Ubuntu One :: Editing Name In Web Log-in

Apr 11, 2010

If I log in to my Ubuntu One page on Windows, the name at the top right-had side of the page is different to my Account name. How do I change this? (My Account name is correct, the name on the web page is wrong)

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Editing - Editing Directly To /boot/grub/grub.cfg?

Jun 6, 2010

I have an old laptop that I installed EasyPeasy Lucid on. I have never used Grub2 as my other Ubuntu installs still use Grub Legacy. I have studied all the tutorials which instruct that the grub.cfg file should not be edited directly.This old laptop has one of the dreaded Intel graphics chips for which the kernel automatically loads the i915 module. Of course (like a multitude of others with Intel graphics and Lucid) I booted into a black screen but knew the workaround was to enable mode setting through grubI used the

and added it to /etc/default/grub line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX, just after "quite splash", just


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Ubuntu :: Grub 1.97 Beta4 Editing

Jan 26, 2010

I have grub 1.97 on carmic , with too many items in it. Start up manager , great for hardy and jaunty , is not working. What is the best way to remove unneeded items and change wait time for grub ?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Editing HD MKV Videos ?

Apr 14, 2010

I'm trying to find a program where I can edit some hd mkv files. I want to cut pieces of them out and put them together. I was using avidemux but when I went to save it again it said I needed the start point to be a keyframe. It allowed me to save it as an avi, but the color was distorted. I am fine with using avidemux if I can get around this keyframe problem.

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Ubuntu :: Editing Partitions By Hand?

Apr 26, 2010

I am looking to set up a separate /home partition and am getting somewhat confused. On an old system I practised resizing the partitions and feel reasonably confident in the mechanics.

Currently my drive is /dev/sda1 an ext4 file system with a mount point of / ;
/dev/sda2 and extended partition and /dev/sda5 a linux swap.

I propose to reduce the sda1 to about 10GiB for Karmic and allocate the bulk of the remainder to /home. It is this point that I start to have difficulty. I have seen screen shots which show a mount point of /home and for the life of me I have been unable so far to see how this is created. This has been further confused when looking at the subject in my latest copy of Linux Format (132) where it shows an example where dev/sda1 if NTFS, sda2 as ext3 and a mount point of /home, sda3 as ext4 and mount point of / finally sda4 being a Linux swap.

I wish at the end of the day to have Karmic as my OS with a separate /home partition with the view that once Lucid has settled down that I adopt it.

What I would like to know is how having reduced sda1 do I proceed. As sda1 is an ext4 file system should the /home be also ext4 or like the example in the magazine of ext3? How is the mount point for /home named? Finally should I attempt to have /dev/sda number sequentially or let things stick as at present I imagine that if I delete the current extended and swap before reducing the /dev/sda1 then that should get things to run in sequence.

I intend to use a live DVD to let me work with the partitions as this should be safer than messing about with my current partitions when mounted.

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Ubuntu :: Editing A .torrent File?

May 16, 2010

how to go about editing a .torrent file?

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Ubuntu :: Original GNU Grub 1.97 - Editing Possible?

Aug 15, 2010

I think this is the default view of GRUB2 as installed by some other OS, (I think Chameleon)... But even they must have done this by editing something in the original GNU GRUB 1.97. Is that possible to accomplish. If yes, how?

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Ubuntu :: Editing System Settings From CLI

Aug 19, 2010

I have a box that is setup for a Desktop environment. I've full screened terminal, but it still try to sleep the display every few minutes. How do I change this? Or better yet, just boot up in console only mode.

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Ubuntu :: Editing ISO For A Current Distro?

Dec 24, 2010

I want to take an existing ISO, like Xubuntu 10.10, and edit it before I install it. For instance, I don't need Orage, most of the games, the file sharing apps, etc., but do want Ubuntu Tweak, Audacious, Audacity, etc. Is it possible to do this from a GUI in a reasonably straightforward manner?I've played around with remastersys and ISO Master. The former apparently doesn't do what I want, since it only works on the distro I already have installed, and I can't figure out how to get the latter to work. The instructions on the community documentation involve more command line work than I feel comfortable with, plus you can't edit a 32-bit iso on a 64-bit machine, and I need to be able do to that. I want to set up the distro to run on my 32-bit netbook.

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Ubuntu :: Error On Editing .bashrc?

Dec 28, 2010

I get the following error on editing my .bashrc file.How to fix it??

karthick@Ubuntu-desktop:~$ gedit .bashrc
(gedit:3934): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_bookmark_file_load_from_data: assertion `length != 0' failed


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Ubuntu :: Editing The Lubuntu Menu?

Jan 26, 2011

I'm running Lubuntu 10.10 and I would like a way, any way, to edit the Main Menu. No Alacarte does not work with Lubuntu unless you have Gnome installed and I do not plan on installing Gnome. Is there any other way to do this?

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Ubuntu :: Editing /etc/sudoers Don't Want To Mess Up Again

Feb 16, 2011

I edited my /etc/sudoers file the other day to add timestamp_timeout=0 to cause sudo to ask for a password every time. I used visudo in sudo mode and when it came to saving it appeared to want to save the file as sudoers.tmp so I edited this to sudoers. Anyway some how may edit failed. I booted up into terminal and reedited and somehow lost all access to the sudo mode. I think the file ended up with the wrong permissions.

After a fresh install I don't want to mess this up again. So please, please tell me how to save it. Should I save as sudoers.tmp or sudoers? I presume a could have made a typo, but am assuming not. I don't want to reinstall ubuntu and all the packages again.

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Ubuntu :: Editing An Entry In Grub2?

Feb 19, 2011

I have installed Sabayon 5.4 on my laptop besides Ubuntu 10.10. During installation of Sabayon I did not opt for a bootloader as I did not want to disturb the already existing Grub2 on MBR from my Ubuntu installation.After successful installation of Sabayon, I booted into Ubuntu and updated the Grub which detected Sabayon correctly. Then I rebooted and tried to boot into Sabayon but I could not do so. The booting process stopped with the following error -

Activating mdev
Detected real-root as md device. Setting up device node
Scanning for Volume Groups


So evidently, Grub has wrongly taken the values of root as /dev/md0 and swap as /dev/sda2.I again went back to Grub2 screen edited the Sabayon entry by replacing /dev/md0- with /dev/sda4 and swap:/dev/sda2 with swap:/dev/sda8 and pressed Ctrl+x. Now I was able to boot into Sabayon. how do I make these changes permanent. Which files should I edit so that Grub correctly read root as /dev/sda4 and swap as /dev/sda8?

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Ubuntu :: Editing Source Code ?

Mar 27, 2011

How to edit Ubuntu Source code to edit Ubuntu how I want? I know I am legally allowed to modify the code but I do not know how?

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Ubuntu :: Video Editing Software?

Apr 22, 2011

Can someone recommend a very user friendly video editing software? I don't even know where to begin to look for this. I"m not that savvy w/ video at all and need something very simplistic. I just want to upload a video I took on my point and shoot camera to my computer [which i can do] and then add a music track to it and have it fit or at least fade out. And then I want to upload it to the internet [flickr and/or facebook, .....] Movie maker in Windows does that so easily that a five year old can figure it out. I need it that easy.

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General :: Mass Editing Videos On Ubuntu?

Jun 3, 2010

i'm trying to add a watermark and a credits image to all of my old videos. i downloaded them off videos so they are all flv (h.264?). is there some software that will allow me do simple edits in batches? i know a little bit of python and tried looking at some of the library but they all seem like overkill (and way above my head). so is there a solution besides getting some software and going through all my videos and doing it manually?

they are all mostly the same length, but it would be nice to specify a relative position for my credits. e.g. show a static image for 10 seconds when the video is at 95%

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Ubuntu :: Best Non-linear Video Editing Program?

Jan 14, 2010

i tried kdenlive but it conflicts with pidgin and rhytmbox

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Ubuntu :: Editing Metacity.xml For The Radiance Theme?

Apr 30, 2010

I just want the radiance theme to have to title in the middle, how do I do it?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Film And Photo Editing?

Jun 3, 2010

I am a beginner with Ubuntu and I have limited knowledge with computers. I want to be able to professionally edit photos and film to create videos. Can you please let me know what programs would be good to download?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Editing Quicktime .mov Files?

Jun 4, 2010

I created a quicktime .mov movie file in iMovie on a Mac (that is not available anymore) and I want to 1) play & 2) edit the movie. I'd be happy to use a different format if I can figure out how to change it. Has anyone else done this?

Edit: If you skip down to post #16 you'll see I discovered it actually isn't a matter of editing a .mov file, but it turns out I don't have a properly exported quicktime .mov file. Instead I have (I'm not sure but I think its iMovie ver. 4.) 1) an .iMovieProj text file that lists the cuts by frame in and frame out, 2) an .mov file that isn't the complete file I thought it was and 3) a folder of all the clips that are in Apple's Quicktime DV format. In this thread people taught me about transcoding from the Apple's Quicktime DV format to liberated formats easier to work with. Given this knowledge and since I have a list of the cuts I'm asking if people could recommend a Linux video editor that would be easy to enter the tedious frame in, frame out info so I could reassemble the video.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Editing, Menu.lst Not Present?

Jun 16, 2010

Xubuntu: Grub Editing, Menu.lst not present

ver: 10.04 Lucid Lynx
performed update
Grub now features Redundant options upon boot
similar to the following
Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.32-22
Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.32-22 (recovery mode)
Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.32-21


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Ubuntu :: Editing The Grub Boot Manager

Jul 5, 2010

I've just installed Ubuntu 10.04. In previous versions I could edit the grub menu (menu.lst). Where can I find the menu.lst or it's equivalent in 10.04 ?

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Ubuntu :: Gedit Slow When Editing PHP Files?

Jul 10, 2010

This started a while back... but I'm not sure when. Whenever I'm editing one of my PHP files it takes 1+ seconds for it to write the letter I type. I tried it on HTML and it's perfectly fine. I tried going to .gconf/apps and deleting the gedit-2 file, but it didn't help. And I tried disabling the File Browser Pane plugin and it did nothing. And one more thing, it might just be some PHP files, because about half of mine are really slow like that, but the other half is perfectly fine.

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Ubuntu :: Editing Or Removing The LiveCD Menu?

Jul 13, 2010

is there anyway to edit or better yet remove the LiveCD menu you get when you first boot up with the liveCD and just boot right into a desktop?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Editing Grub For Vmalloc?

Jul 26, 2010

I want to edit a grub file, but none of the online instructions exactly match my files. I'm trying to follow the instructions to add vmalloc=256M to a grub file, from here:


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Ubuntu :: Editing Grub So It Does Not Timeout Menu?

Aug 22, 2010

I am trying to edit grub so that it doesn't timeout the menu. I've found a lot of solutions to this where I edit menu.lst. However, this file is blank when I open it. I just upgraded to Lucid and kept a lot of my old grub settings (I had customized it somewhat). Also, I am not sure if I have grub or grub2. How can I figure this out?

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Ubuntu :: Editing The Grub / Load Into Windows 7?

Sep 12, 2010

I have finally installed ubuntu 10.4 alongside windows 7.However, the grub doesn't show windows 7 so I can't boot into it.

Attached is a screenshot of "gparted". Windows 7 is installed on "sda2" and Ubuntu is on "sda6". How do I edit the grub to be able to load into windows 7?

And I faced another problem after installation. The pc kept freezing, I couldn't enter ubuntu nor use the live version on my usb stick. It kept freezing.

EDIT: I restarted and it froze again. I had to restart at least times before it allowed me into ubuntu. I'm wondering if it's a hard-disk issue since it's giving me a hard disk error whenever I login. Even though I've been running windows 7 for the past 9 months without any problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Editing Fstab To Add An Additional HDD?

Sep 26, 2010

I'm attempting to add an additional HDD to my system (without having to format it). I was told that I need to edit my Fstab. I'm trying to get an internal SATA drive mounted. I'm getting these two errors when I try and mount the drive DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.


DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending

my Fstab is as follows.

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier
# for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name
# devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Better Video Editing Software

Dec 1, 2010

I've been transferring a bunch of VHS and old camcorder tapes to video files. I've noticed that some of these videos need color correction or sharpening, etc. Most of the linux video editing software out there is just for splicing videos together.Does Linux have any professional grade video editing software? Is there anyway for me to color correct some of these videos using Linux? I've been searching forums trying to find an answer. Anyone have an recommendations?If not, what are some good Windows based alternatives? I can always run an alternative in a Windows VM.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video Editing Software

Dec 10, 2010

what would everyone recommend for video editing?

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