General :: Tar Ball A Directory Hierarchy With Soft Links In System?

May 4, 2010

Can you please tell me how can I tar ball/compress a directory hierarchy with soft links in Linux?

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General :: /etc/rc.d Directory Soft Links / Purpose Of Soft Links In /etc Directory?

Feb 20, 2011

I can see some soft links in /etc directory which are pointing to /etc/rc.d Directory contents.

lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 7 Jan 31 08:19 rc -> rc.d/rc
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 10 Jan 31 08:19 rc0.d -> rc.d/rc0.d
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 10 Jan 31 08:19 rc1.d -> rc.d/rc1.d

Any body please tell me what is the purpose of these soft links in /etc directory ? I am using RHEL 5.4 ...

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General :: Directory Hierarchy Getting Repeated In Mvfs File System

Feb 9, 2011

I have a mvfs file system mounted.


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General :: Difference Between Hardlinks And Soft Links?

Jul 1, 2011

whats the difference between hard links and soft links?

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General :: $PATH Variables, Soft Links, And Command Not Found?

Sep 17, 2010

I am having problems with symbolic links and the $PATH variable.I have a directory:# /usr/rulerX/squarewhere /usr/rulerX/square is a symbolic link such that:

# ls -la
square --> square.hg.current
My path variable is set as:


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General :: Create Hard Links Within A File System To A Directory?

Aug 1, 2010

I am trying to create hard links within a file system to a directory, but unable to do that. is there any limitation to create hard links to directories within file system ?

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General :: UNIX File System Hierarchy?

Oct 3, 2010

What are the directories and files in Unix file-system that has default user permission set. For eg. home directory of a user can't be seen by the other users on the system without his permission. In the same way what are the other directories that by default has user permission set at the time user account has opened. Eg. /etc,/bin or what

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General :: Copy Entire File System Hierarchy From One Drive To Another?

Jul 7, 2011

I would like to copy the entire file system hierarchy from one drive to another..i.e contents of each directory as well as regular files in Linux platform. Would be gratefull to know the best way to do that with possibly Linuxes in-built functions. The file system is a ext family.

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Software :: List All The Soft And Hard Links An Installed Distribution Has?

Jul 7, 2011

wanted to knowIs there a command the root user can type in the command line to list & know all soft and hard links there are in a distro that is installed ?

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General :: Copy Folder Hierarchy / Recreate All Folders From One Directory Without Copying Over Contents Of Folder?

Jul 2, 2010

Is there a way to recreate all the folders from one directory to another without copying over the contents of the folder? I've been trying to do something like this,

Code:for i in `ls $X`; do mkdir $PATH/$i; doneUnfortunately $i is deliminated by whitespaces in the filenames and not the actual folders.

$X contains only other folders so I dont have to worry about regular files but any kind of more "advanced" solution would work.

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General :: Large Directory With Wget With Two Links Pointing At Same Thing

Mar 19, 2011

I'm trying to crawl a directory on a website and basically download everything in it. The structure is simple enough(but there are also multiple folders), but there is one thing that makes wget choke up.Both of the links work, but they are both the same thing. So wget will download the same file twice. How can I make wget ignore the first one? but this doesn't seem to actually do anything. It will still download the duplicate URLs

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General :: Method Of Changing Directory To A Symbolic Links Parent Or Source?

Aug 3, 2011

I have folder stucture:

|- dir1/
| |- sub1/
|- dir2/
|- sub1link -> /dir1/sub1/

and my current working directory is sub1link, is there a quick way to either: change directory to link source parent (i.e something similar to cd .. but take the user to /dir1/ change directory to link source (i.e switch from /dir2/sub1link/ straight to /dir1/sub1

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General :: Links Of Websites From Where I Can Freely Download Game For System?

Jan 16, 2011

Can any one give me the links of web sites from where I can freely download game for Linux.

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Server :: UShare - Directory Recursion And Symbolic Links / "drill Down" Directory Structure To List Files?

Jan 22, 2010

I have uShare 1.1a setup to talk to my XBox 360. If I share a directory that has no subdirectories, the video files display on the XBox. However, most of my files are in sub-directories on a different partition - I don't really want to copy them to the share, but uShare doesn't seem to recognise any sub-directories or files contained therein.

I have tried setting up symbolic soft links directly to the video files (although this is a pain, it is better than moving the files)...

ln -s /home/jonftp/TV-Shows/Buffy/Season-1/Buffy-101.avi /home/share/Buffy-101.avi
...but these don't show up on the XBox either.

How can I get uShare to "drill down" the directory structure to list the files or how can I get uShare to follow symbolic links?

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General :: My Ball Doesn't Work On My Keyboard

Apr 18, 2010

I've got a Compaq MX 11800 keyboard that has a ball (used as a mouse). The ball works fine in Ubuntu and Windows, but does not work in Debian or Fedora.

I don't know where to start troubleshooting this issue. Any help is appreciated.

Here's a picture of the thing: [url]

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General :: In Folder Hierarchy / Find Last Updated File

Jun 2, 2011

I have a folder hierarchy with many sub-folder levels under a set of parent folders. Based on the application design and business use, files are written to different locations on a daily basis. I want to find out the last updated file in the folder structure and its location at any given time. How can I do that?

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Ubuntu :: Links In Root Directory ?

Oct 3, 2010


The lines highlighted in red are symbolic links to the boot files. Yet, they are not used and, if deleted, the system still works.

Anyone know why they are there? Is it a leftover from Linux days gone by, or does SOMETHING use them?

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General :: Calling Gurus And Noobs - Review Filesystem Hierarchy Explanation?

Jun 10, 2010

Back when I was first learning Linux, one of the questions that I kept wondering about was "what are all these files and directories for?" I couldn't find a resource that would explain them in a digestible manner. Specifically, I was looking for one that would allow me to look at a Linux filesystem interactively, collapsing and expanding folders to look at just the ones I was interested in at the moment. So later, when I got the opportunity, I wrote it.

But despite a ton of research, I'm still not totally knowledgeable on the subject. The most important thing I'm looking for right now is for experienced Linux/Unix people to tell me where I got stuff wrong, and for newbies to tell me how useful it is to them and which things need clarification. I'm also interested in technical and graphical ways to improve usability, like better icons, layout, etc. I know I need to be able to collapse long descriptions, but what would you like to see? The Works Cited list and a full introduction are still on the way as of this writing.

Without further ado: Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Explanation. You'll need a fairly recent browser that can handle XSLT; the actual info is stored as XML, and transformed into HTML with an XSLT stylesheet. This is still a work in progress, and I'll be updating it as the thread progresses.

Finally, would people be interested in collaborating with me on this, as an open-source project? I've never done anything like that, and I'm not sure how much time I'll be able to give it in the future, but I really think this should be continued and expanded.

Edit: Works Cited and decent intro are now in place.

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Ubuntu :: Hard Links Only For All Files In Directory?

Jan 15, 2010

I have a Music folder and I need to create hard links for all files in Music directory.For example:

~/Music/01 - the song.ogg // hard link for this file
~/Music/Folder/02 - a song.ogg //and for this file TOO!

~/Other Music/01 - the song.ogg
~/Other Music/Other foldr/02 - a song.ogg

I want hard link files in folder and in subfolders, but not folders its self.

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Fedora Servers :: Apache - Creating Symbolic Links To Movies Directory

Mar 6, 2009

I'm using FC10 and I want to create a symlink to my movies directory in my home folder:

This is what I did:
I created in
ln -s /home/username/movies movies

Then in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None

<Directory "/var/www/html">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

<Directory "/home/username/movies">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

Restart apache and then the test page is working.

The directory /home/username/movies has following permissions:
drwxrwxrwx 2 apache apache 4096 2009-03-05 23:43 movies
When trying to access my webpage at localhost/movies I get the 403 Forbidden Error.
Ok then, entering:
sudo -u apache ls /var/www/html
> movies
This works, sudo -u /var/www/html/movies returns the permission denied error.
As well sudo -u /home/username/movies
Is the user apache chrooted by default? SELinux is in permissive mode. What can I do?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Make Apache Show Symbolic Links In A Directory Listing?

Jul 17, 2011

I am trying to make my Apache server show symbolic links in a directory listing, but have so far been unsuccessful. In my latest attempt, I have placed the following code in .htaccess, in the directory with the symlinks that I want listing:

<Directory />
Options All
Im httpd-vhosts.conf, I have also placed the following code within the relative <VirtualHost></VirtualHost>:

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Server :: Good Links To Know More About OS Clustering In System?

Dec 1, 2010

Share good links to know more about OS clustering in Linux.

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General :: Soft Lock CPU#0 For 412 Seconds?

Oct 26, 2010

My Desktop assembled d101GGC motherboard having 3.00 Ht tech processor, locks and after 5-10 minutes, unlocks and shows kernel softlock CPU#0 for 412 seconds. for the last many days. since two days it now lags time in clock applet in panel, but is not hanging for soft lock, I set the date and time to "system clock uses UTC" or "synchronize date and time over network", my PC again started to soft lock.

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General :: Soft Dialer On Freepbx

Apr 18, 2011

how configure a call center soft-dialer. I just configure freePbx on centos 5.3 and i also configure the internal extension. But i cant understand how to configure outbound & inbound settings on freepbx plz help me, and can anybody help me how to compile the lead management and auto dial of the lead features in freepbx, which software do that and what is the compile method

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Ubuntu :: Links Browser Script - Automatically Fills In The Credentials On The Links Login Page?

Dec 6, 2010

At my Uni, we use a web-based login for our internet connections. Its based off of Cisco, and every Wednesday night every computer on campus must re-enter their credentials to use the network.

Normally on my several computers I simply pull up the Terminal, point links to using


And enter my credentials when Cisco redirects to the login page.

Literally, the process is


Then ENTER to accept the redirect, down arrow to skip over the logo image, USERNAME, ENTER, PASSWORD, ENTER, ENTER.

Naturally, this is EXTREMELY time consuming, as I have about 5 computers located around campus and must physically walk to the machines and login every single week.

My question is, How would I formulate a program that does the following;

1) checks for connectivity (i.e. is able to reach/resolve to the greater part of the internet) and

2) automatically fills in the credentials on the links login page?

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Programming :: Scripting : Change Markdown Links To Wikitext Links?

Feb 3, 2009

I have a personal wiki of notes, with now thousands of links in markdown format:

[link text](

but now that fckeditor is available for mediawiki (very beta), it has become much better to just stick with wikitext format. There are only a few conversions to do: tables, links, and bulleted lists. The lists are a fairly simple regex and fckeditor magically reformats the tables, so all I'm left with is the links. But I'm not a regex master. How do I reformat code...

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General :: Removing Linked Soft Link?

Sep 2, 2010

currently i am wanted to clean up my proj area but the problem with rm i am facing is some copy remain in disk with linked i am meaning soft link

A linked to B
B linked to C
C which is on other directory
A & B are on same folder

know when i run

rm -rf A

it removes only A & B but the C remain on the disk how i can remove C from the disk.. using the the same command..

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Networking :: Squid Configure From Tar Ball?

Oct 28, 2010

I want full commands from creating of folders for the log dir & giving permissions to the directories to the script of /etc/rc.d/init.d/squid

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Red Hat :: Update A Kernel With Tar Ball Package?

Jan 4, 2010

I'm using redhat...
I'm using kernel-2.6.18-8 now i want to update my kernel with 2.6.32-2 version i install it from net, then un bzip and extract but how to install it ..
on more question what is a meaning of stable version...
and how to patch a kernel

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General :: Can't Enter To System - No Such File Or Directory

Apr 18, 2011

I have a big problem, I can`t enter to the system, said this:

mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed : no such file or directory
mount: mounting /sys on /root/sys failed : no such file or directory
mount: mounting /proc on /root/proc failed : no such file or directory


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