Ubuntu :: Editing System Settings From CLI

Aug 19, 2010

I have a box that is setup for a Desktop environment. I've full screened terminal, but it still try to sleep the display every few minutes. How do I change this? Or better yet, just boot up in console only mode.

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Ubuntu :: Editing Nautilus Settings Returning Defaults

Jun 7, 2010

I finally have a working nautilus after weeks experiencing a seg fault caused by a dependency problem which I have only now managed to resolve.

It came right after doing this:

gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/nautilus

I then removed nautilus-elementary ppa and downgraded the nautilus-data.

Problem is the nautilus I get is extremely minimal -- really just a window -- which insists on opening new windows whenever I click on a folder.


I've tried removing .nautilus on several occasions.

What are the default settings?

Is there a more convenient way of editing nautilus?

Striks me this has something to do with settings gconf. I'm going to play around and see if any of them fix this creature.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Editing GRUB Settings - Set Windows 7 64 Bit As Default OS In The Boot Loader Instead Of 10.10

Jan 18, 2011

I am a new Ubuntu user, and I am attempting to set Windows 7 64 bit as my default OS in the boot loader instead of Ubuntu 10.10. I have entered the command gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst into terminal, and the menu.lst file does open. However, this file appears to be completely blank, which does not seem to make sense and is preventing me from changing the boot order.

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OpenSUSE :: Powersaving Too Agressive \ Editing Energy Profile Settings Doesn't Help Either?

Aug 9, 2010

Powersaving on my desktop is way to agressive, it behaves like a notebook. The monitor switches off after just 4 minutes.Disabling PowerDevill makes no difference. Editing energy profile settings doesn't help either.Is there another way to force these settings?

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Ubuntu :: Reset Compiz Settings From Command-line To Default System Settings?

Jan 31, 2010

Did you play too much with compiz and after-a-while you realize that certain functions are not working anymore?

Well, just follow the steps below:


gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz



Restart your PC / lappy


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OpenSUSE Install :: Saving System Settings (yast Settings)

Apr 1, 2011

Is there a way I can save system settings and have yast revert to a config file in case I ever need to reinstall the system again? I hate having to configure the firewall, runlevels, samba shares, samba workgroup, apparmor, and all the other junk after every install. It's not like I install often, but should suse 11.5 or 12 roll out, I'd like it to be a snappy upgrade.

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Ubuntu :: Whenever Click On About Me - System->Preferences - Cannot See Any Information Editing Window

Nov 25, 2010

I have a very basic problem. Whenever I click on About Me(System->Preferences), I cannot see any information editing window. However, the mouse pointer does show the system is budy doing something, nothing shows up and then the pointer returns to default as if the system is no longer busy. What can I do to change my personal info?

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Editing - Editing Directly To /boot/grub/grub.cfg?

Jun 6, 2010

I have an old laptop that I installed EasyPeasy Lucid on. I have never used Grub2 as my other Ubuntu installs still use Grub Legacy. I have studied all the tutorials which instruct that the grub.cfg file should not be edited directly.This old laptop has one of the dreaded Intel graphics chips for which the kernel automatically loads the i915 module. Of course (like a multitude of others with Intel graphics and Lucid) I booted into a black screen but knew the workaround was to enable mode setting through grubI used the

and added it to /etc/default/grub line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX, just after "quite splash", just


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Ubuntu :: Backup Everything The System With Its Settings?

May 9, 2010

easy way to backup everything the system with its settings. I have seen many posts regarding this on google and in this forum but it was a bit hard for me.[URL]...

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Ubuntu :: How To Backup System Settings

Aug 11, 2010

I would like to reinstall my whole 10.04 system, because I feel, that it is pretty massed up, as a beginner I also made some mistakes and there are some unnecessary errors.
I would like to mostly keep my installed apps and settings. Is there any way to recover/export them? home folder?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Access System Settings?

May 10, 2011

I installed 11.04 last week and have been really happy with it. However, yesterday I somehow changed something that removed the "system settings" option from my power-button menu. I cannot access it via the super-button search either... So I can't access compiz, or any other settings now. It was there a couple of days ago... What did I do? How can I get it back?

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Ubuntu :: System Settings File

Oct 26, 2010

I hacked up all my previous linux ubuntu files to my external hd. Now I want the previous system settings back How do I do that? What is the name of the old system config file ? Where is it stored ?What path?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Killall Nm-system-settings?

Apr 18, 2010

in my case it says..

sidhu@sidhu-desktop:~$ sudo killall nm-system-settings
[sudo] password for sidhu:
Sorry, try again.
[sudo] password for sidhu:
nm-system-settings: no process found

why is this error..?

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Ubuntu :: Gnome 3 System Settings Don't Start?

Apr 29, 2011

When I try to launch gnome system settings, I get segfault:

georgii@gleontiev:~$ gnome-settings-daemon
** (gnome-settings-daemon:2599): WARNING **: Ignoring unknown module 'org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.gconf'


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Ubuntu :: Settings Not Saving In System / Get That To Work?

Jun 28, 2011

Ok, let me explained what I did. I was curious and decided to try out Gnome 3. Big mistake. I did a purge to get rid of it and now Unity comes back up. So far so good. Now none of my settings save... my "keep in launcher" apps do not stay there, my settings (accounts work fine) in Empathy don't stay and the weather settings reset. How do I get things to save when logging out or rebooting?

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Ubuntu Security :: Locking System Proxy Settings

Mar 3, 2010

I installed DansGuardian. In order for it to work I set the system wide proxy. However it is really easy to get around DansGuardian by going to preference proxy setting. How do I password protect this setting so it requires a password to change proxy setting? Preferably a different password than the normal sudo password if possible. If not I at least want the sudo password protecting it! I run multiple browsers so doing it via the system rather than the browser made the most since.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Nm-system-settings: No Process Found?

May 9, 2010

I'm with new version kubuntu 10.04 after changing managed=true in /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf
I can't execute killall nm-system-settings it says: nm-system-settings: no process found Maybe I'm with the wrong command

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Ubuntu :: How To Use System Settings > Advanced > Device Actions

May 25, 2010

I am trying to use the Device Actions under System Settings > Advanced to automatically copy image files from my CF-card from my camera. I home someone has a few minutes to help me. I am not sure how do identify my device.

I have watched udevadm monitor, while I insert the card into the card reader. One of the lines that appear is this: UDEV [1274814950.587968] add
/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.7/usb1/1-3/1-3:1.0/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sdc/sdc1 (block)

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Ubuntu :: System Settings For Proxy Username And Password?

Aug 31, 2010

I'm trying to use Kubuntu 10.04 in a corporate environment. Our environment uses an internet proxy that requires a username and password.Under Ubuntu 10.04, I can use the GUI to set the proxy host, port, username and password. When I do this, all the web browsers work, Snyaptic works, etc.However, under Kubuntu 10.04, the GUI lets me specify a proxy host and port, but doesn't appear to save the username and password. Because of this, I have to manually set the proxy information on my web browser, but the package managers don't work because they can't access the internet. Apparently the ability to specify proxy username and password is either broken or unfinished.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Change Settings Of Read Only File System

Oct 2, 2010

When trying to copy files from a local folder into a directory that is a mapping of my QNAP server I get an error message " Read-only file system" - and this only since a couple of days.Trying to change ownership with sudo chown also failed.

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Ubuntu :: Natty System Settings Missing All But 1 Icon?

Jun 19, 2011

My gnome-control-panel (or System Settings) only shows a 'Users' icon, all the rest are gone. I've tried reinstalling gnome-control-center and all related pkgs, so it's a configuration problem of some sort. I see this if I enter a Unity session, Gnome Classic, or Gnome-Session.Here's a screenshot of what it looks like:

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Ubuntu :: System Settings / Config Files Copied Over To New Install?

Jul 5, 2010

I'm interested to hear what config/settings files - or whole folders - you've managed to simply copy over from your previous installation and have working in the new. This can be either for specific programs or for parts of the system, but I suppose most of what people would find useful is getting some of their programs back to how they had them. These can be individual files or whole folders, but if there is a settings folder for a program but only one of the files is actually worth copying, just mention the one file and what it does. Also interested in hearing from KDE and Xfce users, for the benefit of those of us who have multiple desktop environments in the same system. (Besides, even those with only Gnome will use some of the great KDE apps like Amarok and K3b).

Here are my contributions:
(~/ denotes your home folder; any subfolders starting with a period [.] are hidden files or folders)
~/.cache/rhythmbox/covers (the folder containing all your album cover art displayed in Rhythmbox)
~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts (any scripts you added to Nautilus will be in this folder)
~/.lyrics (the folder containing all your song lyrics displayed in Rhythmbox)
~/.local/share/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml (Rhythmbox's database file; if you were forced to edit this because of some incorrectly displayed tags, don't forget to copy it over).
~/.gconf/apps/rhythmbox/plugins/ (Rhythmbox's plugins folder; plugins should be accessible when you restart Rythmbox).
~/.bash_aliases (Terminal command aliases you may have created will be in this file).
~/.gconf/apps/nautilus/preferences/%gconf.xml (Nautilus folder preferences file)
~/.mozilla/firefox (Folder for Firefox settings, cache, bookmarks, etc. If there are 2 or more subfolders with names like 2tb4r91t.default just copy over the latest one, and make sure profiles.ini points to it)
~/.thunderbird (Mozilla Thunderbird folder with all accounts, emails, settings, etc)

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Changing Icons - In Menu-system Settings-appearance

Aug 5, 2010

On my Kubuntu 10.04 machine changing the icons is done in the appearance section in menu-system settings-appearance then selecting icons. Can this be done in Ubuntu 10.04 and if so how?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 10.04 To 10.10 - Access The System Settings Anymore?

Dec 5, 2010

I was running 10.04 on my Asus EEE PC. Today I upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10, but with lots of regrets. The complete desktop changed. I don't even know how to access the system settings anymore. I just wanted to start up the Twonky Media server from my personal folder again, which resides in my personal user folder, but I cannot find the folder at all! Shame on the Ubuntu team to throw around the user experience so much. The Ubuntu Linux distribution has gone back to a nerdy level, I hoped it had recovered from that. Make-the-user-feel-at-home! Is that so difficult?

Where is my Favorite group, where is my System group, where is my personal Home user folder? I'm sure I can find them on my own, but it's a shame that my user experience has been taken into a rolercoaster. Why make it so difficult on the user Ubuntu, why?

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Ubuntu :: Pages Not Loading With Security Settings In Firefox And System / Fix It?

Dec 28, 2010

I have been investigating some security precautions over the past several months. I use Ubuntu now instead of windows and FIrefox browser also. I have installed BetterPrivacy, WOT, NoSCript and a few other add ons. I have SELinux, ClamAV, AIDE, and chkrootkit installed for Ubuntu.

When we browse certain web sites, we get an error about the server being reset. However, when I put the Ubuntu install cd in and browse with Firefox, obviously with no add ons or settings changed, we can browse to the site with no problems. We are trying to be secure on the internet and I don't want to lower or get rid of any of the settings / add ons we added. What would cause servers to reset when using Firefox / Ubuntu with browser add ons / OS addons?

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - Continuous Crashing - System Restore To Its Original Settings Or Something?

Dec 30, 2010

I recently had my laptop which ran windows xp, wiped and ubuntu installed in its place. I was told of all the grand benefits of ubuntu so I thought yeesss. Everything was running beautifully, everything was heavenly, until i encountered "a flash website ". This was strange because ..... worked fine.

Anyway ever since I encountered that site Ubuntu crashes on startup. I log in then crash. Its strange because sometimes it takes a while to crash e.g. when trying to open any application, or sometimes its instant.

1. How i diagnose this problem so it can be fixed, remember it may have to be before the log in.
2. Is there someway I can do a system restore to its original settings or something?

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Ubuntu :: Gnome-terminal 'Use Background Settings From System Theme'

Jan 17, 2011

I'd like to change the default transparency level for the gnome-terminal.The gnome-terminal has this setting in: Edit --> Profile preferences --> Background tab, called "Use background settings from system theme". Indeed, I can simply uncheck this setting and manually adjust, but then my changes would apply to all themes, if I were to change my theme in the future.How can I edit the transparency of the GTK theme itself so that it applies to gnome-terminal?I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 with the "Ambiance" theme, and I'm seeing these files which are probably relevant. Am I on the right track? (those files don't contain anything obvious like "transparency" or "opacity" to change ... so I"m not exactly sure what/where to change)

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Ubuntu :: Remove System Settings Access From Power Button?

Jul 29, 2011

I am very close to deploying Ubuntu 11.04 to my school and need to remove the access to the "System Settings" to the students. This is the last thing I want them to get at. I had 10.04 going but ran into other problems that 11.04 solved and allave left is this problem.I can lock them out of all those nasty options you don't want students to get to in a lab setting except for this

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Debian :: Can't Access System Settings - Wheezy

Jun 8, 2013

Every time i click 'System Settings', it says that it is Starting, but nothing else happens after that. I can access 'Advanced Settings', but not 'System settings'. A

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Debian Multimedia :: System Settings Will Not Open

Dec 23, 2014

I have a user who has recently switched to Debian 7 (from Windows). While reinstalling his PC I foolisly went straight to install the ATi proprietry drivers (as every computer I have come across this in this building is running with an ATi card). Once install I found out that the computer actually had on board Intel Haswell graphics. So I installed the correct driver and uninstalled the ATi one. Since then System Settings refuse to open they are forever "Starting". The user is running on Gnome Classic as Gnome 3 refuses to start (in what I am starting to suspect is a linked issue).

Running "gnome-control-center" from the command line details the following error:

(gnome-control-center:4583): Gdk-WARNING **: The program 'gnome-control-center' received an X Window System error.

This probably reflects a bug in the program.

The error was 'GLXBadContext'.

(Details: serial 158 error_code 171 request_code 154 minor_code 6)

(Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously; that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it. To debug your program, run it with the GDK_SYNCHRONIZE environment variable to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)

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