Ubuntu :: Live CD Driver Install ?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a rather common problem - no ttys after nvidia driver install. So maybe it is possible to install nvidia drivers from the manufacturer's website using live cd? And if so, how to do that correctly?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Live - Install & Configure Broadcom Wireless Driver

Jun 22, 2009

I have a laptop and a Broadcom 4322AG Wireless adapter in it. I am using Fedora 11 64 bit Live. instructions to install and configure my internet connection in Linux. I dont know how to install drivers in linux though I have Got a 64 bit driver from Broadcom Website. In windows, my internet connection doesnt need any password to access. It get connected to internet when I turn on wireless.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 Live CD Wipes TV Card Driver In XP

Feb 12, 2010

I have a PC with the following specs:

Gigabyte GA-K8NF-9 motherboard
AMD Athlon 64 processor 3400+
Nvidia GeForce 6600 video card
Realtek AC'97 Audio
1 GB DDR Memory
Creatix SAA7134 TV Card
OS Windows XP SP3

When I run the 64bit 9.10 Live CD everything works well in Ubuntu. However when I remove the Live CD and return to Windows I find a splat for a multimedia device. I have to reinstall the drivers for the Creatix SAA7134 TV card. I have to do this everytime I run the Live CD. This problem is putting me off dual booting between Windows and Ubuntu. I thought that the idea of the Live CD is that it has no effect on the installed OS. It appears thet Ubuntu does something to the card which Windows then has to recover from.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Test The NVidia Driver Using A Live CD?

Sep 2, 2010

I have a PC with Windows XP installed and want to try out how Ubuntu (or Linux Mint) performs when using the nVidia driver.

Unfortunately, after installing the video driver, the live CD, asks me to reboot, so losing all my changes. Is there a way of using the nVidia driver with a live CD?

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Ubuntu :: Uninstall Driver From Live CD To Fix 100% Broken System ?

May 30, 2011

I just installed a new driver from the Realtek site for my wireless chip, and it broke my system. Ubuntu won't boot in normal mode or recovery mode, and I'm sincerely hoping beyond all hope that I can avoid reinstalling the system I just got working yesterday.

At my connection speed, it will take about two days to download all of the packages I use. Is there any way to get rid of this driver and restore my system back to how it was... about twenty minutes before I posted this, without booting in the system?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Loading NVIDIA Driver With Live CD Boot?

Mar 15, 2010

I bought a new NVIDIA GeForce 6600GT video card for this PC recently and now whenever I boot Ubuntu 9.10 Live I can't change the screen resolution from 640 X 480. I get this message to the effect that the driver is restricted and not free software. When I try to download it and use it it says I can only activate it after a reboot, but I guess it means after rebooting an installation of Ubuntu, not the live cd since it never takes.

Ubuntu recommends NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver 185, so I went to NVIDIA's web site and downloaded NVIDIA-Linux-x86-185.18.36-pkg1.run (and NVIDIA-Linux-x86-190.53-pkg1.run since I think it's the newest, at least when I enter GeForce 6 Series and Linux 32-bit in the driver download search it's what comes up). I noticed that at the beginning menu of the Ubuntu 9.10 Live cd, when you press F4, the option to load from a driver disk is there. I was hoping this means I could just put one or both of the above files on a cd, insert it into the other disk drive and select that option.

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Ubuntu :: Make A Live CD With A Preinstalled Video Card Driver?

Dec 16, 2010

Is it possible to make a live CD which will contain a video card driver that can be used by the PC it is running on?

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General :: Sound Blaster SB Live Driver

Dec 5, 2010

I just did a linux install..have a SB Live Model EMU10K1 soundcard...does anyone know where I can find drivers for this card..

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Fedora :: Doesn't Live Cd Have A Basic - Generic (like A Vga 640 X 480) Driver

Sep 26, 2009

I just recently acquired a PII 333 w/ 160M ram (I know, grossly underpowered for anything by today's standards) but mostly wanted it for internet & to use for printer / scanner & camera stuff. So, while checking it out I tried a few live cd's on it (fedora 10 & a ham version of puppy linux) the puppy worked just fine but the fedora "puked" when it got to the GUI (I had this happen with F11 on another computer) The thing that confuses me is, doesn't fedora's live cd have a basic, generic (like a vga 640 x 480) driver that SHOULD work with any video card & monitor or am I missing something here?

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Ubuntu :: Nvidia Driver Install Killed Display / Remove This Driver When I See Nothing?

Aug 8, 2010

Can do nothing with the PC. New install of 10.04 and was prompted to install Nvidia driver. Did so. Rebooted, now have nothing except a thin line at top of screen. How can I remove this driver when I see nothing?

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Install A Driver A Wifi Reltak Driver

May 13, 2010

I just installed ubuntu and I have no wifi connection. How would I download and intsall a copy from my Win XP boot?

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General :: USB Host Controller Device Driver Needed For Slax Live CD

Jan 1, 2011

For years I have used a Slax live CD on a laptop to clone internal HDDs to USB HDDs. I recently purchased a Sony VPCF136FM laptop with Intel Core i7 CPU. It apparently has USB 3.0 ports. The problem is the USB ports are dead with Slax. There is a USB devise driver available for Windows 7 from Sony but nothing for Linux operating systems. Can this driver be ported to Linux? It is an exacutable (XXX.exe). The chip for the USB Host is from Renesas Electronics (no help there, either). Where can I find a device driver to use with Slax and how would I install it?

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Debian :: Can't Install Driver Dowload Driver From Nvidia?

Mar 5, 2011

install debian 6 on my pc and have big problem with videoadapter driver i cannot install driver i dowload driver from nvidia do something in google but nothing! palit gtx 460 linux debian 6 x64.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Gnome Live Cd Install A "live Version" Or A "standard Version"?

Jul 3, 2010

Does the gnome live cd install a "live version" of OpenSUSE or a "standard version? I used knoppix 4.x long time ago... I don't want to end up with a default user called linuxuser and not be able to save any changed unless I created an additional read/write partition.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Live Gnome-cd To Create An Usb Install Piece?

Jul 18, 2010

I am trying to create an usb install from an gnome-live cd. All I have done is not working:

fedora liveusb-creator
linuxlive usb creator

All I can get are errors saying cang find kernel or error like that. I have used linux and windows environment. The iso I am using is fine, I am sure because I have instaled it on two pcs. Iso gnome-live >> usb (bootable to install)

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OpenSUSE Install :: Install From Live Usb / Boots But Then Goes Black

Dec 14, 2009

I downloaded the live cd iso and installed it on usb using this command (while it was unmounted):ddif=open SUSE-11.2-KDE4-LiveCD-i686.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=4M...I then restarted and it loads into a main openSUSE screen, I choose the "OpenSUSE 11.2" and it starts loading. Then it shows the progress abr under the gecko guy and it starts to load, that moves to a few diff. places on the screen and then it goes black. Any ideas?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Live CD BOOT/INSTALL With HCL K38 Laptop

Mar 16, 2011

I am using an HCL k38 pdc laptop and I am unable to boot KDE live cd of opensuse 11.4. The system boots to a graphical screen where a progress bar is shown. the progress bar proceeds to about 90% and then my system hangs. ALl I can see on my screen is that graphical image with suse logo and progress bar. Though my mouse works and I can move it all around the desktop but if I try pressing any key (CAPS/NUM LOCK/SCROLL LOCK) i dont see any LED notification for that. this concludes that the system is hanged.

Key board has no issue as I can use it in Windows.

I tried to boot the lice cd in text mode and it worked very fine from there I installed the system on to my HDD in dual boot mode with windows XP. But after installation when I boot opensuse from HDD it stucks at the same position.

I think this issue is with Nvidea graphics card as when the system boots I see an error message that says that the RAM has an address conflict with VGA ROM.

How can I use opensuse. I have even tried ubuntu 10.10 but it also hangs while booting or after booting. So far I have been able to manage only Sabayon Linux working on this machine however the ubuntu 9.10 was working on this system and it also started behaving similarly after I upgraded it to ubuntu 10.04.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Install - Live CD From Usb Stick

Jul 11, 2011

I have done a big big mistake (I could beat myself up for that) with my netbook and now I am sitting here, not getting openSUSE installed on it.

I wanted to try another netbook linux and installed (more by accident than intentionally) Easy Peasy Linux. This system is not bad, but cannot work with the wireless adapter in my netbook. However, I then wanted to install openSUSE 11.4 again, which ran fine on the netbook. But the install always gets stuck in different stages and I donīt know why.

Sometimes a failure message comes up: "filesystem is read only, rebooting in 120 seconds", but I am not really sure if this is for the harddrive or the usb stick. In other occasions, the bootprocess until install gets stuck at "starting KDM". Nothing happens then... thats it.

I already have reformatted the usb stick and copied the openSUSE Live CD via Imagewriter on it again... no success.

So now I am really confused, because I donīt know if there is something wrong with the harddrive? Or is it the stick itself? How can I find this out?

If it is the harddrive, how can I at least refomat it? Remember: no CD or DVD drive, just USB stick...

How can I find out if the image on the stick is ok? I already tested the install media and it said: "checksum ok"

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Installation :: Live Disks Won't Install Drivers Or Install?

Feb 19, 2009

So far I've tried gOS, Linux Mint, Ubuntu, and SuZE. The result is the same: The live disk runs, opens up but the graphics are shoddy, sound doesn't work, everything is very slow, and in attempting to partition and install the os, it stays at "Resizing partitions 0%"I know Live disks are going to be a bit slower, but this is super slow and this computer is just a few months old. Usually the live cds have a database of drivers for common media but it just isn't accelerating the graphics or even recognizing my wireless. I know its not the CDs because they work fine on other (much older) computers.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 Final Will Not Install From DVD Or Live CD's

Jul 20, 2010

I am currently running 11.2 on my PC and have been doing so since it was released with no problems. When I try and install from my DVD (MD5sum and media verified) all goes well until the installer gets to the "searching for linux partitions" bit and then it dies completely. I have tried installing from a KDE and GNOME live CD and they both boot cleanly and load a usable desktop in both cases with internet access and all my Windows and openSUSE 11.2 partitions visible and browsable.

When I try to install from either of these discs Yast2 gets loaded and then just dies. I am at a total loss as to how to progress any further. Incidentally Fedora 13 won't install either so I suspect it is a kernel issue as my hardware has not changed since I installed openSUSE 11.2. I have been using SUSE since 10.0 and have never has any problems installing before now.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Comment On 11.4 Install From Live CD

Jun 26, 2011

I tried installing 11.4 from the live CD on a new motherboard (ASRock N68C-S UCC) and the very first screen (license agreement) comes out so garbled that I can not read anything from it. I tried to run rather then install from the live CD, with the same result.

Hitting F3 and changing the resolution to 800x600 still did not fix this. I find it surprising, because I would expect the installation process to use low quality graphics and therefore not be too bothered about the specifics of the graphics chipset (NVidia GeForce 7025 / nForce 630a in this case).For reference the machine has 1 GB ram.There is no such problem with the 11.3 live CD, which is what I ended up using. So no problem in terms of getting the PC up and running.

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Ubuntu :: 64 Bit Won't Run On Live CD / Or Install

Oct 4, 2010

I've got a brand new HP EliteBook 2540p and the 64 bit version of 10.04 won't run from the live CD or install. I only get to choose language and then make a choice from the next menu. Then the screen go black and the CD stop spinning after a while. Anyone else experienced similar behavior?

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Ubuntu :: Won't Install Or Run Live CD

Feb 9, 2011

I am trying to install the new version of ubuntu on a dell inspiron 8600.Its an older laptop but he has ran linux on it fine for years.I first tried the desktop version then while i was searching online for a reason i ran across someone saying it was to big for an older computer so i tried the netbook version.I can get to the options of try/install/memtest etc.I ran the mem test on both and all checks out fine, but it won't install or run live cd.

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Ubuntu :: Wont Install From X64 Live Cd?

May 23, 2010

I downloaded 10.04 LTS and it saved the ISO 'ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64' to my desktop. I burned to a CD-R, and it booted. It had the options Try ubuntu, install ubuntu, mem test, i forget this one, and boot from first hard disk.All the options worked except for the try ubuntu and install ubuntu. They just wont load, its like it doesnt even recognize im hitting enter.another note:burned another ISO a couple days ago, and it booted into a full res installer, not a 800x600 screen like this.

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Ubuntu :: Install Without Using A Live Disk?

Jul 23, 2010

Is there another way to install Ubuntu without using a live disk? well what would be the website that you can use?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How Does One Install 10.10 To USB From Live CD

Nov 14, 2010

I have a 32gb flash drive that I'd like to install Ubuntu 10.10 too. As if it were just a normal installation. Boot loader and all just on the stick.I would be attempting this from a Windows system. I do have a burned copy of the Ubuntu 10.10 live CD.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install From Live Cd

Mar 20, 2011

I'm attempting to install Ubuntu on a Gateway laptop that is a 3.06 gigahertz Intel pentium 4 with 1 gig of ram. I'm using the live cd but can't get the computer to boot to the cd. My BIOS is set to boot from cd/rom but I'm not getting the typical Ubuntu menu, which includes install, when I boot the computer. I get the Ubuntu loading screen with the graphical loading dots and when that completes I get a blank screen. I've installed Ubuntu on 4 or 5 other PCs and have never had this problem. I'm trying to completely remove XP and replace with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. Normally on booting from the Ubuntu cd I get a menu immediately which includes complete installation, but not with this computer.

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Ubuntu :: Minimalisitc Live CD Install

Apr 7, 2011

I have recreated a Live CD using Reconstructor set to text only. I have installed ubiquity, but only the debconf front end. I tried running but all that did was do nothing and return to the command prompt.

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Ubuntu :: How To Install Grub From Live CD

May 24, 2011

here it is: I tried installing grub from the Live CD to one of my hard disks (/dev/sdc) on a PCI to ATA adapter. I wanted to be able to choose which OS to boot from when the ATA adapter booted from the hard disk with GRUB on it, but all I get is a GRUB prompt. How do I make a normal GRUB menu on that hard disk with all my OS'es on the menu?

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General :: Difference Between An Ubuntu Live And U Install CD?

May 6, 2010

I ordered for an Ubuntu Install CD and obtained a CD by post (Ubuntu 9.10). Is this a Live CD or an Install CD ? What exactly is the definition of a live CD ?

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