Ubuntu :: Hardisk Mount - After Karmic Reinstallation ?

Jun 4, 2010

I recently reinstalled karmic, after upgrading lucid messed up my display.

I did not do a hard disk wipe, but just installed karmic in a new partition.

This presents a problem, which I think is due to permissions, that my other partitions does not mount automatically. Boot up shows a message that there's error.

After looking through the forums, most related issues i see are external devices (I may have missed it). Mine, however, is internal hard drive.

I have to manually mount it in desktop, by password authentication

Here's my fstab:


I would like to auto-mount it during boot, and perhaps get rid of the weird UUID.

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Ubuntu :: Disable Hardisk Cheks On 10.04?

May 10, 2010

I've just upgraded to Ubuntu 9.10 and every several reboots my hardisk is checked for errors. It tooks about 1 hour or more. Is there a simple way to disable it and to perform these checks only when requested

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install On A Hardisk As Non Persistent OS

Jan 16, 2010

I want to ask, its is possible to install ubuntu in a harddisk as a non persistent environment? i mean, i want my ubuntu is always clean everytime it is restart, like a live usb.

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Ubuntu :: Mount A NTFS Partition As /home Folder In Karmic?

Mar 7, 2010

I'm looking for a central location on my network of 1 Karmic and 3 XP Pros for my Documents, Videos, Music etc.

I have an empty 1TB drive in my Karmic box currently formatted as one NTFS partition and I was thinking of mounting that drive in the Karmic /home folder.

Will Karmic be all right using an NTFS partition as the /home folder?

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Ubuntu :: Files Has Been Deleted But Can't Release Hardisk Size

Aug 23, 2011

I have a problem to gain my hardisk size after deleting a large amount of files. i have root partition size with 196 GB. actual used size in that partition is about 70GB, with command df -h, the used size 139GB. I have no idea to find out where is the hidden files. this happend after I delete the large amount of files because the hardisk almost full. the file i have deleted is almost 60 GB size.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Mount Of Root Filesystem Failed: Jaunty To Karmic

Nov 21, 2010

I decided to try to do the 3 distro upgrade stretch from 8.04 to 10.04 this weekend and now I am hung on 9.04 to 9.10.. The upgrade went swimmingly, but I hit a wall upon boot. When I try to load kernel 2.6.31-22 I am greeted with the following error:


[ 20.879845] ACPI: I/O resource vt596_smbus [0x400-0$407] conflicts with ACPI region SMOV [0x400-0x406]
Mount of root filesystem failed.

A maintenance shell will now be started ... After doing some digging I found this thread which appears to be similar in the inability to mount the filesystem. However, it does not mention the ACPI error. I tried everything in that thread; verifying device ID's, editing fstab options; running a filesystem check, and flipping the UTC option in the rcS file but nothing worked. The OP of that thread eventually did a fresh install of Karmic; but I would rather not have to go that far.

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General :: (on Tgz) Of A Hardisk / Installing A Back-up File

May 12, 2010

I have a complete back-up file (on tgz) of a hardisk. I have already installed a SuSe Linux system on my computer. Can someone please provide a step by step procedure on how to install this back-up files?

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General :: External Hard Drive Won't Mount On Karmic - Macbook 2,1

Jan 30, 2010

Manually mount or fix my external hard drive. I can't format the drive because I have important data on it. The drive is 1TB Select USB 2.0 Desktop Hard Drive from Iomega. When I plug it in, a message appears that reads:

"Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 32: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb2,missing codepage or helper program, or other error. In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so".

Also, I plugged in the drive, typed the command "sudo fdisk -l" in the terminal, and received the following:

WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sda'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.

WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sdb'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.

Partition table entries are not in disk order

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General :: External Hard Drive Won't Mount On Karmic, Macbook 2,1 Again?

Sep 3, 2010

Earlier this year I encountered a problem with my external hard drive; it would not mount automatically and I kept getting an error message. Last time I was able to fix it by typing in the terminal 'sudo fsck /dev/sdb2'. Once again it's not mounting automatically and I'm not even getting the error message. I can't format the drive because I have important data on it. The drive is 1TB Select USB 2.0 Desktop Hard Drivefrom Iomega. Also, I plugged in the drive, typed the command "sudo fdisk -l" in the terminal, and received thefollowing:WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sda'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.

Disk /dev/sda: 120.0 GB, 120034123776 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14593 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


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General :: Ubuntu Reinstallation - What Are The Different Procedures

Feb 28, 2010

I've had some problems with ubuntu and I had to reinstall the whole system. Now it's brand new, and I'd like to make it the way it was.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Reinstallation - No Such File Or Directory

Jan 24, 2010

I previously had a C drive partitioned between karmic koala and windows vista. I now replaced the vista with windows 7 and as expected,the grub has disappeared I tried booting from linux Cd and going to root and typing find/boot/grub/stage1....but it returns-no such file or directory...what must i do to get the grub back.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Add Swap Partition Without Reinstallation

Apr 9, 2011

I'm using ubuntu 10.04 and it seems that I forgot to set up a swap partition when I installed my system. So, I can't install hibernate, and I don't think I have any virtual memory any more.

I know that I can always set up a swap file to play the same role, but since swap file is not contiguously stored on hard disk, the performance is expected to be worse than a swap partition.

So, how can I add a swap partition and make my system boot with it every time from now on? I have unused space on my hard disk, and re-installation is NOT an option.

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Ubuntu :: How To Save Settings To Import Them Back On Reinstallation

Jan 24, 2010

I've installed the latest version of Ubuntu on one of my systems. I need to wipe it out and replace it with another OS for testing. After a week or so I'll reinstall Ubuntu.I've customized the looks and feel of Ubuntu desktop and have changed many other settings at a number of places. Is there a way so I can save my settings (like the desktop background, the screen saver settings, colors, terminal window settings including its fonts etc., and others) in a file or a set of files which can then be imported directly when I'd reinstall Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot 10.04 After Windows 7 Reinstallation

May 10, 2010

I "USED" to have a dual booting pc...with Windows 7 & ubuntu 10.04.(NOT Wubi) 2 Days back my windows 7 crashed...so i had to reinstall windows 7. But after reinstallation there was no option to boot into ubuntu 10.04. My system automatically boots into windows 7. I need to fix my ubuntu installation so that i get an option to select which OS to boot...at the startup.

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Ubuntu :: Upgrading Computer To Windows 7 - Bootloader Reinstallation ?

Jan 9, 2011

I purchased a Windows 7 upgrade for my PC and plan to do a clean install of 7. I currently dual boot Windows Vista and Ubuntu. I understand when I run the upgrade, it will replace the GRUB Bootloader (Ubuntu Bootloader) with the Windoes Bootloader, when this happens, I won't be able to get back into Ubuntu. How can I correct this issue and reinstall the GRUB Bootloader?

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Debian Hardware :: Reinstallation Upon Changing CPU?

Jul 20, 2011

Just to be on the safe side, there's no need for a reinstallation upon changing the CPU, is there?

(I'm guessing the answer will be in keeping with "Linux != Windows". )

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SUSE :: SLED11 - Reinstallation From Recovery DVD

Jul 2, 2010

I have a laptop HP 4520s on which was installed SLED11. I deleted it and installed Ubuntu. Now I want it back. When I install itfrom recovery DVD, will I have 2 year support?

Is there any beginner guide to SLED?

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Boot Into F9 After The Reinstallation Of Window XP?

Jan 29, 2009

I can not boot into F9 after the reinstallation of Window XP. So I booted from the F9 live cd and tried to repair the grub. Here is what I did in the terminal:

[fedora@localhost ~]$ grub
bash: grub: command not found
[fedora@localhost ~]$ whereis grub
grub: /sbin/grub /usr/share/grub /usr/share/man/man8/grub.8.gz
[fedora@localhost ~]$ su
[root@localhost fedora]# /sbin/grub


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Recover Lvm Partition After Reinstallation

Mar 10, 2010

I have reinstalled the suse and am unable to get "lvm info".........am very upset and is running server. how i can get lvm back, i did not format those drive and they are different storages from server.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Want To Resize The Home Partition Without Reinstallation?

May 1, 2009

fter my first fedora 10 installation I reinstalled FC 10 keeping my home partition from the first install.I then installed a software as a USER which indeed installs applications on USER's home. Now I'm short of space for installing the applications and so I want to resize my existing home (of USER).Can this be done without reinstallation? Can I borrow needed amount of space from the home partition of 1st install.also I have unformatted and unpartitioned free space can this be made use of? Or the only way is to reinstall

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General :: Recovery ( Or Reinstallation ) Of Operating System?

Apr 12, 2011

The original operating system system for this laptop, an Acer Aspire One, Model No. ZG5, is not working. How do I get a copy of its original operating system to reinstall

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Fedora :: Reinstallation - Display Does Not Shut Off After A Certain Period Of Time

Feb 28, 2010

I just reinstalled, and can't get the setting set right so that my display does not shut off after a certain period of time. It is shutting off after a while of inactivity, and I do not want it to.

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Debian :: Install Debian Testing On A Hardisk With 5pct Of Bad Clusters / Sectors?

Jan 4, 2010

I have an harddisk which is old, since many years >10 years, and I recall I crashed few clusters using windows programs which were old and harddisk stuffs doing. So the pc lives with bad clusters, this pc lives very well since many years.Question, the pc has woody debian, which let us to install and exclude bad sectors during install. Bad clusters was an usual thing in the past, but today not anymore.Unfortunately debian squeeze installer coders had the good idea to remove the " bad cluster checking " before installing debian, during install (cdrom netinst).

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General :: Changing Hardisk "live" Can Harm Data?

Jun 20, 2010

i just finish setting up my new file server with two hardisk(80gig for first hd for my filesystem and 2nd 250 gig for my data files) now iam wondering can i umount my second drive "live" and replace a new hardisk without shutingdown my computer? can i damage my hardisk? i know there is a hotswapble hardisk. but i my case i cant not afford a upgrade in my unit(clone pc only) but guy i try several time to change live hardisk without turning off my pc? i just umount the 2nd disk and insert a new disk and nothing happend wrong in my system?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot Loader Gone After Windows Reinstallation

Nov 19, 2010

had a dual boot system with openSuse 11.1 and Windows XP working OK - Linux boot loader was where OS selection was made (openSuse was installed after Windows) Last week I had to reinstall Windows and this removed the Linux loader from MBR and Windows booted automatically. I wanted the Linux boot loader back,checked the threads about boot loader restoration and did the following:

- downloaded Knoppix 6.2.1 ISO and burned to CD
- booted with CD
- opened terminal with root privileges and typed:
grub (ENTER)
grub> find /boot/grub/stage1 (ENTER)
> (hd0,2)
grub> root (hd0,2) (ENTER)
>Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
grub> setup (hd0) (ENTER)

setup was successful (no error messages)

Now when booting, i have an error that root (0,3) can not be mounted and "Press any key to continue"??? When hitting any key I see that there is GRUB there with all entries as in original state (Suse 11.1 and Windows) but only Windows can be booted. Then I downloaded live eval of openSuse 11.1 and did the same (booted from CD and run same commands from terminal as root) - again no errors but still "root (0,3)" can not be mounted..

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot Karmic And Xp (karmic Installed)?

Jan 21, 2010

What's the right direction or give me step by step on how to do this?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Without Deleting The Windows 7 Reinstallation Partition On Acer Aspire

Feb 24, 2010

I have Windows 7 and openSuse on my Acer Aspira 5532. I find that after using it, I'd rather get rid of Windows 7 all together. However, I want to be careful not to remove the partition that has the Windows 7 Reinstallation boot disk just incase in the future I wish to go back to Windows. Is there a way I can make my entire computer Linux (no dual boot) but also not deleting the Windows 7 reinstallation partition?

Further, can someone example why, on Boot, I have like 5 options to choose from? Like two openSUSE versions, failsafe, Windows 1, and Windows 2....? To be honest, when I installed openSUSE, I just did the recommended partition job that it suggested. I don't know much about partitions.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Refresh - Restore Current Installation Without FULL Reinstallation

Apr 7, 2011

I installed Ubuntu Lucid Lynx a while ago. but then upgraded it to 10.10

I don't have the CD with me right now and i need to fix some mistakes of mine (being a n00b to ubuntu) urgently i.e. i can't wait for morning. Is there anyway i can rollback to the time when my ubuntu installation was in mint condition?

One more thing. Let me tell you my mistake. Almost a month ago i installed Apache2 on my Laptop (for LAMP). and now i have to install Apache Tomcat for JSP development. but the problem is that the files made by Apache2 and the PHP5 installation i made are not removed with



So now the apache2 files are superseding the Apache Tomcat. hence i cannot distuinguish between apache2 or apache tomcat when i goto:


So if anyone has a way of ridding my laptop of this disease without complete overhaul, please post your replies here.

Until then, I will have to defect back to Windows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Installation - Reinstallation ?

Jan 31, 2011

Regarding dual boot and GRUB. Here is my situation: Year ago I bought computer i7-920 6G one HDD, I installed windows 7 on it. than I bought second HDD, placed it into master 2 position and installed ubuntu on it. after installation of ubuntu I got GRUB loader as first thing when I start computer (I don't remember the particular settings during installation) So far so good now is the question - is GRUB on the first or on the second HDD? can I swap both harddrives so the ubuntu one will be in master 1 position? I'm asking because my windows 7 is now wrecked (can't even get it to safe mode) and I need to clean the first HDD and reinstall windows.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mount A USB Drive In Rc.local With /sbin/mount And UUID Instead Of Fstab?

Feb 6, 2010

I run a headless Ubuntu 8.04 server, which acts as a web, email and file server. I am sticking with 8.04 as it is a LTS release and will upgrade to the next LTS when it is released.

I have two external USB drives, that I need to mount at boot. I have been using /etc/fstab up until now, with the following entries:


However, as I gather from doing searches is quite common, occasionally I get an error during boot (causing the system to drop to a recovery shell) because the USB drives take time to wake up and the system hasn't found them by the time it reads /etc/fstab.

From doing searches, it seems there is nothing you can do to fstab to fix this, so you need to mount them using an rc.local script instead, using:


The problem is, as I have two USB drives, their /dev/sdxx location changes between boots. I thus want to use UUID codes as I do in fstab, however I haven't found anything about this.

Does anyone know how I can use the mount command and UUID to mount a drive in rc.local and what options I have to use the mount the drive with the same options that I am using in my fstab entry? Obvisouly, I can't refer back to fstab using the mount command, because then I will still get the boot error issue if they are listed in fstab. And there is no space internally for the USB drives as there is already two internal drives.

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