General :: (on Tgz) Of A Hardisk / Installing A Back-up File

May 12, 2010

I have a complete back-up file (on tgz) of a hardisk. I have already installed a SuSe Linux system on my computer. Can someone please provide a step by step procedure on how to install this back-up files?

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General :: Get Windows 7 Back After Installing Ubuntu?

Dec 13, 2010

My friend borrowed my laptop for a while and when he gave it back he said he replaced Windows 7 with Ubuntu. I asked him to switch it back simply because I prefer Windows. He claims not to know how. I don't want to go buy a new windows 7 disc I just want to figure out how to get rid of this Ubuntu and Windows 7.

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General :: Changing Hardisk "live" Can Harm Data?

Jun 20, 2010

i just finish setting up my new file server with two hardisk(80gig for first hd for my filesystem and 2nd 250 gig for my data files) now iam wondering can i umount my second drive "live" and replace a new hardisk without shutingdown my computer? can i damage my hardisk? i know there is a hotswapble hardisk. but i my case i cant not afford a upgrade in my unit(clone pc only) but guy i try several time to change live hardisk without turning off my pc? i just umount the 2nd disk and insert a new disk and nothing happend wrong in my system?

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Ubuntu :: Disable Hardisk Cheks On 10.04?

May 10, 2010

I've just upgraded to Ubuntu 9.10 and every several reboots my hardisk is checked for errors. It tooks about 1 hour or more. Is there a simple way to disable it and to perform these checks only when requested

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General :: Delete File, And Can't Get It Back?

Jan 30, 2010

after so many times deleting staff for mistake.I am unable to get it back from my external hard drive.I use Ubuntu 8.04 LTS and I have all my staff on external hardrive.


Z:----> Media -----> FreeAgent Drive

After delete I knew was her



, I did all the search I can possible think of.and i dint have any good look can any one please help me out on this issue?.

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General :: Still Cant Seem To Get File Coloring Back?

Nov 20, 2010

still cant seem to get my file coloring back. normally directories are colored blue, devices yellow etc, ever since i made a change to my shell, and back again, i lost my coloring for directories

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install On A Hardisk As Non Persistent OS

Jan 16, 2010

I want to ask, its is possible to install ubuntu in a harddisk as a non persistent environment? i mean, i want my ubuntu is always clean everytime it is restart, like a live usb.

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Ubuntu :: Hardisk Mount - After Karmic Reinstallation ?

Jun 4, 2010

I recently reinstalled karmic, after upgrading lucid messed up my display.

I did not do a hard disk wipe, but just installed karmic in a new partition.

This presents a problem, which I think is due to permissions, that my other partitions does not mount automatically. Boot up shows a message that there's error.

After looking through the forums, most related issues i see are external devices (I may have missed it). Mine, however, is internal hard drive.

I have to manually mount it in desktop, by password authentication

Here's my fstab:


I would like to auto-mount it during boot, and perhaps get rid of the weird UUID.

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General :: 64GB - Playing Back The DVD File In VLC

Jan 18, 2011

I rip the DVDs that I own to my hard disk using a straight-up 1:1 copy, ie to an ISO image. This works great usually, but for this specific DVD that I'm presently trying to rip, I'm being told that the DVD is literally 64GB in size. It's definitely not a BluRay disc, and I don't even have a BluRay drive, so that possibility is ruled out.

I'm not having any problems playing back the DVD file in VLC. I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 64bit. How on earth could it be a 64GB DVD?!? Isn't the max capacity of a DVD around 8 gigabytes? I don't even think that BluRay discs hold 64GB of data!


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General :: How To Back Up Ubuntu 10.10 File System?

May 5, 2011

somebody help me how to back up my ubuntu 10.10 file system?

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Ubuntu :: Files Has Been Deleted But Can't Release Hardisk Size

Aug 23, 2011

I have a problem to gain my hardisk size after deleting a large amount of files. i have root partition size with 196 GB. actual used size in that partition is about 70GB, with command df -h, the used size 139GB. I have no idea to find out where is the hidden files. this happend after I delete the large amount of files because the hardisk almost full. the file i have deleted is almost 60 GB size.

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General :: Execute Bash File - Always Back To Home Dir?

Apr 11, 2010

In my bash file I have asked to navigate to some subdir, unzip a file and stay there but when I type pwd I can see i'm always back to home dir.Any way to get shell stick to subdir?

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General :: Convert A Text File From Shift JIS To UTF-8 And Back From The Terminal?

Jul 21, 2011

In order to make this conversion I have to use a text editor. This is tedious. Is there an easier way to do it, like some program I can run from the Linux or OSX terminal?

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General :: Using Grep To Remove Line And Write Back To Same File?

Feb 10, 2010

remove a line starting with specific word with grep. Here is what I found

grep -v '^cc$' data.txt

Here I remove all lines with on 'cc' in that line. But I want the result write back to data.txt

I try several ways

grep -v '^cc$' data.txt > output.txt # works but to another file
echo `grep -v '^cc$' data.txt` > data.txt # didn't work, all carets gone, become one line
grep -v '^cc$' data.txt > data.txt # data.txt is empty after running this

How can I save the result of grep to the input file?

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General :: Installing A .tar.gz File - How To Get A Working Program From The .tar.gz File

Apr 22, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.10 and had hoped to use Synaptic to find and install Truecrypt. As Synaptic couldn't find it I downloaded it from [URL]. In case it helps the file is called "truecrypt-6.3a-linux-x86.tar.gz". Apart from not knowing how to get a working program from the .tar.gz file, I don't know whether the installation process sorts out where the file should go and puts it there, or whether I have to create a directory for it and put it there myself.

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General :: Getting LESS To Return Back To Command Line If A Short File Is Displayed

Aug 12, 2010

Is there a command line option that will allow less to return to the command line if there are not sufficient lines in the file to warrant paging.

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General :: Change To Shell Type That From SH To TCH And Back Again And Lost Coloring Of File System

Nov 18, 2010

after i made the change to my shell type, that from SH to TCH, and back again, i lost my coloring for my file system, if you know what i mean, folders always come in blue, and devices in yellow hope you understand? now everything i do can't seem to differentiated between files colors anymore.

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Ubuntu :: Lost WIN7 After Installing U10.04 / Get That Back?

Oct 2, 2010

I have a harddisk which is partiotioned in C & D. I've installed WIN XP on C and WIN 7 on D. Then I installed Ubuntu 10.04 on D beside WIN 7. Now I can't access to WIN 7 and also to drive D in XIN XP and in Ubuntu.
What can I do to get back WIN 7 and drive D ?

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General :: Where To Specify Anaconda-ks.cfg File When Installing

Jun 14, 2011

When I'm doing an installation, I select the installation from CD/DVD option for CentOS, but then I don't know how to specify that it should use an anaconda-ks.cfg file that is either on a USB key (or on a Samba network share).

How could I install using the installation DVD, as well as a kickstart file that would specify which packages to enable and other installation settings?

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Debian :: Install Debian Testing On A Hardisk With 5pct Of Bad Clusters / Sectors?

Jan 4, 2010

I have an harddisk which is old, since many years >10 years, and I recall I crashed few clusters using windows programs which were old and harddisk stuffs doing. So the pc lives with bad clusters, this pc lives very well since many years.Question, the pc has woody debian, which let us to install and exclude bad sectors during install. Bad clusters was an usual thing in the past, but today not anymore.Unfortunately debian squeeze installer coders had the good idea to remove the " bad cluster checking " before installing debian, during install (cdrom netinst).

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General :: Installing FlexGet On CentOS 5.5 - .egg File

Nov 2, 2010

I recently purchased a VPS based on CentOS 5.5 and only CentOS is available, One of the problems I have is that I have no experience with this distro at all. I want to install FlexGet [URL] but it depends on either Python version 2.5 or 2.6 which my install has version Python 2.4.3 installed. Now after doing some reading I have seen many post saying if I upgrade Python system wide It may break something else that is needed, and to install it side by side with the older version of Python and point the application to that specific version of Python it needs. The only problem with this is that I haven't got a clue how to do this.

So I was wondering if anyone could put together a very noob friendly guide for me to get the newer Python build installed side by side with the current one and then help me configure FlexGet from the .egg file it comes in installed using the newer version of Python it needs.

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General :: Installing .tar.gz Software - Saying There Is No Such File Or Directory

Jun 22, 2010

I am installing one software (pwDesktop [url])

I am using ubuntu 10.04

I am following these stapes:

But it saying there is no such file or directory.

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General :: Getting Back To "stdin" After Redirecting A File To A Particular Program?

Nov 22, 2010

I need to achieve a particular effect using bash's redirection facilities.I know that I can redirect a file to some program's standard input:[user@host]$ application < file.txtThe thing is, I'd like to know can I regain control of this program's input after the file content's have been passed to it. In other words, I'd like to run a command similar to the above, and then, instead of the termination of the application, I'd want it to wait for further commands from standard input (keyboard).

As I write this question, it occured to me that I could probably write another application (or a script), that would at first write some data to standard output and then act as echo, like:[user@host]$ | applicationWould it work, and is there any better way to do so? There are a bunch of Googleable tutorials covering this issue, but they all amount to one advice - "reopen the stdin after the file contents have been read".

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Fedora Installation :: Lost Windows Vista After Installing F12 / Get It Back?

Apr 15, 2010

After installing Fedora 12 from a live CD, I ended up that my Vista completly gone is.
In the grub loader, I cannot see my Vista boot record.

I thought when installing, I choose 'use free space', as there I reservered 7 gigabyte for Fedora.

I can see all the files including my Windows directories and home.

Is there a possibility that I can recover my Vista? and so, make it dual boot?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Add U9.10 Back To Grub Menu After Installing Its Studio 8.04?

Feb 19, 2010

I recently installed ubuntu studio 8.04 on a new partition and now ubuntu 9.10 is no longer showing up in the grub boot menu. How can I boot into ubuntu 9.10 and how do I edit the grub menu so it shows up again?

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Fonts Changed When Installing Wine / Get Back?

Mar 24, 2011

I use Ubuntu 10.04. I'm not sure what other info is relevant, Gnome, I suppose.

Yesterday I installed wine-1.2 (using Synaptic), in order to be able to build programs for Windows. This in itself seemingly succeeded, but as a result of the installation, fonts in Firefox changed (one can say immediately - when the installation was done, the fonts had changed).

For example, in this forum, the non-monospaced font changed in some way I can't put my finger on. Right now, posts feel less readable, but getting used to it may just be a question of time.

Some other pages (in existing tabs, and when looking them up again) changed the font size, some increased the size, some decreased it. This can be fixed by using Ctrl-+ or Ctrl-- quite easily, but <whine> I would like these kind of changes not to happen at all </whine>.

I uninstalled wine (not removed completely - I don't know what the difference is), but this didn't undo the font change.

The font settings within Firefox (Preferences) don't seem to have been changed.

The point of this post is to ask what may have happened, where such dependencies between fonts are stored, and how to undo the change, in case I'd like to.

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General :: Error Installing Rails 3.0.1 (File Not Found)

Feb 17, 2011

I am trying to install rails 3.0.1 on ubuntu 10.10. I am getting this error towards the end when i execute this command sudo gem install rails --version 3.0.1.

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General :: Installing Easyids(centos) With The Iso File On A Usbkey?

Apr 13, 2011

I downloaded the easyids.iso file. Put it on a usbkey tried to boot with it, it didn't work. I put the .iso on a cd and I have the same problem. why can't I boot with the iso?

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Fedora Installation :: Enable Nouveau Back After Installing NVIDIA Driver?

Oct 17, 2010

I had installed my NVIDIA 9500GT driver on my fedora 13 by disabling nouveau, so should i enable it back after installing NVIDIA driver?

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General :: Back The Files Used Since Last Back Up?

Oct 24, 2010

I,m using Ubuntu 10.10 with Gimp. Ive got a lot of photos etc and need to back these up. Can I anyone suggest a good backup solution which does not require e to keep copying the same files? IE: Once the files are backed up I only want to back the files used since last back up?

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