Ubuntu Multimedia :: Large Pop When Opening Vlc Or Live Tv Etc?

Jan 25, 2010

my mythfrontend make a horrible pop when opening a av file no matter what app I use. I have edited the last 2 lines in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf as per[URL].. and it has reduced by not doing it when I change channels but when I close and open myth or xbmc or vlc it still does it? I am using a 5.1 surround system connected by 1/4 inch plugs and rca adaptors I dont know how to configure alsa for 5.1 either? as The volume levels are not there ike in my other pc's however windows runs 5.1 on the same pc perfectly I think it has something to do with the duality of the plugs (ie they can be line input,micropone input or subwoofer output,centre speaker s urround left and surround right.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Output Over Hdmi Is Too Large

Mar 28, 2010

im running ubutu 9.10 with the standard nvida proprietry drivers as a media center. the output is over hdmi, through a a/v reciver and onto a lcd television. my proble mis that the output is too large for the screen even whan outputting at a smaller resoultion than the native resolution of the television. this means that the top, bottom, left and right of the output is chopped off. in windows i can adjust the size of the output useing some sliders to get the image to fit the screen. however these are only available in the windows drivers and i cannot find a substitute in the ubuntu ones. one way of doing it may be to output black bard at the sides of the screen but i have no idea how to do this.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Prepare Large Amounts Of Images For Web?

Oct 27, 2010

I've been using GIMP's 'save for the web' tool to reduce the file sizes of images.

I now have a directory with about 50 images. I'd like to avoid processing them all by hand.

I have a (very) basic knowledge of programming, and I'm comfortable with the commandline. I don't mind doing some homework on how to use new tools.

All I'm really concerned with here is reducing the file sizes of the images I have.

What possible pathways are there for me to prepare large amounts of images for the web?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Music Player/jukebox For Large Collection?

Mar 29, 2010

What would be the best music jukebox that doesn't lag when there is a lot of music in the library (400+ gigs)?

I have tried songbird, but its pretty laggy. I like to import all my music and turn on shuffle and go through my songs.

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Debian Multimedia :: 1920x1080 - Screen Is More Large Than LCD

Jun 10, 2015

I have a Sony Vaio vpc-sb1v9e connected to a Asus22ti1 monitor. I have installed Debian 8.1 and the resolution is 1920x1080 with the hdmi port connected. The problem is that the desktop not fit the monitor size, and is more large and more higher than the monitor.

Here Code: Select allxrandr output:

Code: Select allmichele@nbook:~$ xrandr
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1920 x 1080, maximum 8192 x 8192
LVDS1 connected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
   1366x768      59.94 +
   1360x768      59.80    59.96 
   1024x768      60.00 
   800x600       60.32    56.25 
   640x480       59.94 
VGA1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
HDMI1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)

[Code] .....

What's the problem? How can I restore the correct size?

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Ubuntu :: Fonts Are Just Too Large And Large

Feb 18, 2011

how big and widespaced the fonts on Clementine playlist are and how good they look on the appmenu (where my mouse pointer is). This is not because Clementine is QT4, I've got the same problem with Chrome, Opera etc. I've been messing with system-settings (KDE settings tool) a day before the fonts become that widespaced in order to make my KDE apps look more native on my GNOME, but I haven't touched the fonts settings there.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Recommend A Good Player For A Large (~900GB) Music Collection?

May 7, 2011

i've recently installed 11.04 and am giving banshee a shot. it seems pretty good although has crashed a few times. but when i import my music folders (about 900GB, 175,000 items .. and growing..) it takes days. that's not such a big problem because it only needs to be indexed once, i assume, ... but the UI is very slow now - so that clicking on an album can take several seconds to bring up the tracklist. also typing into the search box there is a large delay before the matches are shown. is this just to be expected for such a large db? i recall i had google desktop indexing and returning results almost immediately back on winblows.. other ones i have tried include rhythmbox , amarok, songbird .. but have not found any of them to be stable and simple enough to my liking.

can anyone recommend a good player , my essential requirement is a fast and efficient indexing - with tag support would be grand, but just based on filenames is ok too. drag and drop into a play queue like rhthmbox had would be nice.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Crashes Upon The Opening

Mar 28, 2010

Whenever I open Rhythmbox, it looks like it is about to work, but crashes. I get this when I run it from the command line.

** (rhythmbox:3002): CRITICAL **: atk_object_set_name: assertion `name != NULL' failed


I found out that this was just a problem of having a certain album ripped, so this does not happen any more.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: VLC Not Opening In 11.4 KDE?

Mar 11, 2011

Cant get VLC to open in 11.4 KDE but opens fine and plays videos in 11.4 Gnome.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Gnome Volume Control Not Opening?

May 4, 2010

i get this error brand new lynx installation when i try gnome-volume-control from the command line,

i get this error

** (gnome-volume-control:20731): WARNING **: Connection failed, reconnecting...
** (gnome-volume-control:20731): WARNING **: Connection failed, reconnecting...
** (gnome-volume-control:20731): WARNING **: Connection failed, reconnecting...

what could be the problem?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: VLC Crashes Opening Video Files?

Jan 27, 2011

vlc crashes when trying to open video files. I get these outputs from the terminal.


VLC media player 1.1.6 The Luggage (revision exported)
Blocked: call to unsetenv("DBUS_ACTIVATION_ADDRESS")
Blocked: call to unsetenv("DBUS_ACTIVATION_BUS_TYPE")


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Opening Vlc On Natty It Checks Or Stutters?

Jun 18, 2011

for an instant as you just start afterwards audio and video are NOT quite in sync this happens most of the time but not all of the time using natty 64-bit with two-flower 1.2 vlc version.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Opening Huge Wave Files?

Jun 24, 2011

I have a wav file bigger than 8GB. i recorded it on a windows PC. unfortunately wav files cant be bigger than 2GB. somehow i got a file that is almost 9GB. I tried to chop the file under ubuntu into smaller pieces to open it part by part. i used gnome split to divide the file and made 10 parts out of it. now i have these parts of the data which i cant read with no program except for gnome split to merge them together again - which would only bring me to the beginning of my problem. so my question is: is there any other way to open/ split&open a wav file of that size or maybe a way to open the splitted file partially?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Opening Get-iplayer Downloads In Other Viewers?

Jul 9, 2011

I've tried installing the BBC iplayer desktop, and am currently working my way through the maze of adobe air installer etc.

I wondered if it is possible to view the downloaded programs in a different viewer. I've got both Movie Player and VLC media player installed, but they will both only play for 1/2 second, then the program closes.

Is it possible, or must I persevere with BBC desktop iplayer ?

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Fedora :: System Monitor Not Opening / Thunder Bird Opening But Not Showing Any Folder Including Inbox?

Nov 20, 2010

i am using Fedora 14. Once system get hanged during opening a video file so I had to restart the system by pressing restart button. But after restarting there are few problems appearing like system monitor not opening and Thunder bird opening but not showing any folder including inbox.

---------- Post added at 04:54 AM GMT ---------- Previous post was at 04:42 AM GMT ----------

Looks like SElinux has stopped working

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Mplayer: Error Opening Video_out (-vo) Device

Jan 13, 2010

I get that error when trying to open an .flv or .avi file. Anyway to fix it? Here is the output of gui.conf


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Banshee Media Player Crashes When Opening?

Mar 28, 2010

Each time when I start Banshee Media Player it crashes or I get the error message fatal error, I want to know what occurred to Banshee Media of being in a such state and what could I do to fix this problem.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Launch Banshee It Crashes Within Seconds Of Opening?

Oct 24, 2010

Just upgraded to 10.10 NBR. Every time I launch banshee it crashes within seconds of opening. I tried nuking ~/.config/banshee-1 and the problem persists.Output from banshee --debug:

rdeshone@molly:~$ banshee --debug
** Running Mono with --debug **


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Software :: Either Opening This Straight Away Or Saving Then Opening It Comes Back?

Feb 7, 2011

One of the apps I would like to try out is usenext.Selectint the download for the right version (Linux - Suse, Red Hat, Fedora) I get the rpm file.Either opening this straight away or saving then opening it comes back with the following errors:

usenext-5.27-1.i386 requires mono(gdk-sharp) =
usenext-5.27-1.i386 requires unrar
usenext-5.27-1.i386 requires mono(glib-sharp) =


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Debian Multimedia :: GIMP For Opening A PDF By Default?

Nov 3, 2010

Double clicking a PDF on the desktop launch... GIMP.

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Debian Multimedia :: DVDFAB8 Not Opening With Wine?

Feb 16, 2011

I am having trouble with the dvdfab8 window opening up when accessing it under wine. I installed it, but when I went to wine and clicked on it, nothing happens. Also is there a good tutorial for dvd::rip. I ripped a movie, but not sure how to transcode it to be backed up to a blank single layer dvd.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Change Default Program For Opening Pictures On A Camera?

Mar 23, 2010

I have this problem, however the solution given there is outdated- There is no such menu entry (I tried to see if it was disabled, but it wasn't in the menu editor either).

So how would I do this in Karmic?

Edit: I found it. As a reference: Open Nautilus, go to Edit-> Preferences -> "Media" tab -> Photos -> Your choice.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Opening Images In Gimp And Controling Their Relative Size?

Jul 27, 2011

this should be easy but I dont know which option to use. I want to make a flier with Gimp, learned how to add fonts that are better than the crappy ones that come by default, but now I want to add images but want them to automatically scale to a size that I specify with a square I create by left clicking. I dont want to have to resize the entire image after measuring, I just want it to shrink/expand to fit an area that I specify for it.

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Debian Multimedia :: Add Shortcut For Opening A Particular File With Keepass2

Jun 11, 2015

I want to set up a shortcut for opening a particular file with keepass2.

The combination is Alt+k ... How can I do?

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Debian Multimedia :: Firefox Opening Archives In Ghex

Apr 4, 2016

I've tried everywhere. about:config, preferences applications, ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list

Opening a zip file in thunar opens xarchiver as expected, but in firefox both open with and the download window force ghex every time...

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Debian Multimedia :: Opening Received Attachments In Kmail

Jan 12, 2011

Not long ago I installed the Linux version of the Real Player (bad, bad me,I know) on my Debian Lenny system. Now Kmail will only open mp3 files attached to incoming mail with the Real Player.Outside of Kmail I have VLC set as my default player for mp3 files and that works fine but Kmail isn't respecting my system choices and I can't find any means, or reference to, changing the default media player in Kmail.This is so incredibly frustrating that it's almost like being stuck with a Windows system again.As a full-time Linux user I've lost my sense of martyred patience.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: VLC Freezes Randomly When Seeking Or When Opening A Subsequent Media File

Jun 17, 2010

If I start skipping through a movie or song that's playing, sometimes the program will totally freeze. It stops playing audio and video altogether. Similarly, if for instance I'm listening to a music playlist, often times when VLC skips to the next track it stops playing audio, but continues through the track like it's still playing. Once it reaches the end of the first track it had a problem with, it freezes altogether and I have to close the program. In fact, the program stays running even after I "x" out of it, and I have to kill the process in system monitor and restart VLC in order to restore functionality. This happens quite often (as in, a few times a day), and as I'm sure you can imagine, this gets quite annoying, lol.

I've looked in the various logs in Log Viewer, but I don't see any obvious problems. There are no error messages pertaining to VLC, or audio or video output so far as I can tell. I've also tried reinstalling VLC to no avail. I think the next thing I'll try is to remove it completely first, and then reinstall it....but if that doesn't work, is there anything else you guys think I should be looking at? Lucid is the first Ubuntu release that's worked well for me (9.04 and 9.10 had serious issues on my machine) so I'd like not to revert back to an older release just for VLC if at all possible.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Opening ATI Catalyst Control Center Forces Sudden Logout ?

Dec 16, 2010

Ubuntu 10.10 x64. Got a second monitor and enabled Xinerama. It asked me to restart, I did. I opened ATI Catalyst Control Center after the restart and saw the control panel window open for about half a second before suddenly finding myself at the login screen.

ATI Catalyst Control Center has always seemed to work fine up until I enabled Xinerama. I tried removing the ATI driver, restarting, re-enabling it, restarting, and ATI Catalyst Control Center worked fine again. But, as soon as I enabled Xinerama it went back to logging me out whenever I tried to open the control center. I've tried from the GUI menu as well as the terminal using 'gksudo amdcccle', same result every time.

The dual monitor functionality seems fine, but I need to get back into the control center to adjust the colors. I do a lot of photo editing, and the adjustments in the control center really is a great tool to let me get the colors how I'd like.

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Debian Multimedia :: Opening Windows Shares In XFCE (Thunar)

May 24, 2015

Another thing that's always worked before but now I'm struggling with in Jessie, if I open a smb:// url it just says "Not supported", is it possible to add support in Thunar? Some googling says to install gvfs but it is already installed, gvfs-open just says "command not found" though.

Strange thing is that I have tons of those little problems that seem to be regression since Wheezy but somehow I'm the only one hit heh. I actually think all the problems are caused by choosing "XFCE" on the installer because I can reproduce them 100% on any PC as long as I install XFCE, it's better to install entirely default (Gnome) and add xfce afterwards is my theory but I don't feel like reinstalling the whole system again.

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Debian Multimedia :: Gnome-terminal Doesn't Reset Cwd When Opening New Tab

Sep 7, 2015

After a recent Debian 8 update, I notice a new problem with the Gnome-Terminal. When you open a new tab or window, whatever is the cwd of the current tab becomes the cwd of the new tab or window. This always used to reset to ~, which is what I want. Is this a new "feature" and if I can disable it?

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