Software :: Why Soft Lockups Are Introduced In Rhel 5.2?

Jul 3, 2011

wat is the advantage of introducing softlock feature in rhel? How user/admin will be benifitted if softlockup events are occoured? on the contrary, server dies if softlock happens.We hardly can take some preventive action against softlockups, but most of the times we are not able to do anything about softlockups?

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General :: /etc/rc.d Directory Soft Links / Purpose Of Soft Links In /etc Directory?

Feb 20, 2011

I can see some soft links in /etc directory which are pointing to /etc/rc.d Directory contents.

lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 7 Jan 31 08:19 rc -> rc.d/rc
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 10 Jan 31 08:19 rc0.d -> rc.d/rc0.d
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 10 Jan 31 08:19 rc1.d -> rc.d/rc1.d

Any body please tell me what is the purpose of these soft links in /etc directory ? I am using RHEL 5.4 ...

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OpenSUSE :: Screensaver Lockups With 11.3 64 Bit?

Jul 29, 2010

I had this problem at times with 11.2 as well; I use GNOME. I have intermittent lockups when invoking the screen saver either while idle or soon afterward while using Firefox; problem seems to not show up if I do not use a screen saver when idle.

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Ubuntu :: Lockups Whole System While Surfing Web?

Jan 5, 2011

I"m a newish Ubuntu user, but have been running some flavour or other for the last 5-6-7 years. Anyway, I just recently installed Maverick and have to say it's polished compared to the last version I tried ( maybe 6? ).

I am however having a frustrating issue while surfing the web. After a 2-3 minutes using firefox, 5-10 minutes using chromium - the whole system seems to lock up solid. The mouse/ keyboard no longer respond. I've read through a few log files and nothing seems to stand out, though I may be looking at the wrong place. I plan on running some system monitors, and top when I get home to see if they show me anything. Just thought I'd come here to ask for any other things to have a look at.

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Ubuntu :: Intermittent Lockups Since Upgrading To 9.10

Jan 4, 2010

I have Ubuntu running on a Compaq desktop. Version 9.04 ran great but since upgrading to 9.10 it intermittently locks up. There is no rhyme or reason to the timing. Sometimes it is immediately after logging in but usually it is after the system has been running awhile. Sometimes it happens when I'm actively using it and sometimes when it is idle. It has never happened at the login screen, no matter how long I leave it.

Note that it is not a complete lockup. The mouse cursor moves, but no longer functions (i.e. you can't click anything). The keyboard does not work at all. For example Ctrl-Alt-Backspace and Ctrl-Alt-F5 do nothing. Disconnecting and reconnecting the mouse and keyboard does not help. Also, I can still access the system over the network using SMB and SSH, which leads me to believe that X or Gnome is where the problem lies.

Here are the troubleshooting steps I have done so far. As I said I can access the system using SSH, so I logged in and ran "top" to view CPU utilization. I found no process using more than 1% of the CPU. Also I examined the messages log and found "segfault" errors related to libc (?), USB and my keyboard, so as a test I traded my fancy wireless keyboard for a generic one. That has not helped. I'm not sure where to go from here. I've examined other logs but it is all Greek to me. There are entries that sound as if they could be errors but I'm not sure and the times of the errors don't match the times of the lockups anyway.

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Slackware :: System Lockups In -current?

Mar 7, 2010

it only seems to happen when im using wicd to change wireless access points several times in a short time span. i havent done anything out of the ordinary, installed packages off of sbopkg, and built my own kernel, but this happens in the stock kernel toothe following is what appears in syslog each time it happens

Mar 7 13:12:14 null kernel: [ 1.714177] WARNING: at arch/x86/kernel/hpet.c:404 hpet_next_event+0x5f/0x81()
Mar 7 13:12:14 null kernel: [ 1.714969] Hardware name: 3241


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CentOS 5 :: System Lockups And Freezing?

Dec 20, 2010

I have a fresh install of CentOS 5.5 on small thin client system with a 80G HDDs, 1 GB ram [URL], I have run into an issue where the system just locks up and freezes and I can no longer access it, cant ping it, cant use webmin and cant view its web pages. The system seemed to be running fine unitl I left it to do some updates via webmin as it informed me there were 118 updates. I really only use the system as a LAN captive network server, and it is currently in the testing phase for this setup. The install went on with no issues and it ran fine, but now every so often within 12 hours it just locks up and I have to reboot. kdump shows no logs so I am finding hard to work out what is going on. but have installed it on 5 of my servers 4x ibm x335 and this . I intend to use the mini server for a captive portal system displaying advertising and promotions to wireless clients.

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Ubuntu :: Natty Lockups - Recorded In A Log File?

Jun 2, 2011

I am on 64-bit Natty and for the first time since my install a month ago, I have had a system hang requiring a power-off restart. It happened yesterday and a few moments ago.My question is that I want to troubleshoot this myself and wonder if the activities that my system were running just prior to crashing are recorded in a log file somewhere.I used to look int /var/log.messages or /var/log/boot, but this was in the Maverick days.

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Ubuntu Networking :: BCM4321 And Wl Driver Causes Lockups?

Sep 1, 2011

I've tried searching all over the place, and I'm drowning in outdated and contradictory information. I have a brand new Netgear WiFi PCI adapter. The exact model is "WN311B-100NAS N300" The related output of lspci is


03:06.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4321 802.11b/g/n (rev 01)
lsmod returns:


Module Size Used by
lib80211_crypt_tkip 17387 0
wl 2568244 0
lib80211 14991 2 lib80211_crypt_tkip,wl


So, I know it's using the BCM4321 chipset and wl driver. Ubuntu detected this card without any trouble, and I was able to use the "Additional Drivers" application to get it running before disconnecting my ethernet.

The card works well, and is very stable until I try to download a file larger than a few MB, or try to play a video stored on my home network. As soon as I try either of those, my computer locks up hard. No error messages. Just a hard lockup that I can't get out of with anything short of holding down the power button on my case until it cuts the power supply.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid - Random System Lockups - How To Troubleshoot?

May 14, 2010

Since upgrading to lucid, I have been experiencing regular system lockups. About once a day, my X desktop will disappear and I'll see a TTY with a few old console messages and at that point everything is completely frozen and I must hard reboot.

I have checked out various logs in /var/log and found nothing at all that indicates the system knew anything bad was happening. What is the correct approach to try to narrow this down?

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Debian Configuration :: Thinkpad X120e Lockups - Resume From Lid Close?

May 25, 2011

I don't know if these are related, but I have had occasional lockups, where no input has any effect and then it shuts down, and am usually unable to resume from suspend on closing the lid.

Here are the specifics. Thinkpad x120e, AMD e-350, ATI radion 6310 graphics, Intel 320 series SSD 80 GB, no bluetooth.

The ethernet and wireless cards, as given in lspci, are

01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 03)
04:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8188CE 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter (rev 01)


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Ubuntu :: Complete System Lockups Happening Randomly In Karmic?

Mar 8, 2010

My Ubuntu Karmic running system experiences random lockups. There is no pattern in when it will happen, it can go for days without one, or happen every couple hours. Only thing I can notice is that it happens most often when I run Firefox, but when it happens, it happens regardless of me having Firefox open on a website with lots of Flash content or not. When the lockup happens, I cannot move the mouse - the led light on my mouse shuts off, I can't move the cursor, the whole UI becomes unrensponsive, there is no blinking lights on the keyboard, REISUB does not work, only hitting the reset button on my case helps. After reboot, there are no indications of errors in any of the logs that I can see.I have ran memtest for 24 hours, and it completed without errors.

Additional information:

1. LSPCI output:


00:00.0 Host bridge: ALi Corporation M1697 HTT Host Bridge
00:01.0 PCI bridge: ALi Corporation PCI Express Root Port
00:02.0 PCI bridge: ALi Corporation PCI Express Root Port


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: ATI Fglrx, ATI Mobility 4200 - Lockups Gnome - 3 -shell

Oct 17, 2010

I have installed the fglrx driver from "Hardware Drivers" and it runs fine, until I launch gnome3 or gnome-shell, it then just locks X (its not hard locked, I can CTRL + ALT + 2/3 etc out) but I cant do anything else.

If I use the mesa / xorg driver its fine.

The trouble is I play one game, and I need the fglrx driver for that game, the mesa one corrupts the 3d engine

It wouldnt be a pain, but i am one of the few who seems to find gnome-shell an improvement, and I get really frustrated when it wont work.

Any idea's on what I can try, other than hopfully having a working system when ATI launches the 10.10 driver on its website (although the leaked rc had the same issue) I only recently got a ATI card so I am pretty new when dealing with the ATI cat's.

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Server :: Edit The Default RHEL CD To Have It Automatically Install RHEL Based Off Of A Kickstart File

Mar 2, 2011

is possible to edited the default RHEL CD to have it automatically install RHEL based off of a kickstart file that I will store locally on the CD. My plan would be to put a cd in a server and have the OS automatically being installed.

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Server :: Configuration Difference Between RHEL 3 To RHEL 5 For Webserver Installations?

Feb 1, 2011

We are planning to migrate our LINUX server from RHEL 3to RHEL 5. What are the configuration difference between RHEL 3 to RHEL 5 for webserver installations?

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Software :: Unable To Boot To RHEL 4 32bit After Installing RHEL 64bit - Error 13: Invalid Or Unsupported Executable Format

Apr 27, 2009

I have 4 partitions in my system, out of which two(sda1, sda2) have windows on them. I have installed RHEL 4 32 - bit on sda3 and after that , installed installed RHEL 64-bit on to a partition sda 5. Now i am unable to boot into RHEL 32-bit. The error i am getting is Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format.

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General :: Cannot Ping From Host (RHEL 6) To RHEL 5 In (virtual)?

May 1, 2011

can not ping from host (RHEL 6) to RHEL 5 in (virtual)? I have stopped iptables on both machines. But still not able to ping from host machine to virtual.

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Software :: Uninstall RHEL 3 And Install RHEL 9 Without Affecting XP?

Jul 13, 2009

I have RHEL 3 and Win XP Installed in my P.C?I want to uninstall RHEL 3 and install RHEL 9 without affecting can i do this and also where can i download free RHEL 9 version or any other latest linux distribution for free?

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CentOS 5 :: Pirut/yum: RHEL 5.1 - Maintain An Unregistered RHEL Box?

Feb 16, 2010

A client has sent me an RHEL 5.1 box for me to do some work on, but it's not registered with Red Hat. This is causing me problems, because it's a minimal installation, and I need some more dev software.My immediate reaction was to install various bits (emacs, and so on) from my Centos 5(.0) DVD.The base RHEL system only had one (disabled) repo entry,so I added a yum DVD repo entry in yum.conf.d.

This looked good to start with, but it doesn't work. Something in RHEL's pirut/yum/rpm/whatever is getting confused, and can't work out what is/isn't installed.

Question - how do you maintain an unregistered RHEL box? Has RH done something to make life difficult? Is my problem simply that I'm using a Centos 5.0 DVD, instead of Centos 5.1? Am I stuck with downloading lots of rpms from the net and doing everything manually? I really don't want to do that.

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Fedora :: Install Soft From DVD But Not From The Internet?

Feb 9, 2010

I installed Fedora from CD, but soon I have a DVD with more soft on it. how I can make so, that Fedora install soft from DVD, but not from the Internet?

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Ubuntu :: Which Soft To Burn MP3 Discs?

Mar 30, 2010

I've been using ubuntu for quite some time, but just lately I burned a disc with brasero and my car doesn't read it, idk which is a good soft to create mp3 discs?? is there any that auto converts songs to mp3 if they are aac?

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Ubuntu :: Soft Lockup - CPU#0 Stuck For 61s?

Apr 30, 2010

I recently installed 10.4 on my laptop and I love it, so I wanted to install it on my desktop. It's a somewhat older computer, AMD3000+ nForce 2, 1.5 gigs of Ram and a Radeon x1650. Whenever I try to start the Live CD I get the error soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 61s and it doesn't continue.

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Ubuntu :: Soft For HDR Photography Creating?

Jun 16, 2010

Do you know any software that is usable by ubuntu to create HDR photographies?

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Ubuntu :: Soft Lockup - Cannot Boot At All

Jul 30, 2011

I cannot boot into Ubuntu at all. I have two kernels installed, 2.6.35-28 and 2.6.35-30. The first thing that happened today was that I wasn't able to boot into the latter. I was shown the (in)famous "BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 61s". At this point I could still boot into the 2.6.35-28 kernel. But after shutting down and starting again an hour later, I got the same message when trying to boot into 2.6.35-28. I have tried leaving out the boot options "splash" and "quiet" on both kernels and also adding in "noapic". No combination helps. Needless to say, booting into recovery mode doesn't work either. Up until today, I have been able to boot into both kernels with no problems.

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SUSE :: How To Save Soft & Config

Jul 2, 2010

I have a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (i586) server that is dying (I think the disc is about to crash). I want to save all the installed software and all the configurations.

To know what software is there installed, I use "rpm -qa > outlist.txt".

But what files shall I (scp) copy ... to take away as much configuration files as possible ?

Let's start with "/etc/*.conf", of course ... but is this enough ?

The server basically runs a DHCP server and a DNS server

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General :: Soft Lock CPU#0 For 412 Seconds?

Oct 26, 2010

My Desktop assembled d101GGC motherboard having 3.00 Ht tech processor, locks and after 5-10 minutes, unlocks and shows kernel softlock CPU#0 for 412 seconds. for the last many days. since two days it now lags time in clock applet in panel, but is not hanging for soft lock, I set the date and time to "system clock uses UTC" or "synchronize date and time over network", my PC again started to soft lock.

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General :: Soft Dialer On Freepbx

Apr 18, 2011

how configure a call center soft-dialer. I just configure freePbx on centos 5.3 and i also configure the internal extension. But i cant understand how to configure outbound & inbound settings on freepbx plz help me, and can anybody help me how to compile the lead management and auto dial of the lead features in freepbx, which software do that and what is the compile method

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General :: Downloading RHEL 5.4 AS From RHEL Website?

Dec 23, 2009

I am trying to download RHEL 5.4 AS version for testing..But under [URL] There is no specific link for AS version or ES version..How can I detect which iso is for AS and which one for ES..? There are separate links for AS and ES version for RHEL 4.x version but why is it not available for RHEL 5.x versions?

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Server :: Major Differences Between Rhel 5.2 And Rhel 5.4?

Dec 14, 2010

what are the major differences between rhel 5.2 and rhel 5.4

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Red Hat :: Duplicating A RHEL 5.1 32bit Server On RHEL 5.4 64 Bit

Dec 9, 2009

I have a database server running RHEL 5.1 32 bit that suffered some catastrophic failures about 6 months ago. We were able to patch it back together and keep it running, but now the manufacturing site it supports is going to shut down for two weeks and I would like to replace it permenantly. Does anyone have any guidance for that sort of thing? I'd like to have the new server up and running before hand, basically changing the hostname/ip and restoring the databases only on conversion day. I've done this in the past with HP UX - Red Hat conversions, but this is my first red hat to red hat move. Any advice or shortcuts?I forgot to add the other wrinkle. The new server will be running 64bit linux.

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