Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Watch Streaming TV In Standalone Player
Jul 17, 2011
Guetting radio streams to work in ubuntu stand alone players wasnt so difficult after all: I just had too see the page source and locate the streaming address. That way I added some radios I was interested to rhythmbox. I also found websites that list lots of streaming addresses for Europe, Japan.TV seems to be different: so far I havent been able to do the same: Ideally, I could search for a streaming tv address in the source of the page with the embedded player, but no luck at all.
Im not talking about tv via a tvturner card, just tv streamings, like the BBC or this german one URL... type=null. The public german broadcaster allows me to watch their programms in their embedded player. Can I watch those programms in vlc or in other standalone players? Im also interested in the same for the bbc, cnn, aljazeera...
There is a live internet streaming cast that runs on Friday's. I can't watch it using firefox. so I have to reboot into windows, use ie to view it. I want to be able to view it while using firefox via ubuntu.
I am trying to stream a live dvb feed to windows media player on a number of desktops. I have VLC and all the codecs etc installed.
I am starting my stream with the following command:
After vlc loads, I get the following error:
It seems your FFMPEG (libavcodec) installation lacks the following encoder: MPEG Audio layer 1/2/3.
If you don't know how to fix this, ask for support from your distribution.
This is not an error inside VLC media player. Do not contact the VideoLAN project about this issue. After some searching around, I found a guide on setting up ffmpeg at [url] which I have followed. I am still getting the error.
Do I need to add any other codecs to make this work?
I need my Ubuntu box to play an http audio stream on boot. It must heedlessly attempt to reconnect to the audio stream no matter how many network errors I may or may not have. Currently using VLC on boot with the commands: -loop -http-reconnect VLC works fine for the first little while, but after a day or two, it doesn't try to reconnect enough to meet my needs.
Just spent the last 4 or so hours trying to get my Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook edition system to play streaming audio from this link: [url]
I have managed to download the relevant M Player, but when I click on the streaming audio link it pulls up the player, then nothing happens. It says "stopped" and when I click on the play icon nothing happens.
When I cut and paste the relevant link into M Player directly it looks as it it will work, it seems to buffer for about a second, then nothing happens again.
I have installed "Ubuntu Restricted Extras" and the "Medibuntu" repo is enabled. If this remains a codec issue (which it feels like) how do I find what codec I'm missing?
I'm having problems with video files, when i try to watch them on VLC player or Movie player or any other software, its spoiling my picture, colors are fuzzy, it is like, gray color is shown as yellow, white as blue and stuff like that.
How can I watch streaming XviD movies on Ubuntu? Whenever I go to a page with an XviD, all that happens is the little "Buffering" wheel in the corner starts spinning but never plays, and when I click on the "Download and install the XviD Codec" in the middle screen, an error message pops up saying "We're sorry, our content is not compatible with your computer configuration."
I would like to download a Flash game and play it without using Firefox under Ubuntu Lucid - any ideas how? I can download the game fine, I'm just wondering how to play it without Firefox. Is there a standalone Flash Player I can use?
was using swfdec standalone flash player in 9.04. After upgrading to 10.04 it doesnt work anymore. swf files are opened, you see a starting image but the movie is not playing.
I'm trying to watch live streaming video on a Slackware box I have connected to a television. I can get Flash to play, but that's almost always pre-recorded (and I'm trying to watch live sports.) The site I go to (which works on Windows) is [URL]. They provide streams that they collect somehow, but they're in different formats. (Some are in Windows Media, some are in Real, some are in quicktime, etc.) I'm using Firefox as a browser, but I could use something else. Beyond the default Slackware (13.0) installation, what additional software do I need?
I love Ubuntu so much but when my previous graphic card passed away a technicien installed on my desktop an Ati Radeon 9550, my question is what I have to do to watch smooth videos in streaming?
Is there a default media player in linux such as windows media/ if so what is the name of it or can i download one that works with linux, i would like for the player to not only play music but watch videos as well.
I have installed flashplayer to my fedora and tried to watch videos which need flashplayer but it wont start. Its seems like my system have installed flashplayer but can't find plugin from mozilla. Tried to check if plugin exists but no. Tried to install it again but no.. same problem again.
Anyone know if you can use samba to share a folder to stream music and video files to a wireless enabled dvd player? I have a machine running Ubuntu server and have all my music stored and shared using nfs with my network computers. I just got a Samsung BD-P3600 blu-ray player that has wireless for blockbuster, netflix, pandora, and you tube. You can also setup a shared folder on a Windows system to allow play back on the blu-ray player. I was just wondering if anybody has tried it with ubuntu and samba.
I have finally ripped my dvd collection to my external hard drive, and now I want to make fair use back ups of my discs (incase the worst happens and I lose my HD and my original disc) I remember there was a tutorial on these forums a while back but I can't seem to find it.
I need command line for quicktime to run different tests for my streaming server. Is there any quicktime version available for linux? I am using fedora11- 64 bit.
Alright I am trying to figure out how to find the ip address and port this radio station [URL] They use an flash player so i cant use vlc or another media player. I know before i used wireshark sniff the packets coming into to a device. However that ip address didnt work.
Using (and enjoying) Ubuntu 10.04; I am trying to stream audio from local ABC "(Australian Broadcasting Corp.") which offers "Real Player" or "Windows Media Player" options in its various on-line transmissions. Cannot get either to work. Have loaded Rythmbox but doesn't respond. =
I would like to develop a simple media player application in linux for streaming videos. My objective is to get a good understanding of a multimedia framework. Hence, wanted to start with such an example.
I have been using this thread for a couple of days and just getting exposed to the vast world of ubuntu after succesfully partitoning the hard drive through a live cd. (a copy of linux for dummies book)So naturally after getting adjusted to the new os I started seeking for downloadable media and applications.Started with flashplayer last night and installed after watching some videos.But when I tried the same thing with vlc through the terminal command; sudo apt-get vlc
The video streaming seased because they wouldn't load it stays searching forever! Now ..... doesn't work.I am afraid that by tampering with the command it also affected the flash player file.This is an ethernet connection , 100 mb/s, netgear router.
when i try to watch a movie on movie player from the internet i get the requires a Advanced Streaming Format (ASF) demuxer plugin which is not installed. how do i install it?
Crystal Player has one very good playback speed troubleshooting feature - it uses large buffer of decoded frames (about 50% of RAM). Is there any player with such features in ubuntu?
I have a DVD with a error located at a certain time. Each time I watch the DVD and then come to that point Movie Player (or vlc player) returns a error. Now I want to rip this DVD but all the rippers I tried return a error at that point when they try to rip it. Rippers I tried:
- dvd::rip - FFMPEG - Acidripper - Avidemux
Now I want to know ain't there a ripper which can read over these errors and still make a decent rip?
When playing coyright protected DVD's in Ubuntu 10.10: the following errors occur:Movie Player Error message:Error occured Could not read from resourceVLC media Player Error essage:Playback failure:DVDRead could not read block 0.Non copyright protected DVD's play fine
usually I use a Xinerama setup with 3 monitors. But for playing nexuiz (a free egoshooter) I switch to a single monitor. Therefore I have a second xorg.conf called xorg.conf.1Monitor and start nexuiz with this little script:
Do I need to start something additionally? Some soundserver or whatever? Or what might be the problem? Here my xorg.conf.1Monitor
I installed my DVB-T board and I can watch TV using VLC and my channels.conf file. I saved a copy of channels.conf as ~/.gstreamer-0.10/dvb-channels.conf but when I start Totem (GStreamer ed.), I don't see a "Watch TV" option under the "Movie" menu.
Rather than adding each music/video file one by one in XBMC is there a way to just add a folder to watch and as you add music under it, it automatically shows up in XMBC? If not, is there any application that allows something like that? I'm looking for one central application to use for all media playback - dvds, music, videos, pictures... XBMC seemed like the right choice, but I'll be adding moves and music for a year if I had to do each of them 1 by 1.
I've got an eeepc 1101ha and have installed the latest ubuntu, 10.10, but i can't watch any videos! Besides the original player, i have installed and tried to watch videos in VLC, SMPlayer and GNOME MPlayer but it has always some kind of error. In VLC I can hear the sound. On all others the file simply doesn't work.