Ubuntu :: Soft For HDR Photography Creating?

Jun 16, 2010

Do you know any software that is usable by ubuntu to create HDR photographies?

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Server :: Any Command Not Working On Rhel3 After Creating Soft Link Of Libc.so.6?

Oct 29, 2010

i have server with rhel3 ES. in folder "/lib64/tls" there is one file named libc.so.6 which is softlink of libc-2.3.2.so. i just copied libc-2.3.4.so from rhel4 AS server to rhel3 server in the same location and override the softlink libc.so.6 as a softlink of libc-2.3.4.so. now no any command is working in this server i.e.(cp,vi,rm mv ls etc.). it is also not opening any terminal and nothing command is working.

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Ubuntu :: Photography Management - Windows Better Than Natty ?

Jun 8, 2011

I'm a photographer and use Windows to run Adobe CS for most of my photography tasks, but sometimes I need to do editing in Ubuntu, the environment I use on a daily basis. However the image editing/manager programs I use just don't seem to work properly in Natty, so even for a quick RAW edit of one image, I end up pulling my hair out whilst in Ubuntu:

- Refuses to load folder contents after clicking on them
- Once I got as far as opening a RAW file, and then RT crashed. I've never been able to open up a RAW image since then

- Managed to open folder contents and selected a few thumbnails but when trying to upload to flickr, it crashes

Flickr Uploader
- No option to create a new set (OK, maybe not a Unity issue but annoying all the same)

Any Upload Window
- when trying to upload an image to flickr, or to my blog, I cannot view my images in thumbnail view. So if I am searching for a specific image to upload I can only do so by image name. This is ridiculous. I have attempted to flag this up in a past thread and did not receive a response on this. Since this is the one action I do the most, I get constantly frustrated with having to open Nautilus, learn the image name, then locate it when in the upload window.
- When uploading to flickr the upload window increases to about 150% width of my screen, so I have to horizontally scroll to the 'upload' button after selecting my images

Thumbnail View
- Loading up image thumbnails in Nautilus is painfully slow. Windows is much faster.
- Increasing the thumbnail size to 200% is useless. It is not 200% of the original image size, but just 200% of the thumbnail. I can't view any larger than this 200% figure. Useless.
- When viewing thumbnails in Nautilus, it doesn't double up column view as I reduce the size of the thumbnails, they remain in just one column irrespective of the thumbnail size, culminating in loads of white space either side of the thumbnail

The Gimp
- I'm not going to slag The Gimp off because I understand it is an on-going project supported by just two developers and they have done a marvellous effort. It is very different from Photoshop but this is digressing from my main issues.

With these fundamental flaws in Unity/Ubuntu, I end up booting up Windows and working in my Adobe Creative Suite instead, which is a pain when I want to edit just a couple of images.

I was always led to believe that Linux was 'faster' than Windows but from my experience it is not the best environment for image editing. Nautilus is much slower than Windows Explorer and Digicam is a ridiculously complicated file manager on steroids. Adobe Bridge runs far fast in Windows 7 than Digicam does in Natty, which surprises me. I was recommended RawTherapy but this was by a Windows user who clearly doesn't experience the basic problems I have been running into whilst in Ubuntu.

Do any other photographers have these issues, or any others for that matter? More importantly, are there any work-arounds to these problems? I'd be interested to hear from serious photographers (editing and managing up to 1,000 images a month) who spend a lot of hours processing and managing their photographs. I don't know of any other serious photographers who use Linux: they all use Macs or Windows.

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General :: /etc/rc.d Directory Soft Links / Purpose Of Soft Links In /etc Directory?

Feb 20, 2011

I can see some soft links in /etc directory which are pointing to /etc/rc.d Directory contents.

lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 7 Jan 31 08:19 rc -> rc.d/rc
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 10 Jan 31 08:19 rc0.d -> rc.d/rc0.d
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 10 Jan 31 08:19 rc1.d -> rc.d/rc1.d

Any body please tell me what is the purpose of these soft links in /etc directory ? I am using RHEL 5.4 ...

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Ubuntu :: Which Soft To Burn MP3 Discs?

Mar 30, 2010

I've been using ubuntu for quite some time, but just lately I burned a disc with brasero and my car doesn't read it, idk which is a good soft to create mp3 discs?? is there any that auto converts songs to mp3 if they are aac?

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Ubuntu :: Soft Lockup - CPU#0 Stuck For 61s?

Apr 30, 2010

I recently installed 10.4 on my laptop and I love it, so I wanted to install it on my desktop. It's a somewhat older computer, AMD3000+ nForce 2, 1.5 gigs of Ram and a Radeon x1650. Whenever I try to start the Live CD I get the error soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 61s and it doesn't continue.

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Ubuntu :: Soft Lockup - Cannot Boot At All

Jul 30, 2011

I cannot boot into Ubuntu at all. I have two kernels installed, 2.6.35-28 and 2.6.35-30. The first thing that happened today was that I wasn't able to boot into the latter. I was shown the (in)famous "BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 61s". At this point I could still boot into the 2.6.35-28 kernel. But after shutting down and starting again an hour later, I got the same message when trying to boot into 2.6.35-28. I have tried leaving out the boot options "splash" and "quiet" on both kernels and also adding in "noapic". No combination helps. Needless to say, booting into recovery mode doesn't work either. Up until today, I have been able to boot into both kernels with no problems.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Alternatives To Soft And Hardware Raid 1

Sep 17, 2010

I am trying to make a NAS solution for our club, which should contain different data for download. I have been looking at freeNAS, openfiler and other solutions but they don't offer quite what i want.I want data security, but trying to avoid software and hardware raid.Windows Home Server has a function, where it copies the data from the 'main' storage disk and over to the 'backup' data storage drive automatically.

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Ubuntu :: Ati X1400 - Screen Looks Soft And Slightly Stretched - 10.10

Oct 15, 2010

I just installed 10.10 on my dell e1505 laptop. it has an ati radeon x1400 video card. this is my first time using linux on this pc. anyways my problem is that the laptop screen looks a little soft or slightly out of focus. its also very slightly stretched...but just barely. almost to the point you dont notice unless you are looking for it. now i also have an external monitor and it looks perfect. ive tried changing the monitor resolution but it doesnt help and sometimes it makes both screens flicker like its having a seizure! i forgot to mention that sometimes when opening an app or installing an app. the external monitor goes black for a few seconds. the laptop monitor doesnt though.

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Fedora :: Install Soft From DVD But Not From The Internet?

Feb 9, 2010

I installed Fedora from CD, but soon I have a DVD with more soft on it. how I can make so, that Fedora install soft from DVD, but not from the Internet?

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SUSE :: How To Save Soft & Config

Jul 2, 2010

I have a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (i586) server that is dying (I think the disc is about to crash). I want to save all the installed software and all the configurations.

To know what software is there installed, I use "rpm -qa > outlist.txt".

But what files shall I (scp) copy ... to take away as much configuration files as possible ?

Let's start with "/etc/*.conf", of course ... but is this enough ?

The server basically runs a DHCP server and a DNS server

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General :: Soft Lock CPU#0 For 412 Seconds?

Oct 26, 2010

My Desktop assembled d101GGC motherboard having 3.00 Ht tech processor, locks and after 5-10 minutes, unlocks and shows kernel softlock CPU#0 for 412 seconds. for the last many days. since two days it now lags time in clock applet in panel, but is not hanging for soft lock, I set the date and time to "system clock uses UTC" or "synchronize date and time over network", my PC again started to soft lock.

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General :: Soft Dialer On Freepbx

Apr 18, 2011

how configure a call center soft-dialer. I just configure freePbx on centos 5.3 and i also configure the internal extension. But i cant understand how to configure outbound & inbound settings on freepbx plz help me, and can anybody help me how to compile the lead management and auto dial of the lead features in freepbx, which software do that and what is the compile method

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Ubuntu :: Removed Empathy From The Ub Soft Center But It Didn't Change Anything

Jan 3, 2010

I installed Ubuntu today and I have to say it's awesome, shortly after trying it I decided to remove XP, I had some problems I could solve myself but right now my "biggest" one is that I can't uninstall empathy, it may sound stupid but I totally need to take it out, I installed Pidgin and it works like a charm btw: I removed empathy from the ub soft center but it didn't change anything

I had a lot of questions but I resolved all of them in the middle of this post (= I have another question but it isn't as important, does anyone know how to set up the cube? I'm sure I'll end up turning it off but I want to try it

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Ubuntu Installation :: Soft Lock - CPU#0 Stuck For 61s [plymouthd 1167]

May 30, 2010

I downloaded and verified the signature of a desktop i386 iso. I burned it to a dvd and got the installer started. what happens is the thing hangs up showing the below error every 61 seconds:

soft lock CPU#0 stuck for 61s [plymouthd:1167]
soft lock CPU#0 stuck for 61s [plymouthd:1167]
soft lock CPU#0 stuck for 61s [plymouthd:1167]

I used to have the previous install 9.something working fine. Now this won't even get going?

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Debian Installation :: Soft Lockup / CPU Stuck

Aug 18, 2015

i'm trying to Debian 8.1.0 on my notebook Acer Travelmate 2200. Currently i have very outdated version of Linux Mint. It works fine but I prefer keeping system updated. Only way to get updated system now is install new one, and here i have a problem. After CD/ISO booting, installation looking for a mountd devices, etc. then i got statement that CPU stuck for x sec. The same statement appears every 20sec. I was trying it on other linux distr's they give the same error. I didn't overclocked my notebook, his temp is ok. I'm working on it few hours each day, it didn't overheat. Someone told me thats bug of 2.6.x kernel but I'm trying install new system with 3.16.x.

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Fedora :: How To Install Micro Soft Fonts In F12

Feb 18, 2010

How to install micro soft fonts in F12, mainly arial in openoffice?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Soft Lockup: CPU# Stuck - 11.4

Mar 23, 2011

11.4 Boot Freeze That is there is a BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck message and the boot hangs.The modprobe/migration codes are not identical with the linked thread. I'm stuck with CPU#0 at [modprobe:138] and #1 stuck at [migration1:8]. Generally after 61 or 63s.

This is a zypper dup from latest 11.3.The machine boots with acpi=off, luckily. But I'd like to have it all working.The forum says I can't post attachments; hwinfo output seems a bit copious to quote inline. But I'd be happy to provide any additional info obviously.

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General :: Removing Linked Soft Link?

Sep 2, 2010

currently i am wanted to clean up my proj area but the problem with rm i am facing is some copy remain in disk with linked i am meaning soft link

A linked to B
B linked to C
C which is on other directory
A & B are on same folder

know when i run

rm -rf A

it removes only A & B but the C remain on the disk how i can remove C from the disk.. using the the same command..

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General :: Difference Between Hardlinks And Soft Links?

Jul 1, 2011

whats the difference between hard links and soft links?

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Software :: Why Soft Lockups Are Introduced In Rhel 5.2?

Jul 3, 2011

wat is the advantage of introducing softlock feature in rhel? How user/admin will be benifitted if softlockup events are occoured? on the contrary, server dies if softlock happens.We hardly can take some preventive action against softlockups, but most of the times we are not able to do anything about softlockups?

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Fedora :: Gnome Soft On Small Monitor (netbook)

Oct 28, 2010

I am using F13 on my netbook for a week so far. Its worth mention, I am completely new new to Linux. Want to say many thanks to Fedora developers for such a great OS, it makes me really happy.
Now, on the subject, I have a very small monitor 1024x576, this is causing difficulties with GIMP, and more, I found that GIMP is too much 'overfeatured' :-( . Searching on this forum , I found posts about 'Kolour' for KDE desktop. Maybe you can recommend a similar simple image editor for Gnome desktop? Crop/resize and pencil tool where i can pick up color and draw pixels will suffice most of the time.

Also I am using Firefox a lot and thought whether it possible to get a small feature , I will try to describe it: when the window is maximized I want to hide the window's header and menu, which would give me extra 40-50 pixels height to the contents of the window.
Yeah, I know I can hide navigation bar, but how then I will type the page location?

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Fedora :: Re-establishing Soft RAID5 From Previous Install?

Jan 25, 2011

I had FC 14 installed on an SSD, and 4 500Gig drives in a software RAID-5 configuration. However, just recently, my FC14 failed horribly. Fortunately my admin had recently backed up the /etc directory. When FC14 failed, he reinstalled FC14 on the SSD. Is there any way for me to re-establish the RAID-5 drives, since they were not affected?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Demuxing DTV Record With Projectx (or Other Soft)

Mar 25, 2011

I just buy a cheap Belson TV with recording feature on USB. I get a "ts" file, as usual. and as usual, the sound is not in sync, due to frames dropped. Last time I did so (with other hardware), I simply played the movie throuh an other recorder to get the mpg file, but now I can't anymore. So I try to find a good "ts" editor (I have a lot of unusefull video before and after the movie). Avidemux edits but do not fix the lost images/out of sync sound.

The tools mostly advertised for this use is "projectx". I have it on my openSUSE 11.3, but I fail to make it work :-(. I find no manual, except a very old (2004) one in english, and I don't read german :-(. Do you know of any english manual uptodate and understandable. projectx runs, but no of the files I get is readable by vlc or mplayer.

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Programming :: Soft Limit For Core File Size?

Jun 22, 2011

Using getrlimit I am setting the core file size to be RLIM_INFINITY. But still the core file is not being generated,although in /var/log/messages it says a core is being generated

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Debian Hardware :: Testing Is Now Soft Blocking WiFi (ath5k)

Aug 20, 2014

Regularly updated debian testing on a netbook. I normally use wired ethernet, but I am pretty sure that I had wifi (wlan0) working normally a few days ago.

Today, I find that wlan0 has a soft block:

# rfkill list
0: phy0: Wireless LAN
Soft blocked: yes
Hard blocked: no

It seems that the kernel(?) is sending a udev event to set this:

# rfkill event
1408563052.478251: idx 0 type 1 op 0 soft 1 hard 0

# rfkill unblock wlan
works *unless* the wifi button on this laptop is used. Then I get an apparently permanent hard block.
rfkill cannot unblock, and repeated button actions do not clear.

Adding the no_hw_rfkill_switch to the ath7K driver ensures that the wifi button is disabled.

All this is new: I have been using wifi on this netbook for years without problems, so something has changed. I moved to systemd (sigh) maybe a month ago, so perhaps the root problem is a systemd udev bug.

The real problem is knowing where to look or bug report. Is it a recent change in the ath5k driver or kernel? IIRC I checked the driver and there were no recent commits. Likewise rfkill hasn't changed recently. More likely to be something around systemd udev, perhaps, given the mayhem systemd has caused on another machine here. Or perhaps somewhere in the wireless subsystem.

lspci -k includes:
03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR242x / AR542x Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)
Subsystem: Foxconn International, Inc. Device e008
Kernel driver in use: ath5k

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Soft Or Fixed Mounting Of Hard Drives?

Dec 17, 2009

There is a question I cannot find answer to.Should hard drives be mounted in the computer's case hard (screwed to wall) or soft (suspended by means of rubber washers)? And the same question about DVD drive which vibrates far more than a hard drive.

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General :: Tar Ball A Directory Hierarchy With Soft Links In System?

May 4, 2010

Can you please tell me how can I tar ball/compress a directory hierarchy with soft links in Linux?

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General :: $PATH Variables, Soft Links, And Command Not Found?

Sep 17, 2010

I am having problems with symbolic links and the $PATH variable.I have a directory:# /usr/rulerX/squarewhere /usr/rulerX/square is a symbolic link such that:

# ls -la
square --> square.hg.current
My path variable is set as:


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Hardware :: EXT3 Aborting Journal - Kernel Soft Lockup ?

Feb 2, 2011

I have a system running CentOS 5.5 (194.32 Kernel) that has been working fine for about 8 months. I found it stuck one morning dumping a Soft Lockup Kernel message every 10 seconds and have been trying to find out what is going on - here is what I've done and found.

System is a Core i3 with 4Gb DDR3 ram and 2 1.5Tb SATA drives - everything is less then 1 year old with not too much load (this is a backup system for my server - a twin and the other works fine)

Intel Mobo: DM55HC

Rebooting the system (after doing a fsck on the drives with lots of errors) it runs for about 20 hours or so and then drops back into this problem.

Prior to going into the soft lockup it reports that the Journal has aborted on one drive or the other and drops into a Read Only FS.

There is nothing in the logs apart from the aborting journal message and the soft-lockup)

Tried fsck with badblocks check on the 2 mountpoints for both drives (dunno how to check the swap partition) - nothing I could see there.

I have tried memtest for about 36hours. No errors

I ran smartctl long tests on both drives. No Errors

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