Ubuntu :: Kernel Spamming Logs Full "display Port Opened" And "display Port Closed"?
Apr 4, 2011
I have the following problem: syslog is constantly writing to disk, because the kernel spams these messages
Apr 4 14:14:56 aspire kernel: [138498.252610] display port opened
Apr 4 14:14:56 aspire kernel: [138498.299755] display port closed
Apr 4 14:14:57 aspire kernel: [138499.328206] display port opened
Apr 4 14:14:57 aspire kernel: [138499.371835] display port closed
Apr 4 14:14:58 aspire kernel: [138500.452671] display port opened
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Sep 22, 2009
I am writing a program to read and write to devices over my serial port. My program will need to connect to up to four other machines at once. I can connect to machines successfully, it works well. However, after I connect and disconnect once, attempting to connect again will cause the FIRST serial connection will fail and all the ones after it will pass.
That works as long as it is executed only once in the program. The second time it is executed, fd[0] will die and fd[1-3] will work normally.I can't figure out why this happens, but I found a workaround by connecting to "/dev/null" before any real serial ports.What should I do?
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Feb 5, 2010
I am writing some application in C, which will access a serial port device (RS232). My application is working good. But if any other application is already opened the port, I couldn't able to identify that. In windows VB program, while accessing comport through mscomm control, i am receiving an error as "Port Already Opened". But in Linux environment, through C program how can i get that? I am accessing comport 1 as follows
fd = open("/dev/ttyS0", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_SYNC);
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Dec 1, 2010
Acer Aspire 5820 TimelineX, Mobility Radeon 5650, running open source radeon drivers. Laptop has VGA output (haven't tried it yet, will later tonight, I suspect it works) and an HDMI output. Monitor connected to laptop through HDMI causes garbled picture (either a set of lines made of little square blocks or a pink vertical line running down the leftmost edge with white, dashed horizontal lines travelling up the screen from the bottom to the top and repeating). The previous happens at startup, the latter happens if I disconnect the monitor and plug it back in again after logging in.
Running KDE 4. HDMI port is not detected (does not show up in gnome-config-display or in krandr or in xrandr). It does show my laptop's built in screen and my VGA output, but does not list my HDMI output anywhere. HDMI seems to show up in a message in dmesg, but other than that, no.
Included is the output of a few commands. All commands were run with the monitor plugged in to HDMI. 'monitor-probe-using-X radeon' failed with "Unrecognized option: -probeonly". Monitor does not display anything if plugged in on startup (some people got something, then it disappeared when X started). I haven't played with Xorg.conf yet, I'm not sure what to write for HDMI output. I haven't tried the fglrx drivers yet ((*shudders*)). I can't get any info on this problem, other people have had similar issues but they had trouble with getting a particular resolution to work or no sound through HDMI. I don't care about sound, just want a picture. Monitor is an LG Flatron L246WH. I can use VGA if push comes to shove, but I'd really like to get HDMI working.
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Jan 3, 2010
I have just bought a new Intel Mac Mini,and I wanted to have an openSuSE slice.But I use a MinidisplayPort-VGA adapter to plug my display, and I wanted to know if the Mini Display Port interface was supported.In fact, I have already tried to install FreeBSD but my screen (VGA), more surely the interface (Apple MDP) wasn't recognized.
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May 16, 2011
I just tried changed the port that apache runs on from 80 to 8080 (I need port 80 for a difference service so I am changing the apache port). After doing this I load in a browser and get a 404 error generated by apache, if I change it back to 80 it works fine.
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Dec 12, 2009
I have just set up shorewall on my router running Arch Linux. The external network is on eth0 and the internal network on eth1.I have set it up for masquerading and that works fine and I can open ports to the firewall. But I'm having trouble with port forwarding to my internal machines.The problem I have is that when port 22350 is forwarded to on my local network, checking the port with nmap from a remote computer gives me:
22350/tcp closed unknown
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Feb 18, 2010
I want to do a simple port redirect, i.e. whatever comes trough whatever interface on port AAAA will get redirected to port BBBBI thought that iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING --source 0/0 --destination 0/0 -p tcp --dport AAAA -j REDIRECT --to-ports BBBBhowever it doesn't work, e.g. nc -v -w2 -z localhost AAAA gives:
nc: connect to localhost port AAAA (tcp) failed: Connection refused
nc -v -w2 -z localhost BBBB
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Sep 21, 2010
Wow, don't know why I seem to have so much trouble with this ftp stuff. I have so start all over a few times, reinstalling Lucid Lynx destop all over, and adding the needed files to make it a server. I am just trying to do something simple for now- just having a localhost server environment to develop my joomla website, and later on host it from my server 'out there' (I already have a domain name and dynDNS service with nameservers etc. but don't want to do that yet, as I have in the past with my router forwarding port 80, and actually got hacked! so I don't want to do that again until I learn more about security) My problem right now is that I can't even get the localhost ftp to 'connect to the server'. i know the host name (localhost) and username/password that I set when I set up Lucid Lynx, and I'm sure that is what I use for the ftp usernamepassword, host etc. And I put port 21 for the port. I see from 'Shields Up' that my port 21 is closed. So I followed advice on a thread and entered a few commands in the terminal to ad iptables etc. But still, port 21 is closed and I can't install components with the Joomla installer in admin's backend. And I can't use fireftp to even change permissions in my local folders. What do i do next, open port 21 somehow? I saw a terminal command about opening port 21 that was simple but I forget it.
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May 2, 2010
I have a mail server i need it to send message via port 587 not port 25, i make some changes to my postfix server which i use and it is already successed making a telnet to 587 port like it :
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Feb 18, 2010
nmap is showing a port as closed. I have the firewall stopped on both hosts.It shows as closed on localhost as well.The process that's listening to that port is not started from xinetd so i doubt hosts.allow/deny is the issue.I can't help but feel that I'm forgetting some other access control mechanism.Both hosts are RHEl5.4
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May 24, 2010
I had an install of 8.04 running Tomcat 6 on port 80. I did a marathon upgrade session to 8.10, then 9.04, then 9.10, and finally to 10.04. My website no longer loads (from Internet, LAN, or local), and a port scan shows port 80 is not open. I have removed and reinstalled Tomcat 6, to no avail.
Could it be that the 10.04 upgrade saw an existing Desktop install and locked this port down? The /etc/Tomcat6/server.xml shows it is using port 80, so that much appears to be correctly configured. Before this would give me the ROOT webapp. Anything else I can check? Does this sound like a Tomcat problem or something Ubuntu is doing?
As a side note, I have installed the Tomcat 6 Docs and Manager apps as well. These also worked before the upgrades, and do not now.
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Nov 15, 2009
My computer is DMZ'ed ports forwarded and stuff, and still this port shows as closed on nmap.
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Feb 18, 2010
I am only getting 4.7kb/s, dispite there being 31 or so Seeders. The port is just opening and closing it seems, I have no idea why though.The port was opened both with firestarter (which isn't supposed to be firewalling ATM) and "sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 6884 -j ACCEPT".It was also opened under the 'Application Sharing' menu of my router.
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Jun 23, 2011
I am currently having an issue attempting to set up a dedicated server for source games (TF2, CS:S, L4D2). The required port (27015), along with most others, appears closed to the rest of the world and upon a port scan with DMZ hosting on (therefore no router interference between the internet and my computer) only a few ports are open (80, 139, 443, 445). My ISP does not block ports so therefore the only issue I can find is with my computer running Ubuntu 11.04. I have ensured that all traffic is allowed via iptables and I can't think of anything else that would have ports closed.
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Dec 20, 2010
I've had this problem for ages and decided to try to tackle it. It occasionally also occurs on my laptop but only intermittently. The video on the second screen seems to go haywire. On boot, it doesn't display the background image. It only will display a fading black and gray picture. Then anything that is put on the screen is captured like a screen shot on the background. It is just hard to know if things were closed
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Feb 26, 2010
I have a java application that I wrote recently. It runs off port 9955. The application runs great on my mac server. When I installed it on my linux box i cant get to it from outside the box. A port scan shows the port as closed. I flushed my iptables, did not help. I can telnet into the app locally, from the server and it works great. I cannot telnet from outside the server. I have a reference to the application in /etc/services as a tcp port (which it is).
netstat shows it as listening
netstat --listen
tcp6 0 0 [::]: SimpleSocketTest [::]:* LISTEN
netstat -anp | grep 9955
tcp6 0 0 ::: 9955 :::* LISTEN 1484/java
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Dec 23, 2010
I don't know if it sounds weird but I've been trying for weeks with no result. I want to plug my external monitor through my laptop's vga plug, close the lid and work on my monitor instead of the laptop's monitor. I looked through the gnome power management settings and when the laptop lid is closed it can only suspend, blank screen, hibernate or shutdown. I can plug my monitor and I have clone displays and it works fine but I can' find a way to shutdown the laptop screen without shutting down the vga outlet. Its a brand new Acer aspire 5734Z with a 15,6 inches screen (wich is why I want to plug in my 19 inches monitor and work on bigger screen)
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Apr 4, 2011
Is there a way to display the boot logs as ubuntu is starting up? Call me old fashion, but I think it's better than staring at a pretty logo that does not tell me what's going on everytime I boot. I am using 10.10
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Jan 17, 2010
Currently Im having a syslog server that consolidate firewall logs on port 514 udp. Im also having a IDS device that I wish to push its logs to this particular syslog server so that I can retrieve my IDS logs on this server as well.
Is it possible to do so?Having syslog listening on port 514 for both firewall and IDS logs? If it is possible will the logs be recorded in a single log file?Or will it be recorded in a separate log file ie. firewall.log, IDS.log etc?? I wish to have them in separate individual log files or else there will be hard time segregating the log entries in a single file. Can anyone advice on how to achieve this??
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Mar 24, 2011
Is there a software I can use to display on a terminal that would display traffic or log information to a display terminal. I have CentOS on all my boxes. I would like to have a terminal up and have it show things like requests to the DNS servers, apache or maybe anything else. Especially errors. I know if I had something just displaying live from the web server it would go by so fast you couldn't see it so I would have to slow it down or something.
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Feb 5, 2010
Is there a way to NOT display the current full directory path in the terminal? I'd like to set the default to be just the current directory instead of everything back to ~.
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Dec 26, 2010
How can I get the full path to display in Nautilus so I can copy it to the clipboard and/or type a path manually?
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Nov 1, 2010
sudo ssh -L 750: username@ does exactly what it's supposed to do, but how do i edit / remove this rule?Is there some config file where i can alter the forwarding? How does it get stored?Im using Ubuntu 10.10Server Edition (allthough i recon it would be pretty much the same across all versions
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Mar 28, 2010
I'm not that great with mailservers, and just been thrown a curveball with a MS Exchange environment for which there is apparently no solution... yeah, right. But is there a workaround?
The problem is that the site mail (SMTP) needs to be sent via port 26 instead of the commonly used 25. Port 25 is mapped to a mailfilter, which apparently causes havoc with some of the mail, and the techs that have been on site trying to coax the Exchange server to co-operate have said that the only way would be to get rid of the filter.
The problem is that there are number of apps that are unable to have the outgoing port changed and so keep sending mail out on port 25.
I look after the Unix/Linux side of things at work, and I was wondering if there was an easy way to set up a Ubuntu box to receive mail on port 25 and just forward it to the MS box on port 26? So, in other words (and I hope this makes sense): monitor port 25, and forward whatever comes in on port 25 to the server on port 26. Simple portforwarding, or is it? What steps do I need to take?
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Aug 7, 2010
When I use the following command:
ssh user@ssh_server -L 5500:localhost:5500 -p 22
everything works fine. I can log in, and local port forwarding is done. Otherwise when I use the command:
ssh user@ssh_server -R 5500:localhost:5500 -p 22
I get an error "remote port forwarding failed for listen port 5500". However when I try remote port forwarding in WinXP by use of putty there is no problem...
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Oct 17, 2010
i was just wondering, that, is there a way to permanently display a full folder in desktop, in gnome.for example, there is a home folder displayed in kubuntu desktop, always
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Aug 1, 2011
Is there a way to display and edit the full path of the current directory in nautilus? I am using Ubuntu 10.10 and I think it was possible with an older version.
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Jul 15, 2011
i want if a port (exp. 1001) have 20 connections that the next new connection forword to an other port (exp. 1002).
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Oct 21, 2010
VERY new to linux, erm but I have an issue that needs solving!I recently moved to university, where their network blocks sftp port 22, this means that I cannot connect to my FTP server which is running a version of linux.Now I've got this ftp server connected to a seedbox and it was created using the following walk through..Code:I have written this guide for a friend, but I though it would be useful for others as well.
There are several guides floating around, but I found that most always cock up in some way. This one is tried and tested to work on Debian Etch (on an OVH rps, but should apply to most servers).If there is a new stable release of rtorrent/libtorrent then I will update this guide to show you how to update it (without reinstalling the whole server).
At the bottom there are also instructions to install ftp access & some network monitoring software.Basically, I would really like someone to be able to construct the commands on how to change the listen port for sftp connection on linux or add another port to the list that Linux would use so that I could put in through putty.
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