Ubuntu Multimedia :: Movie Player And VLC Media Player Not Playing DVD?
Aug 1, 2011
When playing coyright protected DVD's in Ubuntu 10.10: the following errors occur:Movie Player Error message:Error occured Could not read from resourceVLC media Player Error essage:Playback failure:DVDRead could not read block 0.Non copyright protected DVD's play fine
This is the first time I tried playing a VCD on my laptop and when I tried playing it on VLC, it indicated that an error, that it cannot read the file. I searched around the net for some solution and tried opening the VCD through the terminal to no avail. I tried switching to the Movie Player but it's the same. They play the initial 'Warning on illegal copying of the film, etc.' which lasts for about 15 seconds but after that, it won't play at all.
I am using ubuntu 10.04 and the default movie play that is automatically there is not reading dvds. It says:"Totem connot play this type of media (DVD) because it does not have the appropriate plugins to be able to read from the disc.Please install the necessary plugins and restart totem to be able to play this media."I did a little (not a lot) of looking and have tried one thing so far and have tried:
Code: sudo apt-get install libdvdread4 Followed by
System Specs: RAM: 1GB Mother board: P4P800 VM Video: Internal (plus a tuner card I don't use OS: Ubuntu 10.04 (with latest updates
Ok so a brief description. The comp initially had an ATI Radeon X1600 card I removed because it was giving more trouble than it was worth. I'll add it later if there is a chance it might make things batter. (NB the computer was painfully slow with the card installed... runs faster without it)
I installed the restricted formats pakage as per the instructions found at: [URL]
So I installed the ubuntu-restricted-extras package and then ran:
Now here is what happens. The DVD plays as I can hear it but the screen is black. moving the screen i'll get glimpses of video but not much. This happens in MOvie PLayer and in VLC. However with VLC by moving it around and going full screen I manage to get the video component working as well.
I have a DVD with a error located at a certain time. Each time I watch the DVD and then come to that point Movie Player (or vlc player) returns a error. Now I want to rip this DVD but all the rippers I tried return a error at that point when they try to rip it. Rippers I tried:
- dvd::rip - FFMPEG - Acidripper - Avidemux
Now I want to know ain't there a ripper which can read over these errors and still make a decent rip?
Crystal Player has one very good playback speed troubleshooting feature - it uses large buffer of decoded frames (about 50% of RAM). Is there any player with such features in ubuntu?
in software.opensuse.org site if we serch for a software the result will be like the following
vlc KDE:Unstablelayground/openSUSE_11.4_KDE_Distro_Factory This is the stripped version of the VLC media Player. VLC media player is a highly portable multimedia player for various audio and video
[more] 1-Click Install Manual Package Download Go to OBS Project i586 vlc- src vlc- x86_64 vlc-
if i like to keep the setup(rpm) of the software which i should chose the above?
I have installed debian squeeze, and upgraded to latest kernel (by compiling the source). This is to get support of my new Intel DH67CL motherboard.have fantastic display 1920x1080, and debian detected all of the hardware.It plays sound, ..... videos etc. But whenever I try to open an avi file though movie player or vlc the desktop freezes. I could move the mouse pointer, but no reaction to clicks. I can change to terminal by Alt+Ctrl+F1, and then has to reboot. How to troubleshoot this
I downloaded a movie using torrent in ubuntu 10.04. After completion when I played that movie in totem or VLC its showing use windows media player. How can I play the movie in ubuntu-linux.
I tried playing a DVD several times and each time, after opening in Movie Player on Ubuntu 9.10, it froze up, I forced quit and then I noticed a huge reduction in free disk space on my root (/) directory. Has this happened to anyone else?I figure I Movie Player probably saved some temp files somewhere on hard disk and wasn't able to clean them up since I had to force quit. Any thoughts about how to clean this up and take back that previously free space?
I have had MASSIVE problems with media-players. None of the ones I tried have been working flawlessly. They end up hanging and not playing my music after a little while. My 35gb music library is originally an itunes library from OS X, copied to the ntfs partition of my netbook (low specs - 1 gb ram, 1,66ghz atom).
I have tried Exaile, Rhythmbox and Banshee (which I liked the most) from the EB4 repos, but none of them works to a level I can agree with. So I was wondering if anyone either has ideas as to how I can make any of the above players work perfectly or what other players I should try out?
I'm having problems with video files, when i try to watch them on VLC player or Movie player or any other software, its spoiling my picture, colors are fuzzy, it is like, gray color is shown as yellow, white as blue and stuff like that.
I recently installed Kubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx. It is working well, but Movie Player does not work, and Dragon Player plays videos/movies but with no audio. VLC works fine. how to either remove Movie Player and Dragon Player or make them work. I tried apt-get remove mplayer but that doesn't work. If not that, I wonder if the default media player can be changed to VLC, e.g., when you click any video it will start to play using VLC?
I have recently installed Ubuntu 10.04, and am trying to play a DVD on my Toshiba Notebook NB100. Movie Player says it cannot find the plugins suitable to play the DVD. I have gone through procedures recommended on numerous forums to get the codecs and libdvd packages installed but I still get a notice telling me MP doesn't have the plugins.
Iam using opensuse 11.1. I want to know which is the best player that can be used in suse, which should support all codecs. I have tried totem player, xine, kaffeine, Noautun etc. But none of them is good. I have tried to install vlc player, but it shows a lot of dependencies too..it was not successful.
I have installed ubuntu 9.10 day before yesterday on my laptop Dell studio, When i try to play and video or audio in Application -> Sounds & Vedio -> Movie Player its unable to play anything and gives an error message as not supported.Do i need to install any external package?
I've just updated to 10.04 and found out that I can't play original DVDs. Movie Player gives me error message "Could not read from resource" and VLC just ignores all attempts to play the DVD.
Ubuntu10.10.i want a media player with all media codecs.it should able to play all formats of videos and audios so please suggest me a media player.(i used km player in windows i want a media player like that)
no sound on playing .flv files, the volume control greyout. however vlc can play them without sound problem. videos also works without problem on sound.
I want to hide the controls of Movie player (totem). I can hide it by going to view->show controls. but when I reopen Totem, it shows the controls again. it seems Movie player does not save the settings correctly.
i am a new ubuntu user ,i have problem with playing movies and mp3 in movieplayer and music box because of missing plug ins i cant search plug ins even i connected with internet.
This never happened with Ubuntu 8.10-9.10, but both my video players, VLC and Movie Player, say they can't find the wma codec (actually it says wmas, and this is referring to videos not audio) and says that this can't be put right, even though at the same time these players have begun to play the video correctly.
I've got all the updates and the Restricted Extras, etc. Everything seems to be working. This is on an Acer Aspire One, dual booting with W7, installed from USB stick.
I have just upgraded to Lucid. While trying to watch movies (i have installed all the requisite plugins), I encountered certain problems. The following is what I noticed after some thorough search into the issue:
1. Suppose one goes to the location of a video file, say, /Home/Videos/Sound of Music.xyz , double clicking the file would open the movie player (Totem) but one would not be able to see any video, though sound is coming.
2. Sometimes, on entering the fullscreen the video started from double clicking the file is visible, but leaving full screen, it is lost again. This however doesnt happen in all cases, because mostly one sees no video if through double-clicking the file.
3. The same operation of playing, if done through the player (by /Movie/Open.. or by Adding a video file in the playlist) happens quite properly.
4. A .mkv file doesnt play for long, since the player crashes.
5. Subtitles are not detected, even after putting the settings on automatic loading of subtitles (/Edit/Preferences/Automatically.....)
When I put a DVD in my PC (any DVD), it recognizes the DVD and even tells me the title of the movie (for example, it knows that I put Cat People in the DVD drive). But then it gives an error message, "An error occurred. Could not read from resource." I have Ubuntu 9.10 on a HP Pavilion ZE4900 laptop.
When I insert a movie DVD into the drive, the disk is read, a window pops up asking what software do I want to use (Open Movie Player is the default). I click use Open Movie Player and get "An error occurred could not read from resource" dialog - and the movie does not play.The file manager reads the disk without any problem, so don't think it's a bad disk (and it plays in my WinXP machine). I checked in Synaptic and it appears that Totem and all the stuff that needs to be installed with Totem is there. Is there another player or some front end for totem that I don't have? In that initial screen asking for software choice, totem is not an optio n.I've looked around in Medibuntu and it looks like all the needed files are already installed. Is there a different DVD player that needs to be installed?
When Movie Player is started the screen blacks out for several seconds, returning my screen to normal with no change in resolution. My system makes use of the ATI Radeon X1350 Pro with the X.org opensource "radeon" drivers. Has anyone else experienced this glitch?