Ubuntu :: How To Load A Script At Boot

Aug 28, 2010

I have created a script which is displayed below to lock the terminal with a password protection.I copied the following shell script to the init.d folder and executed the command "update -rc.d filename defaults" to load the script to the system but it shows me a error saying that my script does'nt satisfy the specifications.so please help me by adding the specifications for the following script and please tell me if I am doing this in a wrong way.

stty -echo
while [ "$m" != "password" ]


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Ubuntu :: Laptop Boot Failure - Invalid Enviroment Block - Unable To Load Default Boot Entries

Mar 3, 2010

Have been running ubuntu for sometime now and love its functionality...However since a recent update have the following issues..When I power on the laptop I get the toshiba logo followed by grub loading with the message ' invalid enviroment block" "unable to load default boot entries". When I then try to run the laptop off a LiveCd, the ubuntu splash screen appears with the loading process bar (horizontal line) displayed..however it then appears to display a black screen with no further activity..Now all of this is via an external monitor as my laptop screen shows no activity right from the very start with just a blank screen....so am really stuck here wondering if its a harware/software issue or a combination of both...

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General :: Application On Server To Allow Network Boot Of Windows Pc's Force Boot Img Load

Apr 6, 2011

A colleague of mine was studying at the University of Vienna and saw an application which was based on linux whereby other pc's booted from it and if on the server they had set it to force a clean install on that PC it would download and install a windows image. Does anyone know of the app or could point me in the direction of a similar app.

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General :: Windows 7 - Make A Boot Loader Load The Existing Boot Loader From The First Partition?

Jun 14, 2010

I installed ubuntu using wubi and then I tried installing grub 2 but it failed. I need a way to reinstall the mbr sp it will load the windows 7 loader from the first partition.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Will Not Load OS On Boot?

Oct 9, 2010

My computer was built by a small, local business. This past spring, I wiped the computer and reinstalled Windows 7 Pro from a 64 disk. It has worked well. I wanted to play with Ubuntu, so I set up a dual-boot. When I first installed Ubuntu last week, I had issues with Java. After countless failures from Google, I installed a new Ubuntu partition without deleting the old one. The other day, I got curious and wanted to try Mint. This went on yet another partition. Yesterday I wanted to organize this out better, so I formatted the Mint partition and it's swap. The computer functioned just fine until I tried to reboot. It starts out with normal BIOS(?) stuff, "Loading Operating System..." for a bit... and then breaks. It says something about not being able to find device, shows a UUID, then goes into grub rescue.

I spent around an hour or so Googling about this and have come up with nothing. Internet tells me to do this, I do, nothing happens. Internet tells me to do that, the file does not exist, nothing happens. I was Googling via my mom's laptop, and I am currently posting this from Firefox on the LiveCD (demo). I still have my Windows 7 install disk, although finding it is a different story.

How do I fix my booting issue, preferably without losing any data from my second Ubuntu install (I do not care about the first one - on sdb5?) or Windows 7.

sudo fdisk -l

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


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Fedora Installation :: F15 Upgrade - Cold Boot Error "Your System Last Boot Fail Or Post Interrupted Please Enter Setup To Load Default And Reboot"

Jun 30, 2011

I just upgraded to F15 and it went well. But at the next and each subsequent cold boot the BIOS reports "Your system last boot fail or post interrupted Please enter setup to load default and reboot". The board is an asus P5N-D. I press F1 to blow past the error and all is well until the next cold boot. Restarts are fine, no errors at all.

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 \ When Go Boot From A DVD It Says To Load The Kernel First?

Mar 25, 2010

On Grub legacy i used a menu entry to boot from a DVD since the bios on my pc doesn't recognize my DVD burner.... So before on the old grub i can just added this menu entry and it all worked...title DVDroot(hd0,0)kernel /boot/grub/memdisk.bininitrdboot/grub/sbootmgr.dskthen grub 2 came along and that all changed..on the 40_custom file i added this

menuentry "Boot DVD Drive" {
set root=(hd0,0)
linux /boot/grub/memdisk.bin


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Ubuntu :: Load A Compiled Driver On Boot?

May 8, 2010

I wanted to know if there is any way of adding a driver that i compiled during boot apart from adding it in

/lib/modules/<kernel version>/kernel/drivers

It works fine till i update to a newer kernel...then i have to add it in the new kernel file....so is there a permanent method?

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Ubuntu :: Boot Won't Load After Grub-install?

Aug 19, 2010

I messed it up with the grub in Ubuntu Netbook and the grub loader just prompt the "grub console" during the system boot.

However, I can boot manually by selecting manually the kernel:

kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic

But, of course, that is not really practical for an everyday use.

I tried with the update-grub command, but nothing happens, the grub.cfg is there, with all the kernels list, but the grub loader won't load it! It is just ignoring it!

If I load the config file manually it prompts the grub command line again (with the "welcome" message), so, it IS loading the grub.cfg, but it's not working!!!

This is the content of my grub.cfg file:

# It is automatically generated by /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig using templates
# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub


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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Boot Floppy To Load From USB?

Sep 20, 2010

I have a number of legacy pcs upon which I would like to install Lubuntu. None have CDROM drives, but they do have floppy drives. None can natively boot from USB devices. My goal is to boot into Grub2 from a floppy with USB support, but I'm having trouble making the floppy. I've seen recommended a few times a command string something like

grub-mkrescue --overlay=/boot/grub --image-type=floppy GRUB2.img
dd if=GRUB2.img of=/dev/fd0

But when I go to do this, grub-mkrescue has no --overlay nor --image-type option. My man grub-mkrescue page only lists --modules and --output as options. I have managed to make a floppy using the commands

grub-mkrescue --output=FILE
dd if=FILE of=/dev/fd0

This disk does boot into Grub2. The problem with this is that I need to add other files to the disk to have USB functionality in Grub2, but this process writes to the floppy in iso9660 format, which mounts as read-only. I have tried to go this route using the mount -o remount option to try to make the fs rewritable, but I also haven't been successful with that (and I think my limited knowledge is restricting me here).

Maybe I can add the correct files to the file output by grub-mkrescue --output before I write it to the floppy, but I also don't know how to do that.

Basically, I'm a little burned out and looking for some direction. Am I going about this wrong? When I try and follow other people's guides, they seem to have options available to them that I don't have. I'm doing all this from my Lubuntu 10.04 live CD, but have found similar things on my regular Ubuntu 10.04 install as well.

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Ubuntu :: The Screen Is Black After Boot Load?

Nov 3, 2010

when i get the boot loader screen i choose Ubuntu , and then i get to choose recovery mode or Normal mode , in either , i get some sort of a list , and then i Get a Black Screen , Nth ,But i hear a sound of May be Ubuntu starting ...so what can i do to see my Ubuntu ????is there is away for help , i just need to run Both my Original Reinstalled Win 7 64 bit ,

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Ubuntu :: GRUB 2 Cannot Load XP - Dual Boot

Feb 10, 2011

On reboot the GRUB2 installer shows me the options for OS - I select Windows XP and then I get a blank screen with a flashing cursor - and nothing.. I CTRL ALT DEL and it reboots back to GRUB2 and I select UBUNTU and I log in. This is the first time I have tried to reboot Windows XP after fresh install of UBUNTU


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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Vista Will Not Load On Dual Boot System

May 2, 2010

I have upgraded to ubuntu 10.04 but now can't boot into win vista, ubuntu and vista are on grub but vista will not load, I have tried sudo upgrade-grub which seemed to work but had no effect on loading windows. I did think of using win dvd to fixmbr but only as last resort, I entered the commands suggested by nitstorm and got "command not found". Followed link to source forge.net and test disk, followed the instructions to install and run test disk which repaired the boot sector in the vista partition, I can now choose to boot into win or ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Initial Dual Boot - Cannot Load Into Vista

May 20, 2010

I had karmic koala installed a few months back, but wasn't using it cause i didn't have time to properly configure it. Last night, i was thinking of probing around with it a little and found an update for it and went ahead and installed it. After rebooting, GRUB refused to load any of the OSes, but i was still able to access ubuntu with a reduced graphics option (safe mode?). Tried reinstalling etc etc but nothing worked. In my frustration, i whipped out my windows CD and deleted the partition for ubuntu.

Now, after the loading of bios, i get "error: no such partition. grub rescue>".Is there anyway i can get delete grub and get my vista to boot normally? or would i need to reformat everything again? maybe someone can point me in the right direction if a similar thread had been posted before.

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Ubuntu :: Sysctl.conf Doesn't Load On Boot?

Jun 6, 2010

I made some change to my sysctl.conf file and it they doesn't seem to load at boot? Each time I boot I need to send a sudo sysctl -p command to load the new parameter!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot Or Even Load Dell Latitude 10.04

Aug 13, 2010

The disc is fine I have installed using the CD on an Acer Laptop without any trouble what so ever. However now I need to install it on a Dell Latitude D505.It was detected and started the disc and show Ubuntu with the five dots loading screen. And then it goes black, with the laptop on. The menu with options like Install, defect test etc. can't be seen.In response to this I installed it inside Windows and that seemed to be ok, so I restarted the laptop and selected Ubuntu from the boot menu and does the dot loading screen and then black.I have searched Google and it is just threads that end up dead.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Find Boot File / Won't Load Anything

Aug 21, 2010

My internal hard drive developed a problem (probably from a fall) and needs to be replaced. In the meantime I've decided to use my external hard drive to hold a version of Linux (ubuntu 10.04) until I am able to replace the internal hard drive. For some reason I am unable to get the external drive to accept the recovery disks I have for Windows 7.

What I'm having issues with is that after installing the Ubuntu OS on to the external, I reboot the PC and it tells me it cannot find a boot file, and won't load anything. I have to run the live cd version of the OS to get anything to work right.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Broadcom Wireless - Load On Boot

Sep 16, 2010

Just recieved an HP 5103 that has a BCM4313 14e4 4727 wireless card. I had a heck of time finding a driver but finally did and installed it. This is on Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10.

However, it seems I have to load the driver everytime and can't get it to load during boot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 On PS3 No Boot - Install CD Doesn't Load

Oct 14, 2010

has anybody tried 10.10 on their PS3 (FW 3.15)? I first ran an update from 10.04 (which was working fine, including ext4 FS), and upon rebooting after the update, all I had was a black screen after PetitBoot. I then tried to do a clean install with the 10.10 PPC+PS3 Alternate CD, but same black screen after selecting any type of install from CD in PetitBoot. I then installed the OtherOS that's on the 10.10 CD (KBoot); same black screen. Went back to PetitBoot and tried the PS3 desktop 10.10 CD; same problem. I was almost ready to give up and reinstall 10.04 when I thought of using the "linux-old" option in PetitBoot. This loaded the newly upgraded Ubuntu 10.10 on my HD, with the difference that it's using kernel 2.6.32 instead of 2.6.35. This works fine. So here's my question (at last ): was the PS3 port of 10.10 tested by anyone before being pushed as a release on cdimage.ubuntu.com, or is there an incompatibility with kernel 2.6.35 that was never noticed, except for here where it didn't seem to go anywhere: [URL]? If I'm the only one left on earth with firmware 3.15 and interested in Ubuntu on PS3 at this point.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Error - You Need To Load The Kernel First - On Boot

Oct 23, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu 10.10 on a USB 2.0 flash drive (8GB),like this: [url]

The installation was successfull, but when i want to boot ubuntu, it shows the grub, and after it, an error message: "You need to load the kernel first. Press any key to continue"

I've got a Macbook Pro 13'' (2010 edition) with a Intel processor.

My grub.cfg file is here:


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Ubuntu :: Compiz Fusion Set To Load On Boot It Doesn't?

Mar 27, 2011

Compiz Fusion set to load on boot; it doesn't. Settings checked as start on boot, it just doesn't and has to be loaded manually from desktop 2.) Desktop Drapes (wallpaper changer) also set to load on boot; also doesn't do so, even though checked to do so, and also must be loaded manually from desktop. 3.) Something is hogging CPU cycles something awful; if I have more than a few tabs in Firefox open, it takes forever to scroll or reload, and the entire system just bogs almost to the point of unusability. This same behavior exists offline when using any graphic capability (Shotwell or even just Nautilus file manager, if viewing graphics as thumbnails.

I realize this is kind of all over the place and all-inclusive, but although my experience USING Ubuntu goes on several years, it's been generally so trouble-free that I've not had to dig around under the hood much, and I'm kind of at a loss as to where to begin troubleshooting this mess. Would it be easier to just back-up and nuke/reinstall the OS?

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Ubuntu :: New Dual-boot But Cannot Load Windows7(grub)?

Apr 12, 2011

Finally made the switch over to ubuntu, but I needed to keep my windows7 for several reasons. Let just start by saying I have two hard drives, a 200gig(which holds my windows7 partition) and a 500gig(has a 100gig partition which has ubuntu on it). After finally getting 10.04 to install on the 100gig partition and everything running right, I tried to load up windows7 and got an error.

Something along to lines of "the partition does not exist". I believe I messed up on the last step on the install, as I might of just been careless. I remember reading somewhere that if using multiple hard drives grub may get messed up in one way or another. IS there a way to fix this and make grub realize that window7 is on another partition, or am I out of luck?edit: Id like to add that grub is recognizing windows7, it just will not load off the other partition(I think)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot: Windows7 Will Not Load?

Jun 11, 2011

I have a laptop that has a dual boot of Windows7/Ubuntu10.04. Ubuntu loads fine, but Windows 7 does not. It shows up in the Grub, but it will not load. I assume that the boot loader was messed up somehow, but I am not experienced at deciphering the boot info file. I was hoping someone might be able to take a look at the file and tell me what the issue might be, and also which part of the text indicates the problemBoot File:

Boot Info Script 0.60 from 17 May 2011
============================= Boot Info Summary: ===============================


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Ubuntu :: When Boot Computer / Grub Doesn't Load At All

Jul 28, 2011

I just added a 3rd hard drive, but now when I boot my computer grub doesn't load at all, it just boots to Windows. I've tried holding down Shift, and I've tried holding down ESC but it didn't work. I believe I have grub2.

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General :: No Option To Load Ubuntu 10.04 On SDA2 At Boot?

Jul 30, 2010

I've installed Gnewsense on my sda1 and I no longer have the option to load Ubuntu 10.04 on sda2 at boot. As Gnewsense is ext 3 I cannot access my files in my Ubuntu Home dir. Can I simply switch my boot to sda2? It will solve my problem for the medium term.

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Fedora :: Get A Daemon To Load On Boot?

Mar 12, 2011

I was trying to get a daemon to load on boot, I stupidly added it to rc.local and it just hangs. I would love to put in a live CD and edit out the line but the volume is encrypted and I cannot get it to mount.

Is there a way I can cancel the daemon from loading or get to the grub menu (not readily visible since I am single boot) and then boot into a console?

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Debian :: Load Up Initial Boot And Goes Into CLI

Jul 27, 2010

Uptill today, my computer was dual-boot Debian Lenny with an upgraded kernel and Windows 7 Home Premium. My laptop has two hard drives, HDA and HDB. Windows was on HDA (original install from computer purchase), while my Debian partitions were on HDB. I used Grub for the dual-boot, and both OSes worked just fine. Then today I decided I wanted to kick Win7 for good. So I made a backup image (just in case), booted Slackware 13.1, used CFdisk to wipe HDA (which Windows did NOT make easy to do), then installed Slackware on HDA (there's a reason why I wanted both, but thats irrelevant to the question). After the install, I put Slackware's LILO bootloader on HDA (where GRUB was before I wiped the drive for Slackware), manually configured it to load the bootable partitions for Slackware and Debian, and restarted.

First, I went into Slackware. and Slackware works just fine. Then after I was done in there, I rebooted and went into Debian. This is where the trouble started. When I had Windows on HDA, Debian booted just fine, didn't even start in CLI, went straight into KDE. Normal install in every way. Now, after adding Slackware, it loads up its initial boot and goes into a CLI. I can do the regular CLI stuff, like navigating directories and logging into user and root. But typing startx just gives a bunch of errors saying that X can't start. How the Slackware install could have affected Debian in this way.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows XP Won't Load In Dual Boot - Error 17?

Jan 18, 2010

I managed somehow to successfully install a dual boot with Ubuntu 9.02 and Windows XP. Ubuntu was on a PATA drive and the WinXP was on a SATA drive. The SATA drive was configured to boot first. As I was having problems with Ubuntu I booted into WinXP, re-formatted the PATA drive, then restarted the computer and installed Ubuntu 9.10. It all went well.I rebooted the machine and the following message was on the screen:

GRUB Loading stage1.5.GRUB Loading, please wait....Error 17

I rebooted, changed the boot order so that the PATA disk (Ubuntu) started first, then the SATA(WinXP). Ubuntu loaded up the dual boot screen.I chose WINXP, but I was greeted with a black screen.I rebooted again and chose to load Ubuntu, which it did without a hitch.what I should do to restore my access to WinXP? Or should I start again? If so, how?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot 9.10 With Apparmor Profiles Failed To Load Error

Mar 7, 2010

Ubuntu 9.10 stops booting with apparmor profiles failed to load error message in recovery mode.In the usual mode it hangs at the logo stage.I tried all the kernels listed but the boot process hangs every time.I searched for a solution but could not find it. Windows 7 boots fine.I haven't installed grub to the MBR.I had to reinstall the windows bootloader but I am not sure if it's related to the problem.I would like not to reinstall the os.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Cannot Get Wireless Driver To Load At Boot Time

Mar 14, 2010

I followed the instructions that came with the 802 .11 Linux STA driver and was able to initialize my card and connect to a protected network! The instructions also tell me how to load the drivers at boot time, but I get an error when I try to run


# sh: for i in `find /lib /var -name wl.ko`; do mv $i ${i}.orig; done

The message returned is


bash: syntax error near unexpected token `do'

Upon restarting, my wireless is no longer active. My card is Broadcom Corporation BCM4322 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)

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