Ubuntu One :: Cannot Delete Bookmarks - Bindwood Sends Them Back

Jan 24, 2010

The only problem is I'm having trouble with Bindwood, the bookmark synchronising program. I'm on 9.10 and using firefox and whenever I try and delete a bookmark it just appears in my bookmarks next time I restart firefox.

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General :: Logging In Sends Back To Xubuntu Login Screen?

Feb 17, 2010

When I start up my computer Xubuntu is asking me to login (which is strange as I have login disabled). Then, when I do enter my password, it is accepted and after a few screen changes I am returned to the login screen. (I know the password is correct as the login screen informs you immediately if you enter it incorrectly.) Also, I can see that my display settings have been changed--the monitor resolution is wrong--my cursor is way big as are buttons, text etc..

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Ubuntu :: Can't Change (add, Delete, Move) Bookmarks In Firefox?

Feb 7, 2010

Don't even know where this error comes from, or why, but as the title says - bookmarks are in total lockdown. no error messagessimply no change when I add or delete or move bookmarks.

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OpenSUSE :: Putting The Menus And Bookmarks Back On Dolphin

May 17, 2010

I've stripped all the menus and bookmarks off my Dolphin window. It's like this image now:

How do I put them back on?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lost Emails , Bookmarks And Pictures After Upgrade To Lucid / Need Back

May 5, 2010

I upgraded from Karmic to Lucid (Ubuntu 10.04) a few days ago (without backing up any data first). At first everything seemed fine but yesterday three things happened:

1. All my emails and address book have disappeared in Thunderbird. When I started Thunderbird, it took me through the wizard and seems to have overwritten my profile with a new one. There is only one profile in the Thunderbird folder and it seems to contain no emails and only a new, blank address book (the small size of the folder backs this up. I searched the hard drive but found no other emails or address book files.

2. My bookmarks have disappeared from Google Chrome. Again, it seems to have created a new, blank bookmark file. The bookmark.bak file is similarly blank and when I search I can find no other bookmark files.

3. The Pictures folder (in the home folder) is now empty; suggesting that ubuntu has either overwritten the Pictures folder with a new blank folder or deleted all the files in it. Again, when I search the hard drive for jpg files, it doesn't find any of the pictures that were in the Pictures folder.

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Ubuntu One :: Installed Bindwood Now Cannot Login

Apr 18, 2010

I set up Ubuntu One on two of my systems last night. It was working well synchronizing notes and a few files I experimented with. This afternoon I installed bindwood on my primary system and gave it keyring permission, etc. Firefox was unresponsive for a little while the first time I ran it with bindwood, then seemed to be fine. Now I can't log in to Ubuntu One on the web. Additionally, I'm now unable to synchronize Tomboy notes with either of my two systems. The error I get when I try to log into Ubuntu One on the web is: (the error number changes each time I try to log in)

"Something has gone wrong (500) This is a reboot. We've recorded this problem and it will get investigated with the logs. If this problem is urgent, please file a bug report and include this number: OOPS-ID-1569appserver110751".

I'm not sure if I should file a bug report or just wait a while to see if this resolves. I've decided I don't need bindwood and removed it - however now I'm still unable to log in. I tried to log in and to sync. notes on my secondary system (the one that never had bindwood installed) and it is similarly unable to log in or sync. On both systems I have cleared all firefox caches, active logins, and cookies.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 "Edit Bookmarks" Missing / Get Them Back?

Jul 24, 2011

Normal access for deleting a folder bookmark would be Places > Bookmarks > Edit Bookmarks -or- as I remember, right click on bookmark > remove bookmark...

This machine seems to have those functions missing. I need to delete some old bookmarks that don't exist anymore.

If I go to Edit menu's to try to add if to the menu, Places and bookmark things are not there. Anyone know how to get around this? Even if manually?

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Ubuntu :: Delete The Previous Partition But It Kept Coming Back

Nov 28, 2010

I recently installed 10.10 netbook remix on my Samsung N150 netbook alongside Windows 7 Starter. At the time of the first installation one of the forward buttons wasn't showing up so I was stuck and had to reboot and restart the installation. This happened after I had made the partition for Ubuntu so when I got back to that stage in installation there was already a partition made. I tried to delete the previous partition but it kept coming back so I made another partition for Ubuntu and installed it.

It was working fine apart from a problem with the right-click and dragging icons. Then I updated the grub and after restarting the machine my grub disappeared and I was left with a black screen with a blinking cursor. I reinstalled Ubuntu again using my external HD with new partitions (the same thing happened where the partitions kept coming back after trying to delete). Now my Windows won't load up and just goes straight to recovery. After I restored it the grub disappeared again.

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General :: Delete File, And Can't Get It Back?

Jan 30, 2010

after so many times deleting staff for mistake.I am unable to get it back from my external hard drive.I use Ubuntu 8.04 LTS and I have all my staff on external hardrive.


Z:----> Media -----> FreeAgent Drive

After delete I knew was her



, I did all the search I can possible think of.and i dint have any good look can any one please help me out on this issue?.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installed On Back Up - How To Delete Windows HDD

Jun 12, 2010

My desktop computer has 2 hardrives, one 70gb and one 40gb, previously, the 40gb was windows XP and the 70gb was a backup, I decided to install opensuse on the 70gb backup, and now I want to wipe out the 40gb HDD that has windows xp and turn that into a back up.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Delete The Gamers Edition To Get Back To My Original Single Boot 10.10?

Dec 4, 2010

I have a laptop with 2 x different versions of Ubuntu installed as follows:

Ubuntu 10.10 on a partition; and
Ubuntu ultimate edition gamers (based on ubuntu 10.10 I believe).

I've only recently installed the gamers edition as a dual boot to see what it looks like. Now I've had a play around with it I've realised that I don;t really like it.What's the quickest/easiest way of reverting back to my original ubuntu 10.10 as a single boot? I don't want to re-install 10.10 - I was hoping I could delete the gamers edition to get back to my original single boot 10.10.

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General :: Boot - Delete Backtrack From The System And Go Back To Windows 7?

Oct 18, 2010

I installed Ubuntu, with a dual boot functionality and worked great. I was recommended Backtrack 4 and I installed it in the system. Now, I try to use the dual boot with Backtrack, Ubuntu and Windows 7 and only Backtrack works. I tried the restore disks that I created when I got the laptop, but the problem persists. s there a way to delete this Backtrack from the system and go back to Windows 7?

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SUSE / Novell :: Sort And Delete Directory Going Back For Years?

Nov 15, 2010

Got directories dated of 2009 2008, What is the best way to ls the directories, sort them by date, redirect the output to a file and then delete them?

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Debian :: Delete Back Over White Spaces They Stay White Out?

Oct 10, 2010

here is what is in my file:


i have xterminus installed. i also have a white block over the first letter in my username and when i begin typing, the 'block-type cursor' just leaves full white spaces behind and i cannot read my text at all. even when i delete back over the white spaces, they stay whited out.

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Ubuntu :: Thunderbird Sends Mail Only When Started By Root?

Dec 23, 2010

I have 2 email accounts set up in Thunderbird - one is gmail and the other was given me by our server admins few years ago. Everything works fine on windows but when I try to send something from the second account (not gmail) in ubuntu it says that password is incorrect. Ive double checked all settings and seems like everything set correct. Now the most interesting part: when I set up this account as root (gksu thunderbird and then do same as I did under my account) everything works perfect.

I found only one thread at this forum with same issue and sure it's not solved [URL]..

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Networking :: Scp Sends Ok But Stalls On Receiving

Aug 17, 2010

I have set up a server using Suse, which I have done several times. This one is running 11.2 'Emerald'. It has 2 network cards. One is connected to a bt router with a static ip, and the other is for the internal network. The server is used as the gateway for the internet via masquerading. I have 2 issues, which I suspect are related. I can ssh to and from the server fine, but if I try to scp a file, it is fine sending to a remote machine, but stalls if I try the other way.

It also stalls if I try and send from the remote machine to this one. I have tried debug mode, but no 'error's occur, it just stalls.The internet connection is also very slow and sometimes stalls, so there may be a link.I am not new to linux, but this has me baffled. This server replaced a Suse 10.2 server with similar config, and that worked fine.The firewall allows ssh, so I don't think its that.

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Software :: Name Of App That Sends Virtual Keystrokes?

Jul 9, 2010

I cannot remember the name of an app I once found that sends keystrokes from terminal. I believe it started with the letter t and was only a few letters long...

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Ubuntu :: Change Operating System That Firefox Sends To Server?

Jun 15, 2010

I'm trying to sign up to office-live but I'm getting this error. Is it possible to report to office-live that I'm using windows so I should be able to use the service.

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Ubuntu :: Boots Into Tty1 Terminal / Pressing Alt+F1 Through 6 Just Sends Into The Different Tty Terminals?

Feb 7, 2010

I bought an imac G3 yesterday and it has xubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake installed on it. When i turn it on, after it POSTs, a little xubuntu logo appears it it begins to load 'essential drivers' and mount the file system, etc. After it is done doing that, it simply prompts me into a CLI that on the top says "Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS ubuntu tty1". It asks for my username and password, and then it just keeps me in this tty1 terminal. I did some research online and supposedly by pressing alt+F7 you can exit the tty terminals and go back into GUI mode. Well pressing alt+F7 does nothing, and pressing alt+F1 through 6 just sends me into the different tty terminals.

I am very new to Linux so if someone could give me an idiot proof explanation on either how to fix it or whether im screwed and just need to reinstall xubuntu on here.

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Fedora :: F13 Sends Corrupted Files Over Bluetooth?

Jul 21, 2010

It seems there is a bug with F13Files send over Bluetooth to my WM phone are corrupted.When I send files, the Bluetooth transfer starts normal, then when the transfer finishes the window stays open (like it does not complete the transfer).I am unable to run or use that files on the WM (they are binary or data) so I assume they are corrupted. I have no problem with Ubuntu/Opensuse (I have a test disk with Ubuntu and OpenSuse) only with F13.

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OpenSUSE :: KMail Sends It's Authentication String?

Feb 23, 2010

I just installed my version of 11.2 and am slowly setting up the software I need to make my Windows box an expensive paperweight. I recently set up my KMail to receive mail on my POP3 acct. I only recently had reason to send an email to myself at work to remind me to do something. When I hit send this is what I got:


And it was in the clear. hmmmm. Is this how KMail sends it's authentication string? I have never really looked at SMTP or POP packets so maybe they all send them like this but I was a bit shocked when it came up like that. What if someone had been looking over my shoulder?

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General :: Secure Distro That Sends Traffic Through Tor?

Aug 2, 2011

I'm looking for a live Linux distro that is secure and preserves my anonymity online. For what I need, Tor seems to do the job - but such software requires configuration that someone who is not knowledgeable in how it works might find difficult. I was looking at 'Lightweight portable security' but it does not specify whether it sends all traffic through Tor. Does anyone know more information about it and/or any other such live Linux distro?

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General :: Can Attachment Sends Through Mail Command

Nov 3, 2010

how can attachment sends through mail command in linux with mail command either with mail -s or -v option also please confirm how to download the attachments from it . and how one should knows with mail command that attachment is present with the particular mail

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Ubuntu Servers :: Postfix Correctly Sends Mail Externally, Won't Receive It?

Oct 29, 2010

Alright guys, I've looked over every thread regarding this issue on this forum, and many others; yet I cannot find out why my mail is being bounced without error from my external gmail account.From what I've seen, you guys need to start off by seeing my postconf -n

alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases


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Debian Configuration :: Smdadm Sends No Mail While Booting

Oct 13, 2015

It's hard to understand the whole systemd stuff. Specially in combination with mdadm and sendmail. My goal is to get a mail every boot about the state of the RAID. Also get a mail when someone is wrong with the RAID while my computer is running. How I can reach this target I don't care especially. It just has to be a Debian package and stable

OK, to the story: I made a while ago an dist-upgrade from wheezy to jessie. Before, everything works fine. I boot my computer, the RAID gets checked and a mail was sent to my email-address with the state of my RAID and the disks of it. For this I followed a HowTo from [URL] .... After the upgrade, I dont get a mail anymore.

Here some details.

Actually installed: Debian 8.2 Jessie

Code: Select allsystemctl status mdadm-raid -l
● mdadm-raid.service - LSB: MD array assembly
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/mdadm-raid)
   Active: active (exited) since Son 2015-10-11 16:11:34 CEST; 21min ago
  Process: 281 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/mdadm-raid start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Okt 11 16:11:34 xy-server mdadm-raid[281]: Generating udev events for MD arrays...done.

[Code] ....

When I execute

Code: Select allecho "This is a test e-mail from my server using msmtp" | msmtp -d xyz@gmx.net
Code: Select allmdadm --monitor --scan --test --oneshot

Everything works. I get the mails like I need it. In my opinion it's not a problem of the mail configuration. It seems, there is no network when the RAID get's started and the mails want to be send.

What I'm wondering is also, that obviously the

is ignored by systemd and only the
/lib/systemd/system/mdmonitor.service is executed. But while booting the RAID get's startet with /etc/init.d/mdadm-raid and this should read the /etc/default/mdadm. Right? Confusing!

Anyway, is there a way, how I can easy change the order (without any side-effects) of the startup for the network and the RAID. I can't figure out, which unit I have to change, that it will work. Or maybe is there another solution? Like I mentioned, it's just have to work with Debian stable packages

There are various units who sounds nice, but wich one is the correct one?

- network-online.target
- network.target
- system-ifup.slice
- ifup@eth0.service

- local-fs.target
- mdadm-raid.service
- mdmonitor.service
- -.mount

And how can I be sure, that every dependency of the network units doesn't depend on a filesystem unit?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Root Sends Reboot Signal?

May 26, 2010

My server is opensuse 11.1 I recently wrote a small script to quickly shut down or reboot my server (I needed this because I need to close an application manually before shutting down. The shutdown line in the script was: /sbin/shutdown -r now When I tested the script (as root) from the console terminal, It worked just fine but after reboot strange things started to happen if I logged in as root - while the mouse works, the keyboard freezes (rebooting the server does not help). While I can still use console terminal, if I try to start any application that requires root permission or log in as root from my sftp client then I will get an error on the server that says; broadcast message from root (time & date), the system is going down for reboot now! I have since commented out level 6 in my inittab, so that now when root sends a reboot signal and It shows the message about going to reboot, it does not actually go into reboot anymore because of the commented out line but that is ofcourse not an healthy way to go about it.

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Server :: Running Process That Sends Email When Returns 0?

Jul 20, 2010

a file or a process that is always running and pinging for example [URL]. returning 1 or 0, when returns 0 (that means have no response) do something else. i already made the something else, basicly sends an email etc.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Apache Sends Php Source Code To XMLHttpRequest?

Jan 12, 2010

I think I put my question on a wrong sub-forum. My problem is I can't get apache to produce right output to XMLHttpRequest responseText but instead it displays php source code. On another server the same code works as it should.

When I open the php script on a browser window it works as it should.

this is the thread in programming sub-forum Apache sends php source code to Ajax - openSUSE Forums

I'm using Firefox 3.04 and SuSE 11.1

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Server :: Dhcpd - Keep Lease Even If Device Sends Expiration Packet?

Jul 13, 2011

I have a dhcpd server running CentOS and Webmin. I noticed in my lists of expired leases some of the lease times are only a few hours even thought I have lease length set to 1 week. I want to keep a lease for a week even if the device requests that it be expired. Is there some way I can do this in dhcpd? I am attaching a screenshot of some of my lease times listed in Webmin.

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Server :: Postfix Sends Mail To SPAM In Gemail (CentOS)?

Apr 16, 2011

I'm new here and I'm sure this question has been thrown around a lot but I just couldn't find a solution. I have a networking website I've setup and we need to send notification mails to our members depending on activity related to their profiles(messages, comments etc).We are hosting the site on Centos5.6 with VirtualMin and are using Postfix as our MTA. We also use google apps for email on the site. Heres the problem, the mails go through for some gmail users but more often than not, they end up in gmail,hotmail and yahoo spam.We've setup the appropriate SPF codes on the server, DKIM and rDNS works fine.v=spf1 ip4:xx.xx.xx.xx a mx include:_spf.google.com ~all Below is a sample email that goes directly into gmail spam. I've replaced the actual values with dummy text (Ip, Domain etc)

Delivered-To: my.email@gmail.com
Received: by with SMTP id s5cs223598wfo;
Fri, 15 Apr 2011 08:38:22 -0700 (PDT)


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