Ubuntu Installation :: Installing 10.04 Over Current 11.04?

May 19, 2011

I have 11.04 installed, but I want to go back to 10.04 due to issues. I plan on installing off of my USB drive. I am currently downloading the image.I plan on backing up my important files. Can I install 10.04 and keep the files that are on my machine at the moment? That is, will installing delete them? I am mostly concerned about /home/me/ files which are separated from /

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Installing NVidia Current Kills Sound?

May 27, 2010

This is not a deal breaker for me, but it is annoying. I'm running 10.04 and have an eVGA GeForce 210 card. I'd like to install the restricted video driver, since watching full screen video is extremely choppy. The problem starts when I install "nVidia version current" (only one available) from the Hardware Drivers. I reboot, and I have no sound. Video works wonderfully! But, no sound. I check, and basically it seems to be indicating that I simply do not have any choices for enabling sound. y sound is onboard from my Gigabyte EP43-UD3L motherboard. I've disabled the video driver, since I would rather have sound with small screen video than no sound at all.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Firefox 4 Beta In Parallel To Current Version?

Jan 2, 2011

can someone guide me in the installation of firefox 4 beta on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS in parallel with my current ff 3.6.13 ??? if its anyway possible?

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Slackware :: Installing Wine In -current,multilib

Dec 20, 2010

I have an old Win98 program that controls my amateur radio transceiver. I want to try it in wine, so have followed Eric's instructions on a clean -current installation. When I get to the wine SlackBuild, it tells me that it needs fontforge & webcore-fonts. I am assuming that I need to install these dependencies as 32-bit, but I am not sure, so would someone use the proper baseball bat to get me on track?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Refresh - Restore Current Installation Without FULL Reinstallation

Apr 7, 2011

I installed Ubuntu Lucid Lynx a while ago. but then upgraded it to 10.10

I don't have the CD with me right now and i need to fix some mistakes of mine (being a n00b to ubuntu) urgently i.e. i can't wait for morning. Is there anyway i can rollback to the time when my ubuntu installation was in mint condition?

One more thing. Let me tell you my mistake. Almost a month ago i installed Apache2 on my Laptop (for LAMP). and now i have to install Apache Tomcat for JSP development. but the problem is that the files made by Apache2 and the PHP5 installation i made are not removed with



So now the apache2 files are superseding the Apache Tomcat. hence i cannot distuinguish between apache2 or apache tomcat when i goto:


So if anyone has a way of ridding my laptop of this disease without complete overhaul, please post your replies here.

Until then, I will have to defect back to Windows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Move Current 10.04 Installation With Its Changes To Another Machine

Sep 26, 2010

I want to install Ubuntu 10.04 to another machine alongside that other machine's XP. I know I could just run the install disc; but I'd like to take what changes I've made to Ubuntu along with it - for instance, TrueCrypt, Simple Backup, AdobeReader 3 (I think that's an addition), K3b, MuseScore, and some other applications I've added along the way. Also, I went thru some Terminal commands to get Brasero to copy CD's recently and would like to avoid doing that again.

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Fedora Installation :: Skype Current Version Installation ?

Oct 13, 2010

All am running on 2.1Beta for Skype and would like to find out if they is anyone who knows how I can upgrade from this version to the latest version.

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Ubuntu :: Transferring Current Installation To A New SSD?

Jan 18, 2010

I bought a 30 GB SSD and I need to install Ubuntu on it. I currently have a 1500 GB harddrive, on it my current 60gb ubuntu partition and the rest is Windows 7.Out of the 60 GB for ubuntu I have used 9 GB, so I want to transfer that 9GB to the SSD to preserve all my settings. Then I want to format the original 60GB to something else, probably NTFS since both linux and windows can read it.I tried sbackup but that creates a back up on my current drive, not what I intended. If there is a gui program that will work that would be great, if not I'll still give whatever suggested a shot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Not Available In Current Data?

Mar 30, 2010

this is the message i keep getting when trying to install ubuntu software.I am reading all sorts of walkthroughs trying to get such things as java and am unable to do anything they keep failing at some point or another.

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Ubuntu :: ISO Files Of Current Installation

May 13, 2010

Is it possible to create an ISO file of the current installation that I could burn to a CD/USB? I want to make a bootable disk that already has certain packages, drivers, etc. already on it.

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Ubuntu :: Reinstall Over The Current Installation?

Jun 15, 2010

I had recently upgraded my 9.0.4 ubuntu to the latest version, but something must have gone horribly wrong during the upgrade. On boot, it says it has problems and errors loading stuff and when it gets to the desktop, it gets no input from the keyboard or the mouse. Same goes for recovery mode. When trying to run from a live CD the keyboard and mouse work just fine. I have the CD and I wanted to simply reinstall but problem is I don't know how to reinstall over the current installation.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Backup Current To Another HDD?

May 4, 2011

I am going to dist-upgrade my 10.10 installation to 11.04, but as precaution, I would like to replicate my existing installation onto another hard disk and perform the dist-upgrade there. When I am in booted into my current 10.10 installation, the hard disk (MBR, 4GB) is partitioned as such:

/dev/sda1 - /boot
/dev/sda2 - swap
/dev/sda3 - /I have an empty hard disk (MBR, 10GB) connected to the PC, and I partitioned to have a similar layout.
/dev/sdb1 - /boot
/dev/sdb2 - swap
/dev/sdb3 - /Since the 2 HDDs are of different sizes, I made /dev/sdb3 larger.

My question is: what is the easiest way to create a backup of my current working Ubuntu onto my secondary hard disk? I hope to perform the backup while booted into my existing 10.10 system; or I have no other choices but to boot from a LiveCD (e.g. Clonezilla) for backup?

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General :: Can Virtual Current XP Installation Within Ubuntu?

Aug 19, 2010

I have XP currently installed on my work machine, which is getting a bit outdated and sluggish. I was hoping to install Ubuntu 32-bit through Wubi and use VirtualBox to run XP.Would it be possible to mount my current XP installation?Would this even be advisable in order to speed up the XP applications I need to access?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Optimize With Current Hardware

Aug 27, 2010

I run Ubuntu 10.04 in 64 bit. My current hardware specs are:

(2) Nvidia 8800 GTS
Asus Crosshair 1
AMD Athlon X2 5200+
2GB DDR 3 Corshair ram

How can I utilize my hardware to it's full potential using Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Reinstall On My Current Partition

Sep 18, 2010

I am having lots of problems with fresh install of ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS (dual boot with Win7) and would like to reinstall, however if i just insert the ubuntu CD and boot off of that, when i go to install it wants to create another partition that uses space from my partition for win7. How can i reinstall on my current ubuntu partition?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From Version 9.04 To The Current?

Dec 1, 2010

i have a live cd i had sent to my address a while back but now i am outdated and would like to upgrade to the current version. is there any commands i can run to upgrade? or will i need to order another live cd

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can I Upgrade Current Version Of FF (3.5.7) To 3.6 Without Uninstalling It First

Jan 30, 2010

Can I upgrade my current version of FF (3.5.7) to FF 3.6 without uninstalling it first?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update From 8.04 Directly To The Current Version?

Mar 12, 2010

Is there was a way to update from 8.04 directly to the current version without going through all the others (8.10, 9.04, etc..)?

or ...

Will it be easier with the next LTS (10.04)?

about this ....!

Will it be possible to migrate directly from 8.04 to 10.04, one LTS to another?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Does Partitioning HD Damage Current Window OS

Mar 21, 2010

I have a P.C. with Windows XP Pro installed and now I want to put Ubuntu on the H.D. Will the partitioning of the H.D. damage the Windows OS meaning a reinstall of Windows. If it does then I may be a bit stuck as I do not have the Windows install disc. Windows XP was put on the machine by the vendor.

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Ubuntu :: Install Kernel 2.6.33 Without Damaging Current Installation?

May 5, 2010

How do I do this without damaging my current installation of Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Current Files Will Be Backed Up Automatically?

May 15, 2010

I am wondering that if I install ubuntu as my os, will my current files be backed up to a directory like when installing a new version of windows, or would I need to back them up externally before hand. How much ram does 32bit ubuntu support upto, and which would be better for me out of 32bit + 64bit? I have 4gb of ram and a dual core 2ghz processor.

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Ubuntu :: How To Find The Current (installation) Path Of A Tool

Jul 12, 2010

Assume I call a certain tool in terminal like

foobar -myoption

But a) there exists more than one installation of "foobar" on the system or b) I don't know where "foobar" is installed.

How can I find out WHICH foobar resp. WHICH path belongs to the currently active foobar tool?

I prefer a cmdline command with option similar to:

findactivepath -tool=foobar
Output: Used location=/usr/bin/foobar

I don't want to dig around with PATH investigations by searching every PATH component. Furthermore I don't want to get recommendations and expectations like "normally tools are installed in...". Think of unusual installed software.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Convert Current OSX Installation To Guest?

Sep 19, 2010

I'm about to change colleges soon, and my new college (Full Sail University) requires us to have MacBooks. The university distributes the MacBooks to us with loads of class-related software pre-loaded. I'm unsure if they give us recovery discs for the Mac installation and the software.I have used Macs before, but I'm not all that Savy with them. What I need is a walkthrough on how to do certain things:

I want to backup the hard drive of the Mac, including the OS, and all the included programs.I want to wipe the hard drive, and install Ubuntu as a single OS.I want to take the backed up OSX and run that in VirtualBox, with full functionality: (internet, video making, graphic work, multimedia, etc)After that, I want to install Windows 7 as another guest OS, but I think I can handle that.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 - X Will Not Load With NVidia Current Driver

May 1, 2011

After a failed upgrade from 10.10, I went for a complete reinstall. What I'm seeing is that when I install the nvidia-current driver x / gdm doesn't seem to load. I get a blank screen for a bit, then it drops to the last lines in the terminal from loading up. I can ctr-alt-f1 to get to the first tty.

What I'm seeing in my .xsession-errors file is:
Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":1".
What I'm seeing in my Xorg.0.log is

[17.511] (EE) NVIDIA(GPU-1): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA GPU at PCI:4:0:0. Please
[17.511] (EE) NVIDIA(GPU-1): check your system's kernel log for additional error
[17.511] (EE) NVIDIA(GPU-1): messages and refer to Chapter 8: Common Problems in the
[17.511] (EE) NVIDIA(GPU-1): README for additional information.
[17.511] (EE) NVIDIA(GPU-1): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA graphics device!

[17.511] 0: /usr/bin/X (xorg_backtrace+0x3b) [0x80eab1b]
[17.511] 1: /usr/bin/X (0x8048000+0x5fac8) [0x80a7ac8]
[17.511] 2: (vdso) (__kernel_rt_sigreturn+0x0) [0x44940c]
[17.511] Segmentation fault at address (nil)
Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting
I'm running on an nvidia 295 gtx. On 10.10 with a completed updated system I saw no issues.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Install Doesn't See Current Partitions

May 10, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.04 (32bit) alongside Windows Vista currently. I tried to install Ubuntu 11.04 (64bit) from a bootable USB stick and found out that none of the current partitions are visible.

My PC is a Dell Inspiron 1525 with dual core Pentiums. Here are my partitions. I am reporting all this back from my current, stable Ubuntu 10.04 platform:

~$ sudo fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


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Ubuntu Installation :: Back Up Current GRUB2 Before Re-install

Jun 23, 2011

I need is to retain an entry in GRUB2 for a second disk, which has it's own GRUB2, which I want to keep intact, and not have removed when re-installing the GRUB2 on the 1st disk...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Nvidia-current Not Fully Installed?

Aug 4, 2011

I ran a normal "apt-get upgrade" on my 11.04 mythbuntu system yesterday and nvidia-current didn't install properly.Now I can only log into my box using ssh. When I try and run an upgrade I always get the error below:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree


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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade To Current Version Of Rkhunter?

Sep 1, 2011

Today I installed rkhunter, but an old version got installed:

From the terminal
sudo apt-get install rkhunter
sudo rkhunter --versioncheck
[ Rootkit Hunter version 1.3.6 ]
Checking rkhunter version.


Should this thread have be posted on "Security Discussions"?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Is There Something That Can Clone Current Drive AND Update Menu

Mar 24, 2010

I've got a nice new faster hard drive and want to move my system to it.Is there something that can clone the current drive AND update the menu.lst with the appropriate device ID's so I can just take out the old drive and carry on as before?

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Ubuntu Installation :: LAMP Over XAMPP Without Interfering With Current Apps?

Jun 10, 2010

I have XAMPP installed on my server and would like to keep it there. However I'm pretty useless at terminal so would also like to have a control panel. Can I install LAMP over XAMPP without it interfering with my current apps? I'd like to use Easy Hosting Control Panel ( ehcp.net ) or something similar to help me manage FTP users and Mail setup but I really don't want to interfere with my current XAMPP.

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