Ubuntu :: Installing Restricted Drivers On LiveUSB (Persistent Install)

Jun 5, 2010

I made a quick little USB install of Ubuntu using the USB Creator thing in Ubuntu 9.10 (I gave it room to store data also). I use this USB on two computers (Both Toshiba Laptops) and one of them needs restricted drivers for 3D. If I install them, will it mess up where it won't work on any other computers?

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Ubuntu :: Run Compiz In LiveUSB W/ Nvidia Or ATI Cards W/o Restricted Drivers?

Oct 10, 2010

Compiz works out of the box in Live systems when run on computers with integrated Intel graphics chips.Is there a way to make it work on system with Nvidia or ATI chips? Even if I have persistence enabled, downloading and installing the drivers does not carry over to the next session and it again throws up a "restricted drivers available/needed" prompt.P.S The purpose of doing this is for demos. Plugging in a live system and letting people play with whizbang effects is the best way to convert them

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Ubuntu Security :: Create A Persistent LiveUSB With An Encrypted Home?

Jul 20, 2010

I want to carry Ubuntu with me everywhere on a LiveUSB but I want to encrypt the home with a strong passphrase in case it is lost or stolen. How do I do that?

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Ubuntu :: Blank Screen After Install Restricted Drivers

Aug 9, 2011

I just reseantly got an Asus Essentio CM1730-05 desktop and I installed Ubuntu 11.04 on it with Wubi. After doing so, I installed the restricted driver for my onboard ATI Radeon 3000 graphics. After doing so I get to a blank screen right after the splash screen. Also I think it is frozen because I don't here the Log in music and I have to hard reboot instead of just hitting the power button. If you need to know more about my hardware just ask. Also I have tried two different monitors.

A Dell M991 and my HDTV. I have used the following hook ups to the HDTV-DVI to HDMI and HDMI to HDMI. The Dell M991 is like any older monitor. Just that one VGA hook up. I noticed there is an Asus section so I hope that this is still the right spot. I have tried the following. Replace quiet splash with nomodeset and also i915.modeset=1. I have yet to try i915.modeset=0.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Adding Restricted Nvidia Drivers To Fresh Install Script?

Dec 30, 2010

Just wondering how i could add a entry into a restore script i would run after doing a fresh install of #! Crunch bang. going to be using a base script from [URL]...to do the basics replacing the aptitude thing with apt-get of course What i will be using is as follows

# This script is the first in a series of setup scripts for gnome
# Check for admin rights. If user is not an admin user, exit the script
if [ $UID != 0 ]


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Terminal At Boot Time / Opted To Install ATI Drivers When Alerted To Restricted Ones By Pop-up?

Jan 1, 2010

I recently installed Fedora - it seems like a nice interface and I want to experience the system before deciding whether I want to keep using it over my ever reliable Crunchbang, which gives me absolutely no grief whatsoever. However, it is nice to use an attractive interface now and again.So, here's my problem - I opted to install the ATI drivers when alerted to the restricted ones by the pop-up. I took note of how to disable them again if there were problems with the display after reboot. There was a problem with the display (black screen) and I can't get the command entered at boot time because the only command line environment I have an option for is GRUB. Grib does not recognize any of the 'aticonfig --initial -f' command that ATI instructed me to use to get things back to normal. How do I do this? I prsume others have been there and will know how to guide me. - getting the graphical interface to display better graphics. I want the eye candy that desktop effects give. I am hoping Fedora won't let me down here because I could simply continue to use Ubuntu which only gives one problem with the window resize delay.

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Ubuntu :: 8.10 Restricted Accelerated Drivers Not Enabling?

Feb 20, 2010

due to a crash on window's part my computer crashed and I decided to install the latest version of Ubuntu. (9.10) However as it happened, it was actually incompatible with the usb on my computer an Acer AM5641 desktop. So I opted for 8.10 which works like a charm except for the fact that the restricted drivers for my graphics card (an Nvidia 7900 GS that I installed) don't work. After clicking "enable driver" everything appears to go as normal. Except for the fact that when I restart it, it automatically goes into safe mode, and i can't save it at a higher resolution than 800x600.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Restricted Drivers Not Showing?

Mar 1, 2010

I reinstalled ubuntu and now there isn't a box that pops up saying "restricted drivers" where my wireless would pop up saying something like Broadcom STA wireless driver. and Broadcom BZ3 wireless driver (or something like that) I would then click STA wireless driver and click "activate" then it would make my wireless card work.

Why isnt this box popping up? how do I get to it?

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Ubuntu :: Option For OpenGl To Use Restricted Drivers?

May 18, 2010

I have been using EnvyNG for my nvidia 9600 for a few ubuntu versions now, but cant find envy after doing a clean install of lucid. When I installed lucid and added the sources, Envy is not there. Does this mean envy no longer used, or is not updated for lucid?

Is my only option for OpenGl to use restricted drivers? I think the restricted drivers are causing me some grief with compiz & emerald. I frequently lose emerald, & have to reload the windows manager. I rarely saw these issues with karmic or jaunty.

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Ubuntu :: Restricted Drivers Manager - Whats The Package?

Aug 10, 2010

i have always wondered , what is the package for Restricted Drivers Manager ? it used to be something like restricted-manager ,but that package is not in the repos

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Ubuntu :: Restricted Nvidia Drivers Break Geforce 240 Graphics?

Jun 21, 2010

I attempted to install restricted drivers using jockey-gtk, was told to reboot and drivers would take effect. Rebooted and got no graphics, after some finagling I was able to delete xorg.conf and I now have horrific looking graphics. Defaulted to current version or 195 (which is also the only option I see in the jockey tool, however in synaptic/apt I see I can install other versions.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Proprietary NVIDIA Graphics Drivers From Restricted Repo?

Jul 17, 2011

As this question pops up quite often on IRC and, as a quick search told me, on this board as well, I decided to put together some directions that, with some or the other variation, also apply to other Linux distributions and have never failed me. The following is confirmed to work for Kubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal 64bit with a NVIDIA GeForce GT 240 and on Kubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal 32bit with a NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900XT graphics card.

This HowTo will describe how to install the proprietary NVIDIA graphics card drivers using exclusively the command line. I strongly suggest you try this method for a fresh install of graphics drivers before trying any other method, especially a GUI-driven one (I never used a GUI for package management on a Debian-ish system, but I hear that the Ubuntu Software Center supposedly has a way of installing proprietary graphics drivers).

The restricted packages repository should be enabled by default. To the more experienced users: This HowTo uses apt-get for demonstrating the install process. If you prefer using aptitude, feel free to replace the commands accordingly. First steps. As well be doing everything on the command line, first open a terminal application from your desktop environments menu or from a shortcut icon on your panel, if you have one. You should be greeted by a prompt that looks like this:


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Software :: Installing The Restricted Extras?

Jun 15, 2010

When I tried to install Ubuntu restricted extras, it shows:Requires installation of untrusted packages The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources. When I press the OK button, it stops.How can I install the package?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Installing Restricted Formats Package?

Feb 6, 2010

I am new to ubuntu and would like to play my music library via a program. Was going to just try rhythmbox since it came with the OS, unless someone has another suggestion. When trying to play my mp3s I get a error saying I need to download a plugin which it can't find. I found this link and tried to follow it. [URL]..I was able to install the package on my laptop, but one my desk top when I click on 'Click here to install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package' I get prompted to use 'apturl' which I accept then it says Could not find package 'ubuntu-restricted-extras'.I am connected to my network, shouldn't it just reach out to and grab this?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Browse Via Hotspot After Installing Restricted-extras

Aug 7, 2010

I hope that I am not repeating a thread.I can connect successfully to HotSpots in the sense that I can see the network and connect to it. However, I cannot browse. After I open FireFox I am supposed to be brought automatically to the login page, but instead it keeps saying "connecting to..." until it fails with an error message. After researching a bit further, I have found out that this happens when the package ubuntu-restricted-extras has been installed. All works perfectly before installing this package. This has been going on for quite a few releases now, I think since 9.04 at least. I have come up with this problem on three completely different computers, so I would say that the hardware is not the problem. This issue also happens with Epiphany and Konqueror, so I presume that it's not a problem with the browser neither.Rather, it looks to me like one of the many packages that are installed with ubuntu-restricted-extras causes the problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Restricted Extras Package?

Dec 13, 2010

After installing Ubuntu,Firstly i went to the terminal & typed "$ sudo apt-get install Ubuntu Restricted Extras"then i input my password,to installbut sometime later the Ubuntu Restricted Extras Package installation was failed.How can i successfully install Ubuntu Restricted Extras Package?

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Ubuntu Installation :: White Screen After Installing Nvidia Restricted Driver As Prompted

Jan 6, 2010

I've had Ubuntu installed on my desktop for a month now, and its all worked like a charm, so I'm thrilled. I then decided to install it on my old laptop as well to see if I could breath a bit more life into it, and to get used to working Ubuntu a bit more. The laptop had 18.6GB partitioned to C:// drive or windows XP, and an empty 18.6GB D:// drive, so I deleted the D:// drive in XP using the Microsoft disk utilities tool, all well and good. I then did a clean install of Ubuntu-9.10-desktop with an Ubuntu CD into the largest continuous free space, and it set it up nicely. When I first booted it up there were a ton of updates to install, as there had been on the desktop first time, which I dutifully installed. As on the desktop a little notice popped up telling me to install the NVidia Proprietary driver for the NVidia card (specifically "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version 96)[Recommended]"), as it had when I installed it on the desktop, so I chose to install that and then restarted the computer.

On restarting GRUB2 loaded, and it booted Ubuntu. I then saw the little white logo on the black screen for a couple of seconds, and then the screen goes completely white, with some pixels left behind fading to white slightly slower. First time through I held down the power button to force shut down, and on restart exactly the same thing happened. This time I held down alt+sysrq and went through the R, E, I, S, U, B sequence, however as opposed to usual I didn't get a black terminal-like screen after hitting any of the buttons, although it did reboot on B. It did boot correctly in recovery mode, however I was at a loss what to do here. Incidentally, the same problem occurred when I booted to previous version of the kernel as well.

Then I decided that as I didn't have any data to lose, and it was still early in the day, I'd do a clean re-install. This time I chose to ignore the updates, and just install the NVidia driver as prompted to check that it was the driver causing the trouble. Having installed the driver and restarted I got exactly the same problem as before - definitely this pesky NVidia driver, not any of the updates.So here I am at clean install 3, having just got all the updates, but not having downloaded the NVidia driver as prompted, with little desire to go through yet more reinstalls. My questions are:

1) Do I need to install this NVidia driver? The rest of the computer specifications are fairly paltry by modern standards, and I won't be doing anything graphics intensive on it (the most graphical program will probably be Battle for Wesnoth) and I I don't need to install it, not installing it seems to be the easiest way to solve the problem.

2) If I do need to install it how would I go around doing this without getting my charming white screen?

3) Is there a way of removing the driver from recovery mode that doesn't involve a clean install again? I have tried sudo apt-get purge nvidia-driver, which tells me there isn't any installed. I have tried sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf which made no difference. I have tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and this didn't help. I have tried a couple of other commands as well but I can't remember them, however I would probably recognise them if I saw them again.

Onto System information - pulled from listed specifications and SysInfo:

General System Information
Release:Ubuntu 9.10 (karmic)
GNOME: 2.28.1 (Ubuntu 2009-11-03)


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Retrieve Audio CD Information After Installing Restricted-extras?

Sep 5, 2010

I've got Ubuntu 10.4 and have been using Rhythmbox to play CDs. When I put a CD in it would always be recognised and Rhythmbox would display the artist and song titles. Today I installed the following package:ubuntu-restricted-extrasThis was so I could rip CDs to MP3s. This worked, however it seems to have also had the side effect of preventing Rhythmbox from retrieving information about audio CDs. If I run Rhythmbox from a shell I get the following debug:

** (rhythmbox:2271): DEBUG: Loading the real store page
** (rhythmbox:2271): DEBUG: navigation requested to https://one.ubuntu.com/music/store-no-token


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OpenSUSE Install :: Only Log As Failsafe After Installing ATI Drivers?

Sep 11, 2010

I've installed my the ATI drivers as per this link: SDB:ATI drivers - openSUSEHowever when trying to reboot on normal mode the OS opens only tty1 (terminal 1?), you know, the one with green theme background. Fortunately I was able to reboot and log with failsafe. Any ideas why this is happening and how I can fix it?

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OpenSUSE :: Installing The Restricted Subpixel/freetype Smooth Font Packages On 11.4?

Mar 14, 2011

I love openSUSE, but I hate its default font rendering. On openSUSE 11.3, I am obtaining good results with the SubpixelHinting - openSUSE Community Wiki together with [url]. However, the previous repo doesn't have packages for 11.4. I know that there are some personal packages in the build service, but soon after the 11.3 release they pulled these personal packages because they might violate a patent. So where is a reliable, easy source for installing the best libraries for smooth fonts with subpixel hinting?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Black Screen After Installing ATI Drivers

Dec 10, 2010

I have installed ati drivers looking at this HOWTO ATI Installer HOWTO for openSUSE users

But after reboot i see only black screen....

My vga is ati hd4770. Looking for a full tutorial how install drivers (maybe with screens). Please help me.

With ubuntu/linux mint everything was working perfectly.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Disappearing Mouse After Installing Catalyst Drivers?

Apr 6, 2010

I just installed the ATI Catalyst drivers for my Radeon HD3200, and upon reboot my mouse has disappeared. I can still use it, it's just that there's no pointer on the screen. In addition, moving windows and loading/scrolling any window is very, very slow.I also noticed there's no entry for the mouse in xorg.confI have run aticonfig --intial and aticonfig --initial -f, to no avail.

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Installation :: Can't Install Anything In Ubuntu LiveUSB / Resolve This?

Jan 6, 2010

I have recently setup Ubuntu 9.10 in my USB pendrive using LiLi USB Creator tool.
I have given persistence with 1530MB.
Now the problem is if i want to install any software from the Ubuntu Software center, it shows a message


I have no idea how can I solve this .

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Boot From LiveUSB

Apr 15, 2010

I have a memory stick of 8GB and I partition it like that: The first partition is a big one approx 7GB for file transfers and stuff like that - is a FAT32 file system On the second partition I made a opneSUSE 11.2 Live USB with the following command:

dd if=/path/to/iso/openSUSE-11.2-KDE4-LiveCD-i686.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M;sync

After that I plugged the usb in other computer to boot from USB but the system is freezing on a black screen.

I used the first partition for file transfer because Windows seems to see only the first one.

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Fedora Installation :: LiveUSB No Graphics - No Install

Jun 4, 2011

I'm quite keen to get Fedora 15 up and running but I am falling at the first hurdle. I can successfully boot from a LiveUSB and be presented with a text only tty2 / tty3 / tty4 / tty5 interface inviting me to log in but no graphics are possible and I cannot see any way to install Fedora. I have GMA500/Poulsbo graphics chipset which has notoriously **** Linux support but I note that basic support has been inlined in 2.6.39 so I think that if I could only get Fedora installed and then upgrade the kernel or do other things later I will be ok.

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OpenSUSE Install :: LiveUSB Hanging At Boot?

Nov 26, 2010

I have been trying and failing to install openSUSE 11.3 for the last couple of days to replace my Ubuntu install.

I have downloaded the openSUSE-11.3-GNOME-LiveCD-i686.iso (have downloaded numerous times in case it was a problem with the mirror I used) and done the standard dd stuff, as well as trying it from my windows partition with the ImageWriter app.

When I try and boot with the USB drive plugged in my system hangs at the boot screen and the usb drive starts flashing as if it is being read, this continues indefinitely and never goes beyond the boot screen and i eventually take the usb drive out and restart.

When plugging the drive in when Im in ubuntu it shows up as "openSUSE Live CD GNOME" and all the files seem to be there. In gparted it doesn't recognise the partitions or anything but I presume this is normal... Also reduces the size of my drive to the size of the Live CD but again I presume this is normal...

I have also tried installing using the NET iso however I have exactly the same outcome.

This laptop is a Acer Travelmate 8371 and has had Ubuntu, Mint, and Windows 7 all installed from the same USB drive. There is not optical drive so I have no other ways to install openSUSE.

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Fedora Installation :: Install From LiveUSB - 11 - Boot Can't Be Ext4

Jun 9, 2009

I booted into the Fedora 11 on my netbook, and used the desktop icon to install to hard-drive. I specified to use "Free space", and hit next. From there, it just stalls. The "Install Fedora" window does nothing, and I'm going on a half-hour now of nothing.

Tried three times, still nothing.

The first time I tried, I chose to replacce old linux installation (ubuntu), and when I told it to install Fedora 11 root as ext4, it said the boot can't be ext4... so I chose ext3 and it said root device must be ext4...

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Ubuntu :: Can't Install Restricted Formats In Meerkat?

Nov 12, 2010

I tried to install them through the software center first. It would show "in progress" on the left hand side for a couple seconds and then it would go away, but the formats did not install. next I found a command to copy and paste, but it didn't work either

mike@mike-MacBook:~$ $ wget -c http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/poo...untu3_i386.deb
$: command not found
mike@mike-MacBook:~$ wget -c http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/poo...buntu4_all.deb
--2010-11-13 05:54:17-- http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/poo...buntu4_all.deb
Resolving archive.ubuntu.com...,,, ...
Connecting to archive.ubuntu.com||:80... connected.


edit: it appears that this problem applies to more than just the restricted formats... I just tried to download chess and it didn't work either. the window flickered for a second after the "in progress" went away, then nothing happened.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Install Won't In Persistent USB Install?

Dec 21, 2010

I'm trying to use a persistent install of Lubuntu 10.10 on a USB flash drive. I thought it was working at first, but the wireless connection won't happen at all; period!

Whenever I click on the network Icon, all I get is a pop up message telling me I'm not connected to the wireless Then when I click on the wireless menu to select a network, the sign in window closes before I can even try to do anything with it, and then I get that "your not connected" pop up message again.

It's quite irritating. It basically won't let me sign on to a wireless Internet connection at all.Every time I do try to connect all I get is the "your not connected" message and nothing else. I'm using a 16 GB Kingston Data Traveler USB flash drive and am trying to run it on a Toshiba A100 Satellite laptop.

I've also been experimenting with a 16 GB Kingston Data Traveler 102 USB flash drive, with Linux Mint 9 LXDE installed on it and haven't had any problems with that one accessing wireless connections on the same computer.

Does anyone know what would cause this? It seems to boot well enough. But I just can't get Lubuntu 10.10 to access wireless networks to save my life. Could it be a hardware issue? I should note too that I used exactly the same USB flash drive on the same computer when giving Xubuntu 10.10 a "test drive" as a persistent install. But I didn't have any troubles like that with it.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Acer TimeLine 3810TZ Can't Boot From LiveUSB

Nov 30, 2009

I want to install OpenSUSE 11.2 on my Acer TimeLine 3810TZ which has no DVD Drive and it reports that it's written it A-OK.So I go to my laptop, enter the BIOS to give priority boot to the USB (It has Three USB entries, USB-CDROM, USB-HDD, USB-FDD, so I just put them all before any HDDs, figuring it'd cycle through them) and reboot with my stick in one of the USB slots.

And then it hangs on the BIOS. It lights up my USB Stick's activity light like crazy, but it never actually leaves the BIOS screen (POST screen). Any idea what's going on? I'm kind of stuck with Windows Vista, and we all know how bad that is

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