Ubuntu Servers :: Local Network Very Slow?

Jun 13, 2010

Machine 1:Windows vista, using vireless, 1Gb netcard.

Machine 2:Ubuntu commandline server directly connected to router, 1Gb netcard.

Router is only a 1Gb router./etc/network/interfaces look like this:


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Ubuntu Servers :: Get NFS Working On Local Network?

Apr 30, 2010

I've followed several guides and am trying to get NFS working on my local network. For starters, I think I should be able to NFS mount a drive on the server ( TO the server. From there I'll work with another client (currently

$cat /etc/exports
$cat /etc/hosts.deny
portmap mountd nfsd statd lockd rquotad : ALL


The guides I've read seem simple, so I must be missing something easy. Can't figure it out, so I'm looking for help after googling for 2 hours.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Connect Local Network

Jun 14, 2010

I am setting up my first server (which will be a file server when complete). I have some experience with a terminal, but not much. I'm not at all afraid of it, and want to learn more (one of the reasons I'm doing this project). At the moment I am trying to get the server to see my network. Using the info I found here: URl... I have been able to ping the router. I cannot, however, reach other computers on the network. Nor can other computers ping the server.I am looking for a newbie guide on how to connect to my local network.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.4 Needs Connected To Local Network And Internet?

Jul 2, 2010

I jsut installed 10.4 Server. I want to hook it to the network. I want to hook up through wlan0. my router is WPA and is my DHCP.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't SSH To Reformatted Server From Outside Local Network

Aug 16, 2010

I had problems with my Ubuntu Server 10.4, so I reformatted and reinstalled (I only choose OpenSSH from the install menu), then after it rebooted I installed apache. So I can access the machine via web, ssh and scp from within my local network, but strangely outside my network I can access it from web, but not ssh or scp. Nothing has changed on my router.

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Ubuntu Servers :: FTP Access Inside Local Network Only?

Jun 8, 2011

I've been researching this all day with no luck thus far. Basically I need to cutoff port 21/ftp access from IP addresses outside of my local network. My local IP range is something like - -- so anything outside of this range would automatically be blocked.

Any IP address outside of this range would be denied as I use SFTP for remote access, etc. from home, etc.

I've researched IP tables, tcp wrappers, etc. but am still unsure which would be best for what is probably a simple fix.

Relevant info: Vsftpd via Ubuntu Server 10.10

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup A DNS Server On Local Network?

Jun 14, 2011

I am trying to setup a DNS server on my local network. When I set linux clients to use it, it works as expected. However, when I set windows clients to it, the root name doesn't resolve. For example, I have a zone called daniel. On linux "anything.daniel" resolves to the correct ip as does "daniel" which is the behavior I want. However, on windows 7, "anything.daniel" resolves correctly, but "daniel" doesn't. I am new to BIND9 so my config is mostly copy and pasted. Here is my zone file for daniel (where #.#.#.# is the ip I want daniel to resolve to):

@ IN SOA ns1.daniel. admin.daniel. (


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Networking :: 2 DHCP Servers In Local Network

Jun 3, 2010

My router is a DHCP Server.My Access Point is a DHCP Server.I'm wondering if it is really necessary and usefull.Is it possible to get an IP from the Router through the Access Point.For exemple I connect my laptop to the wifi Access Point and the IP is given by the router only.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Accessing Blog On Local Network And Internet?

Jun 29, 2010

i have php5 and mysql on ubuntu server which is hosting a WordPress blog. i activated it remotely over the internet and it works fine still over the internet. now im home and using my local network again and now when i try to go into it with its local IP, it just shows some text (blog title, posts and so on) with NO pictures.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup A File Server For Local Network?

Aug 15, 2010

I'm trying to setup a NAS for my network, the only problem is that I can't figure out how to do it. On my network I have about 3 computers however only I only use 2 of them so I thought that maybe I could use the third computer in such a way that I could access it 24/7 from the internet as a server for all of my files (school papers, music etc etc...). The only problem is that I don't know where to get started. Both of the computers I'm currently using are Windows and the one that I,hopefully, can turn into a server is running on Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cannot Connect To Local Network After Changing Port

Mar 4, 2011

I changed the default port under etc/apache2/ports.conf and now I cannot connect to my server under my local network.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Root Domain Name Is Not Resovled From Local Network

Aug 22, 2011

I have public IP and registered domain mydomain.eu. On domain provider DNS servers, mydomain.eu points to my machine called solis (; this is gateway, dhcp and dns server; eth0 is outsite, eth1 inside my network). I have also laptop which is connected to eth1 through wireless AP. From laptop and solis I have access to outside and inside network without problems. Of course my dream is to have access to solis from local network using name 'mydomain.eu' but not fully name 'solis.mydomain.eu'.

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Fedora Servers :: Apache Will Not Serve Beyond Local Network

Jan 6, 2009

I've tried, but now I give up. I'm trying to run Apache on FC9. Nothing fancy, no extras, just the default installed apache. [correction, I have coldfusion installed, however the service is not running] I've set the Listen variable to every combination I could think of, with no success. I can set it whatever I like (such as my local IP) on any port other than port 80. If I try to set it to 192.168.x.x:80, it gives me the error message:
Starting httpd: (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address 192.168.x.x:80

I've run netstat commands to try and find applications listening on port 80 and found nothing. Whenever I chose a port other than 80 to get the service to start successfully, I am able to serve pages locally. But even with my ports forwarded correctly, no one outside the local network can see it. I've checked with nmap that my machine is opening the ports and even cheated, disabling the firewall during testing to ensure it was not part of the problem.

I noticed while locally nmaping my server that whenever I set Listen 192.168.x.x:8081, 8081 is opened, as well as normal port 80. When I stop the httpd service, both those ports are simultaneously closed. Why is httpd opening port 80? I'm assuming this is related to why I cannot assign Listen to port 80. If I run remote scans from sites like www.nmap-online.com and www.canyouseeme.org, nmap-online will report filtered on ports 80 and 8081 if my httpd is running, and if httpd stopped, 80 is closed, filtered 8081.

Can you seem reports success on ports 80 and 8081 if httpd is running, fail if httpd is stopped. I'm sure thats all a lot of information cluttered in to all that. To summarize, I cannot start my httpd server on port 80, and I cannot ever see my webpages beyond my local network. Am I missing something extremely is simple and I'm just over looking it?

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Fedora Servers :: Apache On Local Network Does Not Work

May 23, 2010

The situation is this, I have one of those router cable/wifi. So I have the main pc plugged to the router, the router give local ip for all my network (the others computers connects via wi-fi). Main pc starts up apache under Fedora 12, http://localhost.. works, works, (my local ip) works. But when I try to connect to from another pc of my local network, it doesn't work. The others pcs are running windows vista.

I go another computers ping, responds!
From the main computer ping, responds!
So, there is communication between the machines, but I cant get to work under apache. I tried opening port 80 with iptables, i tried changing apache's port to another.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache Setup For Hostname Access On Local Network

Apr 13, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu on four machines at work and have been blown away. On my machine I have Apache setup for web development and other machines can "see" it using my IP address. I would like to have it so they can access by the name of my computer though. I have no local DNS server so I guess I need to hard code the relationship in each machine? Ideally I'd actually like to be able to use subdomains (which I use locally to avoid annoying .htaccess path problems). i.e. from another machine on the network to go to [URL].

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Fedora Servers :: FC10 DNS Server Configuration For A Local Network?

Jun 28, 2009

I have a lab of 10 computers with ips from to the server's Ip is I am on client computer I type the server's Ip address on the browser and it works. All i want is that instead of entering my servers Ip I could just enter an address like: example.lan

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Ubuntu Servers :: Slow Failure Of Network Connections In Server (as Compared To Desktop)?

Jan 13, 2010

I have two ubuntu boxes. One is a 9.04 desktop edition and the other is a 9.10 server edition I am working on some code that needs to be highly tolerant of bad network connections. It sends transactions to a central database, but when the network is not available, it caches them locally to retry later.

I have the code working beautifully on my desktop box. but when I test it on this other box (the one running server edition) there is a HUGE DELAY every time it tries and fails to send a transaction to the database when the network is down.

I tested a little further, and I found that if i unplug my network cable and run ping somehost on the desktop, it fails instantly saying "ping: unknown host somehost" But if I unplug the cable on the server box and run the same ping command it lingers for about 40 seconds before the ping fails.

Does anybody have any idea why this might be happening? Is this a 9.04 vs 9.10 difference? Is this a desktop vs server difference? Is there some package I can install, or some config setting I can change that will make the server box insta-fail just like the desktop does?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Local Users Are Sending Mails Through Ms Outlook Using Local IP?

Jul 26, 2011

I have a postfix mail server on ubuntu 10.04 lts behind a router. so all local users are fetching/sending mails through ms outlook using local IP. Sometimes when internet goes down and any mail send then it bounced back immediately saying domain not found. Can u please tell me how i configure to hold all mails in postfix server rather than bounce when internet fails and will pass through when restored the internet around 15-30 minutes?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can See All Devices On Local Network And Their Local Ip Addresses

May 16, 2010

I'd like a way to see all of the devices on my local network and what their local IP address is. I recall that I used wireshark to troubleshoot a similar problem a while back, but it doesn't seem to have a way to see all of the devices- only the traffic. (I'd like to do this without having to physically interface with my router if possible, and I am in an encrypted network if that matters)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To See Local Web Sites From Local Network

Jun 28, 2011

I have installed a web server on my local network. Everything is well configured and web pages are shown correctly from Internet (outside the local network) using the domain or the public IP.The issue is if I try to see that web pages (using the domain or the public IP) from inside the local network. In that case the router config page ( is shown instead of the web pages.From inside the local network I'm only able to see the web pages using the internal IP address (192.168.1.XX).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Use Local IP Only On Local Network?

May 25, 2010

I've got an Ubuntu server hosting our websites and other various things here in our own home. We recently switched to a router that doesn't support loopback (abomination), so I've set up hosts files on our computers so we can access our own sites when on our home LAN.

However, we often take our laptops as we travel about, and I'm guessing due to the hosts files when we try to access our sites, it'll look on whatever local network we're connected to for our server, which won't work, obviously.

Is there a way to set up something like a hosts file that'll only try to look up the local IP of the server when we're on a specific network (our home one), or have one that tries to look for the local IP first, then proceeds to try and resolve the domain name and use the external IP if the local IP doesn't work?

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General :: Local Webserver Running Slow

Nov 2, 2010

for some reason when we browse our website on our local webserver (test environment) the pages load very slow.
There is no lack of memory, no lack of disk space, no lack of CPU power and as far as I know our network is very fast.Don't know where to begin looking, any suggestions ?

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Software :: Local Rsync To USB Speed Is Horrendously Slow?

May 4, 2011

Long story short, I have a failing RAID3 array which is showing file corrupted blocks (and the RAID controller card is periodically not initializing). [URL].. I thought I had robust backups but as it turns out, my backup volumes seem to have been misplaced (don't ask ) so I have no viable backups. I'm trying to back up as much as I can before the inevitable impending catastrophic failure.

I must be doing something wrong because running rsync on my Unix FreeBSD/FreeNAS server (syncing to local USB drive) is really slooooow. Below you will see an example. A 500MB file took almost 10 minutes to sync to a local USB drive! I can FTP this file in a few minutes over my LAN.

Just ran a test and it took 20 seconds to FTP this file across my gigabit LAN where rsync took 10 minutes to perform a local copy)


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Ubuntu :: Network Manager Is Gone - Connect To Local Network Using Terminal

Jan 29, 2011

Yhe only ptoblem was that he had forgotten the password to his network. This was really anoying and has happened before sp yesterday i decided to install some kind of WEP cracking tool so that it would not happen anymore.. After using sometime without getting anything to work i found this tutorial: [URL]

and started following it. i only got to the point where he has updated his computer using update manager and is about to patch his wificard. Then i noticed that the network manager for gnome was gone and the virtualbox logo in my top panel was changed to a red circle with a line running through it. I have tried to download network manager from another computer and installing it on my laptop but it needs internet to install. Then i tried to connect to my local network using terminal that did't work either i also tried connecting using a cable but had no luck connecting. The command iwconfig gives me:


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OpenSUSE Network :: Can't Ssh Remote Hosts / Can't Ping Any Machines Outside Local Area Network?

Aug 29, 2010

I just installed open Suse 11.3, and I cannot SSH my school. Upon further investigation I could not even ping any machines outside my local area network. Ironically I could nmap machines outside my local area network.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Permanently Enable X Connections From All Machines On Local Network?

Jan 13, 2010

Does anyone know how to permanently enable X connections from all machines on my local network. I keep having to enter 'xhost +' to allow X connections.

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Networking :: Creating Simultaneous Network Connections To A VPN And Local Area Network?

May 31, 2010

I'm working with a Ubuntu 10.04 LTS system with two network interfaces (both Ethernet). I wish to setup this system such that it is simultaneously connected to my local and an OpenVPN network and able direct traffic between the connections depending on what program is sending the traffic. The problem: Under my current OpenVPN configuration all network traffic is directed to the VPN.

My OpenVPN config file (some details omitted)

--remote [gateway ip] # vpn12 load:
--remote [gateway ip] # vpn11 load:
--remote [gateway ip] # vpn15 load:
--remote [gateway ip] # vpn16 load:


In practice, I would like OpenVPN to operate out of one of my two network interfaces and leave the other interface connected to the local network. Then by default all network traffic should be directed to my local network unless I specify (on a per program bases) that certain traffic should go though the VPN. These two network connections can (should) stay completely independent of each other and do not need to talk to each other.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Cannot Resolve Host Names On Local Network?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a mac and an openSUSE box connected wirelessly to a router. From my mac, if I ping the Linux machine by both ip address and hostname "elmo.local", I get a response. If I ping my mac from the Linux machine using its ip address, I get a response. However, if I ping the mac from the Linux box using its name "kermit.local" - nothing!

This means in order to share files between them via the network, I have to use the ip address rather than name, but I'd rather not. When I had Ubuntu installed instead of openSUSE this all worked fine out of the box, so I'm assuming it's a problem with the setup of openSUSE rather than the router or the mac.

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Networking :: Routing To Internet Through One Network And To Local Ips In Another Network?

Mar 31, 2009

I have two networks. One of them is wired, the other is wireless. The wired has an internet connection and a few other computers connected to it. The wireless network has a few hosts connected to it too, but it has no internet connection. What I've been trying, fruitlessly, to do, is make all connections that are bound to the internet, or my wired network, be routed that way, and all the connections to the hosts of the wireless network go that way.

Here's the setup..

Wired: Gateway =

Route internet through here

Wireless Gateway =

If my computer sends a packet to the internet, it should be routed through If I send a packet to one of the local hosts of the wireless network, it should be routed through Here's the routing table I've set up(This is one of many configurations I've tried)


$ ip route show dev wlan0 scope link via dev wlan0 src


With this, and everything else, I get destination host unreachable when pinging. The strange thing is that, if I unplug my eth cable, reboot and connect to the wireless network, everything is fine and I can access the router and the others. I'm trying to improve my networking skills, as I've had this of setting up a small linux box as a router for quite some time, for the fun of it, but I need to get routing under control before I go ruin my network.

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Networking :: Slow/Lose Network History Receiving - Network Connection

Oct 12, 2009

I am losing network bandwidth and I am quite frankly I am not sure why, I don't have allot memory 495.6Mib

But I clean my PC every few days "BleachBit"

I have read some where on the magazine Network receiving suppose to be higher. so how can I fix this issue please i am having allot problems, u use cable from Comcast

I am not quite sure what Information you might need from me to give.

I use Ubuntu 8.04 LTS

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