Ubuntu Networking :: Belkin F5d8053 Make Errors

Jan 20, 2011

I've been trying to follow this tutorial: [url] to get my Belkin F5D8053 Wireless Adapter working. I get so far as using the "make" command, but then encounter an error. This is the full terminal results:


I'm using Ubuntu 10.10.

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Networking :: Searching For Belkin F5D8053 V6 Driver

Jan 8, 2010

I inherited this USB wireless N. I am running ubuntu and OS is not running the USB wireless. I ran lsusb and it does list but doesn't run it. I have been searching the internet for the driver and firmware to no avail. Just putting this out there to see if anyone has some insight or can point me in the right direction to find the driver and firmware for the Belkin F5D8053 v6.

The general consesus of people is that it is not the same chipset as the previous versions. Where they have downloaded drivers of other USB wireless with the same chipset and worked for them.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Belkin F5D8053 Driver Loaded Still Device Not Ready?

May 18, 2010

I tried all the threads to load and compile the driver for the Belkin wireless-N F5D8053 (Ralink RT2870 chip) I still cannot get it to come up - the wireless status says device not ready. Here is some of the system info relating to the adapter:

terry@terry-desktop:~$ ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:14:bf:53:02:8f
inet6 addr: fe80::214:bfff:fe53:28f/64 Scope:Link


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General :: Get Belkin F5d8053 Usb Device To Work?

Jan 8, 2011

I am trying to get the belkin devie to connect to a network

I have failed using wine. (Not entirely sure why and would prefer not to use wine.)

Another website suggested trying to get the .inf file from the .exe driver but have so far been unable to find the .inf file.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Make On Broadcom WIFI BCM4321 Drivers - Receiving Some Errors?

Nov 7, 2010

I still try update my broadcom drivers, because when I try use airodump-ng i receive error.

This error:

Interface Chipset Driver

eth1 Unknown wl (monitor mode enabled)[code]....

I dont know why receive this error WARNING: modpost: missing MODULE_LICENSE() in /home/mobile/Desktop/wdriver/wl.o
see include/linux/module.h for more information

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Hardware :: D-Link DWA-643 And Belkin F5D8071 (Belkin N1) Master Mode?

Mar 11, 2011

I'm looking at buying one of the above cards, and was wondering if anyone knew if they worked in master mode (e.g. as an access point). According to the Aircrack-ng site, they support packet injection and monitor mode. Is master mode support solely up to the driver used with the card, or does the card have to physically support it?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Drivers For Belkin Double N And Wireless Networking USB Adapter?

Aug 3, 2010

Ok, so I am needing some drivers and I've been googling like hell to find em, however, I can never seem to find any. My adapter model is F6D6050v1.

PS: when I try sudo ndisgtk it comes up with command not found.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Use A Belkin Fsd8063 V6 With 10.10?

May 15, 2011

I want to use a Belkin fsd8063 v6 with 10.10 how do i make it work .

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Connect To Belkin N1 Router

Jun 23, 2010

I have a new belkin N1 router which I tested in somebody else's flat. It worked fine. When I got home I reset it by pushing a paperclip in the hole for 10+ seconds to erase this flat's internet connection settings (username and password and stuff). After this I plugged it the computer and tried to connect to it (wired connection) using (this is correct for that router, it is not But the browser says it is offline and cannot connect. The lights of the router cycle, the "modem router" light blinks continuously and the others briefly come on and go off again, every few seconds. I tried resetting it again, several times, leaving it off for a few hours, leaving it on for a few hours, etc.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Belkin F7D1101Adapter Not Running

Oct 30, 2010

I am new to Linux and use Xubuntu 10.10, but the usb wireless adapter won't run. I followed the instructions on [URL], but nothing happens.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Belkin Surf & Share On 10.10?

Nov 4, 2010

It worked in 10.04 using ndiswrapper, but the connection was very weak (In Windows, it works perfectly). I blame ndiswrapper and the windows driver for the connection issues.In 10.10 x64, using ndiswrapper does not work. It says hardware present, but iwconfig shows no wlan0 adapter. I downloaded the driver from RealTek's website (rtl8192su) and compiled it. It gave a lot of warnings about integers being out of range, but I ignored them and went on anyway. If you want the exact warnings, I can put them on a pastebin and post the link tonight when I get home from work.

After doing a make install, I plugged in my adapter. As soon as it kicked on, the light on the adapter would blink and the screen would go black with a lone cursor in the top left corner of the screen. The drivers are obviously suspect, since I can make uninstall, plug in the adapter, and continue on with no network.Has anyone gotten this adapter/other adapters with the rtl8192su firmware working in 10.10 using a stock x64 install? It has to be stock or using packages available on the disk since without using the adapter, I have no internet.Maybe I'll try the drivers on 10.04 and see if they're just not compatible with 10.10.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Belkin F5D8055v1 Usb Adapter?

Dec 8, 2010

I am having trouble with getting my desktop to connect to my wireless router.

Here are the specs I currently have:
WIreless Brand: Belkin
Wireless Model: F5D8055 v1
Wireless Chipset: 050d:825a
Ubuntu Version: 10.04.01 LTS
Machine Brand: PC
Kernal Architecture: 2.6.32-24-generic x86_64

I really am having a problem. I can see wireless networks, but when i try to connect to one, even unsecured, the icon just keeps acting like it is searching for a wifi spot. Im really confused.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Belkin F7d1101 Will Not Connect?

Mar 5, 2011

I'm having a slight problem with my new wireless card that I purchased. I installed the firmware and the like and it does work, my computer recognizes it and I can search through my available networks, only thing is though.I cannot connect to any of them. I'm fairly sure it's a problem with it obtaining an ip address though.because it does connect briefly and I read the status and it shows no IP address, but when I connect through wired internet all that information is available. I tried setting my network configuration to static and that didn't help at all. I'm only a week into Ubuntu so this is all still fairy confusing for me.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Connect To Belkin Router

Jun 20, 2011

I have just installed 11.04 alongside windows vista. I have been trying to connect my router but it keeps saying disconnected from network. I have ran all of the troubleshooting tips in ubuntu its self and everthing seems in order. is there any settings i need to change on my router or in ubuntu's edit connections programe? I managed to connect to the router once to upgrade from 10.10 to the 11.04 but even before upgrading to 11.04 i had problems connecting to the router.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Belkin N150 Won't Work / What To Fix This?

Jul 27, 2011

I have a belkin n150 usb wireless adapter that doesn't seem to work. I have searched for a solution on this and other forums, but the advice is either too confusing/long for my noob brain, or applies to older versions and no longer works.

I am running ubuntu 11.04, the usb device shows up on lsusb so I know it's there, but I can't get it to work. I have installed ndiswrapper and put in the driver from the cd, didn't work. I downloaded the RT2870 linux drivers, tried sudo make and sudo make install and that didn't work (I probably didn't install correctly).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Belkin N1 F5D8001 - No Hardware Loaded

Feb 14, 2010

I've been having one hell of a time getting my old computer back up and running for my son. A year ago I had this computer running with Ubuntu despite it's connection to our local wireless with a Belkin N1 F5D8001. Now I've got the newest version of Ubuntu installed on his computer and I'm trying to go through the same steps that I went through in the past. I've managed to get the NetMW14x.inf file downloaded and I've used the new GUI for windows drivers to install the .inf but it's showing no Hardware loaded.

Also, in the past, there was at least recognition of the existence of the card if I did an ifconfig, it was just a matter of assigning a driver to it, etc. Now, if I do an ifconfig, I get the ethernet (disconnected) and lo (loopback). So it's as if the card's dead, but it isn't because I just wiped XP off it this morning. What the heck is going on with this thing? I could swear I've done everything I've read and everything I recalled doing in the past to make this work, but I'm mostly hosed by the fact that it's as if the system doesn't give a crap that the card is inserted at all.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Belkin F5D8013 Wireless Not Working

May 2, 2010

I've got an old IBM Thinkpad T41 that I just play around with Ubuntu on. The internal Wireless card is broken, so I bought a Belkin F5D8013 PCMCIA Wireless N card a while ago. It worked fine with Ubuntu 8.04-9.10, but it will not work with 10.04. It sees the networks just fine and will let me type in the network password, but it will not connect. Everything else in my house connects without a hitch, so I know it is Ubuntu causing the problem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Belkin Wireless N USB Found But Won't Connect

May 4, 2010

I have been trying to get my Belkin FD8233-4v3 wireless-n usb adapter to work in Ubuntu since 8.04. It has worked with ndiswrapper under 32-bit (never the 64-bit) versions in the past, but has never been able to be configured directly. It uses the Ralink RT2870 chipset, but cannot seem to be configured using the drivers from the Ralink website.

With Ubuntu 10.04 64-Bit, everything has changed. I have high hopes that this adapter may finally work correctly and without ndiswrapper. As soon as I first booted 10.04, for the first time ever, Ubuntu recognized the IF automatically, reported my wireless router, allowed me to enter my 128-bit WEP hex code and tried to connect up. It is failing miserably, but it is making a valiant effort.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Belkin Wireless Refuses To Connect?

Jun 15, 2010

I was dual booting with XP and Jackalope using a Belkin N wireless USB. The install on Jackalope was simple, a plug and play type situation, plugged it in and it worked. A few days ago though, i wiped the whole computer and installed Lynx. To my dismay, even though Lynx sees the wireless, sees the available signals, lets me input my password... it fails to connect. It just spins and spins and eventually asks for my password again...

I'm still pretty new to Ubuntu, and Linux in general. I updated, and pretty sure i retrieved 3rd party drivers for the video card properly (using a cable connection), but thats pretty close to where my "expertise" ends.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Trying To Get Belkin Wireless Card Working With 10.04

Jun 30, 2010

I have a Compaq AMD64 that has ubuntu 9.04 on one HD that works great. I've installed 10.04 on a separate HD and had problems installing it. I have 10.04 running now but I can't get my wireless card to work. During installation I skipped setting up the wireless network. Now when I boot into the 10.04 partition I cannot get the nm-applet to work. I can't get it onto the task bar and I don't see it anywhere else.

I checked to see what drivers are installed, and since I have no connection with that OS I can't update or DL drivers for it. I'm pretty sure that it is because I skipped setting it up during installation. What do I need to do to get the wireless working now? I checked other threads and none seem to pertain to my situation. Since I have to log into the 9.04 partition, I can't copy/paste outputs very easily.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Belkin Wireless Gaming Adapter?

Jul 27, 2010

I've searched everything I can think of to find out if this or something similar has already been solved but I didn't find anything, that's not to say it hasn't already been done because I don't understand enough of what I'm using to search properly, if it has then I apologise.

The problem I have is connecting to the internet using Ubuntu 10.4 and my Belkin Wireless G Gaming Adapter, I'll try and give an overview of my setup. PC - BelkinWirelessAdapter - Router.

The PC is connected to Adapter via ethernet, I set up the Adapter through my web browser to connect to my router, it finds the router perfectly but no matter how I set up the IP settings etc... it won't come up saying it is connected to the internet, the connection to the adapter itself seems okay as long as I am only trying to get into the adapter itself which requires a particular IP address, this address can't be used to get online though, so when I change it to what works on every other system I've used nothing happends, nothing happens when I use DHCP either. I'm a complete Linux noob so please make any responses as simple as possible lol

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Ubuntu Networking :: Belkin F5D7050 Wireless Not Working

Jan 3, 2011

i am complitly new in Ubuntu and the world of Linux in general, so i said to my self its better late then never, i installed the last one 10.10. but i am having trouble with my wifi usb adapter (BelkinF5D7050 v 1000), the same adapter works perfect under XP in the same PC. when i go to NM i dont see it in the list of network cards "i see just my two other normal network cards + loopback" and i have permanent small "x" on the icon of NM up in the task bar, even if check or uncheck "Enable Networking", it alwayes show a info bubble "you are now offline", here is the result of all the command line that can help getting better view on my problem


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Ubuntu Networking :: Belkin F7d1101 V1 Network Is Unreachable?

Jan 3, 2011

My ubuntu installation was running fine with the Belkin F7D1101 v1 after using this install method:[URL]..But, after allowing ubuntu to autoupdate many programs (don't remember which ones), the device stopped working. I checked all of the commands in the link above. They are all still functioning. dmesg throws no errors, but it terminates with

<code>ADDRCONF (NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready</code> Are there any network files which may have been overridden from autoupdate? iwconfig wlan0 shows "Access Point: Not-Associated" What output can I show you to help me find the problem?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.10 Belkin F7D1101 Can't Connect To Network?

Feb 20, 2011

I'm using a Belkin F7D1101 USB adapter for my wireless internet, and I can't get the damn thing to connect. I've installed ndiswrapper, ndisutils, and ndisgtk, then used the latter to install the driver that came with the CD (though I'm sure I'm using the right one, I've tried all the included drivers with no success). The adapter itself is functioning fine, as I've used it on Windows XP with no issues. It's just not communicating with Ubuntu very well. My issue isn't that I can't get it to show up and search for a network (as I've seen on several other posts about this adapter), but that I can't get it to actually connect to my router. Using WEP 40/128, I enter the password, but after about a minute, I'm simply prompted for the password over and over. I've restarted several times, even installed 10.04 just because I had no idea what to try, and no dice.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Belkin Basic Wireless USB Adapter?

Apr 1, 2011

I had a Netgear Wireless USB adapter that got fried (probably because it was about 10 years old lol). It was a B and used to connect at 54 Mbps, but as it got older, was only connecting at 1 or 2 Mbps and would constantly disconnect and reconnect until it finally died.I went out and bought a Belkin Basic Wireless USB Adapter (Model Number: F7D1101). This one is an N and it connects at 150 Mbps when booted into XP, but when booted into Ubuntu 9.04, nothing shows up. It doesn't turn on, the list of networks isn't there.

Could it be that it's not compatible? I plug in the Netgear B and it shows up, connects and disconnects (because it's fried) and shows me a list of connections. But when I plug in the Belkin N, I get absolutely nothing at all. And I forgot how I connected the Netgear so...?By the way, the wireless router is a Netgear N that I got from Comcast Cable, if that helps in any way? Is there something that I need to do in terminal to "turn it on manually" or something?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Belkin Wireless Usb Adaptop Crashed The Pc

Jul 14, 2011

I have been using linux for a long time now, but just recently i had to use a wireless network card with it. i was using 10.10 when i noticed that when i had my Belking f5D7050 usb adaptor the computer would load the welcome screen of ubuntu but stuck there doing nothing. so i had to restart it, unplug it and when ubuntu starts with out the adaptor i plug it back in. That way SOMETIMES it works and others doesnt, some times it just crashed when i plug in the adaptor. i decided to wait for 11.4 in case this was fixed on the new version.

Alas! i just switched to 11.4 today, and i got the same problem.

Everything else seems to be working all right with it, as long as it starts working i have no complain about it it just starts to be annoying that i have to force the pc to shut down and then restart it. from lsusb i get this:

Bus 001 Device 009: ID 050d:705c Belkin Components F5D7050 Wireless G Adapter v4000 [Zydas ZD1211B]

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Ubuntu Networking :: Belkin N (MIMO) Wireless Adapter Not Working In 9.10?

Jan 19, 2010

I have just installed Ubuntu 9.10 alongside Windows 7 and it is not picking up my Belkin N wireless adapter?? So I went to go and download the Windows Wireless Drivers (ndiswrapper) software so I can install my adapter and the download center just says "Not available in the current data" and wont let me download it? Also I tried to download my nVidia drivers from software center and it said the same thing?

Never before have I had a problem with Ubuntu until now So can anyone point me in any directions as to how to get these installed???

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Ubuntu Networking :: Get New Belkin 7050 Wifi Stick Up And Running?

Mar 12, 2010

For two days I've tried to get my new Belkin 7050 wifi stick up and running. No matter what I did nothing changed, at all. After close to 8hrs of straight trouble shooting I have made zero progress. Zero.

If you have a bunch of free time and want a project then feel free to play with this device. However if you're short on time or have work to get done just take it back to the store and get a different device.

Here's the over view of my situation :

- Ubuntu 8.04 : Device is detected. DHCP = Doesn't connect to router / get IP. Router can see device. Router has no security / password enabled.After several hours of trouble shooting Ubuntu I booted into win2k (supported by device)

- Win2k : Device is detected, official software installed. DHCP = Doesn't connect to router / get IP.

It does the exact same thing in Win2k as it does in Ubuntu. - Ubuntu 9.10 : Did a fresh install if 9.10 just to trouble shoot this problem. Symptoms are exactly the same. DHCP doesn't get an ip. There are no errors in /var/log/messages

- Ubuntu 9.10 : Blacklisted the regular drivers and did the ndiswrapper method, smooth sailing. After all is said and done it does the exact same thing. DHCP doesn't get an ip.

In all the trouble shooting I did (iwconfig, ifconfig, etc) I never received any error messages telling me that something had went wrong (besides the part where dhcp didnt get an ip).


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Ubuntu Networking :: Installing Wireless USB Adapter: Belkin FD4050?

Apr 11, 2010

am running Ubuntu 10.04 ... only because for some reason that is the only version that will load onto my IBM pentium 4 desktop! I installed ndisgtk, ndiswrapper-common and ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 by using the Synaptic Package Manager GUI. Using Windows Wireless Drivers GUI, I installed the driver rt 2870 off the Belkin CD that came with the product. Status is "Hardware present: Yes"

here is the status of my lsusb and iwconfig:

finn@finn-desktop:~$ lsusb
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 045e:008c Microsoft Corp. Wireless Intellimouse Explorer 2.0
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 001 Device 006: ID 050d:935a Belkin Components

It seems I have ndiswrapper working (I think!) ... but i still can't connect my wireless.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cant Access ExtHD Via Belkin Router With USB Port?

Jul 8, 2010

I have a newer Belkin N+ router that has a USB port for accessing an external hard drive.I can access the HD with no problem in Windows.I am new to Linux/Ubuntu and cant seem to connect to the HD. In "Network" I have a folder "Windows Share" and within that folder is where I see the HD "CBHD" (name of my drive). I cant click it because when I do, i get an error message along the lines of (cant remember exactly right now) "Failed to mound"I typically access the drive in Windows via : \

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