Ubuntu Installation :: Nvidia-current Not Fully Installed?

Aug 4, 2011

I ran a normal "apt-get upgrade" on my 11.04 mythbuntu system yesterday and nvidia-current didn't install properly.Now I can only log into my box using ssh. When I try and run an upgrade I always get the error below:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree


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Ubuntu :: Nvidia-current Is Broken Or Not Fully Installed?

Jul 17, 2010

I was installing nvidia drivers for my laptop

Hp-pavilion 1045ee

but something wrong happened during the installation. and now i don't know hot to install it or remove the broken package cause I get this nvidia-current is broken or not fully installed

how to install the latest version of nvidia drivers ?

ibrahim@ibrahim-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-current && sudo dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-curren
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done


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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 - X Will Not Load With NVidia Current Driver

May 1, 2011

After a failed upgrade from 10.10, I went for a complete reinstall. What I'm seeing is that when I install the nvidia-current driver x / gdm doesn't seem to load. I get a blank screen for a bit, then it drops to the last lines in the terminal from loading up. I can ctr-alt-f1 to get to the first tty.

What I'm seeing in my .xsession-errors file is:
Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":1".
What I'm seeing in my Xorg.0.log is

[17.511] (EE) NVIDIA(GPU-1): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA GPU at PCI:4:0:0. Please
[17.511] (EE) NVIDIA(GPU-1): check your system's kernel log for additional error
[17.511] (EE) NVIDIA(GPU-1): messages and refer to Chapter 8: Common Problems in the
[17.511] (EE) NVIDIA(GPU-1): README for additional information.
[17.511] (EE) NVIDIA(GPU-1): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA graphics device!

[17.511] 0: /usr/bin/X (xorg_backtrace+0x3b) [0x80eab1b]
[17.511] 1: /usr/bin/X (0x8048000+0x5fac8) [0x80a7ac8]
[17.511] 2: (vdso) (__kernel_rt_sigreturn+0x0) [0x44940c]
[17.511] Segmentation fault at address (nil)
Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting
I'm running on an nvidia 295 gtx. On 10.10 with a completed updated system I saw no issues.

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Fedora Installation :: Current Update Dependency With Nvidia

Feb 19, 2010

im having problems with update to new kernels..here is the error info: error is: Multiple packages exist that are not compatible with each other. This is usually due to mixing packages from different software origins. ERROR with rpm_check_debug vs depsolve:

kernel-uname-r = is needed by kmod-nvidia-
kernel-uname-r = is needed by kmod-nvidia-
kernel-uname-r = is needed by kmod-nvidia-

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: NVidia G92 - GeForce 8800 GT Graphics Card Is Not Fully Functioning

Jan 25, 2010

I already posted this message on another thread but I'd like to start a new thread with it now, and add a few more details. My son and I are having trouble getting the graphics card to work properly in his computer. The resolution is good, but the graphics card is not fully functioning. He works on animation and graphics of several kinds, and the graphics programs cannot run without a fully functioning graphics card.

The computer will not run Blender and other graphics programs. Nor will it even allow for the "normal" "Visual Effects" in the "Appearance Preferences." (It comes up with the error: "Desktop effects could not be enabled," after it tries to find the driver.) The system is:

Graphics Card: nVidia G92, GeForce 8800 GT
System: Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic, 2.6.31-17-generic, 4.4.1 (x86_64-linux-gnu)
Processor: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4200+ (3 Gigs RAM)

We know the graphics card works because it works in Windows. (We set up the computer to boot off of either of two hard drives -- either in Windows XP or Ubuntu 9.10, karmic.) Neither my son nor I understand much of the terminology on your forums, although I have been using Ubuntu for some years and have read quite a bit. (I also have the "Beginning Ubuntu Linux" book.) I love Ubuntu, but sometimes I just cannot figure out how to get some things running. We have tried many different ways of installing the drivers and setting up the xorg.conf file. We have followed the instructions on this and other threads. We also installed NVIDIA-Linux-x86-64-190.53-pkg2.run, as well as 173 and 185. The screen will only work at a proper resolution when we set the "Driver" to "nv" in the xorg.conf file. The screen goes completely blank and dead if we set the "Driver" to "nvidia." Then we need to reboot in safe mode and edit the xorg.conf file with VIM.


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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Get The System To Shutdown Or Fully Poweroff Using The Installed OS?

Jan 10, 2011

Built new system and installed openSUSE 11.3 x86_64 with Gnome desktop about 6 weeks ago. Have never been able to get the system to shutdown or fully poweroff using the installed OS. If I use the Knoppix live CD - no problem. System boots up fine and shuts down and powers off correctly. With the installed OS, it originally crashed on shutdown and had to power off using the power button. After trying many things, the OS shuts down, powers off the fans etc, but the keyboard is still lit. I cannot restart the system without turning off power at the power supply. Starting my computer by turning off the power supply switch, waiting
10-12 seconds, turning on the power supply switch and then hitting the power button gets to be very annoying after a few weeks.

Installed KDE and switched to that to see what difference it might make. System does not shutdown, but reboots instead. Switched back to Gnome. Have tried sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now and poweroff. Identical behaviour. System is completely up-to-date. BIOS, kernel, video drivers.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get The Nvidia Drivers Installed?

Sep 9, 2010

I'm installing 10.4 fresh but I can't get the Nvidia drivers installed. I'm using a 9400 GT. Ubuntu installs normally but when I try to enable to the proprietary driver, I get an error on reboot "Failed to initialize NVIDIA graphics device" and have to restart X. Any suggestions on how to get this working?

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Get Nvidia Drivers Installed In 10?

Feb 19, 2009

This is my first post, as I've finally become fed up with trying to get the nvidia drivers installed on Fedora 10. I've read through all the posts here about how people have had problems. I know about the rpmfusion repository, and have followed leigh123's instructions to the letter at this link:[URL]The exact stepsI have taken before following his sage advice follows this way: install off the CD image I burned of Fedora 10, run from the menus "System-->Administration-->Update System" to get the system up to date, reboot to make sure everything is working fine.

Then I follow the above instructions (only because they have gotten me the closest to getting the drivers working). After the reboot from following those instructions, the system starts up, and I have a desktop. But when I restart again, either because I'm shutting down for the night, or just to check again that everything is fine,I get nothing but a flashing cursor in the upper left of my screen. I'm able to CTRL+ALT+F2 and get to a login that way, but can't get into the GUI. I've searched the forums (both here and on The Web generally), and can't find a fix for this that works for me. I have gone back and erased the partition and reinstalled, so I'm at the basic install with all the updates for my system, and needing help with getting the drivers installed and working.

Just to give a run down of what I have on my system:Two NVidia 8500 GT cards connected with the SLI bridgeAMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 3800+Runningl (I'm typing this up as I reinstall updates as I listed above).Before anyone starts giving suggestions, please make sure to give the full instructions, as I'm new to Fedora/Linux. And if there is anything else you wish to know about my configuration

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Fedora Installation :: F14 Installed, Frozen On Kmod-nvidia Install?

Nov 16, 2010

I just installed F14 which generally went well. I then did an install of kmod-nvidia and now the system hangs on start up. I see a couple of warnings and failures regarding the nvidia.ko module, and then the startup script stops after Starting atd: [OK] The screen flashes a couple of times and then is non-responsive. I can't even seem to get to the command line to back out the kmod-nvidia installation.

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OpenSUSE :: Running A Nvidia Gtx260 And Have Installed Nvidia Drivers For Series 6 And Up?

Jun 9, 2010

opensuse 11.2 ,my monitor keeps going to sleep or somthing and this is a problem when im watching videos,ive set screens power setting but they dont seem to be whats doing it.im running a nvidia gtx260 and have installed nvidia drivers for series 6 and up.dont know if its the divers or somthing else.

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Fedora :: Installed Kmod-nvidia Akmod-nvidia - Visual Lag

Nov 28, 2010

I Have just formatted to Fedora 14 64bit and installed kmod-nvidia akmod-nvidia and am experiencing visual lag. The lag did not occur before I installed the drivers, neither did it occur on Fedora 13 with drivers installed.

I have a priitty high spec pc with the nvidia 260 gtx.

just remove xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs-260.19.12-3.fc14.i686

so now:

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Downgrade Back To Nvidia-current

Feb 4, 2011

After running system update my dual monitor (twinview) setup stopped working.I believe this change ruined it: nvidia-current(260.19.29-0ubuntu1~xup-lucid4, 270.18-0ubuntu1~lucid~xup1)I've tried reworking NVIDEA X Server Settings with no success. I've tried some manual manipulation of xorg.conf with no success.I can't seem to figure out how to downgrade back to nvidia-current(260.19.29-0ubuntu1~xup-lucid4).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: NVIDIA-CURRENT Driver Activated But Not In Use?

Apr 29, 2011

I just installed Natty. Installed nvidia-current via synaptic. Then uninstalled nouveau via synaptic also. Back to Unity desktop, I chose Additional Drivers and activated "nvidia-current". However, after reboot, the info window says this driver is activated but not in use.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Installing NVidia Current Kills Sound?

May 27, 2010

This is not a deal breaker for me, but it is annoying. I'm running 10.04 and have an eVGA GeForce 210 card. I'd like to install the restricted video driver, since watching full screen video is extremely choppy. The problem starts when I install "nVidia version current" (only one available) from the Hardware Drivers. I reboot, and I have no sound. Video works wonderfully! But, no sound. I check, and basically it seems to be indicating that I simply do not have any choices for enabling sound. y sound is onboard from my Gigabyte EP43-UD3L motherboard. I've disabled the video driver, since I would rather have sound with small screen video than no sound at all.

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Slackware :: Nvidia Driver Not Working On 64 Current?

Feb 8, 2011

my laptop is ASUS U41JF with Intel Core i3-380M and nVIDIA GeForce GT 425M, everything on my Slackware64-current is fine except the video driver.I have tried both ways:1. Packages from Slackbuild(260.19.29)2. Driver from nvidia offical website(260.19.36)Both methods fails because the screen turns black when I set nvidia driver in xorg.conf ans start X. The laptop even stops responding with the second method.The followings are my xorg.conf and log of XorgQuote:

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "X.org Configured"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0


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Slackware :: Virtualbox Current 32b Nvidia KDE(failsafe) Works But Regular KDE Does Not?

Mar 26, 2011

I have 13.1 on its own drive and works fine. I installed virtualbox in 64b windoz on a different drive with the same computer so I can play with all the different linux systems. Around 6 weeks ago I installed slack current from alien bobs mirror with no problems. An update a week ago? and kde would not work. KDE failsafe and all other desktops work fine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lucid 10.04 Will Not Update Fully

May 13, 2010

When I click on "update" after running a series of updates, I get an error message that says:
"Failed to fetch [URL] 404 Not Found [IP: 80]. Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead."
Yet if I go the address in Firefox, one step at a time from [URL] and continue one step at a time, there is indeed a Packages.gz that I can download, so what is wrong? I do not see that repository listed in sources.list or in the update manager.

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Debian :: NVidia Driver Install - GCC Kernel Not Matching Current Compiler

Aug 4, 2010

I am fairly new to Linux. My machine is running Debian 5.0.5 with gcc version 4.3. When I try to install the Nvidia QuadroFX 3450 driver I got from the Nvidia web site I get an error saying:
"The compiler used to compile the kernel (gcc 4.1) does not exactly match the current compiler (gcc 4.3)....."
Does this mean my gcc version is too new for the driver? if so, how do I roll back to a older version?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Won't Fully Shut Down After Kernel Update ?

Feb 14, 2010

Ubuntu 9.10 on my dual boot HP laptop won't shut down completely (my screen goes blank but the laptop doesn't power off just hangs with no screen display showing anything). I never had this problem before. It appeared after the 2.6.31-19 update.

After I push the power/reboot button and then restart the laptop, I am able to shut down.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wont Fully Start Or Shutdown?

Dec 9, 2010

I finally got Ubuntu to run on my laptop. However, I can only get it to run in safe mode. When I turn it on, it goes to the login screen. I select my username, type in my password and press login. Then it either goes back to the login screen after thinking for a while or just gives me the background image. If I select to login in safe mode, I can get to the desktop and everything works fine from there, although in safe mode.Then, when I try to shutdown, it closes everything up and goes black, but doesnt actually turn off. The Caps Lock light blinks.

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Debian Installation :: Squeeze: Waiting For /dev To Be Fully Populated

Jan 23, 2011

Just installed squeeze. Upon restart everything is cool until this appears: Waiting for /dev to be fully populated Seconds thereafter, the screen shuts off due to no video signal.

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Fedora Installation :: FC14 Won't Fully Install / Make It Possible?

Dec 24, 2010

New 320 Gig HD. Installed FC14 from DVD and it worked, except there are no icons at all to get started as there were in FC 13. Cant find "Places", "Applications" that were at the top of the screen. Now it's blank except for the splash design. Tried to re-install, but it won't do that. Just goes to the HD and the same blank splash screen. Thanks for the help. Please be easy with explanations as I'm new at this.

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Slackware :: Installed The Latest Changes To Current - X Crashes And Reports A Segmentation Fault, Address Nil

Nov 14, 2010

X crashes and reports a segmentation fault, address nil. I've been using the generic Radeon driver without any problems, until now.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fedora 12 - 8.04 Dual Boot - Fully Install While Retaining My Music ?

Jan 30, 2010

I have ubuntu 8.04 installed on a full disk partition. I've just bought a linux magazine, which came with a CD containing Fedora 12. I want to dual boot or fully install while retaining my music, if at all possible.

I've tried running the Fedora disc and choosing to fill empty space with Fedora, but I get an error informing me that I don't have enough space. Presumably, this is because I have a full disk partition.

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Ubuntu :: Nvidia Drivers Can't Be Installed?

Apr 16, 2010

When i was on the live cd installing ubuntu it said i could install my driver but now that i am running off the hard drive it doesn't pick it up under "Hardware Drivers"

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ubu 10.10 / NVidia "current" And 6150LE Resolution?

Feb 14, 2011

I have installed the restricted driver, but I am stuck without a 1280x1024 video mode for any of my monitors.(Have tried 2) nvidia-settings doesn't want me to go above 1360x768, which is very strange.How do I get this thing running my optimal 1280x1024?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Get NVIDIA 195.36.24 Driver Installed

May 19, 2010

I have a Zotac IONITX-F-E motherboard (Intel Atom Dual Core 1.6 GHz + Nvidia ION) -based box with Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit installed. My goal is to play back 1080p video. I read somewhere that the nouveau driver that installs by default with ubuntu 10.04 does not support VDPAU. So, my first step is to install the nVidia proprietary driver. I tried following a half-dozen different guides for doing this, none of which worked. Let's take this one for example: [URL] I purge. I reboot. I run the Nvidia installer (NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-195.36.24-pkg2.run). I get:

Code: ERROR: Unable to create '/usr/lib/nvidia-current/libGL.so.195.36.15' for copying (no such file or directory). So, I run: Code: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-185 nvidia-185-modaliases I try the nvidia installer again. It works. I reboot. I get a message saying that ubuntu is running in low graphics mode, because loading the nvidia kernel module failed. I check /var/log/messages and see: Code: API mismatch: the client has version 195.36.24 but the kernel module has version 195.36.15. I take a Tylenol and here I am.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 - NVidia And Unity (Drivers Installed But Not In Use)

Apr 30, 2011

I've just installed the brand new Ubuntu 11.04 and all goes well until...I log in a session. There is a window telling me that my graphic card isn't too good to run Unity, when I have no problem under 10.10 to run all the eye-candy. Now I have a NVIDIA Quadro NVS 120M with 512 megs of memory. I've install the NVIDIA current driver in the Additional Drivers application and reboot. But nothing...in the additional driver app it says that the current driver is installed but not currently in use...what should I do before giving up and install unity-2d?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Driver Showed The Nvidia 173 Driver And The Other One Showed "current" Nvidia Driver

Apr 22, 2010

i installed the new beta 10.04 and it seemed right after the install and update that both nvidia hardware drivers were automatically install together. i deactivated both drivers. one driver showed the nvidia 173 driver and the other one showed "current" nvidia driver.

after a restart i then tried to activate the 173 driver. system required a restart. so i did. system booted to a black screen. i believe its at the desktop but i am unable to see it. i tried to hit esc at the boot screen to enter the grub menu but that didnt work.

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Ubuntu :: Installed Restricted Nvidia Driver - How To Go Back?

Jan 21, 2010

I installed the newest restricted driver for my gts8800 nvidia card in an attempt to get starcraft b.net to work. Come to find out this has been a long standing bug with the menus not redrawing properly. My question is, now that I've installed the restricted driver 188, how do I go back to an open source one?

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