Software :: SendEmail Usage - Can't Use Improperly Formatted Email Address?

Sep 28, 2010

I have a script to report phishing sites that calls sendEmail. I keep getting the above error and can't seem to figure out just what the problem is. What I see in the output log for sendEmail is at these pastebin links One as a success and one as a failure. If the sendEmail and sendphish scripts are needed, which I'm sure they will be, I'll attach them here. There are also a few additional files to run sendphish here If I've left something out please let me know. I've contacted the author on this before but all he basically told me was to read the docs on addressing which I've done multiple times to no avail

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Fedora Installation :: Improperly Formatted Checksum For F12

Nov 18, 2009

The CheckSum file I downloaded for Fedora 12 contains a header line indicating the checksums are SHA1 when in fact they are SHA256.

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Server :: Allow Unsubscribed Email Address To Send Email To Mailman List?

Jul 1, 2010

is there a way to allow unsubscribed email address to send emails to mailman list without having to manually set a filter for that email address?

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Server :: Block Email From Certain Group To A Specific Email Address?

Apr 29, 2010

Is there a way of allowing only certain domain to send e-mails to certain specific e-mail address. I am using Sendmail, and I have an alias which translate to certain members of staff within my organization. I don't expect e-mails from outside our domain to be sent to this alias e-mail address.

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Ubuntu :: Exim4 Copy All New Email To Another Email Address?

Jan 18, 2010

Is there a way to configure exim4 to bcc all new incoming emails to another email address? My boss wants a copy of all outgoing emails.

I know postfix can do this with a bcc_always option. Im sure exim4 should be able to also.

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Server :: Dropping All Email For Specific Email Address?

Jun 12, 2011

I have a user who was getting constantly spammed so I deleted their email account but it's still coming in and trying to get delivered, how do drop all email for a specific email address?

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Ubuntu :: Run The Script Using An Email Address

Mar 8, 2010

I am working with a script that sends out a mail with an attachment by using the uuencode command along with the mail command. But my problem is when I need to run the script using an email address with a dot in the middle of the address (ie.

It breaks at the [dot] in the email address.

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General :: Having Server For All EMAIL ADDRESS?

Jun 14, 2011

Is there a way to control all email address in one server manage all email application software either win OS / MAC OS or Linux Distro. I have experience about email when the pc crashed i dont have any backup for their email data also email address.

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Debian :: Drop Email Address From Bug Report?

Feb 10, 2011

how can i drop my email address from bug report in the debian bug report system?


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Fedora :: Sharing Email And Address Book?

Dec 29, 2009

I want to share 3 email addresses and an address book among 2 users on a small network with 3 computers. Emails come from 3 different POP email accounts. There are 2 users.Each user may use any of 3 computers on the network (2 computers are linux, one is Windows XP). The 2 users have separate userids on the linux machines, but share an account on the Windows machine.

Each user should be able to view, reply to, delete, and otherwise deal with emails from any of the 3 POP sources, regardless of which computer the user is logged on to. Also, each user should be able to view and update entries in the address book, regardless of which computer the user is logged on to. What about using a system like courier or egroupware to retrieve and store the email from the 3 POP sources? Then courier or egroupware could make its mail store (maildir?) available via IMAP to the 2 users via email clients on each of the 3 computers.

The mail would be stored in the single, unique, courier or egroupware maildir store, not in the email clients. So if any user deletes a message or replies to a message, the action is visible to the other user from any computer. Also, emails only need be deleted once, not multiple times from each email client. I have looked at the courier and egroupware documentation, but I can't figure out whether either of them can be set up to retrieve email from 3 POP sources? If they can, how do you do it?

They appear to be email servers that collect emails sent to the domain they are configured to serve? could email clients be setup to share a single mailbox and address book (at least on the linux machines. forget about Windows). I guess the mailbox would lock when any client opened it, so only one client at a time could be active.

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Ubuntu One :: Remove And Change Email Address

May 21, 2010

My Ubuntu One account. I had intended to change my email address, but after entering the second address, I find I cannot delete the original. I have the second one set to my primary, but I can still log in with either. I'd like to be able to permanently delete the first.

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Ubuntu :: One - Dropbox - Email Address Is Already In Use On The Server?

Feb 16, 2011

I have a Dropbox account and trying to sign-up to Ubuntu One. The Ubuntu One sign-up does not like my email address for some reason(?). It is that my email address is already in use on the server?

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Programming :: Extract Source Email Address - Awk?

Dec 17, 2010

I have a small bash/awk program that extracts the date/time/size of thousands of email headers. I'm trying to also extract the last "Received from:" string from these email headers which will give me the senders email server. on extracting the last occurrence of this string, and printing the information after it?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Redirect The Postfix Email Address?

Dec 28, 2010

tell postfix to send email sent to one email address to another email address. What I really need to do is tell postfix that every email sent to [URL] and [URL] be sent to [URL] I tried transport maps like this: [URL] but that did not work. I then tried canonical maps like this:

recipient_canonical file:


sender_canonical file:

/^(.*@).*thisdomain[.]com$/ ${1}

but it did not work either. I am really exhausted and I need to find a solution for this one since it is my boss asking me to get this working. This is what if in /var/log/mail in box1:

Dec 28 16:10:25 box1 postfix/pickup[19291]: 54D258F726: uid=0 from=<root>
Dec 28 16:10:25 box1 postfix/cleanup[23489]: 54D258F726: message-id=<>


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General :: Sendmail Masquerading Email From Address?

Jul 18, 2010

I have my system set up with sendmail (going through my ISP SMTP server) but when I sent an email using sendmail it was defaulting the from address to or something similar. So I read up about masquerading [URL] and managed to get it to however I want to change USERNAME to a different value because my ISP username is different from my machine username. My aim is just to get the from address to be [URL]. This machine is only used by me so I don't need it to be different for different users if that makes things any easier...?

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CentOS 5 :: Changing Notification Email Address?

Aug 28, 2009

this seems silly but I am changing ISPs and need to change my notification email address (for here). Under User Menu -> Edit account it shows my email but does not allow me to change my email. Since I am able to post I assume I am logged in correctly. So what did I miss?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Cannot Send Email - Bad Address

May 5, 2010

I've come across a strange issue where any email address that I email with mail returns an error "Bad Address"

Fairly new Centos 5.4 Install, sendmail is the MTA.
Linux 2.6.18-164.el5 #1 SMP Thu Sep 3 03:28:30 EDT 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
DNS is working fine so there isn't a problem.
[root@hn1 /]# host -t mx mail is handled by 10 mail is handled by 10 mail is handled by 30

Yet when I try to use mail it fails:
[root@hn1 /]# which mail
[root@hn1 /]# ls -lrth /bin/mail
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root mail 83K Jan 7 2007 /bin/mail
[root@hn1 /]# mail -s "test"
Bad address
Nothing in the maillog.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Create New Email Address In Postfix

Jan 30, 2010

Working on ubuntu server for 1st time and need to create a new email address.The server has postfix

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Ubuntu :: Hiding IP Address In Outgoing Email Headers

Feb 21, 2010

I just discovered View > "All message headers" in the Evolution email client and am quite concerned that all my out going emails contain my personal IP Address. I know that this is standard email protocol but i'm wondering if it is possible to hide or modify this header information? Or would i be better off using a webmail client?

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Ubuntu One :: .asp Page - Wouldn't Accept Email Address?

Dec 20, 2010

tried to sign up but it felt like a badly coded .asp page, wouldn't accept my email address? Same address hand typed both boxes? tried it quite a few times, very unubuntu. still explanation marks next to each email address?

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General :: Authorized Email Address - Sendmail Server?

May 4, 2010

I am having many mails transferred through my Sendmail server,but I want to configure only authorised email address through our server.optimize my mail server's configuration.

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General :: One Mail Address To Multi Email Accounts

Mar 16, 2011

i have a linux box at work that was configed by some that has left the company. we have an email add: e.g, if you enter that mail add to a new email it then sends the mail to several email accounts the are on the server.i would like to remove and add new users onto that email address, is there anyone out there that can help?

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General :: Using Hotmail Type In The Email Address But The Curser Will Not Appear?

Jun 15, 2010

when usihg hot mail i can type in the e mail address but the curser will not appear in the reply section After switching from Google to Yahoo the problem was solved.

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Server :: Junk Email - How To Make Address As Trusted

Nov 12, 2010

I have a domain address and I keep my website in the server at my home. I use bind for DNS. I opened an email address for myself, but when I send an email to for example hotmail, gmail, it signs that as junk or spam. How can I make this address as trusted?

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Server :: Procmail Verify Email Address Is Valid?

Feb 10, 2011

We use procmail to reformat and filter email messages sent from many lead capture websites where the clients enter their reply email address manually.When we receive the message at our application we send a welcome email, and receive back the Undeliverable Email message where the clients entries are invalid, but I would like to be able to kill messages with undeliverable email addresses on our mail server before they are delivered to our application.I have found discussions on filtering masqueraded addresses, but since the IP of the sending system is not related to the entered client's email address, this does not appear to help. I would think that it should be able to query the email server to identify if the address is valid.

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Server :: Setting Up Email Address For Outgoing Mail

Dec 1, 2009

I have setup mail server on Ubuntu 9.10 and it's is working fine.I am using Webmin to addministrate my mail server.My Ubuntu server name abcs.I send a test mail from Wedmin for user gom.Why it keep adding InfoNet. What I would like is setup as

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Fedora Servers :: Email Sender Address - Postfix / Dovecot Etc

May 21, 2009

I have an email server configured with postfix, dovecot, saslauthd and squirrelmail. It works great. In fact I'd even say it works too well: in squirrelmail, I can configure any sender address and my server will accept it. Message will be sent, wether the sender's address is [URL] or [URL]. Is there any way of limiting it in such way that only [URL] is accepted as sender's address?

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Ubuntu Security :: Contact Form - Encode Email Address?

Feb 5, 2010

I get a lot of spam recently and I think is from my contact page... how do I encode my email address so that It won't be picked up by spam bots?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Get Email Address Pushing Emails Out To Phone?

Mar 26, 2010

I have a domain hosted with some remote host where I pay $10 a month and they provide me with, among other things, a bunch of email addresses. One of these addresses is my default address I use for everything and is I no longer have a Blackberry, I switched over to a HTC Hero with Google Android so I'm wondering how I could get that email address pushing emails out to my phone. Android supports Exchange but the licenses are too expensive for me. Is there an Ubuntu alternative to make this work somehow?

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Ubuntu :: Stop Evolution Adding The Sender's Email Address?

Nov 13, 2010

how to stop Evolution adding the sender's email address, that is the one who sent it to me, in the body of the email when I forward it? I have been through the settings and help and am so far unable to find any action I can take.

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