Ubuntu :: Overlaying Image Onto GIF Animation Is Aligned Improperly?

May 16, 2011

I'm on Ubuntu 11.04, and am trying to overlay a static blue coastline image onto a geostationary animation with 12 frames using imagemagick. I have received no replies from them on their forums.The code I used to create the composite animation is as follows:

convert ( animation.gif -coalesce ) null: ( outline.tif outline.tif outline.tif outline.tif outline.tif outline.tif outline.tif outline.tif outline.tif outline.tif


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Software :: Overlaying An Image Onto A GIF Animation With Imagemagick Gets Aligned Improperly?

May 16, 2011

I'm on Ubuntu 11.04, and am trying to overlay a static blue coastline image onto a geostationary GIF animation with 12 frames using imagemagick. The code I used to create the composite animation is as follows:


convert ( animation.gif -coalesce ) null: ( outline.tif -coalesce ) -layers Composite composite_animation.gif

The resulting animation is below:


It's a bit hard to see, but the blue outline should be aligned much farther to the left on the image, but the vast majority of it is cut-off to the right because it is shifted so far. It should be centered. Both the outline and the background are actually cropped regions out of respectively larger images that are identical in size and are designed to be overlaid.

If I choose a cropped region farther to the right on the background animation, the cropped blue outline of the same region won't even show up at all after the overlaying, as if it is shifted completely off the screen for some reason. I have had success overlaying outlines before with the above command, but here it is not working. I tried appending "-gravity center" to the command with no success.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Eth0 Not Aligned And Wlan Not Aligned?

Aug 6, 2010

I use with 11.2 a network without problems.Now I installed in the same PC on another hdd 11.3 and get in yast2 network the messages:eth0 not aligned and for wlan too.My driver realtek r8192s_usb What can I do? adda7,

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Ubuntu :: Used Wubi Install - Shut Down Improperly, Now Won't Boot?

Jan 14, 2010

I've installed Ubuntu 9.10 approx 1 week ago and it's been fine. Last night, Ubuntu froze while I was running several programs. I wasn't sure how to pull up any type of 'task manager' and the mouse didn't move so after several minutes I was forced to hard reboot the computer. Grub starts and allows me to select Ubuntu but won't get past the log-in screen (allows me to log-in but freezes immediately after hitting enter). I started the recovery mode and the errors show what I believe to be sector errors (?)Do I need to run a 'chkdsk' from Windows or re-install Ubuntu? If deleting/un-installing Ubuntu (through Wubi) is necessary, is this a problem directly related to Wubi (i.e. is a clean install on a seperate partition better than installing through Wubi)?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Firefox Displaying Images Improperly?

May 8, 2011

I recently upgraded from 10.04 to 11.04, and when I did so images started displaying improperly in Firefox. This is an issue that is isolated to Firefox, and does not occur in Chrome, and really only occurs on Facebook. The images look as though they were taken under a blacklight. I don't know what the issue is, as I was running Firefox 4 under 10.04, and the issue did not occur then.

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Fedora Installation :: Improperly Formatted Checksum For F12

Nov 18, 2009

The CheckSum file I downloaded for Fedora 12 contains a header line indicating the checksums are SHA1 when in fact they are SHA256.

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Software :: SendEmail Usage - Can't Use Improperly Formatted Email Address?

Sep 28, 2010

I have a script to report phishing sites that calls sendEmail. I keep getting the above error and can't seem to figure out just what the problem is. What I see in the output log for sendEmail is at these pastebin links One as a success and one as a failure. If the sendEmail and sendphish scripts are needed, which I'm sure they will be, I'll attach them here. There are also a few additional files to run sendphish here If I've left something out please let me know. I've contacted the author on this before but all he basically told me was to read the docs on addressing which I've done multiple times to no avail

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General :: Improperly Formed Account Name When Adding SUSE 10 To Windows Domain?

Apr 12, 2010

I have a SUSE 10 SP 2 server that needs to get added to a Windows Active Directory domain and registered in DNS. Samba is 3.0.28-0.5. I tried to join the domain with the following command:


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Server :: Error - Failed To Join Domain: Improperly Formed Account Name

Apr 7, 2010

I would like to join SLES server to Microsoft Server 2008 Active Directory to enable domain authentication when accessing samba shares. When I run


net ads join -U administrator

I get the following error


"Failed to join domain: Improperly formed account name."

I tried the same samba configuration on another server (OpenSuse 11.2) without any problem, so I think it is somehow connected with the Samba version, but I'm not sure. Has anybody experienced this behaviour?


kinit administrator@MYDOMAIN

the package versions on SLES 10 SP2 (x86_64) are following




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Software :: Mount Error: Can't Mount An Encrypted Volume With An Overlaying Ext3 FS

Jun 6, 2010

I created a encrypted volume on top of software raid1. These are my steps:

1. Create logical partition on sda

2. Create logical partition on sdb (same size)

3. Change type to partition to 'fd' for both partitions

4. Check that the both partitions are same size and type
fdisk -l /dev/sda && fdisk -l /dev/sdb

5. partprobe

6. Make sure there are no remains from previous RAID installations on /dev/sdb by running:
mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sda6
mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sdb6

7. mdadm --create /dev/md4 --level=1 --raid-disks=2 /dev/sda6 /dev/sdb6

8. watch cat /proc/mdstat

9. update mdadm.conf
mdadm --examine --scan | grep mdx >> /etc/mdadm.conf

10. Load twofish module
[root@localhost ~]# modprobe twofish

11. # cryptsetup -y -c twofish-cbc-essiv:sha256 create ftdata /dev/md4
Enter passphrase:
Verify passphrase:

12. mkfs.ext3 -b 4096 -R stride=8 /dev/mapper/ftdata

13. mkdir /ftdata

14. Mount the encrypted volume: mount -O noatime /dev/mapper/ftdata /ftdata

It mounts successfully this first time. When I cd /ftdata, I can see the lost+found dir

Now, I unmount the volume
cd ~

umount /ftdata
cryptsetup remove ftdata

And now, if I try to setup my encrypted volume like this:

[root@localhost ~]# cryptsetup create ftdata /dev/md4
Enter passphrase:
mount -O noatime /dev/mapper/ftdata /ftdata
I get this error:
mount: you must specify the filesystem type


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CentOS 5 :: Mount Error: Can't Mount An Encrypted Volume With An Overlaying Ext3 FS

Jun 6, 2010

I created a encrypted volume on top of software raid1. These are my steps:

1. Create logical partition on sda

2. Create logical partition on sdb (same size)

3. Change type to partition to 'fd' for both partitions

4. Check that the both partitions are same size and type fdisk -l /dev/sda && fdisk -l /dev/sdb

5. partprobe

6. Make sure there are no remains from previous RAID installations on /dev/sdb by running: mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sda6 mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sdb6

7. mdadm --create /dev/md4 --level=1 --raid-disks=2 /dev/sda6 /dev/sdb6

8. watch cat /proc/mdstat

9. update mdadm.conf mdadm --examine --scan | grep mdx >> /etc/mdadm.conf

10. Load twofish module [root@localhost ~]# modprobe twofish

11. # cryptsetup -y -c twofish-cbc-essiv:sha256 create ftdata /dev/md4 Enter passphrase: Verify passphrase:

12. mkfs.ext3 -b 4096 -R stride=8 /dev/mapper/ftdata

13. mkdir /ftdata

14. Mount the encrypted volume:
mount -O noatime /dev/mapper/ftdata /ftdata

It mounts successfully this first time. When I cd /ftdata, I can see the lost+found dir


So why is it that I can't mount my encrypted volume after the first time? I am giving the correct password when it asks to.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating 4KB Aligned Partitions During 10.04 Install?

May 1, 2010

I'm currently running a Ubuntu 9.10 64bit machine with one of those 2TB WD disks that does have 4KB blocks.Unfortunately the current partition layout is misaligned, so I plan to back up my home directory and start fresh with a 10.04 install, trying to make the partitions aligned as suggested here:what I'm wondering is, does the 10.04 partitioning program take care of the alignment today or I have to resort doing manual partitioning with a separate tool?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Create Aligned Partitions With Fdisk On EBS?

Jul 17, 2010

After reading Markus Ewald blogpost on http:[url]...n-ssd-on-linux about Aligning an SSD on Linux I decided to give it a try.I have bought two 80 GB Intel X25-M SSD for my home server. The plan is to install Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit server and use the SSDs as system discs and vmware data storage using software raid for redundancy.After reading the blog post I am not sure how to make all my partitions aligned and set up on EBS (Erase Boundary Size)I am planning for four partitions:Boot, size 1GB

Root, size 25GB
Swap, size 4GB
Data storage for vmware server, size 40GB

According to Markus Ewald I should use 32 heads and 32 sectors.Using the live CD, I started using fdisk -S 32 -H 32 /dev/sda.Fdisk can create partitions using cylinders or sectors, and now I ran into trouble.

First partition /boot must start on cylinder 2 (or sector 1024). Size is 1 GB and the following partition should be aligned and start on a new EBS block. How do I do this with fdisk?Should the next partition start on a new cylinder? Otherwise, after formatting, fdisk gives a warning that the partition is not aligned to the cylinder size? The overall question is how to format four aligned partitions which all are aligned with Intels X25-M EBS. EBS for Intel X25-M is either 128KB or 512KB (Have not found a confirmed value yet)

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Ubuntu :: Window List In Bottom Panel Not Aligned?

Feb 21, 2011

recently my window list in the bottom panel (where it shows all the minimized windows, etc.) got removed. When I added it back,'s not aligned all the way to the left as expected, it's more towards the middle

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Debian :: Can't Kill Desktop 'keep Aligned'?

May 31, 2011

OK, I admit I'm a little OCD about icon placement on the Desktop - I want to do it myself - so this is driving me a bit nuts.I have right-clicked to disable the option 'keep aligned'. I have made sure it is disabled in gconf-editor. BUT IT KEEPS COMING BACK!ince I don't mess a lot with my desktop, I'll notice it's reverted when I add something new, can't place it exactly where I want to and once again have to untick 'keep aligned'.It seems to be random so not quite sure what might be triggering it.

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Fedora :: Keep Aligned Check Box - Clears After Reboot

Jan 3, 2010

I have Fedora 12 & GNOME. But, this actually is an issue with many Linux distro's and GNOME. If I set the Keep Aligned Check Box Off - the next reboot it is back too set on. (Right click empty area on GNOME Desktop). I have searched many forums and search engines, I must be doing my search wrong there must be others that have noticed this, And the posts I do find on it are sometimes pretty old, so it does not seem like a bug would be around so long. I saw some notes about Nautilus also but no answers. FYI In CentOS 5.4 & GNOME it works properly.

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General :: Switch Man Formatting To Left-aligned?

Sep 19, 2010

I installed openSuSE 11.3. By default, man pages blocks are justified (block-aligned). Example:


WARNING Improper use of this command may seriously damage your system,so read this manual carefully to understand how to use it correctly and prevent yourself from destroying your system. Instead, I would like all manual pages would be displayed left-aligned, like this:


WARNING Improper use of this command may seriously damage your system, so read this manual carefully to understand how to use it correctly and prevent yourself from destroying your system.

I definitely would not like to reformat all the manual pages one-by-one. but rather just changing sometnihg in some macro-definition file or something similar? .. Is it possible achieve that simply and quickly?

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Programming :: Bash - Generating A Table With Aligned Fields

Apr 9, 2009

I want to write a function which calculates the space needed between fields, to generate a table with aligned fields, like when you type "ls -l", the operating system generates a table with beautifully aligned fields. I've got this code so far:


for line in $(cat tmpSearch)
line=`echo $line | tr ":" " "`


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Programming :: Making Dynamic Memory As 64kB Aligned In C Lang?

Aug 17, 2010

I doing malloc and getting the chunk of dynamic memory. Now I want it to align that memory to 64KB. This means that the address of the memory starts from 64KB or multiple of 64KB.

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Programming :: Script To Delete Aligned Single-character Columns With No Field Separator?

Apr 20, 2010

The lines beginning with greater-than symbols are the sequence descriptors and the lines immediately after each descriptor with A-Z characters, dashes, and question marks are the aligned DNA sequences. The sequences are always the same length within a file and never span/wrap across more than one line.I am trying to write a script to remove positions in the sequences that are only represented by a -, X, ?, or N (these represent gaps or missing data). Also, if there is exactly one non-gap/missing character in a position it is also useless (there is nothing to compare it to) so I would like to remove those positions as well.

Position 5 (from the left) was removed because it was all gap/missing characters. Position 9 was removed because only one character was a non-gap/missing character. Position 10 was retained because there were 2 non-gap/missing characters.I'm really not sure where to start here. My first concern is I can't figure out how to tell awk to treat each character in lines not containing a greater-than symbol as a separate field. After that, I'm thinking I should use set up a counter to count the number of lines with gap/missing characters comparing that to the total number of lines not containing greater-than signs?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Disable Minimize Animation On 9.10

Feb 22, 2010

I already tried disabling the animations under gconf editor and it won't work.. I tried under metacity, gnome interface, apps, whatever.. and I can still see the black animated square when minimizing....

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Ubuntu :: Flahs Animation - Software ?

Mar 7, 2010

I have planned to do some interactive maps / animation interfaces. what is the best software i can use for this purpose? i think flash cs3 is ok in windows. but what about for linux?

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Ubuntu :: Minimize Animation Is Not Working

Jun 13, 2011

The problem i am facing is that all other animations seem to work such as close animation or open animation but the minimize animation is not working.If i set magic lamp for minimize animation in Compiz settings it disappears in a second.

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SUSE :: Improperly Shutdown Suse - Restore Gnome To Automatically Load The Default User On Start Up

Jun 30, 2010

I am new to Linux and wow, it did not take me long to run into a huge snag. I am running Suse Linux Enterprise 10 on a laptop and by some strange reason the computer froze from overheating and I was forced to shutdown improperly. Once I restarted it booted right to the command prompt when it usually instead boots to the default user. I managed to get gnome running using the "startx gnome" command. But when gnome loads, none of my normal extentions load like my wireless driver, the sound driver, etc. how to restore gnome to automatically load the default user on start up or fix any other damage I might have done? lol

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded To 10.04 No Plymouth Animation?

May 1, 2010

I just upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 and everything went fine. No problems other then there is no animation while booting. It just goes to the login screen (ugly tree ) . I have a feeling it has something to do with the nvidia card (fx5200) i am using the 173 driver. Because the screen switches resloutions and no Nvidia screen is showing as in the previous version 9.10. Any ideas on how to fix this?? I did a search and came up with no good answers yet. The Nvidia seems to be working fine everywhere else so far.

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Ubuntu :: No Animation On Default Splash Screen?

Apr 21, 2011

I recently performed a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.10 on a new hard disk, and I've noticed that for whatever reason, the animation isn't working on the default Ubuntu splash screen on startup. It does work on the splash screen when I shut down, oddly enough.

I haven't tried to change my splash screen or messed around with resolution settings or anything like that, so I'm not sure what to check.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Tupi 2D Animation Software?

May 18, 2011

In an attempt to install Tupi, I downloaded the tar.gz from here. I would've loved to just install the .deb, but it seems that there's only an i386 deb available.

Unfortunately, I have no idea how to install the tar.gz package so I was hoping that someone can help me out with that.

Also, say I get this installed from the tar.gz, will updates for the program appear in my update manager?

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Software :: Blender Animation Hangs With Ubuntu 10.10

Feb 2, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 10.10 and am animating with blender version 2.49b. whenever I try to add anything such as a cube or sphere, it always hangs and I can't close the window without logging out.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Way To Play Video / Animation As WebCam

Feb 14, 2010

I was just wondering, is there any way to play a video/animation as a WebCam? I'd like to use that with Skype or Chatroulette.com etc

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Ubuntu :: Flash Video And Animation Flickers In Chromium

Aug 12, 2010

I've recently switched from Firefox to Chromium for my browsing and am satisfied other than a persistent issue I have with Flash content. Almost all flash animation and video flickers and "stumbles" (especially when scrolling) in the Chromium and Google Chrome browsers. This issue is not at all present in Firefox. Chromium reports it's using libflashplugin.so which I believe is the "system plugin" and not the built-in plug-in.

Currently I'm using the Chromium build available in the Lucid repository, the adobe-flashplugin and ATI proprietary drivers installed. I have tried the Chromium daily build and the issue still persisted. I've considered trying Lightspark but have read that it's not a very "complete" plug-in.I've uninstalled and reinstalled the Flash plug-in available from Synaptic and even updated it directly from Adobe's website.

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