Ubuntu :: Photography Management - Windows Better Than Natty ?

Jun 8, 2011

I'm a photographer and use Windows to run Adobe CS for most of my photography tasks, but sometimes I need to do editing in Ubuntu, the environment I use on a daily basis. However the image editing/manager programs I use just don't seem to work properly in Natty, so even for a quick RAW edit of one image, I end up pulling my hair out whilst in Ubuntu:

- Refuses to load folder contents after clicking on them
- Once I got as far as opening a RAW file, and then RT crashed. I've never been able to open up a RAW image since then

- Managed to open folder contents and selected a few thumbnails but when trying to upload to flickr, it crashes

Flickr Uploader
- No option to create a new set (OK, maybe not a Unity issue but annoying all the same)

Any Upload Window
- when trying to upload an image to flickr, or to my blog, I cannot view my images in thumbnail view. So if I am searching for a specific image to upload I can only do so by image name. This is ridiculous. I have attempted to flag this up in a past thread and did not receive a response on this. Since this is the one action I do the most, I get constantly frustrated with having to open Nautilus, learn the image name, then locate it when in the upload window.
- When uploading to flickr the upload window increases to about 150% width of my screen, so I have to horizontally scroll to the 'upload' button after selecting my images

Thumbnail View
- Loading up image thumbnails in Nautilus is painfully slow. Windows is much faster.
- Increasing the thumbnail size to 200% is useless. It is not 200% of the original image size, but just 200% of the thumbnail. I can't view any larger than this 200% figure. Useless.
- When viewing thumbnails in Nautilus, it doesn't double up column view as I reduce the size of the thumbnails, they remain in just one column irrespective of the thumbnail size, culminating in loads of white space either side of the thumbnail

The Gimp
- I'm not going to slag The Gimp off because I understand it is an on-going project supported by just two developers and they have done a marvellous effort. It is very different from Photoshop but this is digressing from my main issues.

With these fundamental flaws in Unity/Ubuntu, I end up booting up Windows and working in my Adobe Creative Suite instead, which is a pain when I want to edit just a couple of images.

I was always led to believe that Linux was 'faster' than Windows but from my experience it is not the best environment for image editing. Nautilus is much slower than Windows Explorer and Digicam is a ridiculously complicated file manager on steroids. Adobe Bridge runs far fast in Windows 7 than Digicam does in Natty, which surprises me. I was recommended RawTherapy but this was by a Windows user who clearly doesn't experience the basic problems I have been running into whilst in Ubuntu.

Do any other photographers have these issues, or any others for that matter? More importantly, are there any work-arounds to these problems? I'd be interested to hear from serious photographers (editing and managing up to 1,000 images a month) who spend a lot of hours processing and managing their photographs. I don't know of any other serious photographers who use Linux: they all use Macs or Windows.

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Ubuntu :: Soft For HDR Photography Creating?

Jun 16, 2010

Do you know any software that is usable by ubuntu to create HDR photographies?

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Ubuntu :: Gnome 3 Windows Decorations/windows Management?

Apr 9, 2011

I just installed Gnome 3 shell on Ubuntu 11.04 natty and everything seems to look fine except my windows decorations. May be something simple I'm missing.

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Ubuntu :: Using The Windows Key For Window Management?

Jun 7, 2010

I usually have many windows open when I use Ubuntu, and I find it tedious to manage them with the mouse. Is it possible to configure the Windows key so I can call specific, open windows to the screen? Suppose I have Nautilus and a terminal open for example, and suppose Nautilus is "first" (that is: to the far left) on the window bar in the bottom of the screen, and that the terminal is to the right of it. Can I then configure the Windows key so that if I press [WINDOW]+[1], I call the first window to the front (Nautilus), and if I press [WINDOW]+[2] I call the terminal window to the front? It would be very neat if I could do this somehow or in a another intuitive way.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Computer Management Software Like Cafe123 For Windows?

Jun 6, 2010

Is there any computer management software like Cafe123 for Windows? Some friends of mine tried to reduce the cost for setting up computers by making one of the counter/server using Linux, instead of using Windows. And another reason that he want to avoid the counter server from being infected by malware such as those malware spread using usb drive. EDIT: Oh, I forgot to mention that, the server intended to use will be powered with Ubuntu, and the client computers will using Windows XP instead.

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Server :: Any Computer Management Software Like Cafe123 For Windows?

Jun 6, 2010

Is there any computer management software like Cafe123 for Windows? Some friends of mine tried to reduce the cost for setting up computers by making one of the counter/server using Linux, instead of using Windows. And another reason that he want to avoid the counter server from being infected by malware such as those malware spread using usb drive.I forgot to mention that, the server intended to use will be powered with Ubuntu, and the client computers will using Windows XP instead.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Patch Management - Deploy The Patches To Windows Machines

Jan 26, 2010

Does linux have any patch managment software/solution which can distribute the patches to linux and windows clients OR is it possible that we can deploy the patches from linux to windows machines

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Ubuntu :: Can't Move Windows In Natty

Apr 29, 2011

Having an issue with the new distro. I can't stand the new default UI (too cluttered) and don't currently have the time to learn how to customize it the way I want it, so I've reverted back to Ubuntu Classic.

I've now noticed that I cannot move or resize windows. If I try to click and drag on the title bar of a window, nothing happens. If I try to resize a window using the mouse, the mouse cursor will change to the resize cursor, but beyond that nothing will happen.

I've also noticed that some windows, like terminals or the "Shut down the computer" window are completely missing the title bar.

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Ubuntu :: Places Pull Down Menu / Buttons In File Management Windows Broken By Ktorrent

Mar 12, 2011

Whenever i click on an icon in the Places pull down menu (except Computer, Network, Connect To Server and Search For Files) nothing happens except I get Ktorrent popping up and claiming it cant open the selected Drive or Folder because it is not a valid torrent file. Which is fair enough, 'cos its not a torrent. Its the entry for my Desktop in a pull down menu in my O/S, and it does this even when I haven't been near Ktorrent in the previous hundred clicks of the mouse, or if Ktorrent is not running. If i un-install Ktorrent, the error message changed, but the correct windows did not open when asked from the Places pull down, and the error returns when its re installed- well, tried it once, in a very basic fashion through the software center.

I think the problem has been caused by two containing folders of torrent data files that have become stuck as entrys in the Pllaces menu- cack handed off me folks, was playing with new mouse settings as I was playing with new mouse settings. Problem may also be something to do with the problems I have been having with Ktorrent- it refuses to accept torrent files unless through a magnet link, bringing up the same "parse error- not valid torrent file" error message as comes up from the Places menu, only of course citing the torrent i just tried, when I know for sure the file is valid and operational because Transmission has no problem with it.I really hope someone can help me fix this, as formatting and re-installing will be a real ball ache, as I'm a new user who's spent the last week learning and starting the customization process, and I was just getting to think about backing it all up.System is Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit, Pentium quad core, one 250Gb system drive and another larger drive called storage that appears under Media path both SATA2, no DVD drive as connector is in the post.

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Ubuntu :: Natty - Windows Not Opening Completely

May 3, 2011

I am having the following problem, and it has been persisent over several distros.

Often, when presented with a nautilus window, and asked to drill-down to select a file, the window will not completely open, leaving the 'Open' and 'Cancel' buttons invisible below the lower gnome-panel. I will then have to click the maximize button, to get the window to fill the screen and make the 'Open' and 'Cancel' buttons visible. This also seems to happen with some of my apps...

For instance, I never have this problem with Firefox, but I always seem to have it with Ubuntu-Tweak, and some other apps. This 'appears' to be happening randomly, although it could be related to 'inode-meta-data' about the window state not getting updated.

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Ubuntu :: Natty - Gnome And Wobbly Windows

Jun 7, 2011

Upgraded to 11.04, tried Unity for a month but hated it, reverted back to Gnome today, now I have no wobbly windows.

I've enabled WW in CCSM and all the settings are defaulted. I've tried removing all traces of Unity using synaptic, but it just doesn't seem to have made a difference.

I've read a few threads about this, but so far haven't seen a fix other than "it just started working", so any pointers or ideas would be great as it hasn't just started working for me.

Dell Latitude D620 with current nVidia proprietary driver installed.

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Ubuntu :: Windows Xp Won't Boot After Installing Natty Narwhal?

Apr 11, 2011

in the grub menu once I select windows and press enter the screen goes dark and then it takes me back to the grub menu again.

both ubuntu 11.04 and win xp are installed on the same harddisk

setparams 'windows (on /dev/sda1)'
insmod part_msdos
insmod ntfs
set root = '(/dev/sda_msdos1)'
search --no-floppy --fsuuid --set=root XXXXXXXXXXXX
drivemap -s (hd0) ${root}
chainloader +1

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Ubuntu :: Unusable White Windows After Upgrade To Natty

May 2, 2011

I have never been more diappointed in the new user experience after an os upgrade. No, not even Vista was this diappointing. Unity just isn't for me. That's ok, I can just stick to Ubuntu Classic. As for the problem: I cannot use many of my applications. When I launch something, Firefox for example, all I see is a window filled with white. There is a title bar and nothing else. Sometimes, if I am really lucky, switching to something else then coming back fixes it. Usually it does not fix it, and can even cause other apps to go all white. This has happened in every app I have tried (I have tried a lot of them). It also happened under both Unity and Gnome.

My normal web browsers have not worked once since I upgraded. In general, the applications that seem to work most often are simpler ones. I am writing this post using w3m since it was the only way I could get this box online now... Does anyone have any advice for fixing this problem? This is not the first time I have been burned by a X.04 release. I might have to reinstall maverick...

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Ubuntu :: Kubuntu Natty Successfully Runs Windows XP

Jun 27, 2011

I recently bought an IdeaPad Z570 laptop with Sandy Bridge Intel Core i5 processor, 3 GB RAM etc.I still have things that I am forced to go to Windows for, so I had to make it a dual boot system. And I went and installed Windows 7 because that's what Lenovo provides the drivers for.

But to my dismay, lots of stuff, especially my Keyman keyboards, didn't work on Windows 7. So I installed Windows XP!But there are no drivers for this latest hardware for Windows XP. So what did I do?Installed VirtualBox on Kubuntu and installed Windows XP as a guest system using it! Linux/Kubuntu takes care of the hardware (or something like that).Installing VirtualBox Guest Addons from Multiverse also enables me to share directories between the Linux host and Windows guest, so I can access the files on my Windows D drive by mounting it in Linux (which I do by default in /etc/fstab anyway) and sharing it via VirtualBox Shared Folders.Given that Intel Virtualization Acceleration technology is inbuilt into the new processor/chipset, I don't feel much difference in speed!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Reinstall Deleted GRUB Bootloader (Natty)

Jul 11, 2011

I got a system crippling virus on my windows installation. My recovery disks gave me the same problem. So I installed Win 7 enterprise using a disk my dad got from his work. The installation went smoothly. When I started my computer after it went straight to Win 7 without the GRUB bootloader (not the case with restore disks). Could somebody please help me with this issue because I cant stand using Windows for anything other than games much longer.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot Natty/Win7 - Moving Home To Windows Partition

Jul 11, 2011

I know it is possible to move the ubuntu home directory but what is the best way to move it safely to an NTFS partition that already has valuable data in?

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General :: Windows 7 Disk Management Utility Doesn't Show Disk With Ext3 Partition

Oct 10, 2010

I have a 2 TB disk in an external SATA dock, formatted with a single ext3 (Linux) partition, which doesn't show up in the Windows 7 Computer Management->Disk Management utility, even as a raw/blank disk. I've verified that there's nothing wrong with the disk by connecting it to my Linux machine and mounting it, and I've verified that the dock is functioning properly by connecting a different FAT32-formatted disk, which mounts flawlessly as expected.I realize that I can't actually read the ext3 partition without additional software (e.g., Ext3IFS), but why doesn't the disk show up at all? Is there some sort of stupid anti-Linux filter built in? Is there any way to force Windows to recognize the disk, so that I can at the very least use direct block access with it?

Background: I want to clone an identical 2 TB disk onto this one. Due to my hardware layout, it's much easier to have the source disk attached to one machine and the destination disk connected to another, and do the clone over the network (the network is not a bottleneck with switched gigabit ethernet), than it is to hook them both up to one machine.(1) I did this once before when both machines were running Linux, but I've since upgraded the destination machine and decided to switch back to Windows for regular desktop use. I've got Cygwin installed, and have verified that the same basic method (dd + nc) will work, but I can't do anything if Windows doesn't even consider the destination disk to exist.I only have one eSATA port on each machine. Opening them up just to do this clone is a rather large annoyance. Also, since this is my backup disk, I'd like to eventually automate the cloning from the active disk to another one that I regularly swap with a third disk that I store off-site.

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Ubuntu Networking :: LAN Management GUI?

Jun 9, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu since 2006, and love it! I've even gotten a few others hooked when their Windows machines crapped out due to viruses or other problems. And Ubuntu has only gotten better.Now I'm trying to build a home network around a wireless router (Linksys). I'm set up with a desktop wired to the router, and two laptops regularly connect wirelessly. The wireless router is connected to a cable modem. Everything works fine (except getting the Ubuntu laptop to connect wirelessly using WPA).

What I would like to do is use the desktop as a server, so I can see who is connected at any given time, control security protocol, edit the MAC address list, boot off unwanted users, etc. I can do most of this by connecting to, but would prefer something on the desktop.
Looking through the Software Center, the only thing I can find is KontrolPack. Anyone use this? Will this give me the functions I want?

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Ubuntu :: Power Management In Karmic?

Jan 27, 2010

Alright this is not a huge issue but a rather annoying one. I hook my laptop up to my lcd to watch movies all of the time. The problem is though I have selected and reselected many times for the screen to not power off after so many minutes of inactivity. But for some reason it doesnt work. If i set it to an 1 it still like every 5 minutes turns off my screen. Im running 9.10 on a toshiba satellite with an intel graphics card.

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Ubuntu :: Good SQL Management Tool

Jan 28, 2010

I was wondering does anyone here know a good SQL management tool for ubuntu? I just want something with a nice GUI that doesn't require much hassle to add remove or even migrate databases.

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Ubuntu :: Power Management Has No Effect?

May 15, 2010

I have a laptop with 10.04 installed. When it is plugged in with AC Power, the screen fades black after a few minutes and locks up after about 10 minutes (shows a dialog for passwd when back).This gets really annoying when listening a movie or just reading text.System->Preferences->Power Management is set to "never" for everything.gconf-editor->apps->gnome-power-management is set to "0" for everything finishing with *_ac.

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Ubuntu :: Hard Disk Management ?

Aug 20, 2010

Is there a decent hard disk management apt . you see when i started using ubuntu i specified 2 gigs for ext filesystem drive because at that time windows was my basic OS . but now ubuntu became almost my only OS , so i wanna cut out like 20 gigs of the ntfs windows drive and add them to ubuntu's filesystem without removing or formating neither OS's or drives is there a software that can do that ?

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Ubuntu :: How To Disable Power Management

Sep 22, 2010

I am wanting to completely disable Power Management, can I do it through the GUI? I am a former OpenSuSE user & am use to YaST. So it is a little hard finding ways to edit some settings.

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Ubuntu :: Power Management In Kubuntu 10.10?

Oct 12, 2010

I just did a fresh installation of Kubuntu 10.10 on a laptop last night, which has a 1.6GHz Intel Core Duo CPU.

I was very disappointed to find that there appears to be no way to configure CPU frequency scaling in the System Settings. There were options for this in 10.04.

I prefer to have the CPU running at maximum speed when running on A/C. In Maverick, however, I have had to resort to installing cpufreq-utils, and setting the CPU cores to 'performance' from the command line.

I like this laptop a lot, but even many simple games run sluggishly if the CPU cores are not set to run at max GHz. (As a matter of fact, this machine is much more sluggish even with CPU cores running at maximum in 10.10 than was the case in 10.04.)

I wonder why such an important option would have been removed from the power management settings?

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Ubuntu :: Power Management Not Work

Dec 25, 2010

when i get the Graphics device driver on, then the power management not work. it can not change the CPU frequencies, and it can not change the LCD backlight and save the change. I try a lot, install laptop-mode-tools,and change thd setting, it still not work...

ubuntu 10.04.1
linux 2.6.32-27-generic
i5 460m CPU
ATI HD5470

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Ubuntu :: Looking For Server Management Service?

Feb 10, 2011

I bought a Ubuntu server with Parallels Plesk Panel 10 Domains. I'm looking for online website company which does server management. I have seen many

but many sites doesn't offer service as we are using Plesk as our control panel.

Please list down the sites which offer Ubuntu Server Maintainable Services.

Its very urgent. If you know any good company sites. Please let me know.

Please don't give me Indian Company sites as I'm looking for Companies

from Netherlands, USA, Germany, Brazil, Russia, Korea, China, etc.

Trusted companies and have started their company with atleast 3 year old company.

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Ubuntu :: Power Management Not Suspending?

May 30, 2011

Ok, I am running a file server that can be accessed throughout the house. I was able to successfully wake from suspend and it works beautifully. Now what I need the computer to do is go to sleep after lets say 30 minutes of inactivity so that I never have to touch the computer and it will use minimal power until I need it.

Anyhow, I tried to set the settings in Power management and the only thing that happens is the display turns off. the suspend on the desktop works fine, I can type in sudo pm-suspend and that works fine. but the computer just wont go to suspend automatically by way of the power manager.

I have tried changing the /etc/pm/config.d/00sleep_module to say SLEEP_MODULE="uswsusp", but that only made the computer go into some crazy linux mode that I had to reboot from. I had to change SLEEP_MODULE="kernel" (actually, I left it blank as it is the default).

I also turned off my screensaver so there wouldn't be any confusion from that.

I also ran cat /var/log/pm-powersave.log and I got a long list with the following being one of the main texts that kept repeating. "/usr/lib/pm-utils/power.d/sched-powersave false:**sched policy powersave OFF"

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Ubuntu :: Reserve Cpu Core For Management?

Jun 24, 2011

I run a few programs that are very resource intensive, and although my computer has 4 cores, it keeps "freezing": it still works, I can see that my downloads keep on going, it's just too slow to show me a terminal screen so that I can kill whatever program got out of line.

It may be a bit complicated, but I suppose that there should be a way to do it: how can I keep some "cpu usage" from being used? I don't know, maybe reserve a core for management? Or throw the problematic programs in a "box" of limited processing power?

I'm sorry if this is a really dumb question, I'm a bit of a noob, but that would help me a lot. Of course, if someone has a better suggestion for my problem, I'd appreciate it very much.

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Ubuntu :: Dynamic Multi Display Management?

Jan 3, 2010

i would like to know if there is anything like this out there or in development and if not i think there should be. i feel that one of the areas that ubuntu still lacks majorly is when it comes to handling multi display.most people these days are using notebooks and are moving around a lot, and if your like me working as a software dev you need to be able to work from home running a different external display next to your internal, then when you get to work you need to maybe run two external displays or maybe a totally different display next to your internal, sometimes you'll need to connect to a projector in a meeting and do a demo.

At the moment, there is no easy way to do this unless you have a half an hour everytime to configure your displays manually,which goes without saying that its not quite what anybody is looking for.i'm looking for something that works similar to OSX's display manager.where you plug in a screen and poof, its there. and then mayb you can configure what your system should do when that specific monitor is plugged in and it will remember that configuration. so for instance you have a internal 15" with a res of 1440x960 then you want to plug in your 1080p 24", so boom it picks it up but its not configured yet.so it jus mirrors by default, then you decide ok, when this screen is pluggd in, i want it to extend my desktop onto it, and make it the primary monitor. ok cool so its set,so now when you plug it out, your system detects that your display setup has changed, then does a recheck of your active displays, and sets up the appropriate configuration, in this case only the internal is available so it will just go back to the internal, setting it back as the primary and moving all the windows that was on the external back to the internal.i think this would be a invaluable feature for a mobile professional.

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Ubuntu :: User Management On A Couple Machines (uid And Gid)?

Jan 29, 2010

In a small network (with <5 PCs) what is the best way to manage users and groups? When I create a new user, Ubuntu automatically assigned a UID unless I specify otherwise. If I were to mount shared drives between PCs (or between a client machine and a server) I'm wondering how it handles different UIDs/GIDs associated with files (usernames almost always match across system but UIDs/GIDs do not)? Or is the best solution to just assign matching UID and GID on every machine when they are created? Or is this just magically handled via the matching usernames? I know there are heavier options but this has come up a number of times in small setups 2-5 machines at most.

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