Ubuntu One :: Installed Bindwood Now Cannot Login

Apr 18, 2010

I set up Ubuntu One on two of my systems last night. It was working well synchronizing notes and a few files I experimented with. This afternoon I installed bindwood on my primary system and gave it keyring permission, etc. Firefox was unresponsive for a little while the first time I ran it with bindwood, then seemed to be fine. Now I can't log in to Ubuntu One on the web. Additionally, I'm now unable to synchronize Tomboy notes with either of my two systems. The error I get when I try to log into Ubuntu One on the web is: (the error number changes each time I try to log in)

"Something has gone wrong (500) This is a reboot. We've recorded this problem and it will get investigated with the logs. If this problem is urgent, please file a bug report and include this number: OOPS-ID-1569appserver110751".

I'm not sure if I should file a bug report or just wait a while to see if this resolves. I've decided I don't need bindwood and removed it - however now I'm still unable to log in. I tried to log in and to sync. notes on my secondary system (the one that never had bindwood installed) and it is similarly unable to log in or sync. On both systems I have cleared all firefox caches, active logins, and cookies.

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Ubuntu One :: Cannot Delete Bookmarks - Bindwood Sends Them Back

Jan 24, 2010

The only problem is I'm having trouble with Bindwood, the bookmark synchronising program. I'm on 9.10 and using firefox and whenever I try and delete a bookmark it just appears in my bookmarks next time I restart firefox.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04, Installed Slim Login Mgr Now Menu Does Not Load?

May 2, 2011

So, upgraded and then installed slim b/c I wanted to have a nice login screen but now when logging in all I get is the background, no menu no panels no nothing, had to manually create a shortcut to firefox to get help, anyone know how to manually start the menu and/or how to fix.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Newly Installed 10.10 - Can't Get Pass Login Screen?

Nov 24, 2010

my OLD unit was Win XP SP2 i installed ubuntu 10.10 desktop, from cd, on it(NOT DUAL BOOT)

ECS P4M800-M
P4 - 1.8 GHZ
1x1GB + 1x512MB RAM

i had no problems with the installation, no errors


DAY 3 i tried to install Win XP SP2 again when i boot up it shows "Boot from CD: Press any key to boot from CD....", then i press enter there a blinking underscore, in the upper left, in a black background for a few seconds and then boots up ubuntu i tried to use KillDisk(Free) but it hangs up, just like the boot menu i cant move up, down and enter to choose an option and then im thinking i can't use killdisk because it is for NTFS, am correct? DAY 4 ANOTHER = another fresh installed 10.04, my same cd, in another cpu which boots up with no problem and doesnt ask for user/pass because i selected automatic login MINE = my 'problematic' hdd which can't enter desktop in my cpu now i inserted ANOTHER in my cpu and it gets the same problem. asks for user/pass and cant go to desktop now i inserted MINE on ANOTHER's cpu and it boots up properly and doest ask for a user/pass now i dont know what to do. i can accept the fact that i can't use ubuntu, on my cpu, but i still want to know why.

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Ubuntu :: Installed 10.10 - Black Screen And A Lot Of Codes And Stuff Pop Up - How To Login

Dec 26, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.10, and I really have no idea how to login. When I first start it up, it is a black screen and a lot of codes and stuff pop up. It says to login, so I do, but I don't know how to get past that. How do I get to the desktop? I have no one else to turn to...

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Fedora Installation :: F11 Installed But Boot Won't Get To Login / What To Do?

Sep 22, 2009

No problems during installation (except DVD didn't automatically eject at end).

On booting, I got a bar across the foot of the screen (shades of blue, which then changed to white with Fedora 11 on RHS); then waited ... no change, no keyboard or mouse response.
Repeated the whole installation again - same result.

Then installed Fedora 9 and it booted OK; using Admin/Display showed a default CRT and XGI Volari Z7 video card.

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Fedora :: Installed Kmod; Now Can't Get To Login Screen?

Feb 24, 2010

I installed Kmod just earlier today. I also updated everything else today. After i rebooted, the text boot said "enabling nvidia driver [ok]", but it never leaves the text boot! It freezes after "Registering binary handler for Windows applications: [ok]".

What can i do!?

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CentOS 5 :: No Login Manager Installed / Or In Repos?

May 11, 2010

I use KDE but there is no login manager at all, no KDM or even GDM.I have to login from the console and startx each boot.Not especially problematic but I can't understand it. Apparently there is GDM installed but I don't know how to set it to run at bootup, as it's not a daemon (is it?).And I can't find a KDM package in any repo I have tried.

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Software :: Installed Theme Now Login Takes Several Minutes?

Mar 6, 2009

I installed a theme the other day, along with some fonts and some icons. Immediately after that, the time from logging in until I see the desktop is horrible, several minutes. I've removed (as best I can tell anyway) the theme, fonts, and icons, but the delay is still present. Any tips on where I might look to find the source of the trouble? I've tried moving to a different virtual terminal after logging in at the Gnome display manager (this is on ubuntu 8.10), so I could hopefully look at the running processes but the delay happens there as well. Once the desktop becomes visible everything seems to run at normal speed.

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General :: Installed Slackware - Host Login On Restart?

Apr 10, 2011

I just installed slackware on my pc. The installation went fine (I think). When I am trying to turn the computer on, I am asked to type the "host login". As I can remember I didn't write any username, or password. But as it seems, I have to type this in to login. I tried with "root", then this comes up "root@host:^#" if this is right, what should I type here to get further...

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General :: Installed Open Webmail - Existing Users Cannot Login

May 18, 2010

I am using qmailserver. I login through webmail but today I installed openwebmail instead of webmail. Its ok, but I cannot login my existing users. It login only new users which I created. and email id come with fully qualified name like saran@www.example.com, so I need saran@example.com. How I do this?

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CentOS 5 :: Installed "Server - GUI" - Got Text Mode Login Prompt

Apr 29, 2010

I installed CentOS 5.4 in a Virtualbox instance using the text mode installer. The GUI installer crashes. I chose the "Server (GUI)" option when installing the system, but upon completion of the install, I'm presented with a text mode login screen. Logging in as root drops me to a shell in text mode as I would expect.

What exactly IS "Server (GUI)?" I was thinking it would be a stripped down X11 desktop.

The main role of the Virtualbox instance is to run a server stack that we run on other CentOS machines, but I want Eclipse and perhaps just a few other GUI tools on it, without all the kitchen-sink crap that (I assume, coming from the Ubuntu world) comes with a "Desktop" install.

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Fedora :: Installed Vsftpd By "yum -y Install Vsftpd",disabled Anonymous Login And Set?

Feb 5, 2010

I have installed vsftpd by "yum -y install vsftpd",disabled anonymous login and set .When I use a linux client's file browser to login using a user account "ftpacc" by ftp://ip_address, its location is "/" instead of /home/ftpacc".When I use a window client to login, its location is "/home/ftpacc"

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unplanned Visits To Login Window - Taken To Login Screen Three Times

Aug 18, 2010

I have used Ubuntu since 7-4; I now have 10.4. However, in the last week I have been taken to the login screen three times. This could be potentially calamitous. Ctrl+Alt +Backspace have by default been disable since 9-4. There is no way I am pressing atl+Prtscr +K. I wonder if there is a new zap command in 10.4, and if so, how to disable it. I have never found the need to go back back to the login window. I am generally using the command line when doing this.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Login - Enter Password - Login Sound Plays And Stuck Looking At The Wallpaper

Oct 10, 2010

I just finished installing 10.10 on my pc. the problem is that i cant login to the desktop i enter the password, the login sound plays and im stuck looking at the wallpaper. nothing else. i tried logging in safe mode and it worked. how can i get it to work normally?

pc specs:
Pentium 4 2.6 ghz
512mb ram
ati radeon 9600 graphics card

And i installed it using wubi.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Login / After Couple Seconds Returned To The Login Splash Screen?

Oct 10, 2010

I recently powered up my netbook... Selected my user log in, entered my password, and after a couple seconds I briefly see what looks to be the console and am returned to the login splash screen... I can Ctrl+Alt+F2 to get to the console and log in... but that is as far as I can get. This is the case for Gnome, Remix, and Remix 2D.

I can sudo apt-get (update, upgrade, etc) as well. It is the right password because if I type in a wrong one it presents an authentication failure dialog box.

How can I fix my log in screen and get to my desktop? I am Currently running 10.04.... waiting to get 10.10

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Ubuntu :: Slim Login Manager Preventing Computer From Booting To Login Screen

Aug 4, 2011

yesterday i installed slim login manager on my computer (eee pc 1018p, ubuntu 11.04), and now it cannot get passed the ubuntu loading screen (with orange dots underneath) when booting. i tried booting into recovery mode and that didn't work either. i also left the computer trying to boot overnight and that didn't work.
basically, during this loading screen that should eventually bring you to the login screen, i can alt+tab to see the progress of the load. the progress is stuck on

Is there anything I can do from grub to remove slim?or, is there any way I can access my ubuntu partition and save all my files?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Starts In Console Tyy1 Login Then Goes To Normal Login

Dec 24, 2010

I don't what happened but yesterday I was working normally and then I shutdown the computer, today when I opened ubuntu it took me to tyy1 login screen, I entered my username and password then it took me to the normal login screen with the login drums sound and it wrote on my account (logged in) so I clicked it and I entered my password again and then I got to my ubuntu so what went wrong and how to fix it also I noticed that a new terminal in system tools occurred called Kernel (I didn't add it)

I'm using ubuntu 10.10 on Dell inspiron 1520 with Nvidia 8600GT and 3GB RAM

Important: this happened after update to generic-headers-24

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Ubuntu :: Login - Enter My Password To Login The Screen Becomes Black And Return Me Again

Apr 15, 2011

I just bought this desktop from my friend and it runs win 7 and ubuntu 10.04. it worked very well the first two days until I changed the hostname of the system.

I did like: hostname myNewName

And everything worked fine. The problem now is when I start ubuntu and and reach username and password screen , I enter my password to login the screen becomes black and return me again to the screen where I put my password again. If I entered wrong password , the system message stating wrong password. On the other hand, when I try to run ubuntu from live-cd I can login easily and access my account.

My friend told me he removed Naultius package and reinstall it for some reason before he gave it to me. Note windows 7 is working properly.

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General :: DBUS >=1.0.0. Installed Libdubs-dev Is Not Installed?

Jan 18, 2011

I am trying to compile VLC code base on my Fedora5 system. I am getting the error when i am trying to run ./configure command.DBUS >=1.0.0. installed libdubs-dev is not installedwhat should I do. I have already installed DBUS (1.4.1).

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Ubuntu :: On Booting System I Get Login Menu But Unable To Login, It Says Some Critical Error Occurred?

Mar 15, 2010

System was fine with :Ubuntu 9.04 (had also installed kde )then....I wanted to try some change to gdm so i downloaded gdm while building it , it asked "PAM" libraries to be installed so i installed PAM ... but ignored the instruction to reinstall SHADOW (library i guess..),Now :on booting system i get login menu but i am not able to login , it says some critical error occured

1) install new copy of UBUNTU and remove old

ps :1) i can log into system through live cd

2) i can use recovery mode boot and log into terminal as root(startx is not working from this terminal..

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10: Login In Just Brings Me Back To Login Screen?

Jun 5, 2010

I have just did an upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10. I am planning to go to 10.04 . After the upgrade everything was ok but I noticed the GRUB was still legacy. So I updated my GRUB to GRUB2. Now when I boot, after entering my logon-id and password, it just brings me back to the login-id screen (to logon on). Any indication of what is wrong and how I should fix this ?

I have no encryptions. [added comments] Currently reading thread about login loop bug with 9.10 Followed instructions about possible missing pre-release update but even if it did do updates, I am still login screen looping. Doing additional researches until someone answers with the fix.
did :
CTRL + ALT + F1 switch to one virtual console
sudo service gdm stop


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Ubuntu :: Login But Almost Immediately Kicks Back To The Login Screen?

Sep 28, 2010

When I try to login with my username, the one I created when I installed the OS, it seems to try to login but almost immediately kicks back to the login screen. No authentication error it just seems to just logout? The only change I made since last successful login was to add ". .alias" to the .profile file - the only entries in the .alias file are comments and "alias" commands. I have one other username but it is not in the sudo's list of users so I can not change anything in the master login.

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Ubuntu :: Login Password No Longer Matches Login Keyring?

Nov 18, 2010

I just updated to 10.10 (), but I have one problem. I changed my password a few days ago, and now whenever I log on, It comes up with the attached message, and I have to type in my OLD password to connect to wireless.

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Ubuntu :: Freeze After Login In 10.10 (no Mouse Movement And Only Login Bg Visible)?

Feb 15, 2011

I installed xorg-edgers around the time the issue started, but I install and uninstall packages so often its hard to tell if this was the cause. Regardless, I ppa-purged the xorg-edgers ppa, reinstalled the proprietary nvidia drivers, and created a new user account, to no avail. I also wiped the /tmp directory, and reinstalled compiz, and tried dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg.

So far nothing has worked; I've checked out dmesg and /var/log/syslog, and nothing seems to be amiss, but admittedly I'm not sure what exactly to look for. I have a feeling its an issue with X being broken now, regardless of my attempts to downgrade, but I don't know how to go about correcting it.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Login With The Same Username And Password - Invalid Login

Apr 18, 2011

I have a problem regarding the ubuntu enterprise cloud. I have installed CC,CLC,SC,NC and a client and logged into thje user interface using my browser for the first time with bith username and passwd as admin and downloaded the credentials.But now as I try to login with the same username and passwd, it says that its an invalid login. I understand we have to change the password on the first login but i don't remember doing the same.

I tried recover password option and gave the user name as admin and email address as my gmail id. It says that I have to follow the instructions sent to the mail, but there is no mail sent I have done it like 5 or 6 times with different mail ids

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Ubuntu :: Package Seems Not Installed While It Actually Is Installed

Mar 24, 2011

i have to use lh command. I have installed all updates for ubuntu, live-build (the package for lh) and its updates. So my system is fully updated.When i hit "lh" command i get the following message: The program 'lh' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:

sudo apt-get install live-build

When i do type: "sudo apt-get install live-build" i get:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
live-build is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

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Ubuntu Security :: Bad Login Protocols - Graphical Login For Gnome Sizes Itself To Accommodate A User's Exact Password Length

Dec 14, 2010

I'm seeing really bad user login format under a standard installation and am wondering why ubuntu does this as default. I have noticed that the graphical login for gnome sizes itself to accommodate a user's exact password length. This indicates to me that somewhere on the unencrypted part of a standard installation with user encryption contains at least some indication of the content of the password length which seems a security flaw even if not a complete hole, it majorly reduces the number of attempts a cracker would have to cycle through.

And that's assuming that *only* the length is contained. Furthermore it seems that it would be MUCH better to simply display the number of characters entered into the pw field and allowing the gui to expand itself from an fixed size as the field is filled out so the the user still receives visual feedback for entering characters. Either a simple character count display should be entered into the field or a 10 dot to new line so that one can visually quickly count the number enter by multiplying from a 10base graphical observation.

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Ubuntu :: Run Application Before Gdm (login Screen Or Auto Login)

Feb 22, 2010

I have program that work like Fedora Firstboot it's run only one time after finish installation. I have two questions to ask.

1. How can I start this application before gdm start (login screen or auto login)

2. How can I start this application in fix display resolution (800x600)

My method now is

(This is a part of script , this script execute from /etc/init.d/myfirstboot , I create symlink to /etc/rc2.d/S1myfirstboot for start it before anything)

gdm-stop # first time I use /etc/init.d/gdm stop
export DISPLAY
/usr/bin/Xorg :1 &


I don't understand why first time firstboot start the system will auto loging in but not complete yet and then my script is start and it's work does not fine I think that is another user is already login , but if I re run my firstboot again and again (by setting something that can revoke my firstboot and restart) it's work before auto login and every things is ok!

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Taking To The Login Console And Not Graphical Login?

May 1, 2010

I just installed 10.04, and its taking me to the console login, rather than the graphical login. When I tried the live cd, the graphical environment was good. But after installation, I dont get the graphical login , so that I can get into the desktop.

I have a ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 card on ThinkPad T60. Everything was working on 8.10, and I decided to install 10.04 and now it doesnt work.

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