Ubuntu Installation :: LAMP Over XAMPP Without Interfering With Current Apps?

Jun 10, 2010

I have XAMPP installed on my server and would like to keep it there. However I'm pretty useless at terminal so would also like to have a control panel. Can I install LAMP over XAMPP without it interfering with my current apps? I'd like to use Easy Hosting Control Panel ( ehcp.net ) or something similar to help me manage FTP users and Mail setup but I really don't want to interfere with my current XAMPP.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Rerun Inst For LAMP Server Apps?

Mar 30, 2010

I think this is a really simple question...forgive me. My installation of Ubuntu server went fine, the box runs great. But I forgot to select "LAMP" server for web/php/mysql etc services. I could re-run the whole thing, but isn't there a shell command to kick me back into the script so I can just add the LAMP stuff?

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Slackware :: Serious Bug In (32) - Current: LAMP Stack Nuked?

Feb 12, 2011

LAMP stack don't work on a typical LAMP server installation and even in an testing localhost.

Steps to reproduce this bug:
Create an fresh&full installation of Slackware(32)-current.
Activate the MYSQL using the best Slackware recommended way.
Activate the HTTPD with the PHP extensions, on localhost.
Install on /var/www/htdocs some CMS, i.e. phpMyAdmin or Drupal


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Programming :: New MPICH2 Installation - Interfering - With -make - Cant Compile Fortran Programs

Jul 28, 2011

Actually I had a folder called Lib, in which I had a few libraries installed and configured.(MPI, PETSc, SLEPc) I accidently deleted (by rm) the contents of that folder.

Then I reinstalled MPI,PETSC,SLEPC using the same tarballs as earlier(thus, the version etc. is the same).

I already had a fortran program with many modules and subroutine files, and the corresponding makefile which used to compile and run fine. But now when I type "make" in the same directory as before, I get this: (shortened, many similar errors)


Firstly, why is mpif90 compiling my program when I didnt tell it to? In my makefile, I have specified gfortran as my compiler....nowhere have I even mentioned mpif90. Such a thing never used to occur before.

Also, if I rename file_variable.f to file_variable.f90, these errors dissappear (I understand why, but that is not the problem), but a new error comes:

Why is the new MPI installation interfering with make ? I want to go back to how things were before I stupidly broke all installations. The errors themselves are not the problem, the problem is why the new mpi installation is interfering with make.

It seems as if mpif90 has taken over make and gfortran. I suppose I didnt install it correctly, or probably I didnt uninstall the earlier one correctly.

Everything that worked earlier doesnt work suddenly. I use ubuntu 11.04 MPICH2-1.3.2

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General :: Tricking Apps About Current Time With Environment Variables?

May 21, 2010

Sometimes it is possible to trick a Linux app by calling it like this:

HOME=/tmp/foo myapp

This would make myapp think /tmp/foo is the home directory, it won't try to get the user id, find its home directory via getpwent(). This is useful when myapp must be forced to dump some of its config files into a non-standard location different than ~.

A similar trick can be done like this: LANG=foo LC_ALL=bar myapp

This is useful when myapp needs to be called once with a different locale without having to make the change persistent by using the export bash built-in or even modify stuff in /etc/profile.

Is it possible to pull the same trick with time and date? The goal is to make an app use another time than the system ones. The final goal - to make timestamps that appear in logs/commit messages not being tied to the system time.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Xampp: Mysql Not Running?

Aug 17, 2011

I am struck with this problem since yesterday, Everything was working fine until i got a sudden error saying[Warning]: PDO::__construct() [pdo.--construct]: [2002] No such file or directory (trying to connect via unix:///opt/lampp/var/mysql/mysql.sock) (Database/class.SWIFT_Database.php:330)Then i went into server and restarted server. it started saying

/opt/lampp/lampp restart
Stopping XAMPP for Linux 1.7.4...
XAMPP: Stopping Apache with SSL...


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Ubuntu Installation :: Uninstall LAMP Server And Drupal 7 Installation?

Jul 4, 2011

I am trying to uninstall my LAMP server and my Drupal 7 installation. Unfortunately I cannot find any instructions on uninstalling Druapl from my system. The ones that exist are far too old( < 2008 ) to be relevant. Could someone please direct me how to go about this? Note: I did not use Synaptic for installation. I downloaded the file from the drupal.org site.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Audio - Maybe Modem Is Interfering

Oct 16, 2010

I had too many desktop carcasses laying around so I combined what I could into one box with too much hardware in it and discarded the rest. I installed Meerkat on it and it runs like a charm besides a few bumps in the road that I was able to correct. I get no sound on the thing. I have done pretty much everything indicated on this page: [URL] with no success and came to the realization that the problem had to be elsewhere.

Here's what I am working with:
01:0b.0 Multimedia audio controller: Rockwell International Device 4310
Subsystem: Risq Modular Systems, Inc. Device 4310
Flags: bus master, fast Back2Back, medium devsel, latency 64, IRQ 11
I/O ports at 2000 [size=64]
Capabilities: <access denied>
Kernel driver in use: RIPTIDE
Kernel modules: snd-riptide

01:0b.1 Communication controller: Rockwell International Riptide HSF 56k PCI Modem
Subsystem: Risq Modular Systems, Inc. Device 4311
Flags: fast Back2Back, medium devsel, IRQ 11
Memory at f4100000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=64K]
Capabilities: <access denied>

Like I said, everything should be installed properly because the card is recognized and alsamixer is working and nothing is muted, and actually when I plug my speakers into the modem's jack, I do get sound output. Extremely crappy because it's probably not meant to carry sound above 8-bit. Is it possible that it is interfering with the rest of the sound card? And if so, how do I fix it? I have been looking around GNOME for a way to remove the "Communication controller" but have not found a way to disable just the modem or force the soundcard to recognize 2 outputs instead of one.

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Ubuntu :: Interfering Lines On Python Editor?

Jun 4, 2011

when I scroll around in the editor window these annoying lines appear and block out text (see the attached pic). They disappear only when I click on them. Its absolutely maddening when you are trying to debug. I thought it might just be the editor I was using (DrPython), so I tried another and the same thing started happening. Theses lines have never appeared in any other application I have used.

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Ubuntu :: Prevent Bluetooth From Interfering With Wifi?

Jun 16, 2011

When the audio output of my laptop (running ubuntu 10.04 LTS) is configured to play via bluetooth to my bluetooth receiver (like a headset, a Belken H15 A2DP audio stream), my wifi connection is severely degraded (..... keeps pausing to buffer data).Then when I switch the audio output from the bluetooth device to the soundcard (without disconnecting the bluetooth device), you can see ..... suddenly start buffering and working fine again until I switch back to the bluetooth receiver.Other bluetooth devices (like my Droid) connect to the receiver just fine, but not this laptop.

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Ubuntu :: Wine Seemingly Interfering With Default Interface?

Apr 21, 2010

Something seems to be replacing some portions of the default gui appearance in gnome with the old win98 look... Wine maybe? I have wine installed and I use it for a few of my pld windows programs, but all the programs in the screenshot are native linux programs...

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Ubuntu :: Gdm Interfering With Nvidia-settings Additional Screens?

Nov 2, 2010

after many a tear I just by sheer chance found out that, when logging in to my gnome-session (or any session really) from kdm I can do something that has eluded me for quite a while now: change screen-configuration between 1 screen and 2 screens as I please without having to log out, shutdown x, copy xorg.conf I need, restart x, log back in.

So question is: what could it possibly be, that makes GDM break a feature like this for the nvidia-settings dialog? Can anyone confirm this? *wants that error and shoot it in the face... er... code!* I still don't feel like reinstalling the whole thing, just to find out if this is due to this system being... well... OLD. Also call me a bit oldschool, but reinstalling is just lame.

*edit* me dumbass:

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install LAMP In 10.10

Dec 2, 2010

I'm starting to use Ubuntu and i install in a machine the ubuntu 10.10. Now i'm trying to install some software in the OS (the PHP5, Apache, etc), but i'm having some problems.

This forum have some threads explaining how to install in with a server cd, but i don't have this cd. Where can i get it? Can i install now the software? There is some site to download the apache? What's the steps that i have to do to install the software?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Kill Process That Are Interfering With Program?

Oct 5, 2010

I"m trying to kill some processes that are interfering with airmon-ngWhen I run airmon-ng and tell it to turn on monitor mode on a given interface it says:Code:Found 5 processes that could cause trouble.If airodump-ng, aireplay-ng or airtun-ng stops working aftera short period of time, you may want to kill (some of) them!



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Ubuntu Installation :: Equivalent Apt-get For LAMP And OpenSSH

Oct 29, 2010

What was the equivalent apt-get command for installing LAMP and OpenSSH in Ubuntu 10.10?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Install Lamp From CD Or Stick

May 3, 2011

How can I install lamp on ubuntu desktop but not from online repository but from installation cd or usb stick. Basically, i want to download lamp (still can't find from where), put it on a cd or usb stick and install it on ubuntu desktop on which doesn't have an internet connection, just local network. I have a php software (intranet web site) that should run only in local network.

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Software :: Installation Of Lamp Server In Ubuntu 9.10?

Apr 15, 2010

iam using ubuntu 9.10.I tried to install lamp server using the commandsudo tasksel install lamp-server
It shows this error:tasksel:aptitude failed(100)i tried to fix the problem by using the commandsudo apt-get updatebut it shows a list of cannnot fetch and many more.example:W: Failed to fetch http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/...c/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found [IP: 80]Can anyone fix this problem.Please explain the steps in detail

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Networking :: Scp Interfering With Video Streaming Traffic?

Mar 24, 2010

I am streaming a MPEG-2 transport stream file over RTP from system A to system B . System B is continously copying huge number of small size files using scp to system A . The problem is while copying files from B to A I expecience packet loss on the received streamed video
The two systems are connected via a LAN switch.My question is : Is it happening because scp traffic interfering with streaming video . Or there can be any other reason behind this.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Updating Break LAMP Server?

Mar 12, 2010

I set up a LAMP server using tasksel and it works great, but I'm not sure about much of the specifics of it. It just works and I have not had a need to find out much about it. So I was wondering if installing updates through the update manager could possible break my LAMP server and if so what types of updates should I look for that could break it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can I Install Fresh U10.04 LAMP Without Suhosin

Jun 5, 2010

I'm going crazy with the problem I posted on yesterday about Wordpress not working properly on my Ubuntu systems on the LAN. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1501043

After comparing results from phpinfo() with those from my public server, making a few adjustments and still seeing the same results, the biggest thing still to be tested is the Suhosin version of PHP. My public server doesn't have the Suhosin version installed. I can't figure out how to change the PHP to one without Suhosin, but I've seen some mentions of it not being installed by default on a fresh version of 10.04.

Is this true, and if so how can I build a LAMP server without Suhosin?

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Ubuntu :: LAMP Server Installation Crashed OS On Restart

Nov 22, 2010

I thought I would play around with php for a while and so set forth to configure apache. Whilst I was reading a website for installing LAMP stuff on ubuntu I thought I would give it a go. I installed a LAMP server with:
sudo tasksel install lamp-server
and lo and behold it crashed my operating system upon restart. So both my laptop and desktop were toast.

Everything is reinstalled now so is fine and I have installed apache2 and php5 from separate packages. The one thing that's troubling me is why it crashed. It seemed to uninstall vlc media player, m-player and gnome-player as well as removing the "switch accounts" button on the lock screen. Does anyone know 1) why it died and/or 2) why it chose to eliminate those programs specifically.

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OpenSUSE :: KDE 4.4 And Thinkpad T61 Keyboard Layout - Settings Interfering?

Feb 16, 2010

I recently switched my openSUSE 11.1 install from KDE 3 to KDE 4.4 via the one-click-install from [URL]... I was trying to add a German keyboard layout to the default US layout. But as soon as I enable keyboard layouts (via Configure Desktop-> Language & Regional -> Keyboard Layout -> Enable keyboard layouts), the default layout gets messed up (arrow, pos1, end keys etc. no longer work). I'm running openSUSE 11.1 on a Lenovo Thinkpad T61. Several keyboard layouts worked fine with KDE 3. Could it be that some KDE 3 settings are interfering with the KDE 4 settings?

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General :: LAMP Installation With Apache

Aug 28, 2009

I am working on Fedora core 9.I want to install LAMP-apache with version 2.2 or more,php with version 5.1.4 or more and my sql with version 4 or more.Can someone please suggest any website or the steps to do this installation.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setup A LAMP Server On An Old Desktop Machine?

Jan 27, 2010

I am a total noob with regards Linux so will undoubtedly frequent this board asking some lame questions in the coming weeks. At present I am trying to setup a LAMP Server on an old desktop machine I have lying about, however there is not going to be a keyboard, monitor or mouse attached beyond the installation process. My question simply is am I best installing the server or desktop version of Ubuntu for this requirement?

I have been playing with Desktop 9.04 and found it tough to use headlessly, however understand that Server 9.04 fully supports headless access. Being a newbie I do prefer to use the GUI to make changes and generally play around, so a UI such as GNOME would be essential. Having read about I understand the best way to access remotely is to install SSHServer and VNCServer and then login over SSH and VNC into the box.My remote machine I will use to connect to Ubuntu is a Windoze 7/XP machine.

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Fedora Installation :: Create A Website Using LAMP?

Mar 19, 2009

how to create a website using LAMP. Take completed website and port to a web server and run.

System I am currently running an HP Pavillion laptop 500G HD, 6G RAM, dual boot Fedora 10 and Vista.

Questions: How should I partition HD to allow functionality of LAMP and to later transfer to a online webserver.

I have read several different rational on partitioning the disk. Do I really need a /tmp, /var? Currently I have / /boot, /swap, /home, /usr. Is this okay to start? Will it make transferring the project more difficult for "official use?

Should I not use the laptop at all and create a separate machine for this purpose only?

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Fedora Servers :: LAMP Package Installation Fails / What To Do?

Mar 7, 2011

I have a desktop running on Fedora 14. I installed LAMP by using scripts for package installation. That works fine. Also, I have a virtual environment (Virtual Machine Manager), in which I installed Fedora 14 as well. I tried to install LAMP by the same scripts and the same packages as on my desktop, but strangely - it does not work.

I figured out that in both cases two instances of httpd.conf are installed, one residing in /etc/httpd/conf/, the other one in /usr/local/apache2/conf. The first one seems to belong to the server that is by default installed together with Fedora 14. The second one is the result from the package installation.

For a reason unknown to me, the second one (/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf) is always activated on my desktop, while the first one (/usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf) is activated by default in my virtual computer. I have been able to change the DocumentRoot with succes.

I know how to install LAMP with yum, I have a second virtual computer with LAMP installed by yum, and the whole question is not an urgent one, but... I am just curious... what could have caused the difference? And what would I have to do whenever I would like to use the package installation or vice versa?

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General :: Installation Steps For LAMP Configuration Under Gentoo

Jul 10, 2010

All of the guides I could find online were from 2004 and they no longer work. someone create a step by step guide? I have Apache working, but PHP does not work.

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Ubuntu :: Hidden Mimized Apps \ Reach Apps That Minimized Them Self And Are Not Shown In The Top Menu?

Apr 30, 2011

Some minimized apps no longer appear in the top menu and by that are no longer accessible.For example firefox with the minimize addon or Jungel Disk backup service.How can I reach apps that minimized them self and are not shown in the top menu?

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Access Localhost On Webbrowser After Installing LAMP?

May 1, 2009

I did everything and restarted my machine, everything seems to be ok. But when i type in my IP on the browser which is which would be the localhost machine, i get this below:


ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved

While trying to retrieve the URL: [URL] The following error was encountered:

* Connection to Failed

The system returned:

(113) No route to host

The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Server LAMP "Role" After Installation?

Jan 3, 2010

I accidentally pressed Enter on the LAMP role of the 9.10 Server installation, which made it just go to the next section instead of selecting the LAMP stack. Is there any way to enable that role (like there is from Synaptic in the GUI), or do I need to install everything manually?

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