Ubuntu Networking :: Connecting TO Vista FROM Ubuntu Remotely (Vinagre)?

Mar 25, 2010

i have been struggling with setting up a VNC connection between my Ubuntu laptop and my Vista desktop. I am trying to remotely access the Vista desktop using my Ubuntu laptop. I have forwarded port 5900 to my Vista desktop, and attempted connecting to (VistaLocalAddress):5900 using Vinagre. Sadly enough, it instantly returns "Connection Closed."

I have tried setting up some sort of remote access in a similar manner about 3 times in the past, finally i just made a forum account and created this thread in a plea for help.

PS: I forgot to mention that the Vista desktop has allow remote connections ENABLED.

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Networking :: Using Samba For Connecting To Vista Shared Printer

May 24, 2009

I'm trying to set up a Samba printer in Debian linux. The printer is being shared by a computer running windows vista. Some of the information I've got in the process. Sharing seems to be working, the printer seems to be detected and authenticating (I've tried invalid values and the utility I'm using to set things up says it cannot verify when I use invalid values, but with things as they are it claims everything checks out).

When I go into CUPS it says it detects the printer and everything is working. However, printing a test page causes the job to be immediately complete and nothing happens. It seems that the job is getting lost somewhere in the process. Could it be a firewall issue? I feel like the right ports must be unblocked since I can query the computer and verify the printer, etc. I have a laptop with vista which I installed a printer on and was able to print to that computer just fine. So it doesn't seem to be a Vista thing.

Domain=[OFFICECOMPUTER] OS=[Windows Vista (TM) Home Premium 6000] Server=[Windows Vista (TM) Home Premium 6.0]
Sharename Type Comment
--------- ---- -------
ADMIN$ Disk Remote Admin
C$ Disk Default share
D$ Disk Default share
HP Deskjet D1500 series Printer HP Deskjet D1500 series
print$ Disk Printer Drivers
session request to failed (Called name not present)
session request to 192 failed (Called name not present)
session request to *SMBSERVER failed (Called name not present)
NetBIOS over TCP disabled -- no workgroup available

OfficePrinter (Default Printer) Description: Location:
Printer Driver: HP Deskjet d1500 Series hpijs, hpijs 3.9.2
Printer State: idle, accepting jobs, published.
Device URI: smb:///

ID* Name* User* Size* Pages* State* Control*
OfficePrinter-6* Test Page* anonymous* 17k* Unknown* completed at
Sat 23 May 2009 08:28:39 PM CDT

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Ubuntu :: Connecting Remotely To Windows?

Jun 14, 2011

Is it possible to connect remotely to a Windows PC from Ubuntu.I know these people that are constantly receiving Malware on their PC's and when I'm around. The problem is, they are over 200 Miles away, and I won't be in the area until a very long time. Would it be possible to connect to their PC remotely with Ubuntu and remove their viruses via ClamAV?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Connecting To Redhat Server Remotely?

Oct 12, 2010

Our servers use Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (Tikanga). I would like to remote into the server to install PHP, Apache, MySQL.How can I do that from Windows?How can I do that from Linux? Which Linux distribution is the best for this purpose?

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Networking :: Remotely Login To Remotely Display Data?

Jun 29, 2011

I'm not terribly new to Linux, but I am new to the forums, so hear me out! I am in the process of creating an electronic mapwall for our meteorology program, and have designed the computing system from scratch. I have two Linux Boxes, each with capabilities for 6 attached monitors...a total of 12 displays driven from two machines. My intention is to have one machine be the master...it has a touchpanel control. The inputs to the touchpanel will then trigger events for the both the master and the slave machine to display. Each of them has a specific IP address (DNS entry), and are not on a subnet.

Now...is there a way to remotely login to the slave machine and have it display on it's OWN monitors? The code is Java and which works on the master machine to animate directories of .gifs for each of the master's attached monitors. I will most likely have Java execute shell commands for the remote login (ssh), but I believe the answer lies somewhere in the X-configuration. Do I have the machines in an adverse configuration (creation of a subnet would be better)? Lots of questions...lots of desire...few answers!

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General :: Connecting To Mysql Database Remotely Via Port 3306 ?

Jul 23, 2011

I'm new to linux, and setting up the mysql database server.

Here are my situation:

OS: CentOS 6
mysql version: 5.5

I tried to use MySQL Administrator to connect to my database on the host
and my computer is under the same network with ip:

But it shows the error msg: Could not connect to MySQL instance at

Error: Can't connect to MySQL server on ''(61)(code 2003)

On the server side I've tried:


skip_networking is off and I've set the port for it.

When I check the process in OS:


When I try netstat:


I thought it's the problem of firewall, so I have check it also:


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Server :: Slow Speed While Connecting To Samba File Shares From Vista

Mar 6, 2010

I have set up a file server (Ubuntu Server Edition) for our lab. People can connect to common Samba file shares from their personal laptops/desktops, which run either Windows Vista or Mac OSX. The guys with OSX have upload/download speeds of ~2 MB/s, while the Vista machines are slogging away at ~200kb/s for downloads and ~400kb/s for uploads. In both cases, the connection are through wired ethernet ports which should function identically. Since the Macs work fine on the same network, I assume this is a Vista issue.

I have tried troubleshooting one of the Vista machines by:
1. Turning off the Remove Differential Compression feature
2. Disabling autotuning following these instructions
3. Adding a registry key following the same link above.

But nothing has improved. Anybody have any advice on addition tweaks to the Vista machine? Is there a chance that this is actually a server-side/samba issue?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 Not Connecting To Internet At Home But Connecting From Work

Feb 9, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 9.10 and its great. However when I connect to the internet at home it shows that the connection has been established but I still cant connect to the internet. My flatmates are all able to connect. However, I am able to connect from work both wirelessly and through an ethernet cable.

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Ubuntu :: Remote Desktop To Another Computer AFTER RESTART Using Vinagre?

Nov 7, 2010

I have a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.10 on a home server. I can connect to it using vinagre from another computer just fine. However, if I restart the server I can no longer vnc to it because I need to log in (start a gnome session). Is there a way to do this using just vinagre? Do I need to install another vnc server on my home server? The problem is that I don't want to carry a monitor from another room just so I can log in and start a gdm session if the home server gets restarted.

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Ubuntu :: Remotely Wake On Lan - Remotely Turn On Computer

Jan 4, 2011

Does anyone know or recommend some software or a script to remotely power on a PC from standby to on, or even better from completely off?

I guess the completely OFF to ON is much more complicated - would probably require an extra piece of hardware(?)

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Ubuntu :: Vinagre Requires Host Computer To Authenticate Keyring?

Oct 23, 2010

When trying to connect to another Ubuntu machine running remote desktop using vinagre, I get a black screen on the client machine. Annoyed, I went upstairs to check the host machine, and it is waiting for me to authenticate my keyring. Why would the host need to authenticate for me to access it remotely?

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Fedora :: Use The SSH Tunnel Option In Vinagre?

Jun 13, 2011

I've set up a machine with VNC through SSH. And it works just great when I first create the tunnel using:Quote:ssh -L 5902: jk@ then open localhost::5902 in vinagre (if I input localhost:2 it auto chnges to localhost::5902 for some reason).I would however like to have one less window (gnome-terminal) open and use the "Use host _ as SSH tunnel" in vinagre.But for the life of me I can't get it to work. Anyone here that can help me figure out what to input in vinagre to get it to work (without having gnome-terminal open in the background) ?

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Software :: Vinagre - Where Are Bookmarks Stored?

Jul 1, 2010

I have just completed a rebuild of my desktop PC Ubuntu install - switched from Lucid 64 bit to Lucid 32 bit. I connected to another PC with Vinagre (remote desktop viewer) and allowed it to save the connection as some name it created. Later after I noticed this I created a bookmark to the same PC with a name which I wanted. Now I cannot delete the original bookmark.

I have read about some bugs re. dealing with bookmarks in Vinagre. However, I have found no work arounds. Here is what I have tried:

1 - I did a complete uninstall of Vinagre and reinstalled
2 - Deleted .recently-used.xbel

The Vinagre bookmarks remained. Can someone tell me where Vinagre bookmarks are stored and perhaps how to delete one? If I cannot remove a single one I will zap all by brute force. Yes, I have everything backed up.

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General :: Remote Desktop With Vinagre On Getting Command Line?

Sep 23, 2010

I'm playing around with trying to access a Fedora 13 system from a Ubuntu 10.04 system. Both are relatively new vanilla installations.I went into System - Preferences - Remote Desktop on the Fedora system and enabled Remote Desktop. When I connect with the Ubuntu system (ssh), I can login, but all I see is an ssh terminal session. I was expecting the desktop environment (GNOME right?) to come up.

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General :: Why Doesn't 'sudo Gedit' Work In Vinagre

Oct 13, 2010

I've set up a low cost box with Ubuntu Lucid Lynx at home behind a router, and managed to get remote access running. My goal is to be able to host a small website and work on it remotely, so I isntalled ftp (vsftpd). When I tried to edit the vsftpd.conf file in Vinagre from work, I could only open it read-only, no surprise. When I tried 'sudo gedit' or 'sudo gedit /etc/vsftpd.conf' from terminal in Vinagre, I received the prompt for the password to elevate privileges (again, expected); however, after I hit Enter, nothing happens. I've tried a bunch of different things, but I can't get it to work. I can stop & start my ftp service with 'sudo service vsftpd stop/start' and it seems to work fine.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Connect Os Remotely

Mar 22, 2010

i have ubuntu 10.04 lucid i used gnome-file-share-properties to enable remote desktop i have samba i have ping from remote computer to my ip address and computer name and etc but still i can't connect remotely via rdp or at least not via windows xp rdp what do i need to fix to enable this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: File Sharing - Vista Can See Ubuntu - Ubuntu Cannot See Vista

Nov 24, 2010

After a reinstall of 10.10, I am able to turn on file sharing and so I set up a shared folder.

Windows Vista can see this folder but in my network place, there is only one icon, and it's a "Windows Network" icon. Upon clicking on that, I can see the local network, "Rompus Room".

When I click on Rompus Room, nothing happens for a while, then I get a message saying, "Opening "ROMPUS ROOM". Then I get the final message, "Unable to mount location", followed by, "Failed to retieve share list from server"

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Ubuntu Networking :: Drive Looks Different When Mounted Remotely

Dec 18, 2010

I have two machines. Desktop and X61s. I have a drive on Desktop called Ianthe. This is in /media. This is remotely mounted on my X61s machine (a laptop), as /media/Ianthe. It automounts when I boot it up. BUT, the same drive looks different when viewed on the remote machine. An example is a certain directory, which when viewed on Desktop has 21 files in it, but when viewed on X61s has on 7 files in it.

If, on the X61s machine, I go to Network > Windows Network > LBBARNET > DESKTOP > Ianthe and navigate to the relevant folder, I can see all 21 items. But if I mount it, I can only see the 7. I have tried rebooting X61s, but it remains the same. The permissions on all the files in the folder on Desktop are identical, so I can't see any permission reason why this should happen. And, if I copy one of the files on the Desktop which doesn't appear on mounted view on X61s then the copied version appears immediately on both views.

fstab on Desktop


# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>


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Ubuntu Networking :: Access Files On Server Remotely?

Mar 27, 2010

I have a Linux server and a static IP address. I want to access data on my server remotely using this IP address. How do I do it?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Mounting The Remote Directory Remotely?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a computer (C1) to which I can connect through the Internet (ssh, for instance) (it has a static ip and though it is sitting behind a router, the appropriate ports are all forwarded). I have another computer (C2) that doesn't have a fixed ip address and sits behind a router that I cannot fiddle with (so no port forwarding here). I would like to know if there is any way to connect from C2 to C1 such that a directory on C2 would be mounted on C1.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Checking For Open Ports Remotely

Aug 19, 2010

I'm trying to set up an SSH connection from my school to my home, but not on port 22. I originally tried port 2222, but it didn't work. I called my school IT people and they said they block that port. I asked if they care if I set up an SSH and they said no, but that they wouldn't tell me which ports are blocked and which are open for "security" reasons (which I guess I can actually understand). They suggested just using port 22 or 222, but said if a ports open I can use it.

My question is, can I check ports without setting up SSH? It seems like a hassle to try a different port every day on my home SSHD file, come to school, see if it works and repeat. Is there a way I can check my computer home for connections that could connect, even if there isn't a service listening? I don't know how to do that, or even if its possible. If not, I suspect I'll just try a few until I find something that works, or just go ahead and use 22.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Remotely Access Samba Share

Dec 19, 2010

My work uses an internal software suite where the data is hosted with a linux server. It uses mysql and samba shares. We are currently opening a new location and need to be able to access the samba shares. We are able to access the mysql databases. The samba shares are used to store various files for the software such as updates, invoices (as pdf files), etc. I've setup vpn connections using windows servers in the past but I can't, for the life of me, get a VPN server setup on our linux server that windows will connect to. I've tried openvpn and pptp. I'd prefer to use the built in windows client to connect.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setup The Most Efficient Way To Remotely Administer A System?

Aug 7, 2010

I am trying to setup the most efficient way to remotely administer an ubuntu system. So far I was successful in setting up ssh. I have the server running and made sure it only uses keys to authenticate and changed the default port. I can connect to the ssh-server. This system is behind nat and bots trying to break-in when I forwarded the port. I used the AllowUsers option, which helped in knocking back these rouge connections. I was not comfortable leaving a port open all the time, so I set up logmein Hamachi VPN and closed the ports that were open on NAT.

Now I use Hamachi and am very impressed. I use VNC in VPN. But Vino is slow, I tested x11vnc and it was slightly faster. I also tried to set up freenx but nxsetup file was missing. some one posted that file in the forums and suggested copying to the system but I was not sure if I want to download a script from the forum and use it. So for the time being, I thought I will just concentrate on X11vnc until freenx is fixed.

I would like to create a separate desktop on the server and use it to access remotely. This way we will not have to fight over the cursor (sounds funny but very frustrating). From what I understand x11vnc has this function inbuilt (uses vncserver). I cannot get it to work! when using ssh, at the remote machine's command prompt, if I type "evince xyz.pdf", it does not launch the "xyz.pdf". what am I doing wrong? When using VNC, how can I change between different users on the remote machines? Right now I can only use VNC in one account that I first setup. When I try to change to another user, vnc client goes blank. How can I get as much control of the remote system as possible? Right now I need someone to switch on the remote system and login to their account before I can VNC. Can I use ekiga inside VPN, I use skype right now and it's sometimes terrible with dropouts. I looked around and someone suggested using ekiga as it works very well over lan. How do set up ekiga so that I have a direct connection with the remote system? Is there any client that just takes the IP address and creates a connection? Mumble seems to be the popular choice, it's most suited to LANparties, I just need a connection between two systems. I am trying to set this up to help users with hardly any computer knowledge to use the system without any issues.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Software To Access Desktop And / Or Control Remotely

Dec 1, 2010

I have won my fight and my father in law accepted to give gnu/linux a try as his server and to run on the computer of the new company he is starting. One feature he would like is to be able to access his work desktop (graphicaly) from home. On my side, I would like to be able to control his desktop from home if I need to show him things. I already can SSH in terminal to install and maintain stuff but, to move the mouse around and point him where to click or what to use would be invaluable.

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Networking :: Set An Ip Address On A Computer Remotely?

Mar 20, 2011

there is a way to set an ip address on a computer remotely. Here's my issue : Have a debian computer (plug computer) on which, after upgrade, i m not able to log in back anymore. At the moment it seems i have no chanche to connect something like a monitor but i m pretty sure the computer it boots up cause wireless is on and i can see ssid and mac address of the ap.

I ve tried to assign an ip to the mac address (from my laptop) by arp and in the table it shows the link between the mac and ip, but i m unable to ping the ip after that. I was trying to think of maybe set up a dhcp server from my laptop and see if the plugcomputer gets an ip automatically, but i m not sure if it is working and at the moment i have little experience on set up a dhcp server on linux (sabayon). Do you think is it possible to manage the network card of my plug computer by eth/wlan from my laptop?

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Networking :: Changing The IP Address Remotely

Apr 12, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu server. To change the IP while I'm sitting in front of the computer, I would:

1. edit /etc/network/interfaces
2. ifdown eth0
3. ifup eth0

Remotely, I can do the first two no problem, but the ifup command causes some problems since the ethernet interface is no longer functioning. Is there some kind of script that can be written for this purpose? Maybe something that will check eth0 every so often and make sure it is running and bring it up if it isn't. Or else a script run with nohup?

I do not intend that changing the IP address will be a frequent occurrence, but when it needs to be done, it must be done reliably and without the possibility that the computer will no longer be reachable for more than a couple minutes or so.

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Networking :: Remotely Connect To A Computer Outside Of The LAN?

Jul 12, 2010

i have a computer at another house that i would like to controll from my house (both run ubuntu lucid lynx) how do i connect to the other computer using the viewer and remote server pre-installed in ubuntu

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Networking :: Remotely Connect Computer Over LAN?

Jan 15, 2011

I have my Linux box in my Lan environment. I want to connect my Linux computer remotely from my windows PC using command line . how can I connect it remotely over the Lan ?

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Networking :: Unable To Remotely Connect To X?

May 25, 2010

Just throwing in a quick question to see if anyone got any ideas about this.I'm unable to create a remote X session with TightVNC viewer. The local computer is a windows XP box and the remote server is running Slackware 13.

Using Putty on the XP box to connect to Xvnc through a ssh tunnel works just fine. However, when I fire up TightVNC viewer and try to connect to as I'm used to, TightVNC viewer is unable to establish a connection to X. I'm puzzled.

This has worked when I used another XP box as local computer. I'm running all within my LAN. Can this be a firewall/iptables issue? I've obviously posted this in wrong forum category. Sorry about that. Starts this thread in server category too.

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Networking :: Webmin Not Accessible Remotely?

Mar 23, 2010

I have webmin 1.500 installed on my Ubuntu.I can access webmin on the ubuntu machine using
"https://localhost:10000" (10000 is port no.)But I cannot access it from other computers.I have dial-up connection on ubuntu.I have also added port 10000 usingsudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 10000 -j ACCEPT

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