Ubuntu Installation :: Using Fdisk Or Gdisk Depending On Hardware?

Jun 25, 2011

I have installed 10.04 64bit on two machines that have different hardware. After the installation (that went perfectly by the way), I needed to add extra partitions on both machines. Normally I use fdisk for this, and on one machine this went OK. On the second machine, however, after starting fdisk, I got the warning message that a GUID Partition Table was found on the disk, and fdisk was not compatible.
This leads me to believe that during installation on the first machine fdisk was used to partition my harddisk, and on the second machine gdisk or gparted was used. Is this normal ? Is there a way at installation time to force the use of fdisk ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Packages For Gdisk?

Mar 19, 2010

With GPT partitioning more and more needed (MSDOS partitions not supporting drives larger than 2TB), and fdisk and sfdisk not supporting GPT, and parted still being cranky, I'm looking for another partitioning tool. There is a project called "gdisk". But I can't find an Ubuntu package for it. I guess I'll have to build that one from source. Is there a place to suggest adding the package? how to build my own Ubuntu packages. Or if I can find enough docs on the partition table structures, maybe I can write my own that will be even easier to use from the command line

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fails At GDisk From Live USB

Sep 10, 2010

I'm having big problems trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 (32bit) on a new computer - nothing has ever been on it so it's fresh as a daisy. It has no optical drive so I created a live USB installation through Unetbootin, which starts up no problem and I can start the installation to the hard drive. After picking my keyboard layout in stage 3, the installer hangs. A crash message appears in the top right (but nothing overtly obvious happens and I can close the installation window easily). Trying to start GParted from the applications menu also results in the same crash error. Looking around I thought this may be some disk formatting issue so I created a new ext4 partition for the whole hard drive (160GB) with the disk utility which went without a hitch but hasn't made any difference.

I can however start GParted from the command line (gksudo gparted) into the partition created above just fine but still no dice when opening from the applications menu, it just pops up, starts to read then closes. Just to check if this was Ubuntu specific I also tried running Fedora off another USB and the same thing happens, the installer hangs when reading the hard disk. Looking around this seems like a common problem with many users finding the same issue (there's a 4 page topic about it going back 12 months)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Wants To Remove Lots Of Packages (possibly Depending On Plymouth)?

Oct 5, 2010

last week I encountered the following problem: The update manager suggests a distribution upgrade (strange enough since I already have 10.4 and 10.10 is not released yet). The even worse part is that 24 packages shall be removed from my system, including acpi, cryptsetup, network-manager, nvidia-current, plymouth-x11, samba and wine. About 5 weeks ago I experimented (without success) with disabling plymouth because I wanted textmode during booting. I found some warnings that one should not completly remove plymouth because lots of dependencies including cryptsetup (which is vital to my system). So I did not remove plymouth (a look in Synaptic confirms this), but I may have changed some settings concerning plymouth.I am not sure what this upgrade is about.

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Debian :: GDISK Not Present Under Testing?

Dec 5, 2010

I would like to mount several partitions into my dd of my /dev/sa, normally I do this with gdisk... however the gpt gdisk debian is not there into the leeny testing repositories... any ideas if it has moved into another packages

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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating Partitions Using Fdisk?

Sep 30, 2010

I have a dell poweredge 2950 server which had red hat on it. I have installed ubuntu on top of it. I have replaced master boot record during the installation of ubuntu as I dont want use red hat anymore. During the installation it asked me for the space I wanted to give for Ubuntu and I provided 10GB. Now I can use only 10GB of my harddrive until I mount other partitions correct?

So when I type sudo fdisk -l I get the below printed:

Disk /dev/sda: 146.2 GB, 146163105792 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 17769 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


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Ubuntu Installation :: Create Aligned Partitions With Fdisk On EBS?

Jul 17, 2010

After reading Markus Ewald blogpost on http:[url]...n-ssd-on-linux about Aligning an SSD on Linux I decided to give it a try.I have bought two 80 GB Intel X25-M SSD for my home server. The plan is to install Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit server and use the SSDs as system discs and vmware data storage using software raid for redundancy.After reading the blog post I am not sure how to make all my partitions aligned and set up on EBS (Erase Boundary Size)I am planning for four partitions:Boot, size 1GB

Root, size 25GB
Swap, size 4GB
Data storage for vmware server, size 40GB

According to Markus Ewald I should use 32 heads and 32 sectors.Using the live CD, I started using fdisk -S 32 -H 32 /dev/sda.Fdisk can create partitions using cylinders or sectors, and now I ran into trouble.

First partition /boot must start on cylinder 2 (or sector 1024). Size is 1 GB and the following partition should be aligned and start on a new EBS block. How do I do this with fdisk?Should the next partition start on a new cylinder? Otherwise, after formatting, fdisk gives a warning that the partition is not aligned to the cylinder size? The overall question is how to format four aligned partitions which all are aligned with Intels X25-M EBS. EBS for Intel X25-M is either 128KB or 512KB (Have not found a confirmed value yet)

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Fedora Installation :: All Fdisk Commands In Terminal Giving Errors

May 19, 2009

I've got an F10 install on an old IBM machine. I am trying to repartition the hard-drive, but all my fdisk commands in terminal give me errors. I made a DOS boot floppy on another machine so I could do it that way, but when I try to go from A: to C: the computer says I have no hard drive installed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: "omitting Empty Partition" With Fdisk

Dec 18, 2010

Since I installed TinyXP on another partition on my PC, I get "omitting empty partition" when I use fdisk -l.

omitting empty partition (5)
Disk /dev/sda: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


NOTE: I also searched for the palimpset error and I found a Bug Report there: [URL. I don't know if these informations could help to fix this problem, I think it's related and probably cause by the installation of Windows XP and the way that gparted and palimpset read the partitions.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Auto Suspend And Wol Depending On Usage

Jan 18, 2010

i have a pc that is set up as a torrent slave / file server and media pc i want to set i up so that is goes in to suspend when there is no need for it to be on. I wnat it to wake at a set time to run a cron script for me, to check if there are any new torrents out, if there are , download an seed to till rtorrent auto stops the seeding (for me thats set at 1:1), then go back in to standby mode, if there are no active downloads then i want it to go back in to standby straight away.

as its also used as a file server, is there any way to have the shares still visable, with the pc in stand by, then when a user accesses it wake up the server, and if there is no activity after a set time out then go back in to standby. i would also like it to wol when i try to ssh in to it as a htpc is runns moovida, i would also like it to only go in to standby mode if i am not playing a video.

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Ubuntu :: Depending On Jokosher And It Didn't Work, It Wouldn't See The Input In The Mic?

Apr 22, 2010

depending on ubuntu and jokosher and it didn't work, it wouldn't see the input in the mic.I download jokosher the night before on windows just in case, and it was needed.can do one day testing, no internet though, so post all possible things and solutions here.How i was recording. I was recording with a condenser mic always on, and outputting from a audio board for a coffee house.

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Ubuntu :: Automatically Enable Or Disable Spellchecking In Vim Depending On Filetype?

Jul 11, 2010

Is there a way to automatically enable or disable spellchecking in vim depending on the filetype? I often work with tex files (with lots of text) where the spellchecking is useful, and scripts and conf files where spellchecking often marks variables and functions (which are often in red or similar colour), making them unreadable (red text on red background).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up Website To Download Files From MU Depending On URL

May 31, 2011

I know a guy who has a website setup where he can download files from Megaupload with his premium account without signing in. He takes the MU link's ID, eg: URL... adds it to the end of the URL (URL...) and it downloads using the premium account logged in on the computer he has his site hosted on. We don't get along well and I would rather not ask him how he does it.

How would I set this up on my own computer? I can see this being extremely useful for me if I need to download some of my artwork or projects from MU but I don't want to sign in because I'm on a public computer or something. I already have everything installed on my computer to host a site. I have a simple "Hello World" page running on my webserver right now. I don't need help getting that part set up, just the rest of it.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up Website To Download Files From MU Depending On URL I Use

Jun 4, 2011

The original thread was closed because "Sounds as if you are trying to steal a service which you have not paid for. We do not support that kind of activity here on Ubuntu Forums." However, it's not stealing since I am only going to use this with accounts that I have legitimately paid for.This might not be the right place to post this... if that's the case, I apologize - please move it to the correct location.I know a guy who has a website setup where he can download files from Megaupload with his premium account without signing in. He takes the MU link's ID, eg: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=xxxxxxxxand adds it to the end of the URL ( and it downloads using his premium account logged in on the computer he has his site hosted on. We don't get along well and I would rather not ask him how he does it.

How would I set this up on my own computer to use my premium account? I can see this being extremely useful for me if I need to download some of my artwork or projects from MU but I don't want to sign in because I'm on a public computer or something or because the computer has MU blocked. I want this to be a private site that only I have access to since it's my premium account and my money. I am not asking how to circumvent megauploads download limit at all (I've already paid for it... no need to circumvent it).

I just need a nudge in the right direction. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.I already have everything installed on my computer to host a site. I have a simple "Hello World" page running on my webserver right now. I don't need help getting that part set up, just the rest of it. I assume this has something to do with setting up a proxy server - I just don't know how to do that and make it work like I need it to.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Using Multilanguage Depending On Login?

Dec 30, 2009

Is it possible to install 1 more language in openSUSE, and then, one user to use one, another user to use another? I mean, when I login, I want english, and when my mother logins, to be Serbian/Croat?

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Networking :: Selective Dns Server Depending On User?

Jul 22, 2010

configure which dns the system will consult depending on which user iniciated the request.My goal would be, if user "peter" is logged in and has opened the browser, that requests for name solves from that user goes to certain/s dns server/s. And if user "anne" is logged and request name resolution, that request should be done to another dns server.To say it briefly, the idea would be configure selective dns server use depending on system users.

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Networking :: SSHD Different Settings Depending On Network?

Feb 19, 2010

is it possible to specify differnt settings for ssh depending on where somone is logging in from basically i want PasswordAuthentication yes when someone is logging in from 192.168.*.* but set to no when logging in from anywhere else

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General :: Script For Removing Files Depending On Age?

Jun 6, 2011

I want to develop a bash or Perl script that will evaluate files in the local directory and delete every file that is older than a specified time period, such as three months.I write documents and save the latest modifications by putting the current date in the filename, so I can easily see which versions are the newest. I would like to clean up my directory every once in a while, though, by eliminating the copies that are more than a few months old.

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Fedora Installation :: F11 - Graphical Install Fails - Text Install Has No Fdisk

Jun 28, 2009

I have been using Redhat/Fedora for 11 years. I don't understand why Fedora 11, can't even do a vga graphical install, when Windows can.

I tried many parameters, including xdriver=vesa, and it cannot used graphical install.

So, I tried text install, which I have done many times in the past.

However, F11 seems crippled, in that it will NOT do the same install achievable from a graphical install.

It will NOT allow the use of fdisk, and it will NOT allow any selection of any packages.

What is the point of this option?

Even after trying all of this, for a dual boot install, and F11 claims to have installed, there is no grub or equivalent, and the computer just boots windows, just like Fedora 11 did absolutely nothing.

What are the options now? Why is text install so crippled and incomplete? Why is standard VGA mode so hard?

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Debian Configuration :: Services Depending On Kernel Booted?

Jul 26, 2011

is there a Debian way possibility to start services depending on the choice made on the (grub) boot prompt? As an example:

Workstation - starts all and everything but no hostap nor xend (run this at home)
Workstation traveller - starts like Worksation except networking (run this in the pub
Xen host - run this preparing some training courses
Xen host HOSTAP - run this having the training course with a WiFi net for the class

I came from Gentoo recently and there is such a possibility. It is relatively simple to put a kernel option which the kernel does not recognize at the boot prompt. Such not recognized options will be sent through to init (and thus to the SysV init scripts) by the kernel and I could script this. What I am looking for is a the "official" way on Debian to do such things.

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Fedora Servers :: Dhcpd Option Depending On Manufacturer?

Jan 7, 2010

I would like to send a specific option 15, domain-name, to a few clients on a network from a specific manufacturer. Usually all clients [URL] from the DHCP server, but when a client with mac address bellonging to manufaturer A asks for an IP address I would like to give them [URL] How would I go about doing this? Feels like it should be possible but I am not sure how.. I remember doing something similar in a microsoft DHCP server using vendor-identifier and passing out a vendow-specific option.


class "xxx" {
match if substring (hardware, 1, 3) = 00:00:10;
option domain-name "yes.this.works.com";

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Fedora :: Firefox Graphics Different Depending On Whether It Starts Normally Or From Startup

Apr 22, 2010

trying to get Firefox working properly. I have the tarball installed from Firefox�s site and am using Fedora 12 with KDE as the desktop environment. The problem is if I start Firefox normally, say, by just clicking on the firefox script, then the graphics will be rather crude; but when Firefox starts as soon as I log in (because I�ve configured it to auto-start) then the graphics will be nice and smooth. I�m having a hard time trying to find answers for this because I�m not exactly sure what�s happening? I think when it auto-starts as I log in, it�ll use... well, this is the bit I haven�t got a clue how to explain? I�d guess one time it uses QT, and the other time it�ll use GTK.

I don�t know why it�s doing this, and when it�s started normally and I go to shutdown most of the time it�ll come up with a crash report. There isn�t any difference in the way Firefox is being opened, the auto-start calls upon the same script that my shortcut uses, which is the same as clicking on the firefox script in the firefox folder. I have a few images attached to elucidate the problem. I understand I may not have made myself very clear, but I�m having a great deal of trouble understanding what precisely is going on.

Firefox can seem a bit glitchy when the crude graphics are in use. Like the mouse-overs which leave traces of the box behind when you move the mouse away. So I�m having to logout then back in if I�ve happened to close Firefox and want to reopen it...

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OpenSUSE Install :: Privileges Depending On Boot Method?

Jan 30, 2011

1. I need to mount SAN blackarmor share at boot. I can do it manually. But I need it mounted everytime. So I introduced it into fstab. No result. See my fstab below.



I wonder what type of filesystem shall I use. Manuall mounting works with no fs spec, if smbfs or nfs is pointed it makes error.2. When I boot and loging in run level 5 straight into gnome desktop I've got different privileges, expecially to USB devices and sound system (I can not play on my external sound card). How can I control this behaviour. Let's assume that I want to stratx from level 3 as regular user and want to have all this automatic privilleges for hot plugin USB devices and automatic access to sound system. Is controlled by gnome?

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General :: Check Character And Then Replace Depending On Result?

Oct 26, 2010

I have a CSV file with 8 columns. I want to check the 5th column, which will contain a single capitalised letter. If that letter is say "B" I would then like to replace the 2nd column in the csv with an incremental number starting at 0 (basically a count) with a prefix of B (B0000001) Sample row would be:


C, 0109390,sfs,sfsf,B,blah,blah

Amended row would be:


C, B000001,sfs,sfsf,B,blah,blah

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Security :: Use Different PAM Modules Depending On Local/remote Access?

Mar 16, 2010

I'm using a fingerprint reader on my laptop, works pretty well:

$sudo echo hi
Please swipe your finger:
[swipe finger here of course]


Like I said, it works nicely... until I try to SSH in and sudo something remotely, when it will ask me kindly to swipe my finger over the reader that's attached to the laptop which is on my desk at home thirty kilometres away. Naturally there's no method built into pam_fprint to abort via a keypress.

So, is there any way to tell PAM to only use certain modules if I'm in a locally logged in session?

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Programming :: Shell Scripting - Value Disappears Depending On Argument Order

Mar 21, 2011

$ ./test.sh -a -c 2
operator is -gt
remcount is
^ value missing!

$ ./test.sh -b -c 2
operator is -lt
remcount is
^ value missing!

Yet when "-c" is the first argument, its value is present:
$ ./test.sh -c 2 -b
operator is -lt
remcount is 2
What could I do to ensure the value of "-c" is picked up regardless of the argument order?

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Ubuntu :: Trying To Write Script To Perform Tasks Number Of Times Depending On User Input?

Apr 13, 2011

I'm trying to write a bash script with a for loop that will perform two tasks a number of times depending on the number the user enters at the start. Here is what I got so far. It works fine the first time but then it just exits with no error msgs. The problem is in the way I have written the loop command. I have searched the web for examples to find out what I'm doing wrong with no luck.

declare -i Num=1
declare -i Strnum=8


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Available Resolutions Vary Depending If Monitor Is On Or Off When Starting System?

Aug 10, 2010

I just installed 11.3 in one of my computers and I've noticed the resolution was sometimes changing after a reboot. First it was switching from 1280x1025 to 1024x768 with the default deivers, then I thought installing Nvidia propietary drivers would solve the problem, but now is switching between 1280x1024 and 640x480. After several attemps to fix it I found out that the system uses the correct resolution if it starts with the monitor switched on, but falls back to 640x480 if it's off when the system boots, which is almost always since I usually control this pc trough vnc.

I Tryed to specify the available resolutions in xorg.conf, and adding the preferred mode option, but it didn't help. I tryed also to use xrand in .profile to force 1280 resolution, but it doesn't work either (when the system is started with monitor off, xrand only shows 640x480 and 320x240 as available resolutions, and so does the system preferences panel).

Here's the xorg.conf I'm using right now:

# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
# nvidia-xconfig: version 256.35 (buildmeister@builder101) Wed Jun 16 19:25:59 PDT 2010
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Layout0"
Screen 0 "Screen0"

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Networking :: /etc/resolv.conf Search Line Depending On Connected Network ?

Dec 14, 2009

I use my laptop both at home and at my job. At home it gives me the correct search line.

But when I am at the office I only get 1 search entry while if you boot in windows it gives you 3

(for example):

So this should be in /etc/resolv.conf search domain domain.com my.domain.com

It seems that this is not passed by the (Windows) dhcp server (Active Directory).

Is there any way that linux can detect depending on the network it is in that there are a few search domains added(for example like resolvconf does with ppp tunnels)?

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Server :: Send Traffic Down WAN Link Depending On Client IP Address Range?

Apr 15, 2011

I am running Debian Squeeze with the following basic services running:DNS

The server is setup with three NICs: eth0 (WAN1), eth1 (WAN2), and eth2 (LAN).The server addresses clients with an IP range of - Some clients will be set with reservations so they fall into the - 254 range.

What I want to do is have any outgoing external traffic coming from the first range ( to use WAN link 1, and any outgoing external traffic coming from the second range ( to use WAN link 2.

I have sort of got something working. I have created a bare minimum transparent squid3 setup on port 3128, and set the iptables as follows:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth2 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 3128
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 3128

I can get internet access, however obviously it only goes through one WAN link. It also seems slower than it should be. I experimented with tcp_outgoing_address, but seemed to not be my friend.

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