Debian Hardware :: Reinstallation Upon Changing CPU?

Jul 20, 2011

Just to be on the safe side, there's no need for a reinstallation upon changing the CPU, is there?

(I'm guessing the answer will be in keeping with "Linux != Windows". )

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SUSE :: SLED11 - Reinstallation From Recovery DVD

Jul 2, 2010

I have a laptop HP 4520s on which was installed SLED11. I deleted it and installed Ubuntu. Now I want it back. When I install itfrom recovery DVD, will I have 2 year support?

Is there any beginner guide to SLED?

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General :: Ubuntu Reinstallation - What Are The Different Procedures

Feb 28, 2010

I've had some problems with ubuntu and I had to reinstall the whole system. Now it's brand new, and I'd like to make it the way it was.

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Boot Into F9 After The Reinstallation Of Window XP?

Jan 29, 2009

I can not boot into F9 after the reinstallation of Window XP. So I booted from the F9 live cd and tried to repair the grub. Here is what I did in the terminal:

[fedora@localhost ~]$ grub
bash: grub: command not found
[fedora@localhost ~]$ whereis grub
grub: /sbin/grub /usr/share/grub /usr/share/man/man8/grub.8.gz
[fedora@localhost ~]$ su
[root@localhost fedora]# /sbin/grub


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Recover Lvm Partition After Reinstallation

Mar 10, 2010

I have reinstalled the suse and am unable to get "lvm info" very upset and is running server. how i can get lvm back, i did not format those drive and they are different storages from server.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Reinstallation - No Such File Or Directory

Jan 24, 2010

I previously had a C drive partitioned between karmic koala and windows vista. I now replaced the vista with windows 7 and as expected,the grub has disappeared I tried booting from linux Cd and going to root and typing find/boot/grub/stage1....but it returns-no such file or directory...what must i do to get the grub back.

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Ubuntu :: Hardisk Mount - After Karmic Reinstallation ?

Jun 4, 2010

I recently reinstalled karmic, after upgrading lucid messed up my display.

I did not do a hard disk wipe, but just installed karmic in a new partition.

This presents a problem, which I think is due to permissions, that my other partitions does not mount automatically. Boot up shows a message that there's error.

After looking through the forums, most related issues i see are external devices (I may have missed it). Mine, however, is internal hard drive.

I have to manually mount it in desktop, by password authentication

Here's my fstab:


I would like to auto-mount it during boot, and perhaps get rid of the weird UUID.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Add Swap Partition Without Reinstallation

Apr 9, 2011

I'm using ubuntu 10.04 and it seems that I forgot to set up a swap partition when I installed my system. So, I can't install hibernate, and I don't think I have any virtual memory any more.

I know that I can always set up a swap file to play the same role, but since swap file is not contiguously stored on hard disk, the performance is expected to be worse than a swap partition.

So, how can I add a swap partition and make my system boot with it every time from now on? I have unused space on my hard disk, and re-installation is NOT an option.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Want To Resize The Home Partition Without Reinstallation?

May 1, 2009

fter my first fedora 10 installation I reinstalled FC 10 keeping my home partition from the first install.I then installed a software as a USER which indeed installs applications on USER's home. Now I'm short of space for installing the applications and so I want to resize my existing home (of USER).Can this be done without reinstallation? Can I borrow needed amount of space from the home partition of 1st install.also I have unformatted and unpartitioned free space can this be made use of? Or the only way is to reinstall

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General :: Recovery ( Or Reinstallation ) Of Operating System?

Apr 12, 2011

The original operating system system for this laptop, an Acer Aspire One, Model No. ZG5, is not working. How do I get a copy of its original operating system to reinstall

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Fedora :: Reinstallation - Display Does Not Shut Off After A Certain Period Of Time

Feb 28, 2010

I just reinstalled, and can't get the setting set right so that my display does not shut off after a certain period of time. It is shutting off after a while of inactivity, and I do not want it to.

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Ubuntu :: How To Save Settings To Import Them Back On Reinstallation

Jan 24, 2010

I've installed the latest version of Ubuntu on one of my systems. I need to wipe it out and replace it with another OS for testing. After a week or so I'll reinstall Ubuntu.I've customized the looks and feel of Ubuntu desktop and have changed many other settings at a number of places. Is there a way so I can save my settings (like the desktop background, the screen saver settings, colors, terminal window settings including its fonts etc., and others) in a file or a set of files which can then be imported directly when I'd reinstall Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot 10.04 After Windows 7 Reinstallation

May 10, 2010

I "USED" to have a dual booting pc...with Windows 7 & ubuntu 10.04.(NOT Wubi) 2 Days back my windows 7 i had to reinstall windows 7. But after reinstallation there was no option to boot into ubuntu 10.04. My system automatically boots into windows 7. I need to fix my ubuntu installation so that i get an option to select which OS to the startup.

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Ubuntu :: Upgrading Computer To Windows 7 - Bootloader Reinstallation ?

Jan 9, 2011

I purchased a Windows 7 upgrade for my PC and plan to do a clean install of 7. I currently dual boot Windows Vista and Ubuntu. I understand when I run the upgrade, it will replace the GRUB Bootloader (Ubuntu Bootloader) with the Windoes Bootloader, when this happens, I won't be able to get back into Ubuntu. How can I correct this issue and reinstall the GRUB Bootloader?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot Loader Gone After Windows Reinstallation

Nov 19, 2010

had a dual boot system with openSuse 11.1 and Windows XP working OK - Linux boot loader was where OS selection was made (openSuse was installed after Windows) Last week I had to reinstall Windows and this removed the Linux loader from MBR and Windows booted automatically. I wanted the Linux boot loader back,checked the threads about boot loader restoration and did the following:

- downloaded Knoppix 6.2.1 ISO and burned to CD
- booted with CD
- opened terminal with root privileges and typed:
grub (ENTER)
grub> find /boot/grub/stage1 (ENTER)
> (hd0,2)
grub> root (hd0,2) (ENTER)
>Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
grub> setup (hd0) (ENTER)

setup was successful (no error messages)

Now when booting, i have an error that root (0,3) can not be mounted and "Press any key to continue"??? When hitting any key I see that there is GRUB there with all entries as in original state (Suse 11.1 and Windows) but only Windows can be booted. Then I downloaded live eval of openSuse 11.1 and did the same (booted from CD and run same commands from terminal as root) - again no errors but still "root (0,3)" can not be mounted..

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OpenSUSE Install :: Without Deleting The Windows 7 Reinstallation Partition On Acer Aspire

Feb 24, 2010

I have Windows 7 and openSuse on my Acer Aspira 5532. I find that after using it, I'd rather get rid of Windows 7 all together. However, I want to be careful not to remove the partition that has the Windows 7 Reinstallation boot disk just incase in the future I wish to go back to Windows. Is there a way I can make my entire computer Linux (no dual boot) but also not deleting the Windows 7 reinstallation partition?

Further, can someone example why, on Boot, I have like 5 options to choose from? Like two openSUSE versions, failsafe, Windows 1, and Windows 2....? To be honest, when I installed openSUSE, I just did the recommended partition job that it suggested. I don't know much about partitions.

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Debian :: Changing From HDD To SSD Using DD Command

Apr 19, 2015

My hard disk is failing and I tried to change to a SSD using the dd command. I can boot up but I get a lot of warnings. The first warning is in GRUB that the device GRUB is looking for does not exist. I tried to install bootlogd to get all the messages to post but installing from the synaptic package manager. Running apt-get install bootlogd gives me these messages:

Code: Select all
Do you want to continue [Y/n]? y
Setting up linux-image-3.2.0-4-686-pae (3.2.65-1+deb7u2) ...
Running depmod.
Failed to symbolic-link /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-4-686-pae to initrd.img.

[Code] .....

after rebooting I got this from the boot log file.

Code: Select allfsck.ext2: Unable to resolve 'UUID=0ee695a9-d8df-4152-8d32-fc3a99d75f15'
Sun Apr 19 17:26:53 2015: fsck died with exit status 8
Sun Apr 19 17:26:53 2015: ^[[?25l^[[?1c^[7^[[1G[^[[31mFAIL^[[39;49m^[8^[[?25h^[[?0c^[[31mfailed (code 8).^[[39;49m

[Code] ....

Is there some way to tell the system I changed to a SSD as I think that is causing the problems ? Or if that is not possible is there some way to transfer my whole system (installed packages, settings and files) to an SSD ? If all else fails I still have an extra spare HDD (exactly the same as the failing one) that I can use but I would prfer the SSD.

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Debian :: Changing Default User

Mar 22, 2016

I'd like to know if there's a reliable way to change the default user in Debian: when I installed testing starting from Jessie, I used rsync to set up a duplicate stable installation and then upgraded it to testing, as a result I now have the same username for both installations, which is sometimes kinda confusing.

Reading around a bit, looks like you can indeed change your username with relative ease, but then there will be always something left behind somewhere still pointing at the old username: is that the case?

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Debian :: LXAppearance And Changing Fonts?

Mar 30, 2010

I can't change fonts with lxappearance, it's always stuck on Helvetica 8 after I close lxappearance. I can't change from gtkrc-2.0 or gtkrc.mine either, it won't use the new font.

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Debian :: SSL Certificate Constantly Changing

Apr 22, 2011

I use WLM (And yes, I realise odds are this is a problem on microsofts side) and almost every time claws mail connects WLM returns a new certificate. Valid, but I have to constantly accept or deny the certificate. Why is WLM pumping out fresh certs all the time and how can I fix this?

Whenever this pops up whatever I have at the moment shows "Signature status: No certificate issuer found" and the other shows "Signature status: Correct".

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Debian :: Changing From Thunderbird To Evolution

Apr 2, 2011

After using Linux for a few years I changed to Thunderbird and now want to go back to Evolution.
Question #1 How can I import my Inbox Folders to Evolution.
Question #2 Is there a way to Purge/Delete the Inbox Folders that are more than 30 days old. Is there a filter for this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Refresh - Restore Current Installation Without FULL Reinstallation

Apr 7, 2011

I installed Ubuntu Lucid Lynx a while ago. but then upgraded it to 10.10

I don't have the CD with me right now and i need to fix some mistakes of mine (being a n00b to ubuntu) urgently i.e. i can't wait for morning. Is there anyway i can rollback to the time when my ubuntu installation was in mint condition?

One more thing. Let me tell you my mistake. Almost a month ago i installed Apache2 on my Laptop (for LAMP). and now i have to install Apache Tomcat for JSP development. but the problem is that the files made by Apache2 and the PHP5 installation i made are not removed with



So now the apache2 files are superseding the Apache Tomcat. hence i cannot distuinguish between apache2 or apache tomcat when i goto:


So if anyone has a way of ridding my laptop of this disease without complete overhaul, please post your replies here.

Until then, I will have to defect back to Windows.

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Debian :: Changing Status Of Packages In Bulk

Jul 24, 2015

I am currently running Debian Jessie with the Xfce DE.

I recently decided to replace the Xfce window manager with i3. Running Code: Select allsudo apt-get remove xfcwm unfortunately caused a lot of very necessary software to be listed as "no longer required" because they were installed automatically with xfcwm; reinstalling xfcwm did not fix the issue.

I would like to know how I can list these packages as "required", or at least as not automatically installed. I tried using

Code: Select allsudo apt-mark unmarkauto

But this only seems to work one package at a time, and there are simply too many packages for this to be a convenient solution.

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Debian :: Jessie DVD Install - Changing Gnome To KDE

Jun 24, 2015

I am a experienced Windows person and my roots go back to DOS and the first version of windows. I am pretty good with computers but have little to no experience with Linux or Unix. About 30years ago I managed to make a painful transition from DOS and xTree Gold to Windows 3.1. Now I am leaving Windows behind forever...

I have installed Debian Jessie from a DVD that was made with the debian-8.1.0-i386-DVD-1.iso.

I have it installed and running with the Gnome desktop and now want to use the KDE desktop. As I understand it I have the files for the KDE desktop in my install and I see some KDE files the in the Packages app. But I don't know what I have, where it is, or how to use it.

I just cannot figure oout how to get the KDE desktop installed and running. If it is practical I would like to keep Gnome for now, switch to KDE as the defaultdesktop.

I have spend some hours googling and searching this forum and cannot seem to find anyting on switching or changing desktops from and with the Jessie install.

And if it can be done from Gnome that would be easiest for me because I am not much of a command line person yet and don't have a manual for doing that yet. But can use a terminal and enter commands if they are stated.

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Debian :: Changing Features Of A Package After Installation?

Sep 7, 2011

I was recently pushed back towards linux after spending nearly a decade in a windows only environment and I'm finding myself struggling. The reason for the change is that we purchased Kaspersky and the mail gateway is only available under linux. They advised Debian and Exim.

The crux of the problem is that I have a working debian server running with exim4 and kaspersky to act as a gateway mail server but it's not checking inbound mail against the internal servers address list. For this I need to add ldap support to the exim package but I'm not sure how to do this - it seems silly that I should have to start over at this stage.

Full details:= I didn't have too much trouble installing and configuring a debian 64bit server for our network, adding exim4 and getting it all set up to work, then several weeks of hot fix releases and "oh, it shouldn't do that" passed as we attempted to get the Kaspersky software operating properly. During that time I learned that the kaspersky software does not provide a function to check inbound emails against the internal server. Previously we did this with an LDAP lookup under the Sophos Puremessage software that Kaspersky replaced. Without this function the MTA sends out a lot of backscatter that results in the server being put on blocklists and that effects business. Kaspersky tell me this is something I need to set the MTA software (exim4) to do so I've looked that up and it appears that step 1 is to install exim with ldap support... but I've already installed and configured exim without ldap support. So I'm not sure if I have to start over by removing exim, install over the top or what. Also if I do add ldap support or install exim-heavy over what I have will I need to reconfigure everything I've done so far?

as I said, it's been 10 years since I used linux and even then it was fairly basic sendmail and apache stuff.

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Debian Configuration :: Changing Fonts In GRUB2?

Aug 12, 2010

After removing a hard drive I (thought I)wasn't using, GRUB failed to load(turns out stage1 was on that drive) and it refused to install to a new drive(even after I kexec'd into the system - which was fun, considering the LiveCD used a different name for the hard drive). I finally threw in the towel and installed GRUB2, which worked after removing a second, incorrect root=. However, I can't find out how to switch the font from the fugly default to something that doesn't try to gauge my eyes out with a rusty spoon.

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Debian Configuration :: Changing The Domain Name Of A Server?

Oct 13, 2010

I'm having problems when trying to view my web site from inside my firewall and router. The web server works fine and will resolve from IP address on the local network and port forwarding works for external connections. The problem stems from when I orignally setup the server; I left the domain name field blank when going through the installation process.

I've had a look at the man pages and had a search on Google but cannot find an answer that works. I've changed a few things in '/etc/hosts' and '/etc/networks' but when I make changes they have no effect on the problem. My web site is on a no-ip domain which is [URL]..

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Debian Multimedia :: Changing Mimetypes In Nautilus?

Feb 9, 2010

I'm a user of Kicad, a schematic/printed circuit design suite. Kicad uses the extension '.mod' for its component module library files. When I view these files in Nautilus, (or one of my other file managers), they are displayed with a music note, and the file type is shown as 'Amiga SoundTracker audio'. I've never had such a file on any of my computers, and I'm fairly certain I never will. However, I have lots of Kicad module files on several computers. How can I make Nautilus report the correct filetype, or at least report an unknown filetype so my PCB libraries don't look like music files?

Here's what I've tried so far. I searched my whole system for files containing the string 'Amiga SoundTracker'. The only files that came up were three XML files:, mime.xml, and x-mod.xml.In each of these files I found one line that referred to both the extension '.mod' and the phrase 'Amiga AoundTracker'. (Also, in each case the line of code was the only one in its file that referred to the extension '.mod'). I commented out only this line in each of the three files, saved, and re-booted. After re-boot I confirmed that my changes to the files had persisted, yet my file managers still report my library files as 'Amiga SoundTracker'.Can I correct these filetypes, or am I out of luck?

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Debian Multimedia :: Changing The Desktop Language?

Jun 5, 2011

i installed debian but i choosed the german as native language ...! So i´m trying to switch to english ...! or to add it (at least).

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Debian :: Changing The Welcome / Login Screen On Squeeze?

Jul 17, 2010

I just installed Squeeze because Lenny didn't have the best Bluetooth support. (Just installed blueman and everything I have works without any configuring, by the way). In Lenny, gdmsetup would allow me to choose a theme for the login screen as well as change settings for logging in. With Squeeze, fully updated, I only get a couple simple options for changing automatic login (screen shot of gdmsetup).

There is a config file that I found: Code: /etc/gdm3/greeter.gconf-defaults It is a simple config file but I do not know the available themes and cannot preview them.

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