was not able to boot from the CDlive as is. I kept getting a black screen with nothing. I then used the f6 to get into grub and then choose f6 to change the load options to load nomodeset and was able to load ubuntu from the drive, not install.

I would like to install ubuntu, but when I click on install from the 'tester' version it will not give me the option to install along side another OS (windows) that I see in the install ubuntu main website in the see how to do it.

I get two options:
Erase and use entire disk
Specify partitions manually (advanced)

Question: Can I install and select my own partitions using: [url]

Or, is there something wrong and I need to get that fixed before I install ubuntu?

Is this a DELL issue or KSOD issue?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Install The ATI Proprietary Driver Using The Automatic Option ?

Apr 7, 2011

Steps that the pdf file from ati says :

To install the ATI Proprietary Linux driver using the Automatic option, follow these steps:

1 Launch the Terminal Application/Window and navigate to the ATI Propri-etary Linux driver download.

2 Enter the command sh ./ati-driver-installer-8.573-x86.x86_64 to launch the ATI Proprietary Linux driver installer.

The ATI Proprietary Linux Driver Setup dialog box is displayed It shows the ati with the penguin. Mine doesnt show that for the file: "ati-driver-installer-11-3-x86.x86_64.run

This is the driver that I got from the website. But Im still having issues with Wow not working or recognizing that I have a great card (XFX HD 4770).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Option To Not Install Grub On Natty/11.04 CD Removed?

May 13, 2011

In previous versions, there was an 'advanced' button where you could select NOT to install grub. I can't find that in the latest Natty release iso's. Is it no longer an option? And if not, WHY? I find myself reloading Natty quite often on a test partition to play with various parameters in my attempt to get it working as needed. But I'd really prefer to have the option to no reload grub.

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Ubuntu :: Win7 Option Not Found On Grub After Kubuntu 10.10 Install

Apr 5, 2011

I had my Laptop, a Dell Inspiron 1520, running Windows 7 and Windows XP - I had a few gigs of unallocated space, so I decided to install Kubuntu alongside it, worked fine no problem, with the exception of running out of space very quickly - I got fed up with it, and installed Kubuntu over the Windows XP partition (around 80gigs, and the first OS to be installed on the computer). After I installed it.

All was working perfectly until I rebooted to discover I am missing my Windows 7 boot option in GRUB, before I had to press Windows XP Embedded and it opened the boot dialog, but here I dont get the option, is there a GRUB 2 option I can change to allow it to show Windows 7? The Computer works perfectly, it's just the GRUB doesn't show Windows 7, and I'm hesitant to format its old partition and reinstall it due to the fact that it may over ride the grub and leave me without Kubuntu access?

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