Ubuntu :: Server Freezing When Downloading Fast / Resolve This?

Jan 3, 2010

When I download fast and much my server freeze however if I don't download anything the server can run for weeks without problems but as soon I start downloading fast it doesn't take long until the server freeze again, I mean totally frozen so I have to manually power it down and then turn it on again. This started happening recently I think it started happening after I updated to 9.10 it have always worked perfectly before. Is there anyway to fix this? If not is there a way to downgrade back to 9.04 or 8.10 where everything were working fine?

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Ubuntu :: Software Package For Fast Downloading?

Mar 6, 2011

I want to know that like windows there is Internet download manager for fast downloading is there is any software package available in ubuntu for fast downloading?

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Keeps Freezing Up On Me / Resolve This?

Jun 13, 2011

i don't know what's happening here, but my computer keeps freezing in ubuntu... i can't figure out what's triggering it, because it happens when i'm doing different things. the time between freezes is always different, sometimes hours, sometimes a whole day, and sometimes back-to-back after a reboot. the only way to get out is a hard reset. whatever sound is playing will just continue to loop. it's happened while watching (non-full screen) videos, while using eclipse (luckily had just saved work), and while just general browsing. i tried reinstalling 11.04 because it happened before, and for a little while i thought it was fixed, but in the past few days it has picked up again. the only thing i can think of that i have installed was some new drivers for my bcm43225 wireless because it was always slow.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Games Freezing On Quit / Resolve This?

Sep 11, 2010

When I play games and want to quit the system freezes and can't exit at any way. Sometimes even freezes while playing. Tried Urban Terror, Enemy Territory. 0 A.D. freezed while playing, but i was running it from terminal and in window mode so Alt+tab helped me out.

I have Ati Radeon HD5650, 4 gb ram Turion P520 in laptop.

Here's exactly what the terminal has put out at 0. AD code...

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Server :: How Fast Is Network Connected To Server

Dec 28, 2010

how can I check how fast is network connected to my server ? I mean upload/download. I have an access only to command line. Is there any nice command for this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wifi Is Fast Then Slow Then Fast Then Slow Connect Disconnect ?

May 7, 2010

My wireless seems to be fast for a good 30secs then bang takes good while to load the next page almost as if it's disconnecting and then reconnecting/scanning reconnecting. Why cant it stay connected. I have WAP PSK security here is my network setting please let me know if I should change any of them:(side not is there a way to fix this problem occuring so frequently it says on the wiki that it should only occur once in a whilce https:[url].....

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Ubuntu :: Samba Slow Writes To Server But Fast Reads

Jul 1, 2010

I have a fileserver running 10.04 server 64bit and samba. I connect it to my desktop which is 10.04 desktop 64bit.I have the server mounted on my desktop in fstab as:// /media/share cifs guest, uid= 1000.Up until 30 June 2010 it was all fine. Now when I write the server it is very slow e.g. 2Mbps though when I read I get >100Mbps so I think my network is still ok. If i use nautilus smb:// I can write at >100Mbps and also read at >100Mbps...So any ideas why the write speed via the fstab mount samba has started to go really slowly in the last couple of days?

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Server :: Apache Server Extreme Slow, While Samba Server Is Extreme Fast?

Jan 12, 2010

I have changed my home network a bit, and everything works extremely fast, except for my apache server, which seems to serve webpages so slowly, it is abnormal. Even simple directroy pages are served in around 5 sec, and this is not a joke! It used to work pretty fast. What I have changed is that i replaced a hub with a switch, and that I linked my personal PC with my server together through a hub. I also installed Gnome desktop on the webserver machine. My network now looks like follows:



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Server :: Fast Distribution For Web Server?

Apr 19, 2010

We use Magento for our online shopping cart, and one of the things we've been focusing on is how to make it faster. Magento is known for being slow sometimes, although there are things that can be done to help with that. One thing I'm wondering is whether the Linux distribution we're using can help speed things up a bit. Right now we're using Ubuntu. I've been wondering if Gentoo could help, since it can compile everything and allows for good optimization when compiling and installing software. I had used Gentoo myself for a little while about 6 years ago and noticed it seemed a bit faster than other distros. My question is, what would be the fastest Linux distro for a web server?

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Server :: Slow Authentication In Ftp Login / Make It Fast?

Apr 13, 2010

When I'm trying to login to the ftp server with appropriate username and password its taking almost 10-15 seconds to authenticate making the login process slow, even when I'm uploading files its again hanging for 10-15 seconds before completing the job successfully.
Its not like its happening every time, but 7 times out of 10.
Any idea how can make the authentication fast?

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General :: Fedora 11 Server Freezing Up

Jun 14, 2010

After a year of rock solid usage out of my Fedora 11 server, it seems to be freezing/locking up once a day. I suspect some piece of hardware on it might be going, but i'm not sure what. I ran it through memtest, no errors reported. I also swapped out the OS hard drive (cloned to another drive with clonezilla). That didn't fix it either. I have looked through /var/log/messages, and haven't seen anything out of the ordinary. Are there other log files that I should be looking at?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Freezing When Running A Script On A Remote Server

Mar 1, 2011

I discovered in running a script on a remote server. Take this little demonstration script:


This runs as expected (it does nothing) on both my local desktop and the remote server. However if I log in via ssh to the remote server and run this script everything on the server freezes. I do mean everything ftp/ssh/nfs/login-requests/... even if I go and physically plug in monitor and keyboard there is no response. It basically needs a full restart to clear. I have repeated this several times. Now something is clearly wrong here but does anyone know what. I didn't think a non-admin user should be able to actually lock up system processes.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 9.10 Server Downloading PHP Files Instead Of Displaying Them?

Mar 17, 2010

I have an Ubuntu 9.10 server set up at my house. I have Apache2 and PHP5 installed on it. Every time I go to the server on a web page and try to load the PHP index page it downloads instead of displaying.

I have virtual servers set up and have the files stored at /home/cusinndzl. If anyone needs to take a look I can let them into the webmin panel.

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Ubuntu :: Downloading LAMP Server And Install Offline?

Sep 16, 2010

Is it possible to download MySQL, Apache and PHP first? And install them on Ubuntu system offline. Is anybody know how can I get them and install them?

I have to install LAMP server on many system for the purpose of training. So I don't want to download them repeatably. Once download them, install on all system.

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Server :: Downloading Php Script Instead Of Executing It?

Jul 9, 2010

hi! everyone does anybody experience this? i have ubuntu server, php5, apache2. every time i visit my website the script is not executed by my apache instead it will downloading my script with application/x-httpd-php file type. how can i fix this?

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Server :: Release File Is Not Downloading

Jun 26, 2009

I want to install ubuntu to client machines. I tried to install using apache server.. I installed that well. and it is working well. i tested that.I did every configuration like this link [url]

But when i give the image server ip address to the image server. it promote a message says that release file cannot be download...

I dont know y i'm geting this error..

In that link there is image call netboot installer. i boot from that .iso am i correct or i didn't understand that thing.

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Server :: DNS Fail: Can't Resolve Subdomains, Server Giving Wrong Response?

Jul 13, 2010

I've got a DNS problem I cannot figure out. I've been digging and pinging all day and I've waited for caches to expire and I'm not having much luck.From my desktop mac, I can't seem to resolve mail.port-o-call.net:

My-Mac:~ sneakyimp$ ping mail.port-o-call.net
ping: cannot resolve mail.port-o-call.net: Unknown host


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Ubuntu :: Pecify A Custom Server For Downloading Updates And Packages

Jul 17, 2010

I'm a bit of a noob at Ubuntu (I can use the terminal and stuff though), and I want to know if I can specify a custom server for downloading updates and packages.I am running Ubuntu 10.04 and I want to use Adam Internet's FileArena server: [URL]... It's not listed in the list of servers and I want to know how I can add it or use it(because downloads from there don't count towards my download allowance).

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Server :: Unable To Resolve Domain Name With Local DNS Server / Sort It?

Jan 18, 2011

I have set up DNS server set up on my RH 5.5 system. It is working perfectly as Caching only Server but but when i tried to make it a primary server for a zone it didn't resolved. I am actually a newbie so please correct me if i am wrong somewhere. Here are my configuration files code...

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OpenSUSE Install :: Respawning Too Fast - Error: "Respawning Too Fast - Disabled For 5 Min" Freeze

Dec 12, 2009

Installing 11.2 from KDE LiveCD on an IBM ThinkCenter with 3.2Gb CPU and 1Gb RAM. Ubuntu 9.04 on first two partitions. I go through the configuration, click to 'install': Install display bars remain blank. After 2-3 minutes, black screen with scroll of attempted installation pieces and the error message: "Respawning too fast. Disabled for 5 min." Freeze.

Other posts mention problem with init. But this is happening with the install so not able to address that. No apparent md5chksum for LiveCDs. No mention of this problem in installation help guide. Does anyone know how to deal with this? If you need more info, I will provide. Though it seems this is not an unusual problem when booting an installed system, there's no mention of it happening during installation.

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Fedora :: Kmail Keeps Downloading ALL Messages From The Server?

Mar 24, 2011

Since yesterday Kmail has started downloading ALL ,messages, not just the new ones, from the server. It is a real pain as the mail check takes about twenty minutes and Kmail usually freezes afterwards. Then I have to close it down and after restart it downloads several thousand messages all over again. This has only started happening since yesterdays Fedora update, which I think was anything to do with Kmail?

I am using Fedora 14.

EDIT: I have just notice it is not downloading ALL messages, just the read ones. The new messages are being left on the server but the old ones are downloaded and flagged as new. So it seems as if something has got flipped around somewhere?

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Server :: Wget Indirect Link Downloading?

Jan 29, 2011

I'm trying to download phpmyadmin from sourceforge => http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpm...r.bz2/download .I'm using the wget command followed by direct link from the page. All I get is some irrelevant file that has nothing common with phpMyAdmin-3.3.9-all-languages.tar.bz2.The direct link is for clients with web browsers that triger automatic download to user desktop, but I need to download the package to a server. What is the wget option to get the file from this kind of links?

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Server :: Fetchmail - Downloading Messages From Gmail Account

May 22, 2010

I need to ask you how canIi make some fetchmail jobs to download mails from my gmail account into my mail account in my own server? My server is :
Linux Centos 5.4
Postfix Mail Server

I make a file named .fetchmailrc in my home directory and set its permissions to 755and the content of this file is:

set postmaster "postmaster"
set bouncemail
set no spambounce
set properties ""
poll imap.googlemail.com:993 protocol imap username "username@gmail.com" password "password"

I think something is not completed, I need to make that fetch to a specific user only, not all users.

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Server :: Standard Location For Downloading Source Code?

Feb 18, 2011

I'm about to recompile PHP from source and was planning to download the source code to my Ubuntu machine. Is there a standard place where all the source code goes? I know that PHP has many dependencies and would like to hopefully put it in the right place so as to satisfy as many as possible.

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Server :: Squid - Not Working Though Proxy And The Internet Explorer Is Getting Very Slow And Freezing The Computer

Nov 6, 2010

I have configured a squid proxy server with @2 eth in different network subnet and with site blocking and extn file download blocking. One eth0 for office wired network and another eth1 is for office wireless network for laptop use for guest and visitors.

The problem is [URL] is an Indian government website, which is not working though this proxy server and the Internet Explorer is getting very slow and freezing the computer. In alternate I have configured a another test server with squid proxy with out any security and test the same. the problem is still with the all the computer in the network. The above website is perfectly working with Gateway configuration in TCP/IP properties in Network Configuration in MS Windows XP computers but through squid proxy its not working.

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General :: Internet Explorer Not Downloading Files From System Server / Work Around This?

Jan 27, 2010

I have a very simple php web application deployed on linux (centOS4) machine. It creates a file and stores the file in /tmp folder on my linux machine. The path for this file is specified in the href attribute of the link. Ideally when we click this link the download manager should pop up so that the file can be downloaded on client machine.
When i access this website remotely from my window xp machine on firefox it downloads the file properly but when i run on internet explorer (i have IE7 on my windows XP) and click the link, the download manager does'nt pop's up. even when i right-click that link and select save as, an error message pop's up saying "file path not found". possibly IE is not able to determine the linux file path .so how do i work around this. is there some specific way for specifying the linux file paths to be downloaded by IE?

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Ubuntu Networking :: NAS Server - Cannot Resolve Non DNS Names

Feb 14, 2010

I have a NAS server running Debian with Dnsmasq (local DNS and DHCP service). This is working well, including fetching upstream requests from my ISP's DNS service and caching them locally. I have another PC not running Ubuntu which happily resolves DNS and non-DNS names. E.g.
ping hagrid.
ping hagrid
both work.

However, this is not the case on my Ubuntu PC. It is only able to resolve DNS names, not non-DNS names.
ping hagrid.
works but
ping hagrid
does not.
I have the standard nsswitch.conf and host.conf.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't See HD While Installing Server 10.04 / Resolve That?

Aug 3, 2010

I'm installing ubuntu server 10.04 on HP Proliant DL140 G3, but in the partition part, HD doesn't appear.

two SATA disks are configured as RAID1, the card is HP Embedded SATA RAID, which came along with the server.

fdisk shows there're two disks, sda and sdb.

Ubuntu website says HP DL140 is certified.

is it because lack of drives?

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Server :: Cannot Resolve Domain Name?

Feb 23, 2010

No idea whats going on here I host a couple of domains. Recently I changed ISP and had a change of IP address. I changed my zone files to the new address and updated my nameservers to the ones given by the new ISP and now, my main domain wont work, I can however, receive mail, checking using DNS quick check works and other domains are fine. I'm using OPENSUSE 11

works fine

I'm sure i'm missing something simple.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Connect To Internet Server Through Cable / Resolve This?

Sep 10, 2010

I have recently downloaded and installed ubuntu 10.4, and I am finding it impossible to connect to the Internet.

I connect to the Internet through an Ethernet cable. My university (Tuebingen, Germany) provides the Internet through this server: (English link).

When I open my browser in windows vista (I have a duel-boot system), my browser (Firefox) automatically goes to this page, and I log in, and am able to then use the Internet.

Ubuntu also searches for this server, but it continually states "waiting for server to respond". I have checked all the settings I could find in windows and compared them to the ones in ubuntu, and they seem to be identical to me. I am using firefox in ubuntu too so I cannot understand the problem.

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