Ubuntu :: Can't Boot 11.04 Live CD - Hangs With Blinking

Aug 2, 2011


I can't boot 11.04 live CD anymore: when it starts booting the kernel it hangs with a blinking. I can reproduce it all the time now. The interesting thing is that I installed the system using the very same live CD that I can no longer boot. If I unplug the HDD, I can boot the live CD. I can boot 10.10 no problem, however (as well as a bunch of different distros). After booting it, if I choose restart from the menu, I can boot from my HDD no problem, but only once.


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Fedora Installation :: Fresh Install Hangs On Boot / Black Screen Blinking Cursor

Aug 9, 2011

After installing Fedora 15 from LiveUSB and rebooting it just hangs on a black screen with a blinking cursor (underscore) in the top left of the screen. If it's reached grub, it isn't responding to any commands, and mashing several key combinations (such as ctrl-alt-f1) will produce a beep usually emitted only by the BIOS (hinting that it may never be making its way to grub).

The only particularly interesting thing about the install is that by default it wanted to boot itself from the MBR on my primary-master (Windows) disk. Instead I selected the option to boot from "the first partition in sdb1", which is my primary-slave (Linux) disk, (the first partition being /boot). This way I can change which OS boots by changing the boot order in my BIOS, and so avoiding bootloader wars.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Live CD Boot Hangs?

Oct 14, 2010

With Mythbuntu 10.10, the Live CD hands before it can fully boot the OS to a GUI. I'm running an IBM ThinkCentre (P4 2.6Ghz, 512mb RAM) with an NVidia 6200, and I'm using an HD LCD TV for the display.

I've tried to use nomodeset but that hasn't helped it boot. I've tried disabling dmraid also but I end up getting this error: 'General Failure Mounting File Systems'. I've had no such problems with the previous 3 versions of Mythbuntu. Although I didn't have this TV when I installed those ones... could that be the issue perhaps?

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Fedora Installation :: F13 Live CD Hangs During Boot ?

May 28, 2010

I currently dual-boot Windows Vista and Suse 11.2 on my Gateway desktop machine. I'd like to try out Fedora in a triple-boot situation.

My trouble is that the F13 Live CD hangs during boot. I've checked the hashes of the downloaded ISO files, and done burns on multiple media. During booting with the Live CD, my box hangs and I have to use the physical power button to turn off the box.

I've tried the 64-bit KDE spin (my preferred choice), the 64-bit GNOME version, and also the 32-bit KDE spin, and all of them hang at the same point. Removing the "quiet" boot option shows that it hangs after setting up my built-in card reader. When I installed Suse 10.3 on this same machine, I had to use the flags "acpi=off" and "brokenmodules=pata_it821x". Would the syntax be the same if I wanted to try with those boot options with the F13 Live CD?

Using the ISO files in VirtualBox inside my working Suse install works just fine.

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Fedora Installation :: Live CD Hangs After Boot Choice?

Jan 1, 2010

I was using Ubuntu 9.10, until I got a new graphics card (Nvidia GeForce 9800 GT). After I got that upgrade, Ubuntu no longer supported that card for some reason, so I decided to try Linux Mint since it was a close relative to Ubuntu. Still no support for the video card.

I've always wanted to try Fedora so I decided to grab the x86_64 live cd and burn it. I stick it into my disk drive and it boots where it shows me the options to "Boot" "Verify and Boot" "Boot from Hard Disk" and one other option.

I tried the Boot option, and after selecting that, everything stalls, and my display turns off (not the entire monitor, just the display). I tried Verify and Boot, and still no luck.

I have also tried the i686 live cd and the same issue. It can not be the way I am burning it, cause I've gotten other live cd's to work with the same method of burning. Is it that Fedora does not support the card?

I am trying to get the GNOME version up and running.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Live Cd Worked Flawlessly Install Hangs At Boot?

Oct 12, 2010

My live cd worked flawlessly.

After I installed it, is another story I chose to include the suggested .mp3 codec, and to install updates at the same time.

Cmos and hardware all inits fine, then I get several seconds of a cursor, followed by the nice "ubuntu" title with little orange squares under it.

Interestingly, the squares do not cycle until I hold down the power button.

Searching for "10.10 boot" somehow returned zero results. ??

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Ubuntu Installation :: Xubuntu Live Cd Won't Boot - Hangs At A Black Screen

Mar 25, 2011

I try to boot the live CD and try xubuntu without installing, and my computer just hangs at a black screen, cuts off, then goes black and repeats. I also tried just installing with nomodeset enabled and it seemed to install fine, but it did the same thing as it does with the live cd, GRUB wouldn't even load... the computers specs [URL]

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lubuntu 10.10 Live USB Hangs After Boot Menu Option Selected

Dec 21, 2010

I have the same problem with an Ubuntu 10.04 live CD. Whenever I attempt to boot (Lu|U)buntu from a live CD/USB, on most computers. it works just fine. However, on two computers, the live media starts off just fine with the main menu (Try Ubuntu without installing, etc.), then, when I select any option except 'Boot from First Hard Disk', after a few seconds, the CD stops spinning or the USB loses power. I'm convinced it's not a problem from the media, since it works perfectly fine on some computers.

Host Name: OWNER-PC
OS Name: Microsoftr Windows VistaT Home Premium
OS Version: 6.0.6001 Service Pack 1 Build 6001
OS Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation


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Software :: Ubuntu 10.04 Hangs - Monitor Led Blinking

Oct 14, 2010

Our organization has been moved to Ubuntu for desktops, so we have to work with it. We have not any problem with Ubuntu it works fine. But in few machines (5 out of 25) we are facing some hanging problem. OS & everything hangs while working on it, no matter on which application you are working. Some time hangs on Mozilla & sometimes on open office KB & mouse stops working, alt+tab doesn't work display is coming. We are not able to find actual problem.

Then we switch off power switch & turned on again. All working files lost. Time spent on worked file wasted. And in one of system is hangs & display gone when working. Monitor power led blinking but there is no display. When we press power switch of system it got proper shut down. All working file lost. I have checked all the hardware parts there is no problem. These machines was working fine with windows OS.

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Fedora :: Blinking Keyboard And System Hangs With Caps Lock On

Nov 20, 2009

When I running fedora the caps lock & shift LEDs blinking continuously and system was hang.

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Ubuntu Installation :: USB Key Isn't Present (with Error: No Such Device And The Uuid) - And Hangs On A Blinking Cursor?

Mar 15, 2011

I just attempted to install to a USB drive, and somehow in the process, GRUB overwrote my Windows 7 bootloader on the internal disk. My work laptop is now booting into a grub recovery whenever my USB key isn't present (with error: no such device and the uuid) - and hangs on a blinking cursor whenever the key is plugged in.I'm not familiar with what my options are for grub rescue, but ls shows (hd0) (hd0,msdos2) (hd0,msdos1) (fd0)

My laptop is encrypted, so I don't have much chance of recovery unless I can get back to the windows bootloader.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fixing Grub - Volume Hangs With A Non-blinking Cursor In The Upper Left?

Mar 11, 2010

I set my drives up with MY boot loader, and I boot several OSes.I installed Ubuntu and told it to place grub on the / drive, which is where I always put it with any other install and it works fine.I find now that despite telling the install where to put it, you guys have taken it upon yourselves to alter the MBR of the volume ANYWAY!

SO, what I need to do is re-install grub, but I see that you also have no repair facility on this disc either. All I want to do is use MY boot loader. Currently, when I point at the / volume it just hangs with a non-blinking cursor in the upper left.No other Linux installs I have performed over the years do this. I want the drive to boot by merely pointing my bootloader at that volume.It always has in the past, so what did you guys change? I want NO action on my MBR, but I DO want a working grub on the actual root volume, which is NOT the first volume on the drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Booting Live Cd - Just A Blinking Cursor ?

Jun 22, 2011

I'm unable to boot into my Windows OS so Im trying to install Ubuntu 11.04 on a separate partition, so I can somehow get access to the files on Windows.

I made a live cd and a flash USB, both of which when I try to boot from, will go straight to a blinking cursor and nothing else, it won't allow me to type and there are no error messages. So I can't even get the install started.

I made sure both the cd and flash USB are bootable from another pc from inside Windows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blinking Line On Screen When Booting From Live USB

Nov 7, 2010

I am trying to run Ubuntu from a live USB, everything seems to be great until I get to the part where the GUI should come up. Then I get this screen. It's a little hard to see, but it's basically a white bar at the top and black underneath. The black is flickering a lot and the flickering can stay for a short while (30-120 seconds) even after I have rebooted into windows. Sometimes the bar at the top is another solid color (purple,blue, orange, usually white though), I think it is putting my monitor in a strange version of it's self test.

When it is unplugged the monitor while cycle through full screens of different colors. I have tried Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop AMD64, 10.10 i386, and the latest Fedora to see if another distro had different results. I have also tried 2 other USB drives. I am using Universal USB Installer to make the drives. My own searches have found some problems with graphic drivers for the GeForce 8800 GTX, but they a bit dated. I have tried adding vga=vesa to the boot arguments, I am not sure if I did it right or not, but it resulted in a black screen with a blinking line instead and no flickering.

System specs:
AMD Phenom II 740BE (unlocked to Quad Core @ 3.4Ghz)
ASRock Extreme3 870
WD Caviar Black 640GB 7200RPM 6.0Gb/s
GSkill 4GB PC1600
GeForce 8800 GTX
Dell 3007WFP

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Ubuntu :: Slow Boot Time - Boot To Bios And Then The Screen Goes Black With A Blinking Cursor

Oct 14, 2010

I've got two laptops running Ubuntu. Both have had Lucid installed from the live cd. I have upgraded one of them to Maverick. Both distributions are running great after they boot up, but I haven't experienced any faster boot times with either distibution. Both boot to Bios and then the screen goes black with a blinking cursor in upper left corner of the screen. The black screen remains for 30 to 45 seconds and then I get the Ubuntu splash screen for maybe 5 seconds, and then desktop. Why am I not seeing faster boot times? I realize 45 to 60 seconds is good compared to other os's, but I anticipated much faster boot times. Shut down on the other hand is quite fast at maybe 5 to 10 seconds. Does anyone else get this black screen on boot? Seems like wasted time cause I can't tell what's going on during the time there is a black screen. This is not a real big deal breaker, as I don't reboot very often, but I just wonder why bootup isn't faster.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Live CD Hangs?

Oct 20, 2010

I had to reinstall Windows 7 on my machine (go figure) and I am trying to restore GRUB so I can use Ubuntu again, but I can't seem to do it with my 10.04 Lucid Live CD...which I can actually get to work with "nomodeset" on my Nvidia card (GeForce 6150 LE). However, I try to use my 10.10 Live CD, and even with "nomodeset" I get nowhere. If I hit the ESC key, I can read "stdin error 0" or something along those lines, then it shows many repeating messages with "logical blocks"...

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Installation :: Ubuntu-live-usb Hangs / Solution For This?

Apr 28, 2011

Ubuntu-live-usb hangs And the only thing I see are Ubuntu and dots changing colours from orange to with. How may I see boot post and see where the problem are? I have check the disks by hold down -shift.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Don't Boot - Blinking Cursor

Oct 20, 2010

I have a box with lucid I rarely boot. When I do there is usually some trouble, as now. The only thing that happens is that a blinking cursor appear, and nothing happens. Usually the box also never shutdown, I end up with having to hardboot it.

What causes this, is there anything I can do to fix it? As of now I can't get the beast back up. I'm running x64, a cheap raedon 5xxx card and an amd x4 processor.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Live Usb Hangs At Syslinux Start

Oct 31, 2010

Using a multitude of different programs, including the one the official site recommended, it always hangs at this screen with a blinking cursor:


SYSLINUX 4.02 2010-07-21 EDD Copyright (C) 1994-2010 H. Peter Anvin et al

how do I get past this? What's going wrong here? I checked the md5sum of the iso and it matches up with the official one.

Edit: I know the flash drive isn't at fault, because I've used it as a live USB for 10.04 and several other distros.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: 14 Live Kde Hangs After Loading Bar?

Apr 25, 2011

i am having old hardware..here the specs..AMD Athlon XP 2200+1.80 Ghz,736 MB of ram,10 GB hard disk and
Nvidia GeForce2 Integrated GPU i tried to use live cd it hangs after loading bar or at some times before itselfi even tried to use fedora 11 kde live but it hangs after booting up

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Ubuntu :: Slow Boot (Blinking Cursor) With 10.04 Upgrade

May 3, 2010

I am getting a much slower boot with the 10.04 upgrade. After choosing which partition to use I get the blinking white cursor in the upper left hand corner and the "Boot from (hd0,4) ext 3..." sits there for a while before coming to the log in screen. There have been quite a few posts about this, a lot of people are saying disabling the floppy drive in the BIOS has worked for them. I don't have a floppy drive on my laptop.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blinking Cursor During Boot - Can't Progress?

Feb 10, 2011

I am attempting to install Ubuntu 64Bit Server 10.04 on a new server.

Server Specs:
Xeon E5620
2X 160GB 7200 RPM in RAID1 (Onboard Software RAID)
Super Micro X8DTI-8

I am doing a typical install with no special functions on a RAID1 onboard Intel array. I know the array works because I tested it by installing Windows Server 2003 which works fine. The RAID also shows as healthy in the BIOS.

This problem is very difficult to remedy because everything seems to install fine with Ubuntu but when you reboot after the install you get a blinking cursor _ and nothing else. It appears that something happened when loading the OS but it's impossible to get past the blinking cursor because you can't type anything or escape out of it. The only thing that it will register is Ctrl+Alt+Del which will restart the server.

The funny thing is it does not display the typical Sigkill and show processes shutting down. The screen goes black and it restarts only to return to the blinking cursor. I am on my 6th attempt at an install with ubuntu and I am seriously considering switching over to windows unless.

I am almost certain this is a RAID issue because I can load the Ubuntu on 1 drive without any issues but I always get the blinking cursor in the RAID.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Boot - Black Screen With Blinking Server

Jun 4, 2011

I built my computer and having trouble booting Ubuntu, here are my system specifications.
System Specifications:
CPU: AMD Athlon II X4 3.0GHz Quad-Core
GPU: ATI Radeon HD 5750 1GB 128-bit GDDR5
Motherboard: ASUS M4A88TD-V EVO/USB3
Memory: 4G G.SKILL Ripjaws DDR3 1600
PSU: Cooler Master GX Series 750w
HDD: 500GB Samsung 7200 RPM

I have Ubuntu on a DVD and have tried both my DVD drives, AND an external DVD drive and have no luck. I have tried different versions of Ubuntu and get the same problem. So I boot it fine and it gets the the Ubuntu splash screen and I select "Install Ubuntu" it loads for a few seconds then goes to a black screen with a blinking cursor in the top left corner. It sits here forever. I tested on my friends computer with very similar processor and it blinks for about 3 seconds then an Ubuntu splash screen appears with dots under it and it loads and works fine.

So I am 100% positive the DVD is fine and should work for my processor also. I do have Windows 7 currently installed. And I made a 100 GB partition via Windows 7 using Easeus Partition Manager. If it matters, I did test Ubuntu on my computer by installing it from VirtualBox and it worked fine...but I'd rather do a dualboot because I don't like running an OS in another OS and its performance isn't so great when emulating an Operating System...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Won't Boot / Getting A Blinking Cursor, But No GRUB?

Jun 5, 2011

I've tried to install Ubuntu 11.04 for the whole afternoon and I'm stuck.Reason why I use the alternate cd is that I want to use an encrypted logical volume (full system, not just home folder). I did not create the partitions myself, I simply used the installer option for "guided LVM with encryption".But now I have the problem that I finished the installation without error, but when I boot my laptop nothing happens. I do only get a blinking cursor, but no GRUB, which I installed too (because there is a nother hdd with win 7).

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Ubuntu :: Does Not Boot Up Stuck At Logo With Blinking Process Bar

Jun 21, 2011

I have currently installed the ubuntu 11.04 natty narwhal edition through the wubi installer alongside windows 7. I wanted to just check out what the kde environment had to offer differently from the default desktop environment which is gnome unity environment.

I installed the kde environment using some sudo command given by google. After using kde environment for a few hours, I just began to feel, I liked the default gnome environment better (in classic mode) as compared to kde as I was more used to the former.

So I uninstalled kde with another sudo command which I got by googling. At the final step of the uninstallation, I admit I am not sure whether what I did was right or wrong. There was sth related to 'daemon' that popped up eventually and I chose yes for that and kde was uninstalled successfully or atleast that's what I thought.

But to my horror, when i tried rebooting my laptop to ubuntu gnome, the blue coloured kubuntu logo was popping once again and I had to go back to the synaptic package manager and delete sth called the 'plymouth' package to remove the kubuntu logo.

Now after doing all these, when I tried booting ubuntu, I was not able to get to the gnome login screen. The screen was just stuck with the ubuntu logo and the process bar blinking and gnome never started.

When I pressed the Esc key to check out what was happening from behind, I could see that some processes were being checked and there was a [ok] after everything and there was a [FAIL] next to "starting CPU interrupts balancing daemon". And the terminal screen ended with "stopping system V run level compatibility". I am not sure if this might be the root cause of blocking the boot-up. But I couldn't get a screenshot of those intermittent terminal screens as I was not in a position to type in any commands such as fbgrab which can be used to grab a screenshot of the terminal screen.

Eventually after intense googling, I figured how to manually configure gnome to start up. I pressed the Cnt + Alt +F1 as soon as the white ubuntu logo popped up and after logging in into my ubuntu account through the terminal interface, I typed in the following things:

And then voila I got the gnome login screen. I temporarily heaved a sigh of relief. (by the way I saw something flash quickly on the terminal moments before it went to the gnome login screen like "you need not init this way or sth"..I just couldn't catch sight of it properly as it flashed only for a few moments)

But I am not satisfied. Obviously there might be a way to set this problem right isn't it? Kindly someone pls throw some light on this issue. I want gdm to be automatically activated during boot. Its a big pain to manually configure it everytime I boot. Is it possible to do a windows restore to set the ubuntu right? But I saw in some forums mention that something called the boot.ini will botch up if we perform a system restore in win 7.

Method that does not involve uninstalling ubuntu and reinstalling it. This is because I have done a lot of tweaks, optimisations and installed lot of apps in it. I do not have a system image backup as well. So it will be a nightmare to do all these things over and over again. The mistake or rather the drawback from my side is I just have my laptop alone and do not have another standalone desktop to experiment with linux.

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Fedora Installation :: 14 Live Kde Hangs After Loading Bar?

Apr 25, 2011

here are my specs...AMD Athlon xp 2200+,1.80 Ghz,736 mb of ram,10 gb hard disk&Nvidia GeForce2 Integrated GPU...actually it hangs up after loading that bar or sometimes before loading itselfshould i opt for older fedora if so which version i even tried fedora 11 kde but it hangs after booting up

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 KDE Live Persistent USB Hangs

Feb 11, 2010

I've created a live and persistent USB boot of OpenSUSE 11.2 KDE according to the howto. It boots and works fine for about 5 minutes and then hangs. Only the mouse will move but I can't click on anything and it never comes back.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot 9.10 - Whole Screen Is Blinking And Can't Type Any Command

Feb 25, 2010

I can't boot Ubuntu 9.10 on this computer (on my other computer it works fine). When I try to run it from the CD or USB I see a screen full of colored lines, and when I try to use safe graphics I get to the shell but the whole screen is blinking and I can't type any command. Anyone knows how to solve it? My graphics card is GeForce 7300 LE and on my other computer (the one that can run Ubuntu find) has an on-board graphics card.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 - Doesn't Boot Up Stuck At Logo With Blinking Process Bar ?

Jun 23, 2011

I have currently installed the ubuntu 11.04 natty narwhal edition through the wubi installer alongside windows 7. I wanted to just check out what the kde environment had to offer differently from the default desktop environment which is gnome unity environment.

I installed the kde environment using some sudo command given by google. After using kde environment for a few hours, I just began to feel, I liked the default gnome environment better (in classic mode) as compared to kde as I was more used to the former.

So I uninstalled kde with another sudo command which I got by googling. At the final step of the uninstallation, I admit I am not sure whether what I did was right or wrong. There was sth related to 'daemon' that popped up eventually and I chose yes for that and kde was uninstalled successfully or atleast that's what I thought.

But to my horror, when i tried rebooting my laptop to ubuntu gnome, the blue coloured kubuntu logo was popping once again and I had to go back to the synaptic package manager and delete sth called the 'plymouth' package to remove the kubuntu logo.

Now after doing all these, when I tried booting ubuntu, I was not able to get to the gnome login screen. The screen was just stuck with the ubuntu logo and the process bar blinking and gnome never started.

When I pressed the Esc key to check out what was happening from behind, I could see that some processes were being checked and there was a [ok] after everything and there was a [FAIL] next to "starting CPU interrupts balancing daemon". And the terminal screen ended with "stopping system V run level compatibility". I am not sure if this might be the root cause of blocking the boot-up. But I couldn't get a screenshot of those intermittent terminal screens as I was not in a position to type in any commands such as fbgrab which can be used to grab a screenshot of the terminal screen.

Eventually after intense googling, I figured how to manually configure gnome to start up. I pressed the Cnt + Alt +F1 as soon as the white ubuntu logo popped up and after logging in into my ubuntu account through the terminal interface, I typed in the following things:

And then voila I got the gnome login screen. I temporarily heaved a sigh of relief. (by the way I saw something flash quickly on the terminal moments before it went to the gnome login screen like "you need not init this way or sth"..I just couldn't catch sight of it properly as it flashed only for a few moments)

But I am not satisfied. Obviously there might be a way to set this problem right isn't it? Kindly someone pls throw some light on this issue. I want gdm to be automatically activated during boot. Its a big pain to manually configure it everytime I boot. Is it possible to do a windows restore to set the ubuntu right? But I saw in some forums mention that something called the boot.ini will botch up if we perform a system restore in win 7.

Method that does not involve uninstalling ubuntu and reinstalling it. This is because I have done a lot of tweaks, optimisations and installed lot of apps in it. I do not have a system image backup as well. So it will be a nightmare to do all these things over and over again. The mistake or rather the drawback from my side is I just have my laptop alone and do not have another standalone desktop to experiment with linux.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Blinking Cursor At Boot

May 31, 2011

Today I decided to play with my new 11.4 Opensuse dvd. It installed and booted without any problem, and I didn't face any problem until I rebooted the computer to test my newly installed nvidia graphics drivers. openSuse wouldn't boot. Well, the important side is: there are no kernel panics, no "hit enter to restart computer" to find the reason. Just a blinking cursor after an attempt to find the kernel. I only could get out of that by pressing the reboot button. I decided to press c and boot manually:

grub> root (hd0,4)
Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
grub> kernel /boot/vmlinuz-

and the computer just froze. At this stage pressing tab for autocompletion at kernel line freezes the computer, too.

Maybe additional boot parameters?

Well, considering that installation brought me to a desktop, the system seems to be up and ready to run. Nothing seems wrong with my menu.lst:

title openSUSE 11.4
root (hd0,4)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/sda5
initrd /boot/initrd-
(I did not install a bootloader with openSUSE. This is legacy grub bootloader of Debian)

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