Server :: Downloading Php Script Instead Of Executing It?

Jul 9, 2010

hi! everyone does anybody experience this? i have ubuntu server, php5, apache2. every time i visit my website the script is not executed by my apache instead it will downloading my script with application/x-httpd-php file type. how can i fix this?

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Server :: Executing A Script At Boot Time?

Apr 22, 2011

Execute a script as a non-root user at boot time. The script lives in /home/sbrown/scripts and has the executable bits set. If I run the script locally in the shell it behaves as normal, but will not at boot time It's a very simple 2 line script:

# Starts IRSSI in a screen session
sudo -u sbrown screen -S irssi irssi

Here's WHAT DOESN'T work:

I put this in /etc/rc.local: sudo -u sbrown /home/sbrown/scripts/irssi_exec I also tried just copying the script to /etc/init.d/ and chowning it to root then ran update-rc.d irssi_exec defaults and rebooted. Still not working. This is on a Debian Squeeze box... what am I missing? Surely it should be simpler than this

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CentOS 5 Server :: Crond Not Executing Script

Dec 5, 2009

I have a php script that i made to check if the internet is working and if not, it should execute a command that starts a service on my server (service jistarter start), and i want to run it every 3 minutes, so i added it to the crontab, this is how it looks:

The problem is that cron isn't executing it or something.. i don't know but the service it was intended to start, doesn't start.

The thing is that the script runs fine when i run it myself, in all the 3 methods it woks fine: "/usr/bin/php /srv/checkping.php" or "php /srv/checkping.php" or "/srv/checkping,php" (it has chmod 755):

This is the file:

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General :: SSH - Error Executing Script (Output For Only One Server)

Jul 14, 2010

I am writing a script which will fetch data from different machines and display it on single terminal. I have created a file named SERVERNAMES containing ip address of machines I need to monitor. Then for every IP I am issuing ssh command to get date on that machine. However When I am trying it on the script it is just giving me output of first server and it is ignoring rest servers mentioned in file. ssh works fine without password for all machines mentioned in SERVERNAMES.


while read line
#Calculate Load on remote machine.
Date=`ssh -T -q $line date`
echo "Date on $line is:$Date"

Date on is:Wed Jul 14 10:48:46 IST 2010
I am not getting the output for .
Is there anything wrong in ssh?

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Server :: Stop Squid Before Executing Crontab File?

Mar 14, 2011

I am using squid 2.6 on my cent os 5 .I want to shutdown the system at 7:00 pm for that purpose I write in# crontab -e 0 19 * * * /sbin/shutdown -h nowThe thing which I want to clear that when the system will going to turn off it will also stop squid service? If not then how can I automatically stop squid service and then crontab file execute

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Server :: MySQL Backup Cron Job Not Executing Correctly?

Mar 2, 2011

I own a CentOS 5 VPS. I typed crontab -e, and then I added the following line to automatically have my server backup mysql

0 * * * * mysqldump -u root -p password --all-databases | gzip > /home/dbbackup/database_`date '+%m-%d-%Y_%H'`.sql.gz

When I go in and look, it doesn't place any files in /home/dbbackup. When I run

mysqldump -u root -p password --all-databases | gzip > /home/dbbackup/database_`date '+%m-%d-%Y_%H'`.sql.gz

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Server :: Release File Is Not Downloading

Jun 26, 2009

I want to install ubuntu to client machines. I tried to install using apache server.. I installed that well. and it is working well. i tested that.I did every configuration like this link [url]

But when i give the image server ip address to the image server. it promote a message says that release file cannot be download...

I dont know y i'm geting this error..

In that link there is image call netboot installer. i boot from that .iso am i correct or i didn't understand that thing.

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Fedora :: Kmail Keeps Downloading ALL Messages From The Server?

Mar 24, 2011

Since yesterday Kmail has started downloading ALL ,messages, not just the new ones, from the server. It is a real pain as the mail check takes about twenty minutes and Kmail usually freezes afterwards. Then I have to close it down and after restart it downloads several thousand messages all over again. This has only started happening since yesterdays Fedora update, which I think was anything to do with Kmail?

I am using Fedora 14.

EDIT: I have just notice it is not downloading ALL messages, just the read ones. The new messages are being left on the server but the old ones are downloaded and flagged as new. So it seems as if something has got flipped around somewhere?

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Server :: Wget Indirect Link Downloading?

Jan 29, 2011

I'm trying to download phpmyadmin from sourceforge => .I'm using the wget command followed by direct link from the page. All I get is some irrelevant file that has nothing common with phpMyAdmin-3.3.9-all-languages.tar.bz2.The direct link is for clients with web browsers that triger automatic download to user desktop, but I need to download the package to a server. What is the wget option to get the file from this kind of links?

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Ubuntu :: Server Freezing When Downloading Fast / Resolve This?

Jan 3, 2010

When I download fast and much my server freeze however if I don't download anything the server can run for weeks without problems but as soon I start downloading fast it doesn't take long until the server freeze again, I mean totally frozen so I have to manually power it down and then turn it on again. This started happening recently I think it started happening after I updated to 9.10 it have always worked perfectly before. Is there anyway to fix this? If not is there a way to downgrade back to 9.04 or 8.10 where everything were working fine?

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Ubuntu Servers :: 9.10 Server Downloading PHP Files Instead Of Displaying Them?

Mar 17, 2010

I have an Ubuntu 9.10 server set up at my house. I have Apache2 and PHP5 installed on it. Every time I go to the server on a web page and try to load the PHP index page it downloads instead of displaying.

I have virtual servers set up and have the files stored at /home/cusinndzl. If anyone needs to take a look I can let them into the webmin panel.

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Server :: Fetchmail - Downloading Messages From Gmail Account

May 22, 2010

I need to ask you how canIi make some fetchmail jobs to download mails from my gmail account into my mail account in my own server? My server is :
Linux Centos 5.4
Postfix Mail Server

I make a file named .fetchmailrc in my home directory and set its permissions to 755and the content of this file is:

set postmaster "postmaster"
set bouncemail
set no spambounce
set properties ""
poll protocol imap username "" password "password"

I think something is not completed, I need to make that fetch to a specific user only, not all users.

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Server :: Standard Location For Downloading Source Code?

Feb 18, 2011

I'm about to recompile PHP from source and was planning to download the source code to my Ubuntu machine. Is there a standard place where all the source code goes? I know that PHP has many dependencies and would like to hopefully put it in the right place so as to satisfy as many as possible.

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Ubuntu :: Downloading LAMP Server And Install Offline?

Sep 16, 2010

Is it possible to download MySQL, Apache and PHP first? And install them on Ubuntu system offline. Is anybody know how can I get them and install them?

I have to install LAMP server on many system for the purpose of training. So I don't want to download them repeatably. Once download them, install on all system.

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Ubuntu :: Pecify A Custom Server For Downloading Updates And Packages

Jul 17, 2010

I'm a bit of a noob at Ubuntu (I can use the terminal and stuff though), and I want to know if I can specify a custom server for downloading updates and packages.I am running Ubuntu 10.04 and I want to use Adam Internet's FileArena server: [URL]... It's not listed in the list of servers and I want to know how I can add it or use it(because downloads from there don't count towards my download allowance).

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General :: Internet Explorer Not Downloading Files From System Server / Work Around This?

Jan 27, 2010

I have a very simple php web application deployed on linux (centOS4) machine. It creates a file and stores the file in /tmp folder on my linux machine. The path for this file is specified in the href attribute of the link. Ideally when we click this link the download manager should pop up so that the file can be downloaded on client machine.
When i access this website remotely from my window xp machine on firefox it downloads the file properly but when i run on internet explorer (i have IE7 on my windows XP) and click the link, the download manager does'nt pop's up. even when i right-click that link and select save as, an error message pop's up saying "file path not found". possibly IE is not able to determine the linux file path .so how do i work around this. is there some specific way for specifying the linux file paths to be downloaded by IE?

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Server :: Complains From The User "downloading Mails From Qmails Take Time"?

Feb 2, 2011

there is a qmail server running in the office. we are using 2 Mb/s dedicated connection with web server along with the ajax based
mail server. we are hearing complains from various users inspite of the fact that the mail server is working fine about MUA's(mail user agents) taking too much time to download the mail.Nowadays there are attachments in most of the mails. the mails in Mb/s mostly take time to download. Now I and my coworkers are thinking of enhancing the bandwidth, but one piece of advice i would like to take from the people here is that if there is any chance that the problem can be from the mail server, where can be the problem and how to end that problem.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Ubuntu Server For File Downloading And Serving

Dec 2, 2010

I would like to run a small file server at home which I could connect to both remotely and within my own network. I was thinking of using something similar to a cheap dell optiplex machine (Pentium 3 or 4 2GHz?, with 256mb ram and a 40GB hard drive[will do something about the lack of space later]).The file server part of this should be straightforward but I wanted advice on how I could manage downloads on the machine. On my laptop I currently use both firefox's built in download manager and JDownloader. Sometimes Jdownloader isn't the ideal solution for all downloads, e.g. sometimes a single connection through firefox gets a faster download speed. I also occcasionally download torrents through Miro.

If anyone has setup something like what I'm suggesting, could you please give me a general idea of how best to go about this?

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Programming :: Downloading A List Of Files From A Remote Server Using A List?

Feb 10, 2009

I am trying to get this script to work. The purpose is to download a list of modules from the the list consist of a list of module numbers. What I am trying to do is Download the file or the file name corresponding to the number in the list.the list is comma delimited. this is what I have done so far and I am a stand still.

# Wget script to retrieve modules from modules
# ----Begin of user defined values -----
# Path to wget


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Ubuntu :: Crontab Job Not Executing

Sep 1, 2011

I am a xfce user. I have a list of wallpapers and I wanted to change them every 5 minutes Initially I was using a simple command in crontab entry to change it, Quote: */5 * * * * xfdesktop --reload it was working but it would crash xfdesktop process after few changes and the screen would be all grey. To solve this issues I wrote a simple script which would check if xfdesktop is alive and if yes it would call xfdesktop --reload else start xfdesktop I called this script idesktop & its path is ~/.bin/idesktop


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Programming :: GNU C - Timer Not Executing

Mar 3, 2011

Why is the timer not executing?

Code: #include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <pthread.h>
void func(union sigval sv)

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Software :: Executing NS 2.34 (NAM) On Ubuntu 9.10

Oct 26, 2010

I successfully installed and validate ns-allinone-2.34 network simulator on ubuntu-9.10. I then tried to run simple tcl code and ended up on the following error. I couldn't move ahead from there. What should I do to make 'nam(version 1.14)' work on my ubuntu 9.10?

ns: finish: couldn't execute "nam": no such file or directory
while executing
"exec nam out.nam &"
(procedure "finish" line 7)
invoked from within

Here is the code I tried to run (for reference):
#Create a simulator object
set ns [new Simulator]
#Define different colors for data flows (for NAM)
$ns color 1 Blue
$ns color 2 Red
#Open the NAM trace file
set nf [open out.nam w]
$ns namtrace-all $nf
#Define a 'finish' procedure
proc finish {} {
global ns nf
$ns flush-trace
#Close the NAM trace file
close $nf
#Execute NAM on the trace file
exec nam out.nam &
exit 0
} .....

By the way I googled and got some suggestions like: adding 'nam' directory to environment. I did this as follow but it didn't work. I added:
export PATH=$PATH:/home/elias/ns-allinone-2.34/nam-1.14
to /etc/profile (>sudo gedit /etc/profile)

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Fedora :: Allow Executing File As Program?

Apr 18, 2011

i have many text files in my directory and when i click on them to open them os treat it as a runnable file any says display or run or run in terminal ... i want to pick up recursively the tick of "Allow executing file as program" for all files.

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Ubuntu :: Add Repository - Error: Executing

Jan 14, 2010

Is [URL]... down? I try to add the repository:

sudo add-apt-repository ppaorg-edgers/ppa

and I get this error:


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Ubuntu :: Executing EXE Files From A CDRom?

May 11, 2010

I cannot seem to find what I need to in either these forums, Ubuntu help, or various Man pages.Issue:When I insert a CD it automounts correctly, but I cannot Use the "Open with Wine" option (even after configuring wine to recognize the executable) due to a "trust" issue within Ubuntu. I have learned that this "trust" is simply the executable bit, but I obviously cannot change that bit on a read only medium. he software requires the CD at both install and run time, so I cannot use a separately mounted ISO.Somewhere there must be a setting where I can turn off the "require trust flag" which I assume must exist.

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Ubuntu :: No Terminal After Executing Byobu

May 20, 2010

I just closed my terminal after checkin out byobu . Now when i click terminal , nothing happens . how can i get back my terminal ???

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Ubuntu :: Rc.local Is Not Executing On Boot?

Jul 5, 2010

using ubuntu-10.04/gnome

i have my printer and localhost startup written in rc.local but it does not execute on boot/reboot

that is the report i could make (yet learning about how to use linux)

r@r-desktop:~$ ls /etc/rc.local -l
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 540 2010-07-05 14:26 /etc/rc.local
r@r-desktop:~$ cat /etc/rc.local
#!/bin/sh -e


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Ubuntu :: Executing Any Program After Download?

Sep 4, 2010

After downloading any program thats in ubuntu or uses wine to run before i can run it i've got to allow it to execute, is there a workaround for this? Im using 10.04 ubuntu desktop

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Ubuntu :: Startup Script Not Executing?

Oct 26, 2010

ryan@TehLaptop:~$ uname -a
Linux TehLaptop 2.6.35-22-generic #35-Ubuntu SMP Sat Oct 16 20:36:48 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux
ryan@TehLaptop:~$ lsb_release -a


I have it in my system -> preferences -> startup applications as the command "/etc/init.d/fixkeys" however it is not being executed at startup (I have to manually run the script every time I login). If I manually run it, it works perfectly. I have tried moving it to a directory in my home folder but that did not solve anything.

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Ubuntu :: Allow Executing File As Program?

Apr 22, 2011

On the `Install Properties` Menu , I am not allowed to check the: Allow executing file as program...

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