General :: Switch Man Formatting To Left-aligned?

Sep 19, 2010

I installed openSuSE 11.3. By default, man pages blocks are justified (block-aligned). Example:


WARNING Improper use of this command may seriously damage your system,so read this manual carefully to understand how to use it correctly and prevent yourself from destroying your system. Instead, I would like all manual pages would be displayed left-aligned, like this:


WARNING Improper use of this command may seriously damage your system, so read this manual carefully to understand how to use it correctly and prevent yourself from destroying your system.

I definitely would not like to reformat all the manual pages one-by-one. but rather just changing sometnihg in some macro-definition file or something similar? .. Is it possible achieve that simply and quickly?

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Eth0 Not Aligned And Wlan Not Aligned?

Aug 6, 2010

I use with 11.2 a network without problems.Now I installed in the same PC on another hdd 11.3 and get in yast2 network the messages:eth0 not aligned and for wlan too.My driver realtek r8192s_usb What can I do? adda7,

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Switch Right To Left Speaker In 11.04?

Jul 24, 2011

I do not find any settings to switch the stereo output in Ubuntu, just now my speakers is placed so right speaker stands to the left and I can not move them just now. How do I do, I use Ubuntu 11.04.

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Hardware :: Slackware Nvidia Driver Install - Freezes With An Underscore In Top Left Hand Of Screen And Can't Switch Between Tty's

Mar 17, 2010

Fairly recent enough system. nvidia 6200.

Full install of slackware. then i use these instructions to install drivers:


Install nvidia driver in Slackware Linux

Before begin the nvidia driver installation, you must make a copy of the original /etc/X11/xorg.conf as a backup. Use the copy command example below:

If you choose to install the nvidia driver that you download from nvidia website, you must close kde or x-window and install the driver from Linux command line terminal.

Copy the driver to the directory that you placed all third party software such as /usr/local/src. This is not necessary, just a good habit. To install the driver, run the nvidia driver with the sh command like in the example below.

Now, you just need to answer all the questions to configure nvidia driver and the nvidia installation program will do the driver and kernel installation for you.

When i startx the computer freezes with an underscore in the top left hand of screen and i can't switch between tty's.

I know the pc and card work fine with other linux and win os's.

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Debian :: Terminal Command To Switch Right Handed To Left Handed Mouse?

Jun 30, 2011

I have a broken touchpad primary click button so I set up the touchpad for left-handed people but when I use my wacom digital tablet, I have to switch and it's very annoying because I tend to still use the touchpad when the tablet is connected. A terminal command would help me a lot since I could alias it and I have a shortcut on my keyboard for the gnome-terminal.

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General :: Switch Between Computers Using KVM Switch?

Mar 14, 2011

I am using a Fling KVM switch (by Belkin), to connect 2 computers to my monitor One computer is running XP and the other is running Linux. My wireless switching mechanism has just gone the way of the saints but Belkin has supplied a software solution for this occurrence. There is a small app called Fling (surprising) that allows me to switch from the XP machine to the Linux machine but nothing to switch back to the XP. What I need to know is there a similar app for the Linux computer. (NB I have tried Synergy but have no idea how to set it up - I've been told that synergy might work).

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Extend Desktop Left Instead Of Right - Background Application On The Screen To The Left?

Jun 28, 2011

I would like to use two monitors with my desktop, so connected them the other day and it worked straight away, which is good but... The monitor configuration app always want the primary monitor to be on the left hand side, thus it always extend my desktop right. Can I do anything to extend my desktop to the left instead of to the right so I can have background application on the screen to the left?

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Ubuntu :: Mouse Intermittently Double Left Clicks / When Single Left Click

Jun 15, 2011

I'm not sure if I should post this question in "hardware & laptops", or "Desktop Environments", because this is a hardware problem on a desktop computer.

Description of Problem:There is another thread that discussed this same problem that I'm having: However that thread is so old that the suggestions in it no longer work in Ubuntu 10.04 and for whatever reason I can not make a reply to that thread.As in the above thread, I've tried other input devices and rebooting the computer and using other USB ports, and my mouse still intermittently double left clicks randomly at times when I've only clicked the left mouse button once and at times and places when it should only produce a single click such as when selecting a drop down menu.

Has any one else had this problem, and does any one have any idea how to fix it or to trouble shoot this a bit more? Please let me know if there is any other information I can provide to further clarify or troubleshoot this issue.

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Programming :: Implement Left-associative Operators In Parser That Does Not Allow Left Recursion?

Jan 20, 2011

The first is about implementing function calls. The way I currently have it is that functions are called with a C++ std::vector of nodes as the parameters. How would I turn a comma-seperated list of expressions into a C++ vector in the grammar?Second, how do you implement left-associative operators in a parser that does not allow left recursion?

And third, what would be the best internal representation of integers? A C++ int seems simplest, but limited. Using GMP seems more versatile, but I'm afraid it might seriously slow down the interpreter compared to C++ ints.

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Debian :: Can't Kill Desktop 'keep Aligned'?

May 31, 2011

OK, I admit I'm a little OCD about icon placement on the Desktop - I want to do it myself - so this is driving me a bit nuts.I have right-clicked to disable the option 'keep aligned'. I have made sure it is disabled in gconf-editor. BUT IT KEEPS COMING BACK!ince I don't mess a lot with my desktop, I'll notice it's reverted when I add something new, can't place it exactly where I want to and once again have to untick 'keep aligned'.It seems to be random so not quite sure what might be triggering it.

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General :: Formatting Op Of Awk Command?

Mar 7, 2011

I have an command to read inputs from file2 and replace the content in file1. Issue is that the op is coming in a single line as gsub and split functions don't recognize new line characters.

awk 'NR==FNR{gsub(/input./,""); split($0,a," = ");b[a[1]]=a[2];next} {gsub(/@/,"");for (i in b) gsub(i,b[i])}1' $t2 $t3
This gives belwo op:


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Fedora :: Keep Aligned Check Box - Clears After Reboot

Jan 3, 2010

I have Fedora 12 & GNOME. But, this actually is an issue with many Linux distro's and GNOME. If I set the Keep Aligned Check Box Off - the next reboot it is back too set on. (Right click empty area on GNOME Desktop). I have searched many forums and search engines, I must be doing my search wrong there must be others that have noticed this, And the posts I do find on it are sometimes pretty old, so it does not seem like a bug would be around so long. I saw some notes about Nautilus also but no answers. FYI In CentOS 5.4 & GNOME it works properly.

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General :: Formatting A Disk For Macintosh?

Jan 9, 2011

I've been asked to move data from an old external hard drive to a new one, and to make the new one compatible with the Macintosh. (The old drive's USB connection has died, and I'm connecting to old the drive using a PC card that provieds an eSATA to the drive. The recipient's Macintosh doesn't have a PC card slot, so she can't access the old drive anymore. Hence, the new drive.)

Naturally, I'm doing this data transfer using Linux. I've discovered that I can format the drive as HFS+ using mkfs.hfsplus from the hfsprogs package. But I need to know: do I need to do anything special with the partition table? Is there a special Macintosh partition table format that I need to format this disk to? If so, what tools can I use to get the right format for the partition table?

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General :: Formatting $PS1 To X Amount Of Character?

Jun 22, 2011

I'm looking for a way to force my PS1 variable to a certain number of chars.
It currently looks like:

$PS1="W $"

and I'm trying to keep the same number of characters regardless of the length of current folder name.

For example, both Documents and bin would be displayed as 10 character strings, keeping the left side of my terminal the same width all of the time.

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General :: Does Not Support Formatting A 3TB Disk

Jun 11, 2011

I bought a 3 TB western digital but I cannot format it. I have to split into 2TB and 1TB (or less because it holds 2.73 TB actually). Is that normal because of linux does not support 3tb yet? I note that I tried into EXT4 and JFS (after tabel creating)

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General :: Formatting A USB Memory Stick?

Apr 30, 2010

I have a 4 Gb memory stick which used to have OpenSuse on it but I don't use OpenSuse and wanted to use the stick for something else - for backing up my Mozilla Thunderbird installation. I thought that by re-formatting the stick, using a file obtainable from the HP web site, in connection with installing Linux on a memory stick, that it would leave me with an empty one but it hasn't; there is still a lot of OpenSuse stuff on it. How can I "empty" it so that I can use it to transfer my Ubuntu Thunderbird to another computer which is also running Ubuntu. I was going to open a terminal and type:

sudo cp -avr /home/chris/.thunderbird/ /media/disk

I have already tried this but it didn't appear to work, so is this not the right way to go about it?

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General :: How To Extend Partition Without Formatting

Jun 29, 2011

I have created one partition. Now I want to extend that partition without formatting it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating 4KB Aligned Partitions During 10.04 Install?

May 1, 2010

I'm currently running a Ubuntu 9.10 64bit machine with one of those 2TB WD disks that does have 4KB blocks.Unfortunately the current partition layout is misaligned, so I plan to back up my home directory and start fresh with a 10.04 install, trying to make the partitions aligned as suggested here:what I'm wondering is, does the 10.04 partitioning program take care of the alignment today or I have to resort doing manual partitioning with a separate tool?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Create Aligned Partitions With Fdisk On EBS?

Jul 17, 2010

After reading Markus Ewald blogpost on http:[url]...n-ssd-on-linux about Aligning an SSD on Linux I decided to give it a try.I have bought two 80 GB Intel X25-M SSD for my home server. The plan is to install Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit server and use the SSDs as system discs and vmware data storage using software raid for redundancy.After reading the blog post I am not sure how to make all my partitions aligned and set up on EBS (Erase Boundary Size)I am planning for four partitions:Boot, size 1GB

Root, size 25GB
Swap, size 4GB
Data storage for vmware server, size 40GB

According to Markus Ewald I should use 32 heads and 32 sectors.Using the live CD, I started using fdisk -S 32 -H 32 /dev/sda.Fdisk can create partitions using cylinders or sectors, and now I ran into trouble.

First partition /boot must start on cylinder 2 (or sector 1024). Size is 1 GB and the following partition should be aligned and start on a new EBS block. How do I do this with fdisk?Should the next partition start on a new cylinder? Otherwise, after formatting, fdisk gives a warning that the partition is not aligned to the cylinder size? The overall question is how to format four aligned partitions which all are aligned with Intels X25-M EBS. EBS for Intel X25-M is either 128KB or 512KB (Have not found a confirmed value yet)

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Ubuntu :: Window List In Bottom Panel Not Aligned?

Feb 21, 2011

recently my window list in the bottom panel (where it shows all the minimized windows, etc.) got removed. When I added it back,'s not aligned all the way to the left as expected, it's more towards the middle

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Ubuntu :: Overlaying Image Onto GIF Animation Is Aligned Improperly?

May 16, 2011

I'm on Ubuntu 11.04, and am trying to overlay a static blue coastline image onto a geostationary animation with 12 frames using imagemagick. I have received no replies from them on their forums.The code I used to create the composite animation is as follows:

convert ( animation.gif -coalesce ) null: ( outline.tif outline.tif outline.tif outline.tif outline.tif outline.tif outline.tif outline.tif outline.tif outline.tif


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Programming :: Bash - Generating A Table With Aligned Fields

Apr 9, 2009

I want to write a function which calculates the space needed between fields, to generate a table with aligned fields, like when you type "ls -l", the operating system generates a table with beautifully aligned fields. I've got this code so far:


for line in $(cat tmpSearch)
line=`echo $line | tr ":" " "`


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General :: Determine Formatting Of SD Card In Ubuntu?

Mar 14, 2010

How do I, in Ubuntu, determine what the formatting (e.g FAT etc.) of an SD card is?

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General :: Harddisk Formatting With Dd Return Error?

Apr 2, 2010

I tried to format my harddisk (160 GB) with the following command

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda

After some 3 hours, following error came up:

dd: writing to '/dev/sda' : No space left on device
312581809+0 records in
312581808+0 records out
160041885696 bytes (160 GB) copied, 10708.3 s, 14.9 MB/s

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General :: Formatting The BASH Command Prompt?

May 6, 2010

I would like to change the formatting on my BASH prompt from this:


to something like this:


The idea is that I would be able to type a reasonably long command on one line without it wrapping to the next line so quickly.

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General :: Formatting And Partitioning A Hard Drive For 10.10 As The Only OS

Jan 22, 2011

I have only known about Linux software for the past couple of weeks. I want to install Ubuntu 10.10 on an older desktop I have so I can become more familiar with it. I am average in knowladge about Windows OS and MS-DOS. I tried to install Ubuntu and I get an error message about the harddrive. The CD I am booting with will load on my other PC with Windows XP on it. I have only let it run on it long enough to verify that it is bootable.

I have made a floppy boot disc following the instructions on another Linux site about Ubuntu. I have also tried to boot my alternate PC with the floppy and it boots up. The harddrive on my working PC is a Maxtor 40gb formatted with NTFS file system. The harddrive in the older desktop is a Western Digital 80GB WD800LB-55DNA0.It worked fine with Windows XP on it. I also made a Western Digital DATA Lifeguard for DOS floppy and it boots with it.

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General :: Formatting / Partitioning For Dual-boot

May 1, 2010

I don't want sympathy, but merely explain what I'm up against. I'm 63 years old. I'm on medical and mental disability (Cognitive failure, the beginning of Alzheimer's). I used to be a good computer tech, but now, because of my memory problems, I don't remember how to do a lot of things with a computer.I'm seeking assistance (not 24/7 help or hand-holding)to help me reformat,partition, and set-up a dual-boot for both WIN 2000 Pro and Ubuntu Linux to operate programs where I can use my Amateur (Ham) Radio in digital modes (PSK-31, PSK-64, BPSK, cw, etc). I'm choosing NOT to run Ham Radio DeLuxe, as it's bloated with M$ "code" and could be hacked and messed with.

The hard drive is a Maxtor 80 gig (78 g formatted). I have another drive,a Western Digital 40 gig (37 g formatted) that I use for Windows as well, but mostly it contains Excel spreadsheets with Part 90 - Public Safety frequency information for the local (within 250 miles) from my home. It's a FAT 32 and I'd like the 80 gig to match that

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General :: Change The Label Of One Partition Without Formatting It

Apr 12, 2010

How can I change the label of one partition on linux without formatting it.

It wll format the partition, and all content disappears.

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General :: Scripting - Formatting Ps Output W/Perl?

Sep 27, 2010

I'm writing a script that gives me some pertinent info about my servers, and the last little piece I need to figure out is the process list. There are going to be non-technical people looking at the output of the script and I'm trying to make it as simple as possible.

Right now, if I do ps -ef | grep <process> | grep -v grep
It obviously shows me the process, but the problem is that there is 4 lines of info in front of the process. ie

root PID date time java -1024 -cp oh,my,god,there,is,so,much,data,it,carries,on,for,4,lines,I,want,to,shoot,myself,trying,to,read,it,f inally,in,the,end,there,is,a,space /here/is/the/process
I'd like the output to be something like this:
PID: #### Process: /here/is/the/process

I've thought about how I could take the output and use awk or sed but I know there is probably an easier way to do it with perl.

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Software :: Overlaying An Image Onto A GIF Animation With Imagemagick Gets Aligned Improperly?

May 16, 2011

I'm on Ubuntu 11.04, and am trying to overlay a static blue coastline image onto a geostationary GIF animation with 12 frames using imagemagick. The code I used to create the composite animation is as follows:


convert ( animation.gif -coalesce ) null: ( outline.tif -coalesce ) -layers Composite composite_animation.gif

The resulting animation is below:


It's a bit hard to see, but the blue outline should be aligned much farther to the left on the image, but the vast majority of it is cut-off to the right because it is shifted so far. It should be centered. Both the outline and the background are actually cropped regions out of respectively larger images that are identical in size and are designed to be overlaid.

If I choose a cropped region farther to the right on the background animation, the cropped blue outline of the same region won't even show up at all after the overlaying, as if it is shifted completely off the screen for some reason. I have had success overlaying outlines before with the above command, but here it is not working. I tried appending "-gravity center" to the command with no success.

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