Software :: Vinagre - Where Are Bookmarks Stored?

Jul 1, 2010

I have just completed a rebuild of my desktop PC Ubuntu install - switched from Lucid 64 bit to Lucid 32 bit. I connected to another PC with Vinagre (remote desktop viewer) and allowed it to save the connection as some name it created. Later after I noticed this I created a bookmark to the same PC with a name which I wanted. Now I cannot delete the original bookmark.

I have read about some bugs re. dealing with bookmarks in Vinagre. However, I have found no work arounds. Here is what I have tried:

1 - I did a complete uninstall of Vinagre and reinstalled
2 - Deleted .recently-used.xbel

The Vinagre bookmarks remained. Can someone tell me where Vinagre bookmarks are stored and perhaps how to delete one? If I cannot remove a single one I will zap all by brute force. Yes, I have everything backed up.

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Debian Multimedia :: Iceweasel And Icons Stored In Bookmarks?

Feb 21, 2011

I don't find the little icons and tiny previews that iceweasel seems to make by grabbing an icon from a webpage at all helpful, and consider them a security risk.I have been using Debian Lenny for some time and have tried hard to foil the chrome engine (?) xul_runner (?) from sticking these icons in various places. But it still manages to stick them in, of all places, my bookmark file. How do I prevent that?

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Fedora :: Where Are Stored PWs For Remote Desktop Viewer Stored?

Oct 20, 2010

I have machine that I used to VNC to on my network with Remote Desktop Viewer from my Fedora 12. When I first connected I checked the checkbox that I wanted to store the pw. Now the pw on the other machine has changed but Remote Desktop Viewer does not ask for a new password, it just gives me a black screen, like I am connected but I can't see anything. I'd like to know if anyone knows where this pw data is stored on the system so I can start fresh. I already tried uninstalling Remote Desktop Viewer and installing it again.

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Fedora :: Use The SSH Tunnel Option In Vinagre?

Jun 13, 2011

I've set up a machine with VNC through SSH. And it works just great when I first create the tunnel using:Quote:ssh -L 5902: jk@ then open localhost::5902 in vinagre (if I input localhost:2 it auto chnges to localhost::5902 for some reason).I would however like to have one less window (gnome-terminal) open and use the "Use host _ as SSH tunnel" in vinagre.But for the life of me I can't get it to work. Anyone here that can help me figure out what to input in vinagre to get it to work (without having gnome-terminal open in the background) ?

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Ubuntu :: Remote Desktop To Another Computer AFTER RESTART Using Vinagre?

Nov 7, 2010

I have a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.10 on a home server. I can connect to it using vinagre from another computer just fine. However, if I restart the server I can no longer vnc to it because I need to log in (start a gnome session). Is there a way to do this using just vinagre? Do I need to install another vnc server on my home server? The problem is that I don't want to carry a monitor from another room just so I can log in and start a gdm session if the home server gets restarted.

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General :: Remote Desktop With Vinagre On Getting Command Line?

Sep 23, 2010

I'm playing around with trying to access a Fedora 13 system from a Ubuntu 10.04 system. Both are relatively new vanilla installations.I went into System - Preferences - Remote Desktop on the Fedora system and enabled Remote Desktop. When I connect with the Ubuntu system (ssh), I can login, but all I see is an ssh terminal session. I was expecting the desktop environment (GNOME right?) to come up.

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General :: Why Doesn't 'sudo Gedit' Work In Vinagre

Oct 13, 2010

I've set up a low cost box with Ubuntu Lucid Lynx at home behind a router, and managed to get remote access running. My goal is to be able to host a small website and work on it remotely, so I isntalled ftp (vsftpd). When I tried to edit the vsftpd.conf file in Vinagre from work, I could only open it read-only, no surprise. When I tried 'sudo gedit' or 'sudo gedit /etc/vsftpd.conf' from terminal in Vinagre, I received the prompt for the password to elevate privileges (again, expected); however, after I hit Enter, nothing happens. I've tried a bunch of different things, but I can't get it to work. I can stop & start my ftp service with 'sudo service vsftpd stop/start' and it seems to work fine.

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Ubuntu :: Vinagre Requires Host Computer To Authenticate Keyring?

Oct 23, 2010

When trying to connect to another Ubuntu machine running remote desktop using vinagre, I get a black screen on the client machine. Annoyed, I went upstairs to check the host machine, and it is waiting for me to authenticate my keyring. Why would the host need to authenticate for me to access it remotely?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connecting TO Vista FROM Ubuntu Remotely (Vinagre)?

Mar 25, 2010

i have been struggling with setting up a VNC connection between my Ubuntu laptop and my Vista desktop. I am trying to remotely access the Vista desktop using my Ubuntu laptop. I have forwarded port 5900 to my Vista desktop, and attempted connecting to (VistaLocalAddress):5900 using Vinagre. Sadly enough, it instantly returns "Connection Closed."

I have tried setting up some sort of remote access in a similar manner about 3 times in the past, finally i just made a forum account and created this thread in a plea for help.

PS: I forgot to mention that the Vista desktop has allow remote connections ENABLED.

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Ubuntu :: Where Does Gnome Keep Its Bookmarks?

Apr 30, 2010

I just did a fresh install of lucid, and I'd like to transfer over all my bookmarks from karmic (sitting on another partition). Where are they stored?

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Ubuntu :: Importing Bookmarks From 10.04 To 11.04

May 14, 2011

I've upgraded from 10.04 to 11.04, in the process I did not get bookmarks saved. I've have since gone into the 'old' file system and have now gotten the old bookmarks.html file into the 11.04 file system. How do I get them imported into Firefox?

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Ubuntu :: Add Bookmarks In Pdf File?

Jun 5, 2011

I wonder if there is a pdf reader in Ubuntu 11.04 that can add bookmarks/annotations. I have some reference/dictionary books and I want to mark the pages that I use a lot, so I don't have to look it up in the index pages every time.

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Software :: FF Bookmarks Not Being Saved?

Jan 17, 2009

When I try storing bookmarks or bookmark folders it doesn't work.What the problem is is;they store for that very session, but when I restart, close, or re-open FF no bookmark /folders are saved anymore.I don't know if it's anything to do with write-permissions to the folders or anything but I still am not very used to ubuntu so don't really know what I'm doing very well.

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Debian :: Bookmarks From Browser To Windows?

Feb 13, 2010

The necessity to use podcast in itunes daily puts me in XP which I seldom used.So how does one with as little work as possible move those bookmarks to favorites in XP.

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Ubuntu :: Restoring Bookmarks From 9.04 To 9.10 Install

Jan 26, 2010

When I try to restore my 9.04 bookmarks to my 9.10 install it get a "Unable to process the backup file" error message. I changed my group to root but it didn't help. I just changed the permissions of the file and it still doesn't help.

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Ubuntu :: Syncing Bookmarks With 2 Computers?

Feb 9, 2010

I've got a desktop in my bedroom, and a laptop that I carry everywhere else. I have a tendancy of bookmarking many pages, and sorting them every week or three. sync bookmarks between the two?

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Ubuntu :: Where Bookmarks Are Saved On Computer

May 28, 2010

Where my Bookmarks are saved on my computer?

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Ubuntu One :: Bookmarks Not Syncing / Resolve This?

Sep 18, 2010

I just installed the Firefox add-on to sync my bookmarks between two machines, but it doesn't seem to be working. Is there another step I need to take besides checking the bookmark option and installing the Firefox add-on?

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Ubuntu :: Places Bookmarks Keep Resetting?

Oct 19, 2010

A simple and small problem but annoying all the same...I don't like having the downloads/pictures etc bookmarks in the places menu so I remove them but every time I restart my machine they come back.

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Ubuntu One :: Getting Errors Pulling Bookmarks / What's Up?

Jan 1, 2011

I'm getting a lot of stuff like this in ~/.cache/desktop-couch/log/desktop-couch-replication.log (below). Can someone tell me what's up with this??

(Also, an unrelated question, I have some bookmarks that are "read only". They are produced by a firefox extension that saves some information in the unsorted bookmarks. I have set the folder to r/w, but am wondering what u1 would do if I had not - both when pulling the bookmarks up to the server and when pushing them back down.) code...

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Ubuntu :: Re-arrange The Bookmarks In PcmanFM??

Jan 20, 2011

how to re-arrange the bookmarks in pcmanFM? It is a file manager.

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Ubuntu One :: Bookmarks And Tomboy Not Syncing, 11.04?

May 21, 2011

I've used Ubuntu one for file syncing on my work and home computer (started on 10.10 only recently upgraded to 11.04, work is XP) and while it seems a tad slow in syncing it worked okay. Though I've used alternatives because they seem more responsive.

Well I've recently upgraded to 11.04 on my comp at home and installed 11.04 on my lappy (new install). Both are 64-bit version of Ubuntu. Thought I'd start using the other sync features and see how it fairs.

Well files appear to be okay (though I haven't tested it thoroughly yet), but I cannot get firefox bookmarks or tomboy to sync at all. I've searched through the forums but it appears to be only comments about it not working, I've yet to see anyone with a solution. I've checked out .cache/ubuntuone/log and all the syncdeamon exception logs are empty. I also just threw a file into the Ubuntu One folder and it synced damn fast. so it appears the only issues is with the bookmarks and notes.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Transfer Bookmarks To 11.04

Jul 7, 2011

I'm trying out the latest Ubuntu and I'm having trouble transferring my bookmarks from my old hard drive. I saved the HTML file , but when I go to import the bookmarks to the new hard drive I don't see an option to import the bookmarks when I launch firefox and open the bookmarks tab. My bookmarks tab doesn't have a manage bookmarks option. can someone tell me how to transfer them ?

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Ubuntu One :: Sharing Bookmarks And Documents?

Sep 1, 2011

I have two Ubuntu Lucid Lynx computers, and I want to share files between them. Whenever I need some file, it's in the another computer. So what I want? I want that my PC's synchronize the files together: When I create a new bookmark (in Chrome) on computer X, it will appear in the computer Y's browser. I also have Documents-folder on both computers. When I put something in that folder I want it to be shown on the other computer's Documents-folder.

Is this possible with Ubuntu One?

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Applications :: Program To Save Bookmarks?

Sep 20, 2010

Last week my ubuntu 8.04 os got a Seamonkey browser update ( 70-80MB totally )which I was happy to get. The down side is the new seamonkey wiped out all of my many different profiles and the many different bookmarks that were in those profiles ( 300-350 or so )!I am wondering, and hoping, that there is linux software program available that could independently hold many easily available bookmarks!!Does anyone know if such a program exists and if they have had any experience

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General :: Can All Browsers Have Same Bookmarks / Favorites

Apr 26, 2011

Although this questions is not directly related to Linux and is more browser specific. I want to know is there any way that all my browsers have same set of bookmarks/favorites. I currently have 3 browsers that I use (chrome, Mozilla,and IE8) if I add a bookmark to one of my favorites is it possible to access the same bookmark list is some different browser. Is this possible?

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Software :: CLI Audio Player With Bookmarks?

Oct 29, 2010

I've been contemplating making a device for my grandmother and I was hoping some body may be able to steer me in the correct direction for an element that eludes me. My Grandmother is now blind and so can no longer read but instead loves listening to audio books. The family have bought her many audio books but there's a problem. Many of the unabridged books come on several CD's which she tends to mix up when there's nobody around to help. I've tried ripping CD's to mp3 and this has helped a lot however we still have an issue. She can't see which book is which so may be in the mood for an Agatha Christie and end up with the Hobbit.

My thoughts have been make a minimal system combing Festive to read titles of the books in her library to her. The missing element I've been unable to find is an audio player that keeps a record of her position in each book. The idea of course being that she can continue each story from the point she left off, even if the system reboots.

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Software :: Firefox 4 Import Bookmarks?

Mar 28, 2011

I just recently figured out how to import bookmarks with FF4. Why did Mozilla see fit to Hide the "Organize Bookmarks" behind the "Show All Bookmarks" menu is beyond me?


Click on "Bookmarks" ==> "Show all Bookmarks"

In the resulting dialog box click on: "Import and Backup"

Next, Click on "Import HTML"

In the resulting dialog box select the "From an HTML File" Radio Button

Now, navigate to the file that you saved previously, select that file and click on "Open".

A few seconds later all of your bookmarks will appear.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox 4.01 On Natty Bookmarks

Jun 20, 2011

I have just installed Natty and I need to move my Bookmarks from old laptop with Karmic9.10 To new install. Where are the bookmarks or how can I install them I have got the backup file "json" format but I cant find where to put it or how to install it.

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Debian :: Iceape Iceweasel Bookmarks Integration?

Feb 13, 2011

Just installed Iceape because Iceweasel uses Xine which does not work correctly. How I get the complex bookmarks across to Iceape? There is a menu option for transferring a bookmark *file*, perhaps that's the thing, but which file should be specified?

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